pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models package


pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory.ActiveDirectory(name=None, id=None, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, encryption_types=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, encryption_types=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • computer_name (str) – The common name of the computer account to be created in the Active Directory domain. If not specified, defaults to the name of the Active Directory configuration.

  • directory_servers (list[str]) – A list of directory servers that will be used for lookups related to user authorization. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS and will only be communicated with over the secure LDAP (LDAPS) protocol.

  • domain (str) – The Active Directory domain to join.

  • encryption_types (list[str]) – The encryption types that are supported for use by clients for Kerberos authentication.

  • join_ou (str) – The relative distinguished name of the organizational unit in which the computer account was created when joining the domain.

  • kerberos_servers (list[str]) – A list of key distribution servers to use for Kerberos protocol. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS.

  • service_principal_names (list[str]) – A list of service principal names registered for the machine account, which can be used for the creation of keys for Kerberos authentication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'computer_name': 'computer_name', 'directory_servers': 'directory_servers', 'domain': 'domain', 'encryption_types': 'encryption_types', 'id': 'id', 'join_ou': 'join_ou', 'kerberos_servers': 'kerberos_servers', 'name': 'name', 'service_principal_names': 'service_principal_names'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'computer_name': 'str', 'directory_servers': 'list[str]', 'domain': 'str', 'encryption_types': 'list[str]', 'id': 'str', 'join_ou': 'str', 'kerberos_servers': 'list[str]', 'name': 'str', 'service_principal_names': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_get_response.ActiveDirectoryGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ActiveDirectory]) – A list of Active Directory computer account configuration objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ActiveDirectory]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_patch.ActiveDirectoryPatch(directory_servers=None, encryption_types=None, fqdns=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(directory_servers=None, encryption_types=None, fqdns=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • directory_servers (list[str]) – A list of directory servers that will be used for lookups related to user authorization. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS and will only be communicated with over the secure LDAP (LDAPS) protocol. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS. The specified list can have a maximum length of 5.

  • encryption_types (list[str]) – The encryption types that will be supported for use by clients for Kerberos authentication. Valid values include aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, and arcfour-hmac.

  • fqdns (list[str]) – A list of fully qualified domain names to use to register service principal names for the machine account. If specified, every service principal that is supported by the array will be registered for each fully qualified domain name specified. If neither fqdns nor service_principal_names is specified, the default service_principal_names are constructed using the computer_name and domain fields. Cannot be provided in combination with service_principal_names.

  • join_ou (str) – The relative distinguished name of the organizational unit in which the computer account should be created when joining the domain.

  • kerberos_servers (list[str]) – A list of key distribution servers to use for Kerberos protocol. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS. The specified list can have a maximum length of 5.

  • service_principal_names (list[str]) – A list of service principal names to register for the machine account, which can be used for the creation of keys for Kerberos authentication. If neither service_principal_names nor fqdns is specified, the default service_principal_names are constructed using the computer_name and domain fields. Cannot be provided in combination with fqdns.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'directory_servers': 'directory_servers', 'encryption_types': 'encryption_types', 'fqdns': 'fqdns', 'join_ou': 'join_ou', 'kerberos_servers': 'kerberos_servers', 'service_principal_names': 'service_principal_names'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'directory_servers': 'list[str]', 'encryption_types': 'list[str]', 'fqdns': 'list[str]', 'join_ou': 'str', 'kerberos_servers': 'list[str]', 'service_principal_names': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_post.ActiveDirectoryPost(domain, password, user, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, encryption_types=None, fqdns=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(domain, password, user, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, encryption_types=None, fqdns=None, join_ou=None, kerberos_servers=None, service_principal_names=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • computer_name (str) – The common name of the computer account to be created in the Active Directory domain. If not specified, defaults to the name of the Active Directory configuration.

  • directory_servers (list[str]) – A list of directory servers that will be used for lookups related to user authorization. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS and will only be communicated with over the secure LDAP (LDAPS) protocol. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS. The specified list can have a maximum length of 5.

  • domain (str, required) – The Active Directory domain to join.

  • encryption_types (list[str]) – The encryption types that will be supported for use by clients for Kerberos authentication. Defaults to aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96. Valid values include aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, and arcfour-hmac. Cannot be provided if using an existing machine account.

  • fqdns (list[str]) – A list of fully qualified domain names to use to register service principal names for the machine account. If specified, every service principal that is supported by the array will be registered for each fully qualified domain name specified. If neither fqdns nor service_principal_names is specified, the default service_principal_names are constructed using the computer_name and domain fields. Cannot be provided in combination with service_principal_names. Cannot be provided if using an existing machine account.

  • join_ou (str) – The relative distinguished name of the organizational unit in which the computer account should be created when joining the domain. Cannot be provided if using an existing machine account. If not specified, defaults to CN=Computers.

  • kerberos_servers (list[str]) – A list of key distribution servers to use for Kerberos protocol. Accepted server formats are IP address and DNS name. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the array’s configured DNS. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS. The specified list can have a maximum length of 5.

  • password (str, required) – The login password of the user with privileges to create the computer account in the domain. If using an existing computer account, the user must have privileges to read attributes from the computer account and reset the password on that account. This is not persisted on the array.

  • service_principal_names (list[str]) – A list of service principal names to register for the machine account, which can be used for the creation of keys for Kerberos authentication. If neither service_principal_names nor fqdns is specified, the default service_principal_names are constructed using the computer_name and domain fields. Cannot be provided in combination with fqdns. Cannot be provided if using an existing machine account.

  • user (str, required) – The login name of the user with privileges to create the computer account in the domain. If using an existing computer account, the user must have privileges to read attributes from the computer account and reset the password on that account. This is not persisted on the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'computer_name': 'computer_name', 'directory_servers': 'directory_servers', 'domain': 'domain', 'encryption_types': 'encryption_types', 'fqdns': 'fqdns', 'join_ou': 'join_ou', 'kerberos_servers': 'kerberos_servers', 'password': 'password', 'service_principal_names': 'service_principal_names', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {'domain', 'password', 'user'}
swagger_types = {'computer_name': 'str', 'directory_servers': 'list[str]', 'domain': 'str', 'encryption_types': 'list[str]', 'fqdns': 'list[str]', 'join_ou': 'str', 'kerberos_servers': 'list[str]', 'password': 'str', 'service_principal_names': 'list[str]', 'user': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.active_directory_response.ActiveDirectoryResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ActiveDirectory]) – A list of Active Directory computer account configuration objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ActiveDirectory]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin.Admin(name=None, id=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, public_key=None, role=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, public_key=None, role=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • api_token (ApiToken) –

  • is_local (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is local to the machine, otherwise false.

  • public_key (str) – Public key for SSH access. Supported key types are Ed25519 and RSA.

  • role (Reference) – A reference to this administrator’s management role.

  • locked (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is currently locked out, otherwise false. Can be patched to false to unlock a user. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.

  • lockout_remaining (int) – The remaining lockout period, in milliseconds, if the user is locked out. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'api_token': 'api_token', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'locked': 'locked', 'lockout_remaining': 'lockout_remaining', 'name': 'name', 'public_key': 'public_key', 'role': 'role'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'api_token': 'ApiToken', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'locked': 'bool', 'lockout_remaining': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'public_key': 'str', 'role': 'Reference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token.AdminApiToken(api_token=None, admin=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(api_token=None, admin=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • api_token (ApiToken) –

  • admin (Reference) – A reference to the admin to whom this token belongs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'admin': 'admin', 'api_token': 'api_token'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'admin': 'Reference', 'api_token': 'ApiToken'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token_get_response.AdminApiTokenGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[AdminApiToken]) – A list of administrator API tokens.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[AdminApiToken]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_api_token_response.AdminApiTokenResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[AdminApiToken]) – A list of administrator API tokens.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[AdminApiToken]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_cache module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_cache.AdminCache(name=None, id=None, role=None, time=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, role=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • role (FixedReference) – A reference to the role of this user.

  • time (int) – Time the role was cached in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'role': 'role', 'time': 'time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'role': 'FixedReference', 'time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_cache_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_cache_get_response.AdminCacheGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[AdminCache]) – A list of admin cache entries.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[AdminCache]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_get_response.AdminGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Admin]) – A list of administrative account objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Admin]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_patch.AdminPatch(old_password=None, password=None, public_key=None, locked=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(old_password=None, password=None, public_key=None, locked=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • old_password (str) – Old user password.

  • password (str) – New user password.

  • public_key (str) – Public key for SSH access. Supported key types are Ed25519 and RSA.

  • locked (bool) – If set to false, the specified user is unlocked. Setting to true is not allowed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'locked': 'locked', 'old_password': 'old_password', 'password': 'password', 'public_key': 'public_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'locked': 'bool', 'old_password': 'str', 'password': 'str', 'public_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_response.AdminResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Admin]) – A list of administrative account objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Admin]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_setting module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_setting.AdminSetting(lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • lockout_duration (int) – The lockout duration, in milliseconds, if a user has reached the maximum number of login attempts. Ranges from 1 second to 90 days. Default value is null. Use 0 to reset the value to null.

  • max_login_attempts (int) – The maximum number of failed login attempts allowed before the user is locked out. Default value is null. Use 0 to reset the value to null.

  • min_password_length (int) – The minimum password length. If not specified, defaults to 1 character.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'lockout_duration': 'lockout_duration', 'max_login_attempts': 'max_login_attempts', 'min_password_length': 'min_password_length'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'lockout_duration': 'int', 'max_login_attempts': 'int', 'min_password_length': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_settings_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_settings_get_response.AdminSettingsGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[AdminSetting]) – Returns global admin settings.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[AdminSetting]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_settings_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.admin_settings_response.AdminSettingsResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[AdminSetting]) – Returns global admin settings.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[AdminSetting]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert.Alert(name=None, id=None, action=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, description=None, flagged=None, index=None, knowledge_base_url=None, notified=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, updated=None, variables=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, action=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, description=None, flagged=None, index=None, knowledge_base_url=None, notified=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, updated=None, variables=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • action (str) – The action of the alert.

  • code (int) – Alert code.

  • component_name (str) – The component name of the alert.

  • component_type (str) – The component type of the alert.

  • created (int) – The creation timestamp of the alert.

  • description (str) – The description of the alert.

  • flagged (bool) – Flagged state of the alert.

  • index (int) – The unique index of the alert.

  • knowledge_base_url (str) – URL of the relevant Knowledge Base page.

  • notified (int) – The last notification timestamp of the alert.

  • severity (str) – Severity of the alert. Valid values are info, warning, and critical.

  • state (str) – The current state of the alert. Valid values are open, closing, closed, and waiting to downgrade.

  • summary (str) – The summary of the alert.

  • updated (int) – The last updated timestamp of the alert.

  • variables (dict(str, str)) – Key-value pairs of additional information of the alert.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'action': 'action', 'code': 'code', 'component_name': 'component_name', 'component_type': 'component_type', 'created': 'created', 'description': 'description', 'flagged': 'flagged', 'id': 'id', 'index': 'index', 'knowledge_base_url': 'knowledge_base_url', 'name': 'name', 'notified': 'notified', 'severity': 'severity', 'state': 'state', 'summary': 'summary', 'updated': 'updated', 'variables': 'variables'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'action': 'str', 'code': 'int', 'component_name': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'created': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'flagged': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'index': 'int', 'knowledge_base_url': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'notified': 'int', 'severity': 'str', 'state': 'str', 'summary': 'str', 'updated': 'int', 'variables': 'dict(str, str)'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_get_response.AlertGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Alert]) – A list of alert objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Alert]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_response.AlertResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Alert]) – A list of alert objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Alert]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher.AlertWatcher(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – Is email notification enabled? If not specified, defaults to true.

  • minimum_notification_severity (str) – The minimum severity that an alert must have in order for emails to be sent to the watcher. Possible values include info, warning, and critical.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'minimum_notification_severity': 'minimum_notification_severity', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'minimum_notification_severity': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_get_response.AlertWatcherGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[AlertWatcher]) – A list of alert watcher objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[AlertWatcher]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_post.AlertWatcherPost(minimum_notification_severity=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

minimum_notification_severity (str) – The minimum severity that an alert must have in order for emails to be sent to the watcher. Possible values include info, warning, and critical. If not specified, defaults to info.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'minimum_notification_severity': 'minimum_notification_severity'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'minimum_notification_severity': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.alert_watcher_response.AlertWatcherResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[AlertWatcher]) – A list of alert watcher objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[AlertWatcher]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_client module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_client.ApiClient(name=None, id=None, max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, key_id=None, enabled=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, key_id=None, enabled=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • max_role (FixedReference) – The maximum role allowed for ID Tokens issued by this API client. The bearer of an access token will be authorized to perform actions within the intersection of this max_role and the role of the array user specified as the JWT sub (subject) claim. The max_role field is a reference to a role. Valid role`s are `readonly, ops_admin, array_admin, and storage_admin. Users with the readonly (Read Only) role can perform operations that convey the state of the array. Read Only users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the ops_admin (Ops Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus enable and disable remote assistance sessions. Ops Admin users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the storage_admin (Storage Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus storage related operations, such as administering file systems, snapshots, and buckets. Storage Admin users cannot perform operations that deal with global and system configurations. Users with the array_admin (Array Admin) role can perform the same operations as Storage Admin users plus array-wide changes dealing with global and system configurations. In other words, Array Admin users can perform all operations.

  • issuer (str) – The name of the identity provider that will be issuing ID Tokens for this API client. This string represents the JWT iss (issuer) claim in ID Tokens issued for this API client.

  • public_key (str) – The API client’s PEM formatted (Base64 encoded) RSA public key.

  • key_id (str) – The unique identifier for the associated public key of this API client. This string must match the JWT kid (key ID) claim in ID Tokens issued for this API client.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the API client is permitted to exchange ID Tokens for access tokens. API clients are disabled by default.

  • access_token_ttl_in_ms (int) – The TTL (Time To Live) duration for which the exchanged access token is valid. Measured in milliseconds.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_token_ttl_in_ms': 'access_token_ttl_in_ms', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'issuer': 'issuer', 'key_id': 'key_id', 'max_role': 'max_role', 'name': 'name', 'public_key': 'public_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_token_ttl_in_ms': 'int', 'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'issuer': 'str', 'key_id': 'str', 'max_role': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'public_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_clients_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_clients_post.ApiClientsPost(max_role, public_key, issuer=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(max_role, public_key, issuer=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • max_role (ReferenceWritable, required) – The maximum role allowed for ID Tokens issued by this API client. The bearer of an access token will be authorized to perform actions within the intersection of this max_role and the role of the array user specified as the JWT sub (subject) claim. The max_role field is a reference to a role. Valid role`s are `readonly, ops_admin, array_admin, and storage_admin. Users with the readonly (Read Only) role can perform operations that convey the state of the array. Read Only users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the ops_admin (Ops Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus enable and disable remote assistance sessions. Ops Admin users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the storage_admin (Storage Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus storage related operations, such as administering volumes, hosts, and host groups. Storage Admin users cannot perform operations that deal with global and system configurations. Users with the array_admin (Array Admin) role can perform the same operations as Storage Admin users plus array-wide changes dealing with global and system configurations. In other words, Array Admin users can perform all operations.

  • issuer (str) – The name of the identity provider that will be issuing ID Tokens for this API client. The iss claim in the JWT issued must match this string. If not specified, defaults to the API client name.

  • public_key (str, required) – The API client’s PEM formatted (Base64 encoded) RSA public key. It must include the —–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– and —–END PUBLIC KEY—– lines.

  • access_token_ttl_in_ms (int) – The TTL (Time To Live) duration for which the exchanged access token is valid. Measured in milliseconds. If not specified, defaults to 86400000.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_token_ttl_in_ms': 'access_token_ttl_in_ms', 'issuer': 'issuer', 'max_role': 'max_role', 'public_key': 'public_key'}
required_args = {'max_role', 'public_key'}
swagger_types = {'access_token_ttl_in_ms': 'int', 'issuer': 'str', 'max_role': 'ReferenceWritable', 'public_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_clients_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_clients_response.ApiClientsResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ApiClient]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ApiClient]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_token module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_token.ApiToken(created_at=None, expires_at=None, token=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(created_at=None, expires_at=None, token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • created_at (int) – Creation time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • expires_at (int) – Expiration time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • token (str) – An Admin API token. A newly-created token is visible as the result of the POST operation which created it. An existing token is visible when expose_api_token is true and it is being requested by the user to whom it belongs. In all other cases, the token will be masked.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'created_at': 'created_at', 'expires_at': 'expires_at', 'token': 'token'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'created_at': 'int', 'expires_at': 'int', 'token': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_version module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.api_version.ApiVersion(versions=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

versions (list[str]) – A list of supported API versions.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'versions': 'versions'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'versions': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array.Array(name=None, id=None, as_of=None, banner=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, os=None, revision=None, time_zone=None, version=None, smb_mode=None, eradication_config=None, product_type=None, security_update=None, encryption=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, as_of=None, banner=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, os=None, revision=None, time_zone=None, version=None, smb_mode=None, eradication_config=None, product_type=None, security_update=None, encryption=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • as_of (int) – Array time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • banner (str) – A string to be shown when logging in to the array.

  • idle_timeout (int) – Idle timeout in milliseconds. Valid values are in the range of 300000 and 10800000. Setting this value to 0 disables timeouts.

  • ntp_servers (list[str]) –

  • os (str) – Valid values are Purity//FA and Purity//FB.

  • revision (str) –

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone to use for the array. In particular this affects the CLI formatting and the default snapshot policy time zone.

  • version (str) –

  • smb_mode (str) – The current SMB mode of the array. This controls the type of authentication that is used by the array for SMB. Possible values include ad-auto, ad-rfc2307, guest, and native. Modifying this value requires the assistance of Pure Storage Support.

  • eradication_config (ArrayEradicationConfig) –

  • product_type (str) – For FlashBlade//S arrays, the value is determined by the blades in the system. The value will be FlashBlade for all older arrays. Valid values are FlashBlade, FlashBlade//S, FlashBlade//S200, and FlashBladeS500.

  • security_update (str) – The name of the installed security update that currently applies to the system. This field will be null if either no security update has been installed, or if the most recently installed security update is no longer needed by the current FlashBlade software due to the current software fully incorporating the update.

  • encryption (ArrayEncryption) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'as_of': '_as_of', 'banner': 'banner', 'encryption': 'encryption', 'eradication_config': 'eradication_config', 'id': 'id', 'idle_timeout': 'idle_timeout', 'name': 'name', 'ntp_servers': 'ntp_servers', 'os': 'os', 'product_type': 'product_type', 'revision': 'revision', 'security_update': 'security_update', 'smb_mode': 'smb_mode', 'time_zone': 'time_zone', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'as_of': 'int', 'banner': 'str', 'encryption': 'ArrayEncryption', 'eradication_config': 'ArrayEradicationConfig', 'id': 'str', 'idle_timeout': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'ntp_servers': 'list[str]', 'os': 'str', 'product_type': 'str', 'revision': 'str', 'security_update': 'str', 'smb_mode': 'str', 'time_zone': 'str', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection.ArrayConnection(id=None, ca_certificate_group=None, encrypted=None, management_address=None, remote=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, version=None, throttle=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, ca_certificate_group=None, encrypted=None, management_address=None, remote=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, version=None, throttle=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • ca_certificate_group (FixedReference) – The group of CA certificates that can be used, in addition to well-known Certificate Authority certificates, in order to establish a secure connection to the target array. Defaults to a reference to the _default_replication_certs group if secure_connection is true, or null otherwise.

  • encrypted (bool) – If this is set to true, then all customer data replicated over the connection will be sent over an encrypted connection using TLS, or will not be sent if a secure connection cannot be established. If this is set to false, then all customer data replicated over the connection will be sent over an unencrypted connection. Defaults to false.

  • management_address (str) – Management address of the target array. Settable on POST only.

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – The remote array.

  • replication_addresses (list[str]) – IP addresses and/or FQDNs of the target arrays. Settable on POST only. If not set on POST, will be set to all the replication addresses available on the target array at the time of the POST.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected, partially_connected, connecting, and incompatible. connected - The connection is OK. partially_connected - Some replication addresses are working, but others are not. connecting - No connection exists and the array is trying to reconnect. incompatible - The target array is not compatible.

  • version (str) – The version of the target array.

  • throttle (Throttle) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'encrypted': 'encrypted', 'id': 'id', 'management_address': 'management_address', 'remote': 'remote', 'replication_addresses': 'replication_addresses', 'status': 'status', 'throttle': 'throttle', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'ca_certificate_group': 'FixedReference', 'encrypted': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'management_address': 'str', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'replication_addresses': 'list[str]', 'status': 'str', 'throttle': 'Throttle', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_get_response.ArrayConnectionGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayConnection]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayConnection]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key.ArrayConnectionKey(connection_key=None, created=None, expires=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(connection_key=None, created=None, expires=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • connection_key (str) – Connection-key, used on another array to connect to this array. After creation, listing will only show ****.

  • created (int) – Creation time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • expires (int) – Expiration time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'connection_key': 'connection_key', 'created': 'created', 'expires': 'expires'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'connection_key': 'str', 'created': 'int', 'expires': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key_get_response.ArrayConnectionKeyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayConnectionKey]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayConnectionKey]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_key_response.ArrayConnectionKeyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ArrayConnectionKey]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ArrayConnectionKey]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_path module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_path.ArrayConnectionPath(id=None, destination=None, remote=None, source=None, status=None, status_details=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, destination=None, remote=None, source=None, status=None, status_details=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • destination (str) – IP address with the port of the target array.

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – The remote array.

  • source (str) – IP address of the source array.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected and connecting. connected - The connection is OK. connecting - No connection exists and the array is trying to reconnect.

  • status_details (str) – Additional information describing any issues encountered when connecting, or null if the status is connected.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'destination': 'destination', 'id': 'id', 'remote': 'remote', 'source': 'source', 'status': 'status', 'status_details': 'status_details'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'destination': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'source': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'status_details': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_path_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_path_get_response.ArrayConnectionPathGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayConnectionPath]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayConnectionPath]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_post.ArrayConnectionPost(id=None, ca_certificate_group=None, encrypted=None, management_address=None, remote=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, version=None, throttle=None, connection_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, ca_certificate_group=None, encrypted=None, management_address=None, remote=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, version=None, throttle=None, connection_key=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • ca_certificate_group (FixedReference) – The group of CA certificates that can be used, in addition to well-known Certificate Authority certificates, in order to establish a secure connection to the target array. Defaults to a reference to the _default_replication_certs group if secure_connection is true, or null otherwise.

  • encrypted (bool) – If this is set to true, then all customer data replicated over the connection will be sent over an encrypted connection using TLS, or will not be sent if a secure connection cannot be established. If this is set to false, then all customer data replicated over the connection will be sent over an unencrypted connection. Defaults to false.

  • management_address (str) – Management address of the target array. Settable on POST only.

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – The remote array.

  • replication_addresses (list[str]) – IP addresses and/or FQDNs of the target arrays. Settable on POST only. If not set on POST, will be set to all the replication addresses available on the target array at the time of the POST.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected, partially_connected, connecting, and incompatible. connected - The connection is OK. partially_connected - Some replication addresses are working, but others are not. connecting - No connection exists and the array is trying to reconnect. incompatible - The target array is not compatible.

  • version (str) – The version of the target array.

  • throttle (Throttle) –

  • connection_key (str) – The connection key of the target array. Settable on POST only.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'connection_key': 'connection_key', 'encrypted': 'encrypted', 'id': 'id', 'management_address': 'management_address', 'remote': 'remote', 'replication_addresses': 'replication_addresses', 'status': 'status', 'throttle': 'throttle', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'ca_certificate_group': 'FixedReference', 'connection_key': 'str', 'encrypted': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'management_address': 'str', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'replication_addresses': 'list[str]', 'status': 'str', 'throttle': 'Throttle', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_connection_response.ArrayConnectionResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ArrayConnection]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ArrayConnection]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_encryption module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_encryption.ArrayEncryption(data_at_rest=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

data_at_rest (ArrayEncryptionDataAtRest) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'data_at_rest': 'data_at_rest'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'data_at_rest': 'ArrayEncryptionDataAtRest'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_encryption_data_at_rest module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_encryption_data_at_rest.ArrayEncryptionDataAtRest(algorithms=None, enabled=None, entropy_source=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(algorithms=None, enabled=None, entropy_source=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • algorithms (list[str]) – The algorithms used to encrypt data at rest on the array.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if Data at Rest Encryption is enabled.

  • entropy_source (str) – The entropy source used to generate the Data at Rest Encryption key on the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'algorithms': 'algorithms', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'entropy_source': 'entropy_source'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'algorithms': 'list[str]', 'enabled': 'bool', 'entropy_source': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_eradication_config module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_eradication_config.ArrayEradicationConfig(eradication_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(eradication_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • eradication_delay (int) – The file eradication delay is in milliseconds. Automatically eradicate destroyed filesystems and snapshots after the delay time. Valid values are 86400000 and any multiple of 86400000 in the range of 86400000 and 2592000000. Any other values will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 86400000.

  • manual_eradication (str) – Manual eradication status is applied on the array level. If status is all-disabled, you cannot eradicate buckets and file systems. If status is file-disabled then you can not eradicate files systems. If status is object-disabled then you can not eradicate buckets. If status is all-enabled then you can eradicate file systems and buckets. Values include all-enabled, file-disabled, object-disabled, and all-disabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'eradication_delay': 'eradication_delay', 'manual_eradication': 'manual_eradication'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'eradication_delay': 'int', 'manual_eradication': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token.ArrayFactoryResetToken(name=None, token=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • token (int) – A random 7-digit number required as input to perform a factory reset of the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'token': 'token'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'token': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token_get_response.ArrayFactoryResetTokenGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayFactoryResetToken]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayFactoryResetToken]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_factory_reset_token_response.ArrayFactoryResetTokenResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ArrayFactoryResetToken]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ArrayFactoryResetToken]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_get_response.ArrayGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Array]) – A list of array objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Array]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_http_specific_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_http_specific_performance.ArrayHttpSpecificPerformance(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_dirs_per_sec=None, read_files_per_sec=None, write_dirs_per_sec=None, write_files_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_dir_op=None, usec_per_read_file_op=None, usec_per_write_dir_op=None, usec_per_write_file_op=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_dirs_per_sec=None, read_files_per_sec=None, write_dirs_per_sec=None, write_files_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_dir_op=None, usec_per_read_file_op=None, usec_per_write_dir_op=None, usec_per_write_file_op=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_dirs_per_sec (float) – Read directory requests processed per second.

  • read_files_per_sec (float) – Read file requests processed per second.

  • write_dirs_per_sec (float) – Write directory requests processed per second.

  • write_files_per_sec (float) – Write file requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_dir_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read directory request.

  • usec_per_read_file_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read file request.

  • usec_per_write_dir_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write directory request.

  • usec_per_write_file_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write file request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_dirs_per_sec': 'read_dirs_per_sec', 'read_files_per_sec': 'read_files_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_dir_op': 'usec_per_read_dir_op', 'usec_per_read_file_op': 'usec_per_read_file_op', 'usec_per_write_dir_op': 'usec_per_write_dir_op', 'usec_per_write_file_op': 'usec_per_write_file_op', 'write_dirs_per_sec': 'write_dirs_per_sec', 'write_files_per_sec': 'write_files_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_dirs_per_sec': 'float', 'read_files_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_dir_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_file_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_dir_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_file_op': 'float', 'write_dirs_per_sec': 'float', 'write_files_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_http_specific_performance_get module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_http_specific_performance_get.ArrayHttpSpecificPerformanceGet(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayHttpSpecificPerformance]) – A list of http specific array performance metrics objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayHttpSpecificPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_nfs_specific_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_nfs_specific_performance.ArrayNfsSpecificPerformance(name=None, id=None, accesses_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec=None, aggregate_other_per_sec=None, aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_other_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op=None, creates_per_sec=None, fsinfos_per_sec=None, fsstats_per_sec=None, getattrs_per_sec=None, links_per_sec=None, lookups_per_sec=None, mkdirs_per_sec=None, pathconfs_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, readdirs_per_sec=None, readdirpluses_per_sec=None, readlinks_per_sec=None, removes_per_sec=None, renames_per_sec=None, rmdirs_per_sec=None, setattrs_per_sec=None, symlinks_per_sec=None, time=None, writes_per_sec=None, usec_per_access_op=None, usec_per_create_op=None, usec_per_fsinfo_op=None, usec_per_fsstat_op=None, usec_per_getattr_op=None, usec_per_link_op=None, usec_per_lookup_op=None, usec_per_mkdir_op=None, usec_per_pathconf_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_readdir_op=None, usec_per_readdirplus_op=None, usec_per_readlink_op=None, usec_per_remove_op=None, usec_per_rename_op=None, usec_per_rmdir_op=None, usec_per_setattr_op=None, usec_per_symlink_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, accesses_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec=None, aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec=None, aggregate_other_per_sec=None, aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_other_op=None, aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op=None, creates_per_sec=None, fsinfos_per_sec=None, fsstats_per_sec=None, getattrs_per_sec=None, links_per_sec=None, lookups_per_sec=None, mkdirs_per_sec=None, pathconfs_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, readdirs_per_sec=None, readdirpluses_per_sec=None, readlinks_per_sec=None, removes_per_sec=None, renames_per_sec=None, rmdirs_per_sec=None, setattrs_per_sec=None, symlinks_per_sec=None, time=None, writes_per_sec=None, usec_per_access_op=None, usec_per_create_op=None, usec_per_fsinfo_op=None, usec_per_fsstat_op=None, usec_per_getattr_op=None, usec_per_link_op=None, usec_per_lookup_op=None, usec_per_mkdir_op=None, usec_per_pathconf_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_readdir_op=None, usec_per_readdirplus_op=None, usec_per_readlink_op=None, usec_per_remove_op=None, usec_per_rename_op=None, usec_per_rmdir_op=None, usec_per_setattr_op=None, usec_per_symlink_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • accesses_per_sec (float) – ACCESS requests processed per second.

  • aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec (float) – Sum of file-level or directory-level create-like metadata requests per second. Includes CREATE, LINK, MKDIR, and SYMLINK.

  • aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec (float) – Sum of file-level or directory-level modify-like and delete-like metadata requests per second. Includes REMOVE, RENAME, RMDIR, and SETATTR.

  • aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec (float) – Sum of file-level or directory-level read-like metadata requests per second. Includes GETATTR, LOOKUP, PATHCONF, READDIR, READDIRPLUS, and READLINK.

  • aggregate_other_per_sec (float) – Sum of all other requests processed per second. This includes COMMIT, MKNOD, NULL, NLM operations, and operations which are supported for NFSv4.1 but not NFSv3.

  • aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec (float) – Sum of share-level read-like metadata requests per second. Includes ACCESS, FSINFO, and FSSTAT.

  • aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a file-level or directory-level create-like metadata request. Includes CREATE, LINK, MKDIR, and SYMLINK.

  • aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a file-level or directory-level modify-like or delete-like metadata request. Includes REMOVE, RENAME, RMDIR, and SETATTR.

  • aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a file-level or directory-level read-like metadata request. Includes GETATTR, LOOKUP, PATHCONF, READDIR, READDIRPLUS, and READLINK.

  • aggregate_usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process all other requests. This includes COMMIT, MKNOD, NULL, NLM operations, and operations which are supported for NFSv4.1 but not NFSv3.

  • aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a share-level read-like metadata request. Includes ACCESS, FSINFO, and FSSTAT.

  • creates_per_sec (float) – CREATE requests processed per second.

  • fsinfos_per_sec (float) – FSINFO requests processed per second.

  • fsstats_per_sec (float) – FSSTAT requests processed per second.

  • getattrs_per_sec (float) – GETATTR requests processed per second.

  • links_per_sec (float) – LINK requests processed per second.

  • lookups_per_sec (float) – LOOKUP requests processed per second.

  • mkdirs_per_sec (float) – MKDIR requests processed per second.

  • pathconfs_per_sec (float) – PATHCONF requests processed per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – READ requests processed per second.

  • readdirs_per_sec (float) – READDIR requests processed per second.

  • readdirpluses_per_sec (float) – READDIRPLUS requests processed per second.

  • readlinks_per_sec (float) – READLINK requests processed per second.

  • removes_per_sec (float) – REMOVE requests processed per second.

  • renames_per_sec (float) – RENAME requests processed per second.

  • rmdirs_per_sec (float) – RMDIR requests processed per second.

  • setattrs_per_sec (float) – SETATTR requests processed per second.

  • symlinks_per_sec (float) – SYMLINK requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – WRITE requests processed per second.

  • usec_per_access_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process an ACCESS request.

  • usec_per_create_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a CREATE request.

  • usec_per_fsinfo_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process an FSINFO request.

  • usec_per_fsstat_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process an FSSTAT request.

  • usec_per_getattr_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a GETATTR request.

  • usec_per_link_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a LINK request.

  • usec_per_lookup_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a LOOKUP request.

  • usec_per_mkdir_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a MKDIR request.

  • usec_per_pathconf_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a PATHCONF request.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a READ request.

  • usec_per_readdir_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a READDIR request.

  • usec_per_readdirplus_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a READDIRPLUS request.

  • usec_per_readlink_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a READLINK request.

  • usec_per_remove_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a REMOVE request.

  • usec_per_rename_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a RENAME request.

  • usec_per_rmdir_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process an RMDIR request.

  • usec_per_setattr_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a SETATTR request.

  • usec_per_symlink_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a SYMLINK request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a WRITE request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'accesses_per_sec': 'accesses_per_sec', 'aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec': 'aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec', 'aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec': 'aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec', 'aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec': 'aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec', 'aggregate_other_per_sec': 'aggregate_other_per_sec', 'aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec': 'aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op': 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op': 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op': 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op', 'aggregate_usec_per_other_op': 'aggregate_usec_per_other_op', 'aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op': 'aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op', 'creates_per_sec': 'creates_per_sec', 'fsinfos_per_sec': 'fsinfos_per_sec', 'fsstats_per_sec': 'fsstats_per_sec', 'getattrs_per_sec': 'getattrs_per_sec', 'id': 'id', 'links_per_sec': 'links_per_sec', 'lookups_per_sec': 'lookups_per_sec', 'mkdirs_per_sec': 'mkdirs_per_sec', 'name': 'name', 'pathconfs_per_sec': 'pathconfs_per_sec', 'readdirpluses_per_sec': 'readdirpluses_per_sec', 'readdirs_per_sec': 'readdirs_per_sec', 'readlinks_per_sec': 'readlinks_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'removes_per_sec': 'removes_per_sec', 'renames_per_sec': 'renames_per_sec', 'rmdirs_per_sec': 'rmdirs_per_sec', 'setattrs_per_sec': 'setattrs_per_sec', 'symlinks_per_sec': 'symlinks_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_access_op': 'usec_per_access_op', 'usec_per_create_op': 'usec_per_create_op', 'usec_per_fsinfo_op': 'usec_per_fsinfo_op', 'usec_per_fsstat_op': 'usec_per_fsstat_op', 'usec_per_getattr_op': 'usec_per_getattr_op', 'usec_per_link_op': 'usec_per_link_op', 'usec_per_lookup_op': 'usec_per_lookup_op', 'usec_per_mkdir_op': 'usec_per_mkdir_op', 'usec_per_pathconf_op': 'usec_per_pathconf_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_readdir_op': 'usec_per_readdir_op', 'usec_per_readdirplus_op': 'usec_per_readdirplus_op', 'usec_per_readlink_op': 'usec_per_readlink_op', 'usec_per_remove_op': 'usec_per_remove_op', 'usec_per_rename_op': 'usec_per_rename_op', 'usec_per_rmdir_op': 'usec_per_rmdir_op', 'usec_per_setattr_op': 'usec_per_setattr_op', 'usec_per_symlink_op': 'usec_per_symlink_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'accesses_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_file_metadata_creates_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_file_metadata_modifies_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_file_metadata_reads_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_other_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_share_metadata_reads_per_sec': 'float', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_create_op': 'float', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_modify_op': 'float', 'aggregate_usec_per_file_metadata_read_op': 'float', 'aggregate_usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'aggregate_usec_per_share_metadata_read_op': 'float', 'creates_per_sec': 'float', 'fsinfos_per_sec': 'float', 'fsstats_per_sec': 'float', 'getattrs_per_sec': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'links_per_sec': 'float', 'lookups_per_sec': 'float', 'mkdirs_per_sec': 'float', 'name': 'str', 'pathconfs_per_sec': 'float', 'readdirpluses_per_sec': 'float', 'readdirs_per_sec': 'float', 'readlinks_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'removes_per_sec': 'float', 'renames_per_sec': 'float', 'rmdirs_per_sec': 'float', 'setattrs_per_sec': 'float', 'symlinks_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_access_op': 'float', 'usec_per_create_op': 'float', 'usec_per_fsinfo_op': 'float', 'usec_per_fsstat_op': 'float', 'usec_per_getattr_op': 'float', 'usec_per_link_op': 'float', 'usec_per_lookup_op': 'float', 'usec_per_mkdir_op': 'float', 'usec_per_pathconf_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_readdir_op': 'float', 'usec_per_readdirplus_op': 'float', 'usec_per_readlink_op': 'float', 'usec_per_remove_op': 'float', 'usec_per_rename_op': 'float', 'usec_per_rmdir_op': 'float', 'usec_per_setattr_op': 'float', 'usec_per_symlink_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_nfs_specific_performance_get module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_nfs_specific_performance_get.ArrayNfsSpecificPerformanceGet(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayNfsSpecificPerformance]) – A list of NFS specific array performance metrics objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayNfsSpecificPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance.ArrayPerformance(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • bytes_per_op (float) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (float) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (float) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write request.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'float', 'bytes_per_read': 'float', 'bytes_per_write': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance_get_response.ArrayPerformanceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayPerformance]) – A list of array performance metrics objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance_replication_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_performance_replication_get_resp.ArrayPerformanceReplicationGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[RelationshipPerformanceReplication]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[RelationshipPerformanceReplication]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_response.ArrayResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Array]) – A list of array objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Array]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_s3_specific_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_s3_specific_performance.ArrayS3SpecificPerformance(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_buckets_per_sec=None, read_objects_per_sec=None, write_buckets_per_sec=None, write_objects_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_bucket_op=None, usec_per_read_object_op=None, usec_per_write_bucket_op=None, usec_per_write_object_op=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_buckets_per_sec=None, read_objects_per_sec=None, write_buckets_per_sec=None, write_objects_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_bucket_op=None, usec_per_read_object_op=None, usec_per_write_bucket_op=None, usec_per_write_object_op=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_buckets_per_sec (float) – Read buckets requests processed per second.

  • read_objects_per_sec (float) – Read object requests processed per second.

  • write_buckets_per_sec (float) – Write buckets requests processed per second.

  • write_objects_per_sec (float) – Write object requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_bucket_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read bucket request.

  • usec_per_read_object_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read object request.

  • usec_per_write_bucket_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write bucket request.

  • usec_per_write_object_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write object request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_buckets_per_sec': 'read_buckets_per_sec', 'read_objects_per_sec': 'read_objects_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_bucket_op': 'usec_per_read_bucket_op', 'usec_per_read_object_op': 'usec_per_read_object_op', 'usec_per_write_bucket_op': 'usec_per_write_bucket_op', 'usec_per_write_object_op': 'usec_per_write_object_op', 'write_buckets_per_sec': 'write_buckets_per_sec', 'write_objects_per_sec': 'write_objects_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_buckets_per_sec': 'float', 'read_objects_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_bucket_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_object_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_bucket_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_object_op': 'float', 'write_buckets_per_sec': 'float', 'write_objects_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_s3_specific_performance_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_s3_specific_performance_get_resp.ArrayS3SpecificPerformanceGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArrayS3SpecificPerformance]) – A list of S3 specific array performance metrics objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArrayS3SpecificPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_space module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_space.ArraySpace(name=None, id=None, capacity=None, parity=None, space=None, time=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, capacity=None, parity=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • capacity (int) – Usable capacity in bytes.

  • parity (float) – A representation of data redundancy on the array. Data redundancy is rebuilt automatically by the system whenever parity is less than 1.0.

  • space (Space) –

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'capacity': 'capacity', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'parity': 'parity', 'space': 'space', 'time': 'time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'capacity': 'int', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'parity': 'float', 'space': 'Space', 'time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_space_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.array_space_get_response.ArraySpaceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ArraySpace]) – A list of array space metrics objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ArraySpace]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.arrays_supported_time_zones_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.arrays_supported_time_zones_get_response.ArraysSupportedTimeZonesGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[TimeZone]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[TimeZone]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit.Audit(name=None, id=None, arguments=None, command=None, ip_address=None, subcommand=None, time=None, user=None, user_agent=None, user_interface=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, arguments=None, command=None, ip_address=None, subcommand=None, time=None, user=None, user_agent=None, user_interface=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • arguments (str) –

  • command (str) –

  • ip_address (str) –

  • subcommand (str) –

  • time (int) –

  • user (str) –

  • user_agent (str) –

  • user_interface (str) – The user interface through which the user session event was performed. Valid values are CLI, GUI, and REST.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'arguments': 'arguments', 'command': 'command', 'id': 'id', 'ip_address': 'ip_address', 'name': 'name', 'subcommand': 'subcommand', 'time': 'time', 'user': 'user', 'user_agent': 'user_agent', 'user_interface': 'user_interface'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'arguments': 'str', 'command': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'ip_address': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'subcommand': 'str', 'time': 'int', 'user': 'str', 'user_agent': 'str', 'user_interface': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit_get_response.AuditGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Audit]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Audit]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.audit_response.AuditResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Audit]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Audit]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.blade module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.blade.Blade(name=None, id=None, details=None, progress=None, raw_capacity=None, status=None, target=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, details=None, progress=None, raw_capacity=None, status=None, target=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • details (str) –

  • progress (float) –

  • raw_capacity (int) –

  • status (str) – Valid values are critical, evacuated, evacuating, healthy, identifying, unhealthy, unknown, and unused.

  • target (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'details': 'details', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'progress': 'progress', 'raw_capacity': 'raw_capacity', 'status': 'status', 'target': 'target'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'details': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'progress': 'float', 'raw_capacity': 'int', 'status': 'str', 'target': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.blade_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.blade_get_response.BladeGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, total=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, total=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • total (object) –

  • items (list[Blade]) – A list of blade objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Blade]', 'total': 'object', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket.Bucket(name=None, id=None, account=None, created=None, destroyed=None, object_count=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, versioning=None, bucket_type=None, eradication_config=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, account=None, created=None, destroyed=None, object_count=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, versioning=None, bucket_type=None, eradication_config=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • account (FixedReference) –

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.

  • destroyed (bool) – Is the bucket destroyed?

  • object_count (int) – The count of objects within the bucket.

  • space (SpaceExtended) – The space specification of the bucket.

  • time_remaining (int) – Time in milliseconds before the bucket is eradicated. null if not destroyed.

  • versioning (str) – The versioning state for objects within the bucket. Valid values are none, enabled, and suspended.

  • bucket_type (str) – The bucket type for the bucket.

  • eradication_config (BucketEradicationConfig) –

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the bucket’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the bucket, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the bucket has a value set for quota_limit.

  • object_lock_config (ObjectLockConfigResponse) –

  • quota_limit (int) – The effective quota limit applied against the size of the bucket, displayed in bytes. If unset, the bucket is unlimited in size.

  • retention_lock (str) – If set to ratcheted, then object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed if set to compliance. In this case, the value of object_lock_config.default_retention can only be increased and object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed once set to compliance. Valid values are unlocked and ratcheted. Contact Pure Technical Services to change ratcheted to unlocked.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'account': 'account', 'bucket_type': 'bucket_type', 'created': 'created', 'destroyed': 'destroyed', 'eradication_config': 'eradication_config', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'object_count': 'object_count', 'object_lock_config': 'object_lock_config', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit', 'retention_lock': 'retention_lock', 'space': 'space', 'time_remaining': 'time_remaining', 'versioning': 'versioning'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'account': 'FixedReference', 'bucket_type': 'str', 'created': 'int', 'destroyed': 'bool', 'eradication_config': 'BucketEradicationConfig', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'object_count': 'int', 'object_lock_config': 'ObjectLockConfigResponse', 'quota_limit': 'int', 'retention_lock': 'str', 'space': 'SpaceExtended', 'time_remaining': 'int', 'versioning': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_defaults module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_defaults.BucketDefaults(hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – The value of this field will be used to configure the hard_limit_enabled field of newly created buckets associated with this object store account, if the bucket creation does not specify its own value. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • quota_limit (str) – The value of this field will be used to configure the quota_limit field of newly created buckets associated with this object store account, if the bucket creation does not specify its own value. If set to an empty string (“”), the bucket default is unlimited in size. If not specified, defaults to unlimited.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'quota_limit': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_defaults_readonly module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_defaults_readonly.BucketDefaultsReadonly(hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – The value of this field will be used to configure the hard_limit_enabled field of newly created buckets associated with this object store account, if the bucket creation does not specify its own value. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • quota_limit (int) – The value of this field will be used to configure the quota_limit field of newly created buckets associated with this object store account, if the bucket creation does not specify its own value. If unset, the bucket default is unlimited in size.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'quota_limit': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_eradication_config module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_eradication_config.BucketEradicationConfig(eradication_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(eradication_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • eradication_delay (int) – Eradication delay in milliseconds. Automatically eradicate destroyed buckets after the configured delay time passes.

  • manual_eradication (str) – The manual eradication status of the bucket. If disabled, the bucket cannot be eradicated after it has been destroyed, unless it is empty. If enabled, the bucket can be eradicated. Valid values are disabled and enabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'eradication_delay': 'eradication_delay', 'manual_eradication': 'manual_eradication'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'eradication_delay': 'int', 'manual_eradication': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_get_response.BucketGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Bucket]) – A list of bucket objects.

  • total (Bucket) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Bucket]', 'total': 'Bucket', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_patch.BucketPatch(destroyed=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None, versioning=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None, versioning=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – Is the bucket destroyed?

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the bucket’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the bucket, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the bucket has a value set for quota_limit.

  • object_lock_config (ObjectLockConfigRequestBody) –

  • quota_limit (str) – The effective quota limit applied against the size of the bucket, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the bucket is unlimited in size.

  • retention_lock (str) – If set to ratcheted, then object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed if set to compliance. In this case, the value of object_lock_config.default_retention can only be increased and object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed once set to compliance. Valid values are unlocked and ratcheted. Contact Pure Technical Services to change ratcheted to unlocked.

  • versioning (str) – The versioning state for objects within the bucket. Valid values are none, enabled, and suspended.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'destroyed': 'destroyed', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'object_lock_config': 'object_lock_config', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit', 'retention_lock': 'retention_lock', 'versioning': 'versioning'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'destroyed': 'bool', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'object_lock_config': 'ObjectLockConfigRequestBody', 'quota_limit': 'str', 'retention_lock': 'str', 'versioning': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_performance.BucketPerformance(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • bytes_per_op (float) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (float) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (float) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write request.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'float', 'bytes_per_read': 'float', 'bytes_per_write': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_performance_get_response.BucketPerformanceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[BucketPerformance]) – A list of bucket performance objects.

  • total (list[BucketPerformance]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[BucketPerformance]', 'total': 'list[BucketPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_post.BucketPost(account=None, bucket_type=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(account=None, bucket_type=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, object_lock_config=None, quota_limit=None, retention_lock=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • account (ReferenceWritable) – The account name for bucket creation.

  • bucket_type (str) – The bucket type for the bucket.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the bucket’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the bucket, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the bucket has a value set for quota_limit. If not specified, defaults to the value of bucket_defaults.hard_limit_enabled of the object store account this bucket is associated with.

  • object_lock_config (ObjectLockConfigRequestBody) –

  • quota_limit (str) – The effective quota limit applied against the size of the bucket, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the bucket is unlimited in size. If not specified, defaults to the value of bucket_defaults.quota_limit of the object store account this bucket is associated with.

  • retention_lock (str) – If set to ratcheted, then object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed if set to compliance. In this case, the value of object_lock_config.default_retention can only be increased and object_lock_config.default_retention_mode cannot be changed once set to compliance. Valid values are unlocked and ratcheted. If not specified, defaults to unlocked.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'account': 'account', 'bucket_type': 'bucket_type', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'object_lock_config': 'object_lock_config', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit', 'retention_lock': 'retention_lock'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'account': 'ReferenceWritable', 'bucket_type': 'str', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'object_lock_config': 'ObjectLockConfigRequestBody', 'quota_limit': 'str', 'retention_lock': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_replica_link_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

Bases: object

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.



The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.



Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments
  • paused (bool) – Create link in the paused state? Defaults to false.

  • cascading_enabled (bool) – If set to true, objects replicated to this bucket via a replica link from another array will also be replicated by this link to the remote bucket. Defaults to false.

Returns true if both objects are not equal

For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'cascading_enabled': 'cascading_enabled', 'paused': 'paused'}
swagger_types = {'cascading_enabled': 'bool', 'paused': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict

Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_response.BucketResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Bucket]) – A list of bucket objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Bucket]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_s3_specific_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_s3_specific_performance.BucketS3SpecificPerformance(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_buckets_per_sec=None, read_objects_per_sec=None, write_buckets_per_sec=None, write_objects_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_bucket_op=None, usec_per_read_object_op=None, usec_per_write_bucket_op=None, usec_per_write_object_op=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, others_per_sec=None, read_buckets_per_sec=None, read_objects_per_sec=None, write_buckets_per_sec=None, write_objects_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_bucket_op=None, usec_per_read_object_op=None, usec_per_write_bucket_op=None, usec_per_write_object_op=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_buckets_per_sec (float) – Read buckets requests processed per second.

  • read_objects_per_sec (float) – Read object requests processed per second.

  • write_buckets_per_sec (float) – Write buckets requests processed per second.

  • write_objects_per_sec (float) – Write object requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_bucket_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read bucket request.

  • usec_per_read_object_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read object request.

  • usec_per_write_bucket_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write bucket request.

  • usec_per_write_object_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write object request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_buckets_per_sec': 'read_buckets_per_sec', 'read_objects_per_sec': 'read_objects_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_bucket_op': 'usec_per_read_bucket_op', 'usec_per_read_object_op': 'usec_per_read_object_op', 'usec_per_write_bucket_op': 'usec_per_write_bucket_op', 'usec_per_write_object_op': 'usec_per_write_object_op', 'write_buckets_per_sec': 'write_buckets_per_sec', 'write_objects_per_sec': 'write_objects_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_buckets_per_sec': 'float', 'read_objects_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_bucket_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_object_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_bucket_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_object_op': 'float', 'write_buckets_per_sec': 'float', 'write_objects_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_s3_specific_performance_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.bucket_s3_specific_performance_get_resp.BucketS3SpecificPerformanceGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[BucketS3SpecificPerformance]) – A list of S3 specific bucket performance metrics objects.

  • total (list[BucketS3SpecificPerformance]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[BucketS3SpecificPerformance]', 'total': 'list[BucketS3SpecificPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in.BuiltIn(name=None, id=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in_no_id module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in_no_id.BuiltInNoId(name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in_relationship module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.built_in_relationship.BuiltInRelationship(id=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate.Certificate(name=None, id=None, certificate=None, certificate_type=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, subject_alternative_names=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, certificate=None, certificate_type=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, subject_alternative_names=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • certificate (str) – The text of the certificate.

  • certificate_type (str) – The type of certificate. Possible values are appliance and external. Certificates of type appliance are used by the array to verify its identity to clients. Certificates of type external are used by the array to identify external servers to which it is configured to communicate.

  • common_name (str) – FQDN or management IP address of the current array.

  • country (str) – The country field listed in the certificate.

  • email (str) – The email field listed in the certificate.

  • intermediate_certificate (str) – Intermediate certificate chains.

  • issued_by (str) – Who issued this certificate.

  • issued_to (str) – Who this certificate was issued to.

  • key_size (int) – The size of the private key for this certificate in bits.

  • locality (str) – The locality field listed in the certificate.

  • organization (str) – The organization field listed in the certificate.

  • organizational_unit (str) – The organizational unit field listed in the certificate.

  • state (str) – The state/province field listed in the certificate.

  • status (str) – The type of certificate. Valid values are self-signed and imported.

  • subject_alternative_names (list[str]) – The alternative names that are secured by this certificate. Alternative names may be IP addresses, DNS names, or URIs.

  • valid_from (str) – The start date of when this certificate is valid.

  • valid_to (str) – The end date of when this certificate is valid.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'certificate': 'certificate', 'certificate_type': 'certificate_type', 'common_name': 'common_name', 'country': 'country', 'email': 'email', 'id': 'id', 'intermediate_certificate': 'intermediate_certificate', 'issued_by': 'issued_by', 'issued_to': 'issued_to', 'key_size': 'key_size', 'locality': 'locality', 'name': 'name', 'organization': 'organization', 'organizational_unit': 'organizational_unit', 'state': 'state', 'status': 'status', 'subject_alternative_names': 'subject_alternative_names', 'valid_from': 'valid_from', 'valid_to': 'valid_to'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'certificate': 'str', 'certificate_type': 'str', 'common_name': 'str', 'country': 'str', 'email': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'intermediate_certificate': 'str', 'issued_by': 'str', 'issued_to': 'str', 'key_size': 'int', 'locality': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'organization': 'str', 'organizational_unit': 'str', 'state': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'subject_alternative_names': 'list[str]', 'valid_from': 'str', 'valid_to': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_certificate_group_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_certificate_group_get_resp.CertificateCertificateGroupGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Member]) – A list of certificate and certificate group relationships.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Member]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_certificate_group_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_certificate_group_response.CertificateCertificateGroupResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Member]) – A list of certificate and certificate group relationships.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Member]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_get_response.CertificateGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Certificate]) – A list of certificate objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Certificate]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group.CertificateGroup(name=None, id=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_certificate_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_certificate_get_resp.CertificateGroupCertificateGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Member]) – A list of certificate and certificate group relationships.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Member]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_certificate_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_certificate_response.CertificateGroupCertificateResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Member]) – A list of certificate and certificate group relationships.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Member]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_get_response.CertificateGroupGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[CertificateGroup]) – A list of certificate group objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[CertificateGroup]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_response.CertificateGroupResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[CertificateGroup]) – A list of certificate group objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[CertificateGroup]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_use module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_use.CertificateGroupUse(name=None, id=None, use=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, use=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • use (FixedReferenceWithRemote) – A reference to an object using this certificate group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'use': 'use'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'use': 'FixedReferenceWithRemote'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_use_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_group_use_get_response.CertificateGroupUseGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[CertificateGroupUse]) – A list of certificate group use objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[CertificateGroupUse]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_patch.CertificatePatch(name=None, id=None, certificate=None, intermediate_certificate=None, passphrase=None, private_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, certificate=None, intermediate_certificate=None, passphrase=None, private_key=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • certificate (str) – The text of the certificate.

  • intermediate_certificate (str) – Intermediate certificate chains.

  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase used to encrypt private_key.

  • private_key (str) – The private key used to sign the certificate.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'certificate': 'certificate', 'id': 'id', 'intermediate_certificate': 'intermediate_certificate', 'name': 'name', 'passphrase': 'passphrase', 'private_key': 'private_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'certificate': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'intermediate_certificate': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'passphrase': 'str', 'private_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_post.CertificatePost(name=None, certificate=None, certificate_type=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, certificate=None, certificate_type=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • certificate (str) – The text of the certificate.

  • certificate_type (str) – The type of certificate. Possible values are appliance and external. Certificates of type appliance are used by the array to verify its identity to clients. Certificates of type external are used by the array to identify external servers to which it is configured to communicate.

  • common_name (str) – FQDN or management IP address of the current array.

  • country (str) – The country field listed in the certificate.

  • email (str) – The email field listed in the certificate.

  • intermediate_certificate (str) – Intermediate certificate chains.

  • issued_by (str) – Who issued this certificate.

  • issued_to (str) – Who this certificate was issued to.

  • key_size (int) – The size of the private key for this certificate in bits.

  • locality (str) – The locality field listed in the certificate.

  • organization (str) – The organization field listed in the certificate.

  • organizational_unit (str) – The organizational unit field listed in the certificate.

  • state (str) – The state/province field listed in the certificate.

  • status (str) – The type of certificate. Valid values are self-signed and imported.

  • valid_from (str) – The start date of when this certificate is valid.

  • valid_to (str) – The end date of when this certificate is valid.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'certificate': 'certificate', 'certificate_type': 'certificate_type', 'common_name': 'common_name', 'country': 'country', 'email': 'email', 'intermediate_certificate': 'intermediate_certificate', 'issued_by': 'issued_by', 'issued_to': 'issued_to', 'key_size': 'key_size', 'locality': 'locality', 'name': 'name', 'organization': 'organization', 'organizational_unit': 'organizational_unit', 'state': 'state', 'status': 'status', 'valid_from': 'valid_from', 'valid_to': 'valid_to'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'certificate': 'str', 'certificate_type': 'str', 'common_name': 'str', 'country': 'str', 'email': 'str', 'intermediate_certificate': 'str', 'issued_by': 'str', 'issued_to': 'str', 'key_size': 'int', 'locality': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'organization': 'str', 'organizational_unit': 'str', 'state': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'valid_from': 'str', 'valid_to': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_response.CertificateResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Certificate]) – A list of certificate objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Certificate]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_use module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_use.CertificateUse(name=None, id=None, group=None, use=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, group=None, use=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • group (FixedReference) – A reference to a certificate group that is being used, if any, where this certificate is a member of the certificate-group. This field is null if the referenced use object is not using a group, but is rather using this certificate directly.

  • use (FixedReferenceWithRemote) – A reference to an object using this certificate.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'group': 'group', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'use': 'use'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'group': 'FixedReference', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'use': 'FixedReferenceWithRemote'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_use_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.certificate_use_get_response.CertificateUseGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[CertificateUse]) – A list of certificate use objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[CertificateUse]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.client_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.client_performance.ClientPerformance(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • bytes_per_op (int) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (int) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • others_per_sec (int) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (int) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the client to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the client to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the client to process a write request.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'int', 'bytes_per_read': 'int', 'bytes_per_write': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'int', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'int', 'reads_per_sec': 'int', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'int', 'usec_per_read_op': 'int', 'usec_per_write_op': 'int', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'int', 'writes_per_sec': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.client_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.client_performance_get_response.ClientPerformanceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ClientPerformance]) – A list of client performance metrics objects.

  • total (list[ClientPerformance]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ClientPerformance]', 'total': 'list[ClientPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.connection_relationship_performance_replication module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.connection_relationship_performance_replication.ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplication(id=None, periodic=None, remote=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, periodic=None, remote=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • periodic (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for periodic replication. Periodic replication includes file system replication, which is snapshot based.

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – Reference to a remote array.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • continuous (ContinuousReplicationPerformance) – Object backlog information and total bytes transmitted or received per second for continuous replication. Continuous replication includes object replication.

  • aggregate (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for all types of replication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'aggregate': 'aggregate', 'continuous': 'continuous', 'id': 'id', 'periodic': 'periodic', 'remote': 'remote', 'time': 'time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'aggregate': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'continuous': 'ContinuousReplicationPerformance', 'id': 'str', 'periodic': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.connection_relationship_performance_replication_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.connection_relationship_performance_replication_get_resp.ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplicationGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplication]) –

  • total (list[ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplication]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplication]', 'total': 'list[ConnectionRelationshipPerformanceReplication]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.continuous_replication_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.continuous_replication_performance.ContinuousReplicationPerformance(transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, object_backlog=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, object_backlog=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • transmitted_bytes_per_sec (float) – Total bytes transmitted per second.

  • received_bytes_per_sec (float) – Total bytes received per second.

  • object_backlog (ObjectBacklog) – The total number of pending object operations and their size that are currently in the backlog.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'object_backlog': 'object_backlog', 'received_bytes_per_sec': 'received_bytes_per_sec', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'object_backlog': 'ObjectBacklog', 'received_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.direction module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.direction.Direction

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal


Keyword args:


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service.DirectoryService(name=None, id=None, base_dn=None, bind_password=None, bind_user=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None, enabled=None, management=None, nfs=None, services=None, smb=None, uris=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, base_dn=None, bind_password=None, bind_user=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None, enabled=None, management=None, nfs=None, services=None, smb=None, uris=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • base_dn (str) – Base of the Distinguished Name (DN) of the directory service groups.

  • bind_password (str) – Obfuscated password used to query the directory.

  • bind_user (str) – Username used to query the directory.

  • ca_certificate (Reference) – CA certificate used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.

  • ca_certificate_group (Reference) – A certificate group containing CA certificates that can be used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.

  • enabled (bool) – Is the directory service enabled or not?

  • management (DirectoryServiceManagement) –

  • nfs (DirectoryServiceNfs) –

  • services (list[str]) – Services that the directory service configuration is used for.

  • smb (DirectoryServiceSmb) –

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured directory servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'base_dn': 'base_dn', 'bind_password': 'bind_password', 'bind_user': 'bind_user', 'ca_certificate': 'ca_certificate', 'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'management': 'management', 'name': 'name', 'nfs': 'nfs', 'services': 'services', 'smb': 'smb', 'uris': 'uris'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'base_dn': 'str', 'bind_password': 'str', 'bind_user': 'str', 'ca_certificate': 'Reference', 'ca_certificate_group': 'Reference', 'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'management': 'DirectoryServiceManagement', 'name': 'str', 'nfs': 'DirectoryServiceNfs', 'services': 'list[str]', 'smb': 'DirectoryServiceSmb', 'uris': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_get_response.DirectoryServiceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[DirectoryService]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[DirectoryService]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_management module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_management.DirectoryServiceManagement(user_login_attribute=None, user_object_class=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(user_login_attribute=None, user_object_class=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • user_login_attribute (str) – User login attribute in the structure of the configured LDAP servers. Typically the attribute field that holds the user’s unique login name. Defaults to sAMAccountName for Active Directory servers, or uid for all other directory server types.

  • user_object_class (str) – Value of the object class for a management LDAP user. Defaults to User for Active Directory servers, posixAccount or shadowAccount for OpenLDAP servers dependent on the server’s group type, or person for all other directory servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'user_login_attribute': 'user_login_attribute', 'user_object_class': 'user_object_class'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'user_login_attribute': 'str', 'user_object_class': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_nfs module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_nfs.DirectoryServiceNfs(nis_domains=None, nis_servers=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(nis_domains=None, nis_servers=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • nis_domains (list[str]) – NIS domains to search.

  • nis_servers (list[str]) – A list of the IP addresses or hostnames of NIS servers to search.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'nis_domains': 'nis_domains', 'nis_servers': 'nis_servers'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'nis_domains': 'list[str]', 'nis_servers': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_response.DirectoryServiceResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[DirectoryService]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[DirectoryService]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_role module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_role.DirectoryServiceRole(role=None, id=None, group=None, group_base=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(role=None, id=None, group=None, group_base=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • role (Reference) – A reference to the role; can be any role that exists on the system.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • group (str) – Common Name (CN) of the directory service group containing users with authority level of the specified role name.

  • group_base (str) – Specifies where the configured group is located in the directory tree.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'group': 'group', 'group_base': 'group_base', 'id': 'id', 'role': 'role'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'group': 'str', 'group_base': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'role': 'Reference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_roles_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_roles_get_response.DirectoryServiceRolesGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[DirectoryServiceRole]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[DirectoryServiceRole]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_roles_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_roles_response.DirectoryServiceRolesResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[DirectoryServiceRole]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[DirectoryServiceRole]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_smb module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.directory_service_smb.DirectoryServiceSmb(join_ou=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

join_ou (str) – Optional organizational unit where the machine account for the directory service will be created.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'join_ou': 'join_ou'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'join_ou': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns.Dns(name=None, id=None, domain=None, nameservers=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, domain=None, nameservers=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • domain (str) – Domain suffix to be appended by the Array when performing DNS lookups.

  • nameservers (list[str]) – List of DNS server IP addresses.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'domain': 'domain', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'nameservers': 'nameservers'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'domain': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'nameservers': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns_get_response.DnsGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Dns]) – A list of dns objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Dns]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.dns_response.DnsResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Dns]) – A list of dns objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Dns]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class, id=None, details=None, raw_capacity=None, progress=None, status=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, details=None, raw_capacity=None, progress=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • details (str) – Details about the status of the drive if not healthy.

  • raw_capacity (int) –

  • progress (float) – Reflects this drive’s current progress toward completing a planned evacuation. If a planned evacuation is not occurring, the value will be null.

  • status (str) – Current status of the drive. Valid values are evacuated, evacuating, healthy, unhealthy, unused, and updating.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'details': 'details', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'progress': 'progress', 'raw_capacity': 'raw_capacity', 'status': 'status'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'details': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'progress': 'float', 'raw_capacity': 'int', 'status': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.drive_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.drive_get_response.DriveGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, total=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, total=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • total (object) –

  • items (list[Drive]) – A list of drive objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Drive]', 'total': 'object', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula.Eula(agreement=None, signature=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(agreement=None, signature=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • agreement (str) – End User Agreement text.

  • signature (EulaSignature) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'agreement': 'agreement', 'signature': 'signature'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'agreement': 'str', 'signature': 'EulaSignature'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_get_response.EulaGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Eula]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Eula]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_response.EulaResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Eula]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Eula]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_signature module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.eula_signature.EulaSignature(name=None, title=None, company=None, accepted=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, title=None, company=None, accepted=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the person who accepted the End User Agreement.

  • title (str) – Title of the person who accepted the End User Agreement.

  • company (str) – Company of the person who accepted the End User Agreement.

  • accepted (int) – Accepted time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'accepted': 'accepted', 'company': 'company', 'name': 'name', 'title': 'title'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'accepted': 'int', 'company': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'title': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_info module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_info.FileInfo(name=None, length=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, length=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • length (int) – Length of the file (in bytes).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'length': 'length', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'length': 'int', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock.FileLock(name=None, client=None, source=None, path=None, inode=None, range=None, created_at=None, access_type=None, protocol=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, client=None, source=None, path=None, inode=None, range=None, created_at=None, access_type=None, protocol=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • client (FixedReferenceNoId) – Reference to the file system client that holds the lock.

  • source (FixedReference) – Reference to location where the path/inode can be found.

  • path (str) – Path to the file where the lock is found relative to source. If it is longer than 1023 characters, it will be truncated and only the last 1023 characters will be returned. If multiple hard links exist to the file on which the lock is held, only one is returned. This field will be null if the path cannot be resolved.

  • inode (int) – The inode of the file where the lock is found relative to the specified source.

  • range (FileLockRange) –

  • created_at (int) – Creation timestamp of the lock. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • access_type (str) – Type of access the lock provides. Valid values are shared, exclusive and no-access.

  • protocol (str) – The protocol utilized for obtaining and managing the lock. Valid values include NLM, NFSv4.1 and SMB.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_type': 'access_type', 'client': 'client', 'created_at': 'created_at', 'inode': 'inode', 'name': 'name', 'path': 'path', 'protocol': 'protocol', 'range': 'range', 'source': 'source'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_type': 'str', 'client': 'FixedReferenceNoId', 'created_at': 'int', 'inode': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'path': 'str', 'protocol': 'str', 'range': 'FileLockRange', 'source': 'FixedReference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_get_response.FileLockGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileLock]) – A list of file locks.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileLock]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_nlm_reclamation_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_nlm_reclamation_response.FileLockNlmReclamationResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileSystemLockNlmReclamation]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemLockNlmReclamation]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_range module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_range.FileLockRange(offset=None, length=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(offset=None, length=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • offset (int) –

  • length (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'length': 'length', 'offset': 'offset'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'length': 'int', 'offset': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_lock_response.FileLockResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileLock]) – A list of file locks.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileLock]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system.FileSystem(name=None, id=None, created=None, default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, destroyed=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, promotion_status=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, writable=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, created=None, default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, destroyed=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, promotion_status=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, writable=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the file system.

  • default_group_quota (int) – The default space quota for a group writing to this file system.

  • default_user_quota (int) – The default space quota for a user writing to this file system.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the file system has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The file system cannot be modified while it is in the destroyed state. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed file system is permanently eradicated. Once eradication has begun, the file system can no longer be recovered. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed file system can be recovered through the PATCH method by setting destroyed=false.

  • fast_remove_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system, when mounted, will contain a directory that can be used for fast removal of other directories. Directories can be moved into the fast remove directory in order to have them deleted, and their space freed, more quickly than a normal removal operation.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system’s size, as defined by provisioned, is used as a hard limit quota.

  • http (Http) – HTTP configuration.

  • multi_protocol (MultiProtocol) – Multi-protocol configuration.

  • nfs (Nfs) – NFS configuration.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of the file system, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the file system is unlimited in size.

  • promotion_status (str) – Possible values are promoted and demoted. The current status of the file system with respect to replication. Changes via requested_promotion_state. The default for new file systems is promoted.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Possible values are promoted and demoted. The demoted state is used for replication targets and is only allowed to be set if the file system is in a replica-link relationship. The additional query param discard-non-snapshotted-data must be set to true when demoting a file system. The default for new file systems is promoted.

  • smb (Smb) – SMB configuration.

  • snapshot_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, a hidden .snapshot directory will be present in each directory of the file system when it is mounted. The .snapshot directory allows clients read access to the contents of the snapshots that have been taken of a directory. If set to false, the .snapshot directory will not be present in any directories within a mounted file system.

  • source (LocationReference) – A reference to the source file system.

  • space (Space) – The space usage of the file system.

  • time_remaining (int) – Time in milliseconds before the file system is eradicated. null if not destroyed.

  • writable (bool) – Whether the file system is writable or not. If false, this overrides any protocol or file permission settings and prevents changes. If true, then the protocol and file permission settings are evaluated. If not specified, defaults to true. Modifiable.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'created': 'created', 'default_group_quota': 'default_group_quota', 'default_user_quota': 'default_user_quota', 'destroyed': 'destroyed', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'fast_remove_directory_enabled', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'http': 'http', 'id': 'id', 'multi_protocol': 'multi_protocol', 'name': 'name', 'nfs': 'nfs', 'promotion_status': 'promotion_status', 'provisioned': 'provisioned', 'requested_promotion_state': 'requested_promotion_state', 'smb': 'smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'snapshot_directory_enabled', 'source': 'source', 'space': 'space', 'time_remaining': 'time_remaining', 'writable': 'writable'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'created': 'int', 'default_group_quota': 'int', 'default_user_quota': 'int', 'destroyed': 'bool', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'http': 'Http', 'id': 'str', 'multi_protocol': 'MultiProtocol', 'name': 'str', 'nfs': 'Nfs', 'promotion_status': 'str', 'provisioned': 'int', 'requested_promotion_state': 'str', 'smb': 'Smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'source': 'LocationReference', 'space': 'Space', 'time_remaining': 'int', 'writable': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_client module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_client.FileSystemClient(name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_clients_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_clients_get_response.FileSystemClientsGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileSystemClient]) – A list of file system clients.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileSystemClient]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_clients_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_clients_response.FileSystemClientsResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileSystemClient]) – A list of file system clients.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemClient]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_get_response.FileSystemGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileSystem]) – A list of file system objects.

  • total (FileSystem) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileSystem]', 'total': 'FileSystem', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_group_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_group_performance.FileSystemGroupPerformance(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, file_system=None, group=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, file_system=None, group=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • bytes_per_op (float) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (float) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (float) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • file_system (FixedReference) – The file system on which the performance was measured.

  • group (Group) – The group whose performance is represented.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write request.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'file_system': 'file_system', 'group': 'group', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'float', 'bytes_per_read': 'float', 'bytes_per_write': 'float', 'file_system': 'FixedReference', 'group': 'Group', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_groups_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_groups_performance_get_response.FileSystemGroupsPerformanceGetResponse(items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items', 'total': 'total'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemGroupPerformance]', 'total': 'list[FileSystemGroupPerformance]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_lock_nlm_reclamation module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_lock_nlm_reclamation.FileSystemLockNlmReclamation(start=None, end=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(start=None, end=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • start (int) – Start time of the NLM reclamation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end (int) – End time of the NLM reclamation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'end': 'end', 'start': 'start'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'end': 'int', 'start': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_patch.FileSystemPatch(name=None, id=None, created=None, default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, destroyed=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, promotion_status=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, writable=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, created=None, default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, destroyed=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, promotion_status=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, writable=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the file system.

  • default_group_quota (int) – The default space quota for a group writing to this file system.

  • default_user_quota (int) – The default space quota for a user writing to this file system.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the file system has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The file system cannot be modified while it is in the destroyed state. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed file system is permanently eradicated. Once eradication has begun, the file system can no longer be recovered. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed file system can be recovered through the PATCH method by setting destroyed=false.

  • fast_remove_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system, when mounted, will contain a directory that can be used for fast removal of other directories. Directories can be moved into the fast remove directory in order to have them deleted, and their space freed, more quickly than a normal removal operation.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system’s size, as defined by provisioned, is used as a hard limit quota.

  • http (Http) – HTTP configuration.

  • multi_protocol (MultiProtocol) – Multi-protocol configuration.

  • nfs (NfsPatch) – NFS configuration.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of the file system, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the file system is unlimited in size.

  • promotion_status (str) – Possible values are promoted and demoted. The current status of the file system with respect to replication. Changes via requested_promotion_state. The default for new file systems is promoted.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Possible values are promoted and demoted. The demoted state is used for replication targets and is only allowed to be set if the file system is in a replica-link relationship. The additional query param discard-non-snapshotted-data must be set to true when demoting a file system. The default for new file systems is promoted.

  • smb (Smb) – SMB configuration.

  • snapshot_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, a hidden .snapshot directory will be present in each directory of the file system when it is mounted. The .snapshot directory allows clients read access to the contents of the snapshots that have been taken of a directory. If set to false, the .snapshot directory will not be present in any directories within a mounted file system.

  • source (FixedLocationReference) – A reference to the source file system.

  • space (Space) – The space usage of the file system.

  • time_remaining (int) – Time in milliseconds before the file system is eradicated. null if not destroyed.

  • writable (bool) – Whether the file system is writable or not. If false, this overrides any protocol or file permission settings and prevents changes. If true, then the protocol and file permission settings are evaluated. If not specified, defaults to true. Modifiable.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'created': 'created', 'default_group_quota': 'default_group_quota', 'default_user_quota': 'default_user_quota', 'destroyed': 'destroyed', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'fast_remove_directory_enabled', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'http': 'http', 'id': 'id', 'multi_protocol': 'multi_protocol', 'name': 'name', 'nfs': 'nfs', 'promotion_status': 'promotion_status', 'provisioned': 'provisioned', 'requested_promotion_state': 'requested_promotion_state', 'smb': 'smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'snapshot_directory_enabled', 'source': 'source', 'space': 'space', 'time_remaining': 'time_remaining', 'writable': 'writable'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'created': 'int', 'default_group_quota': 'int', 'default_user_quota': 'int', 'destroyed': 'bool', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'http': 'Http', 'id': 'str', 'multi_protocol': 'MultiProtocol', 'name': 'str', 'nfs': 'NfsPatch', 'promotion_status': 'str', 'provisioned': 'int', 'requested_promotion_state': 'str', 'smb': 'Smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'source': 'FixedLocationReference', 'space': 'Space', 'time_remaining': 'int', 'writable': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_performance.FileSystemPerformance(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • bytes_per_op (float) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (float) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (float) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write request.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'float', 'bytes_per_read': 'float', 'bytes_per_write': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_performance_get_response.FileSystemPerformanceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileSystemPerformance]) – A list of file system performance objects.

  • total (list[FileSystemPerformance]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileSystemPerformance]', 'total': 'list[FileSystemPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_post.FileSystemPost(default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, writable=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_group_quota=None, default_user_quota=None, fast_remove_directory_enabled=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, http=None, multi_protocol=None, nfs=None, provisioned=None, requested_promotion_state=None, smb=None, snapshot_directory_enabled=None, source=None, writable=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_group_quota (int) – The default space quota for a group writing to this file system.

  • default_user_quota (int) – The default space quota for a user writing to this file system.

  • fast_remove_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system, when mounted, will contain a directory that can be used for fast removal of other directories. Directories can be moved into the fast remove directory in order to have them deleted, and their space freed, more quickly than a normal removal operation. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the file system’s size, as defined by provisioned, is used as a hard limit quota. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • http (Http) – HTTP configuration.

  • multi_protocol (MultiProtocolPost) – Multi-protocol configuration.

  • nfs (Nfs) – NFS configuration.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of the file system, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the file system is unlimited in size. If not specified, defaults to unlimited.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Possible values are promoted and demoted. The demoted state is used for replication targets and is only allowed to be set if the file system is in a replica-link relationship. The additional query param discard-non-snapshotted-data must be set to true when demoting a file system. The default for new file systems is promoted.

  • smb (Smb) – SMB configuration.

  • snapshot_directory_enabled (bool) – If set to true, a hidden .snapshot directory will be present in each directory of the file system when it is mounted. The .snapshot directory allows clients read access to the contents of the snapshots that have been taken of a directory. If set to false, the .snapshot directory will not be present in any directories within a mounted file system. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • source (Reference) – The source snapshot whose data is copied to the file system specified.

  • writable (bool) – Whether the file system is writable or not. If false, this overrides any protocol or file permission settings and prevents changes. If true, then the protocol and file permission settings are evaluated. If not specified, defaults to true. Modifiable.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'default_group_quota': 'default_group_quota', 'default_user_quota': 'default_user_quota', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'fast_remove_directory_enabled', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'http': 'http', 'multi_protocol': 'multi_protocol', 'nfs': 'nfs', 'provisioned': 'provisioned', 'requested_promotion_state': 'requested_promotion_state', 'smb': 'smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'snapshot_directory_enabled', 'source': 'source', 'writable': 'writable'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'default_group_quota': 'int', 'default_user_quota': 'int', 'fast_remove_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'http': 'Http', 'multi_protocol': 'MultiProtocolPost', 'nfs': 'Nfs', 'provisioned': 'int', 'requested_promotion_state': 'str', 'smb': 'Smb', 'snapshot_directory_enabled': 'bool', 'source': 'Reference', 'writable': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_response.FileSystemResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileSystem]) – A list of file system objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystem]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot.FileSystemSnapshot(name=None, id=None, created=None, destroyed=None, owner=None, owner_destroyed=None, policy=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, created=None, destroyed=None, owner=None, owner_destroyed=None, policy=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.

  • destroyed (bool) – Is the file system snapshot destroyed? If not specified, defaults to false.

  • owner (FixedReference) – A reference to the file system that owns this snapshot. If the owner is destroyed, this will be destroyed.

  • owner_destroyed (bool) – Is the owning file system destroyed?

  • policy (FixedLocationReference) – A reference to the associated policy.

  • source (FixedLocationReference) – A reference to the file system that was the source of the data in this snapshot. Normally this is the same as the owner, but if the snapshot is replicated, the source is the original file system.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix of the snapshot, e.g., snap1.

  • time_remaining (int) – Time in milliseconds before the file system snapshot is eradicated. null if not destroyed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'created': 'created', 'destroyed': 'destroyed', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'owner': 'owner', 'owner_destroyed': 'owner_destroyed', 'policy': 'policy', 'source': 'source', 'suffix': 'suffix', 'time_remaining': 'time_remaining'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'created': 'int', 'destroyed': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'owner': 'FixedReference', 'owner_destroyed': 'bool', 'policy': 'FixedLocationReference', 'source': 'FixedLocationReference', 'suffix': 'str', 'time_remaining': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_get_response.FileSystemSnapshotGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileSystemSnapshot]) – A list of file system snapshot objects.

  • total (FileSystemSnapshot) – If total_only query param is true, then it will be a total of all records after filtering and no items will be returned. If total_only is false, then it will be a total of all records on this page.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileSystemSnapshot]', 'total': 'FileSystemSnapshot', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_get_transfer_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_get_transfer_response.FileSystemSnapshotGetTransferResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[FileSystemSnapshotTransfer]) – A list of file system snapshot objects.

  • total (FileSystemSnapshotTransfer) – If total_only query param is true, then it will be a total of all records after filtering and no items will be returned. If total_only is false, then it will be a total of all records on this page.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[FileSystemSnapshotTransfer]', 'total': 'FileSystemSnapshotTransfer', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_post.FileSystemSnapshotPost(suffix=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

suffix (str) – The suffix of the snapshot, e.g., snap1.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'suffix': 'suffix'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'suffix': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_response.FileSystemSnapshotResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileSystemSnapshot]) – A list of file system snapshot objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemSnapshot]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_transfer module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_transfer.FileSystemSnapshotTransfer(name=None, id=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, direction=None, progress=None, remote=None, remote_snapshot=None, started=None, status=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, direction=None, progress=None, remote=None, remote_snapshot=None, started=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • completed (int) – A timestamp at which the replication of the snapshot completed.

  • data_transferred (int) – The amount of data transferred to the target, in bytes.

  • direction (Direction) –

  • progress (float) – A percentage that indicates how much progress has been made on the transfer.

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – The array where the remote file system snapshot is located.

  • remote_snapshot (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – A reference to the associated remote file system snapshot.

  • started (int) – A timestamp at which the replication of the snapshot started.

  • status (str) – The status of current replication. Valid values are completed, in-progress, and queued.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'completed': 'completed', 'data_transferred': 'data_transferred', 'direction': 'direction', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'progress': 'progress', 'remote': 'remote', 'remote_snapshot': 'remote_snapshot', 'started': 'started', 'status': 'status'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'completed': 'int', 'data_transferred': 'int', 'direction': 'Direction', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'progress': 'float', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'remote_snapshot': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'started': 'int', 'status': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_transfer_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_snapshot_transfer_response.FileSystemSnapshotTransferResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[FileSystemSnapshotTransfer]) – A list of file system snapshot objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemSnapshotTransfer]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_user_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_user_performance.FileSystemUserPerformance(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, file_system=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, user=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, file_system=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, user=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • bytes_per_op (float) – Average operation size (read bytes+write bytes/read ops+write ops).

  • bytes_per_read (float) – Average read size in bytes per read operation.

  • bytes_per_write (float) – Average write size in bytes per write operation.

  • file_system (FixedReference) – The file system on which the performance was measured.

  • others_per_sec (float) – Other operations processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (float) – Read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process other operations.

  • usec_per_read_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a read request.

  • usec_per_write_op (float) – Average time, measured in microseconds, it takes the array to process a write request.

  • user (User) – The user whose performance is represented.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (float) – Bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (float) – Write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_per_op': 'bytes_per_op', 'bytes_per_read': 'bytes_per_read', 'bytes_per_write': 'bytes_per_write', 'file_system': 'file_system', 'name': 'name', 'others_per_sec': 'others_per_sec', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'read_bytes_per_sec', 'reads_per_sec': 'reads_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'usec_per_other_op': 'usec_per_other_op', 'usec_per_read_op': 'usec_per_read_op', 'usec_per_write_op': 'usec_per_write_op', 'user': 'user', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'write_bytes_per_sec', 'writes_per_sec': 'writes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_per_op': 'float', 'bytes_per_read': 'float', 'bytes_per_write': 'float', 'file_system': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'others_per_sec': 'float', 'read_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'reads_per_sec': 'float', 'time': 'int', 'usec_per_other_op': 'float', 'usec_per_read_op': 'float', 'usec_per_write_op': 'float', 'user': 'User', 'write_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'writes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_users_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.file_system_users_performance_get_response.FileSystemUsersPerformanceGetResponse(items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items', 'total': 'total'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[FileSystemUserPerformance]', 'total': 'list[FileSystemUserPerformance]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_location_reference module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_location_reference.FixedLocationReference(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, location=None, display_name=None, is_local=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, location=None, display_name=None, is_local=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) –

  • resource_type (ResourceType) –

  • location (FixedReference) – A reference to the location where the object is defined.

  • display_name (str) – Full name of the source with remote array information. Response will be same as source name for local file systems and policies.

  • is_local (bool) – -> Is the location reference to the local array or somewhere remote?


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'display_name': 'display_name', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'display_name': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference.FixedReference(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) –

  • resource_type (ResourceType) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_name_only module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_name_only.FixedReferenceNameOnly(name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_no_id module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_no_id.FixedReferenceNoId(name=None, resource_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_no_resource_type module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_no_resource_type.FixedReferenceNoResourceType(id=None, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_with_remote module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.fixed_reference_with_remote.FixedReferenceWithRemote(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, remote=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, remote=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) –

  • resource_type (ResourceType) –

  • remote (FixedReferenceNoResourceType) – The remote field of the corresponding array connection.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'remote': 'remote', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'remote': 'FixedReferenceNoResourceType', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – The numeric group id that represents the group’s identity in a POSIX system.

  • name (str) – The group name that represents the group’s identity, and which resolves to the group’s id in a configured directory service.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'int', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota.GroupQuota(name=None, file_system=None, file_system_default_quota=None, group=None, quota=None, usage=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, file_system=None, file_system_default_quota=None, group=None, quota=None, usage=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • file_system (FixedReference) –

  • file_system_default_quota (int) – File system’s default group quota (in bytes). If it is 0, it means there is no default quota. This will be the effective group quota if the group doesn’t have an individual quota. This default quota is set through the file-systems endpoint.

  • group (Group) – The group on which this quota is enforced.

  • quota (int) – The space limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified group, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default group quota.

  • usage (int) – The usage of the file system (in bytes) by the specified group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'file_system': 'file_system', 'file_system_default_quota': 'file_system_default_quota', 'group': 'group', 'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota', 'usage': 'usage'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'file_system': 'FixedReference', 'file_system_default_quota': 'int', 'group': 'Group', 'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int', 'usage': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_get_response.GroupQuotaGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[GroupQuota]) – A list of quota objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[GroupQuota]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_patch.GroupQuotaPatch(quota, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(quota, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • quota (int, required) – The space limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified group, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default group quota.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota'}
required_args = {'quota'}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_post.GroupQuotaPost(quota, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(quota, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • quota (int, required) – The space limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified group, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default group quota.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota'}
required_args = {'quota'}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.group_quota_response.GroupQuotaResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[GroupQuota]) – A list of quota objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[GroupQuota]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware.Hardware(name=None, id=None, details=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None, model=None, serial=None, slot=None, speed=None, status=None, temperature=None, type=None, part_number=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, details=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None, model=None, serial=None, slot=None, speed=None, status=None, temperature=None, type=None, part_number=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • details (str) – Details about the status of the component if not healthy.

  • identify_enabled (bool) – State of an LED used to visually identify the component.

  • index (int) – Number that identifies the relative position of a hardware component within the array.

  • model (str) – Model number of the hardware component.

  • serial (str) – Serial number of the hardware component.

  • slot (int) – Slot number occupied by the PCI Express card that hosts the component.

  • speed (int) – The maximum speed (in b/s) at which the component is capable of operating.

  • status (str) – Component status. Valid values are critical, healthy, identifying, unhealthy, unknown, and unused.

  • temperature (int) – Temperature (in degrees celsius) reported by the component.

  • type (str) – Type of hardware component. Valid values are bay, ch, eth, fan, fb, fm, pwr, and xfm.

  • part_number (str) – Part number of the hardware component.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'details': 'details', 'id': 'id', 'identify_enabled': 'identify_enabled', 'index': 'index', 'model': 'model', 'name': 'name', 'part_number': 'part_number', 'serial': 'serial', 'slot': 'slot', 'speed': 'speed', 'status': 'status', 'temperature': 'temperature', 'type': 'type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'details': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'identify_enabled': 'bool', 'index': 'int', 'model': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'part_number': 'str', 'serial': 'str', 'slot': 'int', 'speed': 'int', 'status': 'str', 'temperature': 'int', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector.HardwareConnector(name=None, id=None, connector_type=None, lane_speed=None, port_count=None, transceiver_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, connector_type=None, lane_speed=None, port_count=None, transceiver_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • connector_type (str) – Form-factor of the interface. Valid values include QSFP and RJ-45.

  • lane_speed (int) – Configured speed of each lane in the connector in bits-per-second.

  • port_count (int) – Configured number of ports in the connector (1/4 for QSFP).

  • transceiver_type (str) – Details about the transceiver which is plugged into the connector port. Transceiver type will be read-only for pureuser. If nothing is plugged into QSFP port, value will be Unused and type cannot be auto-detected, and internal user has not specified a type - value will be Unknown. If transceiver is plugged in, and type is auto-detected, and/or type has been explicitly set by internal user - that value will be shown. Transceiver type is not applicable for RJ-45 connectors.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'connector_type': 'connector_type', 'id': 'id', 'lane_speed': 'lane_speed', 'name': 'name', 'port_count': 'port_count', 'transceiver_type': 'transceiver_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'connector_type': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'lane_speed': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'port_count': 'int', 'transceiver_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_get_response.HardwareConnectorGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[HardwareConnector]) – A list of connector objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[HardwareConnector]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_performance.HardwareConnectorPerformance(name=None, id=None, link_aggregation_group=None, other_errors_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frame_errors_per_sec=None, received_packets_per_sec=None, time=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_packets_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, link_aggregation_group=None, other_errors_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frame_errors_per_sec=None, received_packets_per_sec=None, time=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_packets_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • link_aggregation_group (FixedReference) – The link aggregation group which this entity belongs to.

  • other_errors_per_sec (int) – The sum of unspecified reception and transmission errors per second.

  • received_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes received per second.

  • received_crc_errors_per_sec (int) – Reception CRC errors per second.

  • received_frame_errors_per_sec (int) – Received packet frame errors per second.

  • received_packets_per_sec (int) – Packets received per second.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • total_errors_per_sec (int) – The sum of all reception and transmission errors per second.

  • transmitted_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes transmitted per second.

  • transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec (int) – Transmission carrier errors per second.

  • transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec (int) – Transmitted packets dropped per second.

  • transmitted_packets_per_sec (int) – Packets transmitted per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'link_aggregation_group': 'link_aggregation_group', 'name': 'name', 'other_errors_per_sec': 'other_errors_per_sec', 'received_bytes_per_sec': 'received_bytes_per_sec', 'received_crc_errors_per_sec': 'received_crc_errors_per_sec', 'received_frame_errors_per_sec': 'received_frame_errors_per_sec', 'received_packets_per_sec': 'received_packets_per_sec', 'time': 'time', 'total_errors_per_sec': 'total_errors_per_sec', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec', 'transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec': 'transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec', 'transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec': 'transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec', 'transmitted_packets_per_sec': 'transmitted_packets_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'link_aggregation_group': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'other_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'received_bytes_per_sec': 'int', 'received_crc_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'received_frame_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'received_packets_per_sec': 'int', 'time': 'int', 'total_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'int', 'transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec': 'int', 'transmitted_packets_per_sec': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_performance_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_performance_get_response.HardwareConnectorPerformanceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[HardwareConnectorPerformance]) – A list of hardware connector performance objects.

  • total (list[HardwareConnectorPerformance]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no individual items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[HardwareConnectorPerformance]', 'total': 'list[HardwareConnectorPerformance]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_connector_response.HardwareConnectorResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[HardwareConnector]) – A list of connector objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[HardwareConnector]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_get_response.HardwareGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Hardware]) – A list of hardware component objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Hardware]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.hardware_response.HardwareResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Hardware]) – A list of hardware component objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Hardware]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.http module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.http.Http(enabled=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – Is the protocol enabled? If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.inline_response400 module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.inline_response400.InlineResponse400(error=None, error_description=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(error=None, error_description=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • error (str) –

  • error_description (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'error': 'error', 'error_description': 'error_description'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'error': 'str', 'error_description': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.inline_response401 module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.inline_response401.InlineResponse401(error=None, error_description=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(error=None, error_description=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • error (str) –

  • error_description (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'error': 'error', 'error_description': 'error_description'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'error': 'str', 'error_description': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab.Keytab(name=None, id=None, encryption_type=None, fqdn=None, kvno=None, prefix=None, principal=None, realm=None, source=None, suffix=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, encryption_type=None, fqdn=None, kvno=None, prefix=None, principal=None, realm=None, source=None, suffix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • encryption_type (str) – The encryption type used by the Kerberos key distribution center to generate the keytab.

  • fqdn (str) – The fully qualified domain name to which the keytab was issued.

  • kvno (int) – The key version number of the key used to generate the keytab.

  • prefix (str) – The prefix in the name of the keytab object. This is the same for all keytab objects created from a single keytab file. The name of a keytab entry is created in the format <prefix>.<suffix> for all entries.

  • principal (str) – The service name for which the keytab was issued.

  • realm (str) – The Kerberos realm that issued the keytab.

  • source (FixedReference) – A reference to the Active Directory configuration for the computer account that was used to create this keytab. If this keytab was uploaded from a file, all fields in the reference possess null values.

  • suffix (int) – The suffix in the name of the keytab object, determined at creation time using the slot number of the keytab entry in a file and the number of existing entries with the same prefix. The name of a keytab entry is created in the format <prefix>.<suffix> for all entries.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'encryption_type': 'encryption_type', 'fqdn': 'fqdn', 'id': 'id', 'kvno': 'kvno', 'name': 'name', 'prefix': 'prefix', 'principal': 'principal', 'realm': 'realm', 'source': 'source', 'suffix': 'suffix'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'encryption_type': 'str', 'fqdn': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'kvno': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'prefix': 'str', 'principal': 'str', 'realm': 'str', 'source': 'FixedReference', 'suffix': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_base64 module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_base64.KeytabFileBase64

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal


Keyword args:


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_binary module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_binary.KeytabFileBinary

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal


Keyword args:


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_file_response.KeytabFileResponse

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal


Keyword args:


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_get_response.KeytabGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Keytab]) – A list of Kerberos keytab objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Keytab]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_post.KeytabPost(source=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

source (Reference) – A reference to the Active Directory configuration for the computer account whose keys will be rotated in order to create new keytabs for all of its registered service principal names.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'source': 'source'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'source': 'Reference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.keytab_response.KeytabResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Keytab]) – A list of Kerberos keytab objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Keytab]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.kmip_server module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.kmip_server.KmipServer(name=None, id=None, uris=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, uris=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured KMIP servers in the format [protocol://]hostname:port.

  • ca_certificate (Reference) – CA certificate used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.

  • ca_certificate_group (Reference) – A certificate group containing CA certificates that can be used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'ca_certificate': 'ca_certificate', 'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'uris': 'uris'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'ca_certificate': 'Reference', 'ca_certificate_group': 'Reference', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'uris': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.kmip_server_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.kmip_server_response.KmipServerResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[KmipServer]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[KmipServer]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule.LifecycleRule(name=None, id=None, abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, bucket=None, enabled=None, rule_id=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None, cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, bucket=None, enabled=None, rule_id=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None, cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after (int) – Duration of time after which incomplete multipart uploads will be aborted. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_for (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_until (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds, time since epoch. Must be a valid date, accurate to day.

  • bucket (FixedReference) – The bucket which this lifecycle rule is targeting.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, this rule will be enabled.

  • rule_id (str) – Unique identifier for the rule. Can have a maximum length of 255 characters.

  • keep_previous_version_for (int) – Time after which previous versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • prefix (str) – Object key prefix identifying one or more objects in the bucket. Can have a maximum length of 1024 characters.

  • cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker (bool) – Returns a value of true if the expired object delete markers will be removed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after', 'bucket': 'bucket', 'cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker': 'cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'keep_current_version_for': 'keep_current_version_for', 'keep_current_version_until': 'keep_current_version_until', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'keep_previous_version_for', 'name': 'name', 'prefix': 'prefix', 'rule_id': 'rule_id'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'int', 'bucket': 'FixedReference', 'cleanup_expired_object_delete_marker': 'bool', 'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'keep_current_version_for': 'int', 'keep_current_version_until': 'int', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'prefix': 'str', 'rule_id': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_config_extension module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_config_extension.LifecycleRuleConfigExtension(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after (int) – Duration of time after which incomplete multipart uploads will be aborted. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_for (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_until (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds, time since epoch. Must be a valid date, accurate to day.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after', 'keep_current_version_for': 'keep_current_version_for', 'keep_current_version_until': 'keep_current_version_until'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'int', 'keep_current_version_for': 'int', 'keep_current_version_until': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_get_response.LifecycleRuleGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[LifecycleRule]) – A list of lifecycle rule objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[LifecycleRule]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_patch.LifecycleRulePatch(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, enabled=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, enabled=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after (int) – Duration of time after which incomplete multipart uploads will be aborted. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_for (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_until (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds, time since epoch. Must be a valid date, accurate to day.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, this rule will be enabled.

  • keep_previous_version_for (int) – Time after which previous versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • prefix (str) – Object key prefix identifying one or more objects in the bucket. Can have a maximum length of 1024 characters.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'keep_current_version_for': 'keep_current_version_for', 'keep_current_version_until': 'keep_current_version_until', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'keep_previous_version_for', 'prefix': 'prefix'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'int', 'enabled': 'bool', 'keep_current_version_for': 'int', 'keep_current_version_until': 'int', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'int', 'prefix': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_post.LifecycleRulePost(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, bucket=None, rule_id=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after=None, keep_current_version_for=None, keep_current_version_until=None, bucket=None, rule_id=None, keep_previous_version_for=None, prefix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after (int) – Duration of time after which incomplete multipart uploads will be aborted. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_for (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • keep_current_version_until (int) – Time after which current versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds, time since epoch. Must be a valid date, accurate to day.

  • bucket (ReferenceWritable) – The bucket name for lifecycle rule creation.

  • rule_id (str) – Identifier for the rule that is unique to the bucket that it applies to. Can have a maximum length of 255 characters. If not specified, an id unique to the bucket will be generated in the format fbRuleId<number> where number increments, starting at 1.

  • keep_previous_version_for (int) – Time after which previous versions will be marked expired. Measured in milliseconds. Must be a multiple of 86400000 to represent a whole number of days.

  • prefix (str) – Object key prefix identifying one or more objects in the bucket. Can have a maximum length of 1024 characters.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after', 'bucket': 'bucket', 'keep_current_version_for': 'keep_current_version_for', 'keep_current_version_until': 'keep_current_version_until', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'keep_previous_version_for', 'prefix': 'prefix', 'rule_id': 'rule_id'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'abort_incomplete_multipart_uploads_after': 'int', 'bucket': 'ReferenceWritable', 'keep_current_version_for': 'int', 'keep_current_version_until': 'int', 'keep_previous_version_for': 'int', 'prefix': 'str', 'rule_id': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.lifecycle_rule_response.LifecycleRuleResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[LifecycleRule]) – A list of lifecycle rule objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[LifecycleRule]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.linkaggregationgroup module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.linkaggregationgroup.Linkaggregationgroup(ports=None, add_ports=None, remove_ports=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ports=None, add_ports=None, remove_ports=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'add_ports': 'add_ports', 'ports': 'ports', 'remove_ports': 'remove_ports'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'add_ports': 'list[FixedReference]', 'ports': 'list[FixedReference]', 'remove_ports': 'list[FixedReference]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.location_reference module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.location_reference.LocationReference(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, location=None, display_name=None, is_local=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None, location=None, display_name=None, is_local=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • resource_type (ResourceType) –

  • location (Reference) – A reference to the location where the object is defined.

  • display_name (str) – Full name of the source with remote array information. Response will be same as source name for local file systems and policies.

  • is_local (bool) – -> Is the location reference to the local array or somewhere remote?


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'display_name': 'display_name', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'display_name': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'Reference', 'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.login module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.login.Login(username=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

username (str) – The username of the user.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'username': 'username'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'username': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.login_banner_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.login_banner_get_response.LoginBannerGetResponse(login_banner=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

login_banner (str) – The string to show as login banner.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'login_banner': 'login_banner'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'login_banner': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async.LogsAsync(name=None, id=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, last_request_time=None, processing=None, progress=None, hardware_components=None, available_files=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, last_request_time=None, processing=None, progress=None, hardware_components=None, available_files=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • start_time (int) – When the time window starts (in milliseconds since epoch). start_time and end_time determine the number of hours for which the logs are prepared for. At most 6 hours of logs can be prepared in one request. start_time and end_time are truncated to hour boundaries.

  • end_time (int) – When the time window ends (in milliseconds since epoch). start_time and end_time determine the number of hours for which the logs are prepared for. At most 6 hours of logs can be prepared in one request. start_time and end_time are truncated to hour boundaries.

  • last_request_time (int) – The last time log preparation was requested (in milliseconds since epoch).

  • processing (bool) – Returns a value of true if the logs are being prepared.

  • progress (float) – A representation of log preparation progress. Ranges from 0 to 1.0.

  • hardware_components (list[FixedReference]) – All of the hardware components for which logs are being processed.

  • available_files (list[FileInfo]) – All of the available files ready for download.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'available_files': 'available_files', 'end_time': 'end_time', 'hardware_components': 'hardware_components', 'id': 'id', 'last_request_time': 'last_request_time', 'name': 'name', 'processing': 'processing', 'progress': 'progress', 'start_time': 'start_time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'available_files': 'list[FileInfo]', 'end_time': 'int', 'hardware_components': 'list[FixedReference]', 'id': 'str', 'last_request_time': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'processing': 'bool', 'progress': 'float', 'start_time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async_get_response.LogsAsyncGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[LogsAsync]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[LogsAsync]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.logs_async_response.LogsAsyncResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[LogsAsync]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[LogsAsync]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.member module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.member.Member(member=None, group=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(member=None, group=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • member (Reference) – A reference to an object that is a member of the referenced group.

  • group (Reference) – A reference to a group object that has the referenced member object as a member.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'group': 'group', 'member': 'member'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'group': 'Reference', 'member': 'Reference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.multi_protocol module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.multi_protocol.MultiProtocol(access_control_style=None, safeguard_acls=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_control_style=None, safeguard_acls=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_control_style (str) – The access control style that is utilized for client actions such as setting file and directory ACLs. Possible values include nfs, smb, shared, independent, and mode-bits. If nfs is specified, then SMB clients will be unable to set permissions on files and directories. If smb is specified, then NFS clients will be unable to set permissions on files and directories. If shared is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories. Any client will be able to overwrite the permissions set by another client, regardless of protocol. If independent is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories, and can access files and directories created over any protocol. Permissions set by SMB clients will not affect NFS clients and vice versa. NFS clients will be restricted to only using mode bits to set permissions. If mode-bits is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories, but only mode bits may be used to set permissions for NFS clients. When SMB clients set an ACL, it will be converted to have the same permission granularity as NFS mode bits.

  • safeguard_acls (bool) – If set to true, prevents NFS clients from erasing a configured ACL when setting NFS mode bits. If this is true, then attempts to set mode bits on a file or directory will fail if they cannot be combined with the existing ACL set on a file or directory without erasing the ACL. Attempts to set mode bits that would not erase an existing ACL will still succeed and the mode bit changes will be merged with the existing ACL. This must be false when access_control_style is set to either independent or mode-bits.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_control_style': 'access_control_style', 'safeguard_acls': 'safeguard_acls'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_control_style': 'str', 'safeguard_acls': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.multi_protocol_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.multi_protocol_post.MultiProtocolPost(access_control_style=None, safeguard_acls=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_control_style=None, safeguard_acls=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_control_style (str) – The access control style that is utilized for client actions such as setting file and directory ACLs. Possible values include nfs, smb, shared, independent, and mode-bits. If nfs is specified, then SMB clients will be unable to set permissions on files and directories. If smb is specified, then NFS clients will be unable to set permissions on files and directories. If shared is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories. Any client will be able to overwrite the permissions set by another client, regardless of protocol. If independent is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories, and can access files and directories created over any protocol. Permissions set by SMB clients will not affect NFS clients and vice versa. NFS clients will be restricted to only using mode bits to set permissions. If mode-bits is specified, then NFS and SMB clients will both be able to set permissions on files and directories, but only mode bits may be used to set permissions for NFS clients. When SMB clients set an ACL, it will be converted to have the same permission granularity as NFS mode bits. Defaults to shared.

  • safeguard_acls (bool) – If set to true, prevents NFS clients from erasing a configured ACL when setting NFS mode bits. If this is true, then attempts to set mode bits on a file or directory will fail if they cannot be combined with the existing ACL set on a file or directory without erasing the ACL. Attempts to set mode bits that would not erase an existing ACL will still succeed and the mode bit changes will be merged with the existing ACL. This must be false when access_control_style is set to either independent or mode-bits. Defaults to true.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_control_style': 'access_control_style', 'safeguard_acls': 'safeguard_acls'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_control_style': 'str', 'safeguard_acls': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface.NetworkInterface(name=None, id=None, address=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, services=None, subnet=None, type=None, vlan=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, address=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, services=None, subnet=None, type=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • address (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified network interface.

  • enabled (bool) – Indicates if the specified network interface is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If not specified, defaults to true.

  • gateway (str) – Derived from subnet.gateway.

  • mtu (int) – Derived from subnet.mtu.

  • netmask (str) – Derived from subnet.prefix.

  • services (list[str]) – Services and protocols that are enabled on the interface.

  • subnet (object) –

  • type (str) – The only valid value is vip.

  • vlan (int) – Derived from subnet.vlan.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'address': 'address', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'gateway': 'gateway', 'id': 'id', 'mtu': 'mtu', 'name': 'name', 'netmask': 'netmask', 'services': 'services', 'subnet': 'subnet', 'type': 'type', 'vlan': 'vlan'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'address': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'gateway': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'mtu': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'netmask': 'str', 'services': 'list[str]', 'subnet': 'object', 'type': 'str', 'vlan': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_get_response.NetworkInterfaceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[NetworkInterface]) – A list of network interface objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[NetworkInterface]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_patch.NetworkInterfacePatch(address=None, services=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(address=None, services=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • address (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified network interface.

  • services (list[str]) – Services and protocols that are enabled on the interface.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'address': 'address', 'services': 'services'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'address': 'str', 'services': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping.NetworkInterfacePing(source=None, destination=None, component_name=None, details=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(source=None, destination=None, component_name=None, details=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • source (str) – The address where the check starts. Can be a subnet or IP inside the subnet.

  • destination (str) – The destination address or hostname provided in the request that the operation is run against.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the check.

  • details (str) – Giant text block that contains raw output of the operation and a client needs to parse.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'component_name': 'component_name', 'destination': 'destination', 'details': 'details', 'source': 'source'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'component_name': 'str', 'destination': 'str', 'details': 'str', 'source': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping_get_response.NetworkInterfacePingGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[NetworkInterfacePing]) – A list of network ping run result.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[NetworkInterfacePing]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_ping_response.NetworkInterfacePingResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[NetworkInterfacePing]) – A list of network ping run result.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[NetworkInterfacePing]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_response.NetworkInterfaceResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[NetworkInterface]) – A list of network interface objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[NetworkInterface]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace.NetworkInterfaceTrace(source=None, destination=None, component_name=None, details=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(source=None, destination=None, component_name=None, details=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • source (str) – The address where the check starts. Can be a subnet or IP inside the subnet.

  • destination (str) – The destination address or hostname provided in the request that the operation is run against.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the check.

  • details (str) – Giant text block that contains raw output of the operation and a client needs to parse.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'component_name': 'component_name', 'destination': 'destination', 'details': 'details', 'source': 'source'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'component_name': 'str', 'destination': 'str', 'details': 'str', 'source': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace_get_response.NetworkInterfaceTraceGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[NetworkInterfaceTrace]) – A list of network trace run result.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[NetworkInterfaceTrace]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.network_interface_trace_response.NetworkInterfaceTraceResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[NetworkInterfaceTrace]) – A list of network trace run result.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[NetworkInterfaceTrace]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs.Nfs(v3_enabled=None, v4_1_enabled=None, rules=None, export_policy=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(v3_enabled=None, v4_1_enabled=None, rules=None, export_policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • v3_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the NFSv3 protocol will be enabled.

  • v4_1_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the NFSv4.1 protocol will be enabled.

  • rules (str) – The NFS export rules for the system. Either the export_policy or rules will control the NFS export functionality for the file system. If this is set, then the policy field will be cleared. Both export_policy and rules can not be set in the same request. Rules can be applied to an individual client or a range of clients specified by IP address (ip_address(options)), netmask (ip_address/length(options)), or netgroup (@groupname(options)). Possible export options include rw, ro, fileid_32bit, no_fileid_32bit, anonuid, anongid, root_squash, no_root_squash, all_squash, no_all_squash, secure, insecure, atime, noatime, and sec. If not specified, defaults to *(rw,no_root_squash).

  • export_policy (ReferenceWritable) – The NFS export policy for the system. Either the export_policy or rules will control the NFS export functionality for the file system. If this is set, then the rules field will be cleared. Both export_policy and rules can not be set in the same request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'export_policy': 'export_policy', 'rules': 'rules', 'v3_enabled': 'v3_enabled', 'v4_1_enabled': 'v4_1_enabled'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'export_policy': 'ReferenceWritable', 'rules': 'str', 'v3_enabled': 'bool', 'v4_1_enabled': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy.NfsExportPolicy(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, version=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.

  • rules (list[NfsExportPolicyRuleInPolicy]) – All of the rules that are part of this policy. The order is the evaluation order.

  • version (str) – A hash of the other properties of this resource. This can be used when updating the resource to ensure there aren’t any updates since the resource was read.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type', 'rules': 'rules', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str', 'rules': 'list[NfsExportPolicyRuleInPolicy]', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_get_response.NfsExportPolicyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[NfsExportPolicy]) – A list of NFS export policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[NfsExportPolicy]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_post.NfsExportPolicyPost(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.

  • rules (list[NfsExportPolicyRuleInPolicy]) – All of the rules that are part of this policy. The order is the evaluation order.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type', 'rules': 'rules'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str', 'rules': 'list[NfsExportPolicyRuleInPolicy]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_response.NfsExportPolicyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[NfsExportPolicy]) – A list of NFS export policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[NfsExportPolicy]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule.NfsExportPolicyRule(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None, index=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None, index=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • access (str) – Specifies access control for the export. Valid values are root-squash, all-squash, and no-squash. root-squash prevents client users and groups with root privilege from mapping their root privilege to a file system. All users with UID 0 will have their UID mapped to anonuid. All users with GID 0 will have their GID mapped to anongid. all-squash maps all UIDs (including root) to anonuid and all GIDs (including root) to anongid. no-squash allows users and groups to access the file system with their UIDs and GIDs. The default is root-squash if not specified.

  • anongid (str) – Any user whose GID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their GID mapped to anongid. The default anongid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • anonuid (str) – Any user whose UID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their UID mapped to anonuid. The default anonuid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • atime (bool) – If true, after a read operation has occurred, the inode access time is updated only if any of the following conditions is true: the previous access time is less than the inode modify time, the previous access time is less than the inode change time, or the previous access time is more than 24 hours ago. If false, disables the update of inode access times after read operations. Defaults to true.

  • client (str) – Specifies the clients that will be permitted to access the export. Accepted notation is a single IP address, subnet in CIDR notation, netgroup, or anonymous (*). The default is * if not specified.

  • fileid_32bit (bool) – Whether the file id is 32 bits or not. Defaults to false.

  • policy (FixedReference) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • policy_version (str) – The policy’s version. This can be used when updating the resource to ensure there aren’t any updates to the policy since the resource was read.

  • permission (str) – Specifies which read-write client access permissions are allowed for the export. Valid values are rw and ro. The default is ro if not specified.

  • secure (bool) – If true, prevents NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. If false, allows NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. The default is false if not specified.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. If sys, trusts the client to specify user’s identity. If krb5, provides cryptographic proof of a user’s identity in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required in order to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, adds integrity checking to krb5, to ensure the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, adds integrity checking and encryption to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead. The default is sys if not specified.

  • index (int) – The index within the policy. The index indicates the order the rules are evaluated. NOTE: It is recommended to use the query param before_rule_id to do reordering to avoid concurrency issues, but changing index is also supported. index can not be changed if before_rule_id or before_rule_name are specified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access': 'access', 'anongid': 'anongid', 'anonuid': 'anonuid', 'atime': 'atime', 'client': 'client', 'fileid_32bit': 'fileid_32bit', 'id': 'id', 'index': 'index', 'name': 'name', 'permission': 'permission', 'policy': 'policy', 'policy_version': 'policy_version', 'secure': 'secure', 'security': 'security'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access': 'str', 'anongid': 'str', 'anonuid': 'str', 'atime': 'bool', 'client': 'str', 'fileid_32bit': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'index': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'permission': 'str', 'policy': 'FixedReference', 'policy_version': 'str', 'secure': 'bool', 'security': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_base module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_base.NfsExportPolicyRuleBase(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • access (str) – Specifies access control for the export. Valid values are root-squash, all-squash, and no-squash. root-squash prevents client users and groups with root privilege from mapping their root privilege to a file system. All users with UID 0 will have their UID mapped to anonuid. All users with GID 0 will have their GID mapped to anongid. all-squash maps all UIDs (including root) to anonuid and all GIDs (including root) to anongid. no-squash allows users and groups to access the file system with their UIDs and GIDs. The default is root-squash if not specified.

  • anongid (str) – Any user whose GID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their GID mapped to anongid. The default anongid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • anonuid (str) – Any user whose UID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their UID mapped to anonuid. The default anonuid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • atime (bool) – If true, after a read operation has occurred, the inode access time is updated only if any of the following conditions is true: the previous access time is less than the inode modify time, the previous access time is less than the inode change time, or the previous access time is more than 24 hours ago. If false, disables the update of inode access times after read operations. Defaults to true.

  • client (str) – Specifies the clients that will be permitted to access the export. Accepted notation is a single IP address, subnet in CIDR notation, netgroup, or anonymous (*). The default is * if not specified.

  • fileid_32bit (bool) – Whether the file id is 32 bits or not. Defaults to false.

  • policy (FixedReference) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • policy_version (str) – The policy’s version. This can be used when updating the resource to ensure there aren’t any updates to the policy since the resource was read.

  • permission (str) – Specifies which read-write client access permissions are allowed for the export. Valid values are rw and ro. The default is ro if not specified.

  • secure (bool) – If true, prevents NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. If false, allows NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. The default is false if not specified.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. If sys, trusts the client to specify user’s identity. If krb5, provides cryptographic proof of a user’s identity in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required in order to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, adds integrity checking to krb5, to ensure the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, adds integrity checking and encryption to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead. The default is sys if not specified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access': 'access', 'anongid': 'anongid', 'anonuid': 'anonuid', 'atime': 'atime', 'client': 'client', 'fileid_32bit': 'fileid_32bit', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'permission': 'permission', 'policy': 'policy', 'policy_version': 'policy_version', 'secure': 'secure', 'security': 'security'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access': 'str', 'anongid': 'str', 'anonuid': 'str', 'atime': 'bool', 'client': 'str', 'fileid_32bit': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'permission': 'str', 'policy': 'FixedReference', 'policy_version': 'str', 'secure': 'bool', 'security': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_get_response.NfsExportPolicyRuleGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[NfsExportPolicyRule]) – Displays a list of all items after filtering.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[NfsExportPolicyRule]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_in_policy module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_in_policy.NfsExportPolicyRuleInPolicy(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None, index=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, atime=None, client=None, fileid_32bit=None, policy=None, policy_version=None, permission=None, secure=None, security=None, index=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • access (str) – Specifies access control for the export. Valid values are root-squash, all-squash, and no-squash. root-squash prevents client users and groups with root privilege from mapping their root privilege to a file system. All users with UID 0 will have their UID mapped to anonuid. All users with GID 0 will have their GID mapped to anongid. all-squash maps all UIDs (including root) to anonuid and all GIDs (including root) to anongid. no-squash allows users and groups to access the file system with their UIDs and GIDs. The default is root-squash if not specified.

  • anongid (str) – Any user whose GID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their GID mapped to anongid. The default anongid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • anonuid (str) – Any user whose UID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their UID mapped to anonuid. The default anonuid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • atime (bool) – If true, after a read operation has occurred, the inode access time is updated only if any of the following conditions is true: the previous access time is less than the inode modify time, the previous access time is less than the inode change time, or the previous access time is more than 24 hours ago. If false, disables the update of inode access times after read operations. Defaults to true.

  • client (str) – Specifies the clients that will be permitted to access the export. Accepted notation is a single IP address, subnet in CIDR notation, netgroup, or anonymous (*). The default is * if not specified.

  • fileid_32bit (bool) – Whether the file id is 32 bits or not. Defaults to false.

  • policy (FixedReference) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • policy_version (str) – The policy’s version. This can be used when updating the resource to ensure there aren’t any updates to the policy since the resource was read.

  • permission (str) – Specifies which read-write client access permissions are allowed for the export. Valid values are rw and ro. The default is ro if not specified.

  • secure (bool) – If true, prevents NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. If false, allows NFS access to client connections coming from non-reserved ports. Applies to NFSv3, NFSv4.1, and auxiliary protocols MOUNT and NLM. The default is false if not specified.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. If sys, trusts the client to specify user’s identity. If krb5, provides cryptographic proof of a user’s identity in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required in order to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, adds integrity checking to krb5, to ensure the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, adds integrity checking and encryption to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead. The default is sys if not specified.

  • index (int) – The index within the policy. The index indicates the order the rules are evaluated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access': 'access', 'anongid': 'anongid', 'anonuid': 'anonuid', 'atime': 'atime', 'client': 'client', 'fileid_32bit': 'fileid_32bit', 'id': 'id', 'index': 'index', 'name': 'name', 'permission': 'permission', 'policy': 'policy', 'policy_version': 'policy_version', 'secure': 'secure', 'security': 'security'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access': 'str', 'anongid': 'str', 'anonuid': 'str', 'atime': 'bool', 'client': 'str', 'fileid_32bit': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'index': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'permission': 'str', 'policy': 'FixedReference', 'policy_version': 'str', 'secure': 'bool', 'security': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_export_policy_rule_response.NfsExportPolicyRuleResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[NfsExportPolicyRule]) – Displays a list of all items after filtering.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[NfsExportPolicyRule]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.nfs_patch.NfsPatch(v3_enabled=None, v4_1_enabled=None, rules=None, export_policy=None, add_rules=None, remove_rules=None, after=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(v3_enabled=None, v4_1_enabled=None, rules=None, export_policy=None, add_rules=None, remove_rules=None, after=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • v3_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the NFSv3 protocol will be enabled.

  • v4_1_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the NFSv4.1 protocol will be enabled.

  • rules (str) – The NFS export rules for the system. Either the export_policy or rules will control the NFS export functionality for the file system. If this is set, then the policy field will be cleared. Both export_policy and rules can not be set in the same request. Rules can be applied to an individual client or a range of clients specified by IP address (ip_address(options)), netmask (ip_address/length(options)), or netgroup (@groupname(options)). Possible export options include rw, ro, fileid_32bit, no_fileid_32bit, anonuid, anongid, root_squash, no_root_squash, all_squash, no_all_squash, secure, insecure, atime, noatime, and sec. If not specified, defaults to *(rw,no_root_squash).

  • export_policy (ReferenceWritable) – The NFS export policy for the system. Either the export_policy or rules will control the NFS export functionality for the file system. If this is set, then the rules field will be cleared. Both export_policy and rules can not be set in the same request.

  • add_rules (str) – The rules which will be added to the existing NFS export rules for the file system. If export_policy is in use and and this field is set, the operation will fail.

  • remove_rules (str) – The rules which will be removed from the existing NFS export rules for the file system. Only the first occurrence of the remove_rules will be removed. If export_policy is in use and and this field is set, the operation will fail.

  • after (str) – The after field can be used with add_rules or remove_rules or both. If used with add_rules, then the add_rules string will be inserted after the first occurrence of the after string. If used with remove_rules, then remove the first occurrence of remove_rules after the first occurrence of the after string. The remove_rules will be processed before the add_rules.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'add_rules': 'add_rules', 'after': 'after', 'export_policy': 'export_policy', 'remove_rules': 'remove_rules', 'rules': 'rules', 'v3_enabled': 'v3_enabled', 'v4_1_enabled': 'v4_1_enabled'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'add_rules': 'str', 'after': 'str', 'export_policy': 'ReferenceWritable', 'remove_rules': 'str', 'rules': 'str', 'v3_enabled': 'bool', 'v4_1_enabled': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.oauth_token_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.oauth_token_response.OauthTokenResponse(access_token=None, issued_token_type=None, token_type=None, expires_in=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_token=None, issued_token_type=None, token_type=None, expires_in=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_token (str) – The serialized OAuth 2.0 Bearer token used to perform authenticated requests. The access token must be added to the Authorization header of all API calls.

  • issued_token_type (str) – The type of token that is issued. The Pure Storage REST API supports OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

  • token_type (str) – Indicates how the API client can use the access token issued. The Pure Storage REST API supports the Bearer token.

  • expires_in (int) – The duration after which the access token will expire. Measured in seconds. This differs from other duration fields that are expressed in milliseconds.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_token': 'access_token', 'expires_in': 'expires_in', 'issued_token_type': 'issued_token_type', 'token_type': 'token_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_token': 'str', 'expires_in': 'int', 'issued_token_type': 'str', 'token_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_backlog module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_backlog.ObjectBacklog(bytes_count=None, delete_ops_count=None, other_ops_count=None, put_ops_count=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_count=None, delete_ops_count=None, other_ops_count=None, put_ops_count=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_count (int) – The size of the objects in bytes that need to be replicated. This does not include the size of custom metadata.

  • delete_ops_count (int) – The number of DELETE operations that need to be replicated.

  • other_ops_count (int) – The number of other operations that need to be replicated.

  • put_ops_count (int) – The number of PUT operations that need to be replicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bytes_count': 'bytes_count', 'delete_ops_count': 'delete_ops_count', 'other_ops_count': 'other_ops_count', 'put_ops_count': 'put_ops_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bytes_count': 'int', 'delete_ops_count': 'int', 'other_ops_count': 'int', 'put_ops_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_base module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_base.ObjectLockConfigBase(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_retention_mode (str) – The retention mode used to apply locks on new objects if none is specified by the S3 client. Valid values include compliance and governance. If there is no default, this value is null. Use “” to clear.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, then S3 APIs relating to object lock may be used.

  • freeze_locked_objects (bool) – If set to true, a locked object will be read-only and no new versions of the object may be created due to modifications. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'default_retention_mode': 'default_retention_mode', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'freeze_locked_objects'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'default_retention_mode': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_request_body module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_request_body.ObjectLockConfigRequestBody(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None, default_retention=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None, default_retention=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_retention_mode (str) – The retention mode used to apply locks on new objects if none is specified by the S3 client. Valid values include compliance and governance. If there is no default, this value is null. Use “” to clear.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, then S3 APIs relating to object lock may be used.

  • freeze_locked_objects (bool) – If set to true, a locked object will be read-only and no new versions of the object may be created due to modifications. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • default_retention (str) – The retention period, in milliseconds, used to apply locks on new objects if none is specified by the S3 client. Valid values are any multiple of 86400000 (1 day), up to 3153600000000 (36500 days). If there is no default, this value is null. Use “” to clear.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'default_retention': 'default_retention', 'default_retention_mode': 'default_retention_mode', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'freeze_locked_objects'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'default_retention': 'str', 'default_retention_mode': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_lock_config_response.ObjectLockConfigResponse(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None, default_retention=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_retention_mode=None, enabled=None, freeze_locked_objects=None, default_retention=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_retention_mode (str) – The retention mode used to apply locks on new objects if none is specified by the S3 client. Valid values include compliance and governance. If there is no default, this value is null. Use “” to clear.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, then S3 APIs relating to object lock may be used.

  • freeze_locked_objects (bool) – If set to true, a locked object will be read-only and no new versions of the object may be created due to modifications. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • default_retention (int) – The retention period, in milliseconds, used to apply locks on new objects if none is specified by the S3 client. Valid values are any multiple of 86400000 (1 day), up to 3153600000000 (36500 days). If there is no default, this value is null.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'default_retention': 'default_retention', 'default_retention_mode': 'default_retention_mode', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'freeze_locked_objects'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'default_retention': 'int', 'default_retention_mode': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'freeze_locked_objects': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key.ObjectStoreAccessKey(name=None, created=None, enabled=None, secret_access_key=None, user=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, created=None, enabled=None, secret_access_key=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.

  • enabled (bool) – Is the access key enabled? If not specified, defaults to false.

  • secret_access_key (str) – The secret access key, only populated on creation if it is not imported from another FlashBlade.

  • user (FixedReference) – Reference of the associated user.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'created': 'created', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'name': 'name', 'secret_access_key': 'secret_access_key', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'created': 'int', 'enabled': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'secret_access_key': 'str', 'user': 'FixedReference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_get_response.ObjectStoreAccessKeyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreAccessKey]) – A list of object store access key objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessKey]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_post.ObjectStoreAccessKeyPost(user=None, secret_access_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(user=None, secret_access_key=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • user (object) –

  • secret_access_key (str) – The secret access key to import from another FlashBlade. To import a set of credentials, this field must be specified with the names query parameter. If both of these not specified, the system will generate a new set of credentials.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'secret_access_key': 'secret_access_key', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'secret_access_key': 'str', 'user': 'object'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_key_response.ObjectStoreAccessKeyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreAccessKey]) – A list of object store access key objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessKey]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy.ObjectStoreAccessPolicy(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, account=None, arn=None, created=None, description=None, rules=None, updated=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, account=None, arn=None, created=None, description=None, rules=None, updated=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.

  • account (FixedReference) – Reference of the associated account. If the policy is not associated with an account, all fields in the reference possess null values.

  • arn (str) – Amazon Resource Name of the policy. Used when referencing the policy via S3 APIs.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.

  • description (str) – A description of the policy, optionally specified when the policy is created. Cannot be modified for an existing policy.

  • rules (list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]) –

  • updated (int) – The last updated timestamp of the object.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'account': 'account', 'arn': 'arn', 'created': 'created', 'description': 'description', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type', 'rules': 'rules', 'updated': 'updated'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'account': 'FixedReference', 'arn': 'str', 'created': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str', 'rules': 'list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]', 'updated': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyAction(name=None, description=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, description=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • description (str) – A description of the action.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'description': 'description', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'description': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action_get_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyActionGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicyAction]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicyAction]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_action_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyActionResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicyAction]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicyAction]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_get_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicy]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicy]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_patch.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyPatch(rules=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyRuleObjectAccessBulkManage]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'rules': 'rules'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'rules': 'list[PolicyRuleObjectAccessBulkManage]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_post.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyPost(rules=None, description=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(rules=None, description=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • rules (list[PolicyRuleObjectAccessBulkManage]) –

  • description (str) – A description of the policy, optionally specified when the policy is created. Cannot be modified for an existing policy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'description': 'description', 'rules': 'rules'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'description': 'str', 'rules': 'list[PolicyRuleObjectAccessBulkManage]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicy]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccessPolicy]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_rule_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_rule_get_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyRuleGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_rule_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_access_policy_rule_response.ObjectStoreAccessPolicyRuleResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[PolicyRuleObjectAccess]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account.ObjectStoreAccount(name=None, id=None, created=None, object_count=None, space=None, bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, created=None, object_count=None, space=None, bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.

  • object_count (int) – The count of objects within the account.

  • space (object) – The space specification of the object store account.

  • bucket_defaults (BucketDefaultsReadonly) – Default settings to be applied to newly created buckets associated with this account. Values here will be used in bucket creation requests which do not specify their own values for corresponding fields.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the account’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the account, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the account has a value set for quota_limit.

  • quota_limit (int) – The effective quota limit applied against the size of the account, displayed in bytes. If unset, the account is unlimited in size.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bucket_defaults': 'bucket_defaults', 'created': 'created', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'object_count': 'object_count', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit', 'space': 'space'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bucket_defaults': 'BucketDefaultsReadonly', 'created': 'int', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'object_count': 'int', 'quota_limit': 'int', 'space': 'object'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_get_response.ObjectStoreAccountGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreAccount]) – A list of object store account objects.

  • total (ObjectStoreAccount) – If total_only query param is true, then this field will be a total of all records after filtering and no items will be returned. If total_only is false, then it will be a total of all records on this page.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccount]', 'total': 'ObjectStoreAccount', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_patch.ObjectStoreAccountPatch(bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bucket_defaults (BucketDefaults) – Default settings to be applied to newly created buckets associated with this account. Values here will be used in bucket creation requests which do not specify their own values for corresponding fields.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the account’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the account, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the account has a value set for quota_limit.

  • quota_limit (str) – The effective quota limit to be applied against the size of the account, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the account is unlimited in size.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bucket_defaults': 'bucket_defaults', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bucket_defaults': 'BucketDefaults', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'quota_limit': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_post.ObjectStoreAccountPost(bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bucket_defaults=None, hard_limit_enabled=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bucket_defaults (BucketDefaults) – Default settings to be applied to newly created buckets associated with this account. Values here will be used in bucket creation requests which do not specify their own values for corresponding fields.

  • hard_limit_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the account’s size, as defined by quota_limit, is used as a hard limit quota. If set to false, a hard limit quota will not be applied to the account, but soft quota alerts will still be sent if the account has a value set for quota_limit. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • quota_limit (str) – The effective quota limit to be applied against the size of the account, displayed in bytes. If set to an empty string (“”), the account is unlimited in size. If not specified, defaults to unlimited.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'bucket_defaults': 'bucket_defaults', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'hard_limit_enabled', 'quota_limit': 'quota_limit'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'bucket_defaults': 'BucketDefaults', 'hard_limit_enabled': 'bool', 'quota_limit': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_account_response.ObjectStoreAccountResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreAccount]) – A list of object store account objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreAccount]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credential_get_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credential_get_resp.ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialGetResp(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials]) – A list of object store remote credentials.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials.ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials(name=None, id=None, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, remote=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, remote=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • access_key_id (str) – Access Key ID to be used when connecting to a remote object store.

  • secret_access_key (str) – Secret Access Key to be used when connecting to a remote object store.

  • remote (FixedReference) – Reference to the associated remote, which can either be a target or remote array. If it is an array, then the resource-type field will not be populated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_key_id': 'access_key_id', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'remote': 'remote', 'secret_access_key': 'secret_access_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_key_id': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'remote': 'FixedReference', 'secret_access_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials_post.ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsPost(access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_key_id (str) – Access Key ID to be used when connecting to a remote object store.

  • secret_access_key (str) – Secret Access Key to be used when connecting to a remote object store.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_key_id': 'access_key_id', 'secret_access_key': 'secret_access_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_key_id': 'str', 'secret_access_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials_resp module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_remote_credentials_resp.ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsResp(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials]) – A list of object store remote credentials.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user.ObjectStoreUser(name=None, id=None, account=None, access_keys=None, created=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, account=None, access_keys=None, created=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • account (FixedReference) – Reference of the associated account.

  • access_keys (list[FixedReference]) – References of the user’s access keys.

  • created (int) – Creation timestamp of the object.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'access_keys': 'access_keys', 'account': 'account', 'created': 'created', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'access_keys': 'list[FixedReference]', 'account': 'FixedReference', 'created': 'int', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user_get_response.ObjectStoreUserGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreUser]) – A list of object store user objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreUser]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_user_response.ObjectStoreUserResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreUser]) – A list of object store user objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreUser]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host.ObjectStoreVirtualHost(name=None, id=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A hostname by which the array can be addressed for virtual hosted-style S3 requests.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host_get_response.ObjectStoreVirtualHostGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ObjectStoreVirtualHost]) – A list of object store virtual host objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ObjectStoreVirtualHost]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.object_store_virtual_host_response.ObjectStoreVirtualHostResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[ObjectStoreVirtualHost]) – A list of object store virtual host objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[ObjectStoreVirtualHost]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.page_info module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.page_info.PageInfo(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.permission module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.permission.Permission(action=None, resource_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(action=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • action (str) – The action that the user can perform on the resource_type. Typical values include get, patch, post, and delete. Values can also be finer grained.

  • resource_type (str) – The resource_type that this permission affects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'action': 'action', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'action': 'str', 'resource_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy.Policy(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, retention_lock=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, retention_lock=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.

  • rules (list[PolicyRule]) –

  • retention_lock (str) – If retention lock is locked, then the the policy can not be removed from the associated file systems and the rules may not be changed. Valid values are locked and unlocked. Contact Pure Technical Services to change locked to unlocked.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type', 'retention_lock': 'retention_lock', 'rules': 'rules'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str', 'retention_lock': 'str', 'rules': 'list[PolicyRule]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base.PolicyBase(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_get_response.PolicyBaseGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[PolicyBase]) – A list of basic policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[PolicyBase]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_renameable module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_renameable.PolicyBaseRenameable(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_base_response.PolicyBaseResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[PolicyBase]) – A list of basic policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[PolicyBase]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot.PolicyFileSystemSnapshot(policy=None, member=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(policy=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'member': 'member', 'policy': 'policy'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'member': 'FixedReference', 'policy': 'LocationReference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot_get_response.PolicyFileSystemSnapshotGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[PolicyFileSystemSnapshot]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[PolicyFileSystemSnapshot]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_file_system_snapshot_response.PolicyFileSystemSnapshotResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[PolicyFileSystemSnapshot]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[PolicyFileSystemSnapshot]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_get_response.PolicyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Policy]) – A list of policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Policy]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member.PolicyMember(policy=None, member=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(policy=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'member': 'member', 'policy': 'policy'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'member': 'FixedReference', 'policy': 'FixedReference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_get_response.PolicyMemberGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[PolicyMember]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[PolicyMember]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_response.PolicyMemberResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[PolicyMember]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[PolicyMember]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote.PolicyMemberWithRemote(policy=None, member=None, link=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(policy=None, member=None, link=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • policy (LocationReference) – Reference to the policy.

  • member (FixedReference) – Reference to the resource the policy is applied to.

  • link (MemberLink) – Only populated if the member is a file system replica link. Contains additional information about the link.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'link': 'link', 'member': 'member', 'policy': 'policy'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'link': 'MemberLink', 'member': 'FixedReference', 'policy': 'LocationReference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote_get_response.PolicyMemberWithRemoteGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[PolicyMemberWithRemote]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[PolicyMemberWithRemote]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_member_with_remote_response.PolicyMemberWithRemoteResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[PolicyMemberWithRemote]) – A list of members for policies.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[PolicyMemberWithRemote]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_patch.PolicyPatch(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, retention_lock=None, add_rules=None, remove_rules=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, is_local=None, location=None, policy_type=None, rules=None, retention_lock=None, add_rules=None, remove_rules=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the policy is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • is_local (bool) – Whether the policy is defined on the local array.

  • location (FixedReference) – Reference to the array where the policy is defined.

  • policy_type (str) – Type of the policy. Valid values are nfs, object-access and snapshot.

  • rules (list[PolicyRule]) –

  • retention_lock (str) – If retention lock is locked, then the the policy can not be removed from the associated file systems and the rules may not be changed. Valid values are locked and unlocked. Contact Pure Technical Services to change locked to unlocked.

  • add_rules (list[PolicyRule]) –

  • remove_rules (list[PolicyRule]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'add_rules': 'add_rules', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'id': 'id', 'is_local': 'is_local', 'location': 'location', 'name': 'name', 'policy_type': 'policy_type', 'remove_rules': 'remove_rules', 'retention_lock': 'retention_lock', 'rules': 'rules'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'add_rules': 'list[PolicyRule]', 'enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'is_local': 'bool', 'location': 'FixedReference', 'name': 'str', 'policy_type': 'str', 'remove_rules': 'list[PolicyRule]', 'retention_lock': 'str', 'rules': 'list[PolicyRule]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_response.PolicyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Policy]) – A list of policy objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Policy]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule.PolicyRule(at=None, every=None, keep_for=None, time_zone=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(at=None, every=None, keep_for=None, time_zone=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • at (int) – Time during the day to take the snapshot (using array time zone), only valid if ‘every’ is in days.

  • every (int) – How often to take snapshots.

  • keep_for (int) – The time to keep the snapshots for.

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone to use with the at time.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'at': 'at', 'every': 'every', 'keep_for': 'keep_for', 'time_zone': 'time_zone'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'at': 'int', 'every': 'int', 'keep_for': 'int', 'time_zone': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access.PolicyRuleObjectAccess(name=None, actions=None, conditions=None, effect=None, policy=None, resources=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, actions=None, conditions=None, effect=None, policy=None, resources=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • actions (list[str]) – The list of actions granted by this rule. Each included action may restrict other properties of the rule. Supported actions are returned by the /object-store-access-policy-actions endpoint.

  • conditions (PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition) – Conditions used to limit the scope which this rule applies to.

  • effect (str) – Effect of this rule. When allow, the rule allows the given actions to be performed on the given resources, subject to the given conditions. Valid values include allow.

  • policy (FixedReference) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • resources (list[str]) – The list of resources which this rule applies to. Each resource can include a bucket component, optionally followed by an object component. The choice of which components a resource can include is dictated by which actions are included in the rule. For further details, see the Object Store Access Policy Actions section of the User Guide.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'actions': 'actions', 'conditions': 'conditions', 'effect': 'effect', 'name': 'name', 'policy': 'policy', 'resources': 'resources'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'actions': 'list[str]', 'conditions': 'PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition', 'effect': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'policy': 'FixedReference', 'resources': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_bulk_manage module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_bulk_manage.PolicyRuleObjectAccessBulkManage(actions=None, conditions=None, resources=None, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(actions=None, conditions=None, resources=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • actions (list[str]) – The list of actions granted by this rule. Each included action may restrict other properties of the rule. Supported actions are returned by the /object-store-access-policy-actions endpoint.

  • conditions (PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition) – Conditions used to limit the scope which this rule applies to.

  • resources (list[str]) – The list of resources which this rule applies to. Each resource can include a bucket component, optionally followed by an object component. The choice of which components a resource can include is dictated by which actions are included in the rule. For further details, see the Object Store Access Policy Actions section of the User Guide.

  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'actions': 'actions', 'conditions': 'conditions', 'name': 'name', 'resources': 'resources'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'actions': 'list[str]', 'conditions': 'PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition', 'name': 'str', 'resources': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_condition module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_condition.PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition(source_ips=None, s3_delimiters=None, s3_prefixes=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(source_ips=None, s3_delimiters=None, s3_prefixes=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • source_ips (list[str]) – If specified, the rule will apply only to requests matching at least one provided IP address or subnet. Each entry must be in standard CIDR format (including an IP address without an associated routing prefix). Can be used with any action.

  • s3_delimiters (list[str]) – If specified, groups result objects by the specified delimiter. Only top-level groupings will be returned. Can be used with the s3:ListBucket and s3:ListBucketVersions actions.

  • s3_prefixes (list[str]) – If specified, restricts access and results based on the prefix of the relevant objects. Can be used with the s3:ListBucket and s3:ListBucketVersions actions.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'s3_delimiters': 's3_delimiters', 's3_prefixes': 's3_prefixes', 'source_ips': 'source_ips'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'s3_delimiters': 'list[str]', 's3_prefixes': 'list[str]', 'source_ips': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.policy_rule_object_access_post.PolicyRuleObjectAccessPost(actions=None, conditions=None, resources=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(actions=None, conditions=None, resources=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • actions (list[str]) – The list of actions granted by this rule. Each included action may restrict other properties of the rule. Supported actions are returned by the /object-store-access-policy-actions endpoint.

  • conditions (PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition) – Conditions used to limit the scope which this rule applies to.

  • resources (list[str]) – The list of resources which this rule applies to. Each resource can include a bucket component, optionally followed by an object component. The choice of which components a resource can include is dictated by which actions are included in the rule. For further details, see the Object Store Access Policy Actions section of the User Guide.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'actions': 'actions', 'conditions': 'conditions', 'resources': 'resources'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'actions': 'list[str]', 'conditions': 'PolicyRuleObjectAccessCondition', 'resources': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting.QuotaSetting(name=None, id=None, contact=None, direct_notifications_enabled=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, contact=None, direct_notifications_enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • contact (str) – The contact information that will be provided in any notifications sent directly to users and groups. This can be an email, a phone number, a name, or some other form of contact information.

  • direct_notifications_enabled (bool) – Are notifications regarding space usage and quotas being sent directly to user and group emails?


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'contact': 'contact', 'direct_notifications_enabled': 'direct_notifications_enabled', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'contact': 'str', 'direct_notifications_enabled': 'bool', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting_get_response.QuotaSettingGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[QuotaSetting]) – A list of quota settings objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[QuotaSetting]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.quota_setting_response.QuotaSettingResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[QuotaSetting]) – A list of quota settings objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[QuotaSetting]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.rapid_data_locking module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.rapid_data_locking.RapidDataLocking(enabled=None, kmip_server=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, kmip_server=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – True if the Rapid Data Locking feature is enabled.

  • kmip_server (Reference) – The KMIP server configuration associated with RDL.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'kmip_server': 'kmip_server'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'kmip_server': 'Reference'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.rapid_data_locking_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.rapid_data_locking_response.RapidDataLockingResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[RapidDataLocking]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[RapidDataLocking]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.reference module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.reference.Reference(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • resource_type (ResourceType) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'ResourceType'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.reference_writable module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.reference_writable.ReferenceWritable(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • resource_type (str) – Type of the object (full name of the endpoint). Valid values are the unique part of the resource’s REST endpoint. For example, a reference to a file system would have a resource_type of file-systems.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'resource_type': 'resource_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'resource_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.relationship_performance_replication module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.relationship_performance_replication.RelationshipPerformanceReplication(id=None, periodic=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, periodic=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • periodic (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for periodic replication. Periodic replication includes file system replication, which is snapshot based.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • continuous (ContinuousReplicationPerformance) – Object backlog information and total bytes transmitted or received per second for continuous replication. Continuous replication includes object replication.

  • aggregate (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for all types of replication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'aggregate': 'aggregate', 'continuous': 'continuous', 'id': 'id', 'periodic': 'periodic', 'time': 'time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'aggregate': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'continuous': 'ContinuousReplicationPerformance', 'id': 'str', 'periodic': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.replication_performance module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.replication_performance.ReplicationPerformance(transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • transmitted_bytes_per_sec (float) – Total bytes transmitted per second.

  • received_bytes_per_sec (float) – Total bytes received per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'received_bytes_per_sec': 'received_bytes_per_sec', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'received_bytes_per_sec': 'float', 'transmitted_bytes_per_sec': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource.Resource(name=None, id=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_performance_replication module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_performance_replication.ResourcePerformanceReplication(name=None, id=None, periodic=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, periodic=None, time=None, continuous=None, aggregate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • periodic (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for periodic replication. Periodic replication includes file system replication, which is snapshot based.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • continuous (ContinuousReplicationPerformance) – Object backlog information and total bytes transmitted or received per second for continuous replication. Continuous replication includes object replication.

  • aggregate (ReplicationPerformance) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for all types of replication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'aggregate': 'aggregate', 'continuous': 'continuous', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'periodic': 'periodic', 'time': 'time'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'aggregate': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'continuous': 'ContinuousReplicationPerformance', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'periodic': 'ReplicationPerformance', 'time': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_performance_replication_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_performance_replication_get_response.ResourcePerformanceReplicationGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None, total=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[ResourcePerformanceReplication]) –

  • total (list[ResourcePerformanceReplication]) – Total of all records after filtering. If total_only query param is true, then no items will be returned.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total': 'total', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[ResourcePerformanceReplication]', 'total': 'list[ResourcePerformanceReplication]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_type module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.resource_type.ResourceType

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal


Keyword args:


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.role module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.role.Role(name=None, id=None, permissions=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, permissions=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • permissions (list[Permission]) – A list of permissions that the role can perform.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'permissions': 'permissions'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'permissions': 'list[Permission]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.role_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.role_get_response.RoleGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Role]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Role]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.session module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.session.Session(name=None, id=None, end_time=None, event=None, event_count=None, location=None, method=None, start_time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, end_time=None, event=None, event_count=None, location=None, method=None, start_time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • end_time (int) – Date and time the user logged out of the Purity//FB interface in milliseconds since UNIX epoch. Set to 0 if the session is still active.

  • event (str) – Description of session events. Valid values include failed authentication, user session, login, logout, API token obtained, and request without session.

  • event_count (int) – Number of session events.

  • location (str) – IP address of the user client connecting to the array or console if connected through local console.

  • method (str) – Method by which the user attempted to log in. Valid values include API token, password, and public key.

  • start_time (int) – Date and time the user logged in to the Purity//FB interface in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • user (str) – Username of the Purity//FB user who triggered the user session event.

  • user_interface (str) – The user interface through which the user session event was performed. Valid values include CLI, GUI, and REST.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'end_time': 'end_time', 'event': 'event', 'event_count': 'event_count', 'id': 'id', 'location': 'location', 'method': 'method', 'name': 'name', 'start_time': 'start_time', 'user': 'user', 'user_interface': 'user_interface'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'end_time': 'int', 'event': 'str', 'event_count': 'int', 'id': 'str', 'location': 'str', 'method': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'start_time': 'int', 'user': 'str', 'user_interface': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.session_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.session_get_response.SessionGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Session]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Session]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smb module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smb.Smb(enabled=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables access to the file system over the SMB protocol. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server.SmtpServer(name=None, id=None, relay_host=None, sender_domain=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, relay_host=None, sender_domain=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • relay_host (str) – Relay server used as a forwarding point for email sent from the array. Can be set as a hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address, with optional port numbers. The expected format for IPv4 is ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd:PORT. The expected format for IPv6 is xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx, or if a port number is specified, [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:PORT.

  • sender_domain (str) – Domain name appended to alert email messages.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'relay_host': 'relay_host', 'sender_domain': 'sender_domain'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'relay_host': 'str', 'sender_domain': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server_get_response.SmtpServerGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[SmtpServer]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[SmtpServer]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.smtp_server_response.SmtpServerResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SmtpServer]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SmtpServer]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent.SnmpAgent(name=None, id=None, engine_id=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, engine_id=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • engine_id (str) – An SNMP agent’s adminstration domain unique name.

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by an SNMP manager in communications with Purity’s SNMP agent. Valid values are v2c and v3.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'engine_id': 'engine_id', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'v2c': 'v2c', 'v3': 'v3', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'engine_id': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'v2c': 'SnmpV2c', 'v3': 'SnmpV3', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_get_response.SnmpAgentGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[SnmpAgent]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[SnmpAgent]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_mib module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_mib.SnmpAgentMib(mib=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

mib (str) – MIB text.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'mib': 'mib'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'mib': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_mib_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_mib_response.SnmpAgentMibResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SnmpAgentMib]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SnmpAgentMib]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_agent_response.SnmpAgentResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SnmpAgent]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SnmpAgent]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager.SnmpManager(name=None, id=None, host=None, notification=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, host=None, notification=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • host (str) – DNS hostname or IP address of a computer that hosts an SNMP manager to which Purity is to send trap messages when it generates alerts.

  • notification (str) – The type of notification the agent will send. Valid values are inform and trap.

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity in communications with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'host': 'host', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'notification': 'notification', 'v2c': 'v2c', 'v3': 'v3', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'host': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'notification': 'str', 'v2c': 'SnmpV2c', 'v3': 'SnmpV3', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_get_response.SnmpManagerGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[SnmpManager]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[SnmpManager]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_post.SnmpManagerPost(host=None, notification=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(host=None, notification=None, version=None, v2c=None, v3=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • host (str) – DNS hostname or IP address of a computer that hosts an SNMP manager to which Purity is to send trap messages when it generates alerts.

  • notification (str) – The type of notification the agent will send. Valid values are inform and trap.

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity in communications with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3Post) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'host': 'host', 'notification': 'notification', 'v2c': 'v2c', 'v3': 'v3', 'version': 'version'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'host': 'str', 'notification': 'str', 'v2c': 'SnmpV2c', 'v3': 'SnmpV3Post', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_response.SnmpManagerResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SnmpManager]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SnmpManager]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_test module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_manager_test.SnmpManagerTest(name=None, id=None, sent=None, error=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, sent=None, error=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • sent (bool) – Is the test trap or inform sent?

  • error (str) – Error message (if failed).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'error': 'error', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'sent': 'sent'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'error': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'sent': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v2c module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v2c.SnmpV2c(community=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

community (str) – Manager community ID under which Purity is to communicate with the specified managers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'community': 'community'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'community': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v3 module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v3.SnmpV3(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • auth_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used by Purity to authenticate the array with the specified managers.

  • auth_protocol (str) – Hash algorithm used to validate the authentication passphrase. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.

  • privacy_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used to encrypt SNMP messages.

  • privacy_protocol (str) – Encryption protocol for SNMP messages. Valid values are AES and DES.

  • user (str) – User ID recognized by the specified SNMP managers which Purity is to use in communications with them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'auth_passphrase': 'auth_passphrase', 'auth_protocol': 'auth_protocol', 'privacy_passphrase': 'privacy_passphrase', 'privacy_protocol': 'privacy_protocol', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'auth_passphrase': 'str', 'auth_protocol': 'str', 'privacy_passphrase': 'str', 'privacy_protocol': 'str', 'user': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v3_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.snmp_v3_post.SnmpV3Post(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • auth_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used by Purity to authenticate the array with the specified managers.

  • auth_protocol (str) – Hash algorithm used to validate the authentication passphrase. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.

  • privacy_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used to encrypt SNMP messages.

  • privacy_protocol (str) – Encryption protocol for SNMP messages. Valid values are AES and DES.

  • user (str) – User ID recognized by the specified SNMP managers which Purity is to use in communications with them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'auth_passphrase': 'auth_passphrase', 'auth_protocol': 'auth_protocol', 'privacy_passphrase': 'privacy_passphrase', 'privacy_protocol': 'privacy_protocol', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'auth_passphrase': 'str', 'auth_protocol': 'str', 'privacy_passphrase': 'str', 'privacy_protocol': 'str', 'user': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class, snapshots=None, total_physical=None, unique=None, virtual=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, snapshots=None, total_physical=None, unique=None, virtual=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – Reduction of data.

  • snapshots (int) – Physical usage by snapshots, other than unique in bytes.

  • total_physical (int) – Total physical usage (including snapshots) in bytes.

  • unique (int) – Unique physical space occupied by customer data, in bytes. Excludes shared space, snapshots, and metadata.

  • virtual (int) – Virtual space, in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'data_reduction': 'data_reduction', 'snapshots': 'snapshots', 'total_physical': 'total_physical', 'unique': 'unique', 'virtual': 'virtual'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'data_reduction': 'float', 'snapshots': 'int', 'total_physical': 'int', 'unique': 'int', 'virtual': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.space_extended module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.space_extended.SpaceExtended(data_reduction=None, snapshots=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, unique=None, virtual=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, snapshots=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, unique=None, virtual=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – Reduction of data.

  • snapshots (int) – Physical usage by snapshots, other than unique in bytes.

  • total_physical (int) – Total physical usage (including snapshots) in bytes.

  • total_provisioned (int) – The effective provisioned size of the container, at which a hard limit will be applied. For a bucket with a quota_limit value and hard_limit_enabled set to true, this is its quota_limit value, unless the available space of the associated object store account, as defined by its quota_limit value, would prevent the bucket from reaching its own quota_limit value. In such a case, total_provisioned will reflect the smaller value. For an object store account with a quota_limit value and hard_limit_enabled set to true, this is the quota_limit value of the object store account. Measured in bytes.

  • unique (int) – Unique physical space occupied by customer data, in bytes. Excludes shared space, snapshots, and metadata.

  • virtual (int) – Virtual space, in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'data_reduction': 'data_reduction', 'snapshots': 'snapshots', 'total_physical': 'total_physical', 'total_provisioned': 'total_provisioned', 'unique': 'unique', 'virtual': 'virtual'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'data_reduction': 'float', 'snapshots': 'int', 'total_physical': 'int', 'total_provisioned': 'int', 'unique': 'int', 'virtual': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet.Subnet(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, interfaces=None, link_aggregation_group=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, services=None, vlan=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, interfaces=None, link_aggregation_group=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, services=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • enabled (bool) – Indicates if subnet is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If not specified, defaults to true.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified subnet is to communicate with the network.

  • interfaces (list[FixedReference]) – List of network interfaces associated with this subnet.

  • link_aggregation_group (Reference) – Reference to the associated LAG.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the subnet in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface. If not specified, defaults to 1500.

  • prefix (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified subnet.

  • services (list[str]) – The services provided by this subnet, as inherited from all of its interfaces.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'enabled': 'enabled', 'gateway': 'gateway', 'id': 'id', 'interfaces': 'interfaces', 'link_aggregation_group': 'link_aggregation_group', 'mtu': 'mtu', 'name': 'name', 'prefix': 'prefix', 'services': 'services', 'vlan': 'vlan'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'enabled': 'bool', 'gateway': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'interfaces': 'list[FixedReference]', 'link_aggregation_group': 'Reference', 'mtu': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'prefix': 'str', 'services': 'list[str]', 'vlan': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet_get_response.SubnetGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Subnet]) – A list of subnet objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Subnet]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.subnet_response.SubnetResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Subnet]) – A list of subnet objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Subnet]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class, id=None, phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None, remote_assist_opened=None, remote_assist_expires=None, remote_assist_status=None, remote_assist_paths=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None, remote_assist_opened=None, remote_assist_expires=None, remote_assist_status=None, remote_assist_paths=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • phonehome_enabled (bool) –

  • proxy (str) –

  • remote_assist_active (bool) – The switch to open all remote-assist sessions.

  • remote_assist_opened (str) – The time when the session opened.

  • remote_assist_expires (str) – The time when the session expires.

  • remote_assist_status (str) – The status of the remote-assist sessions. Valid values are connected, partially_connected, reconnecting, and disconnected.

  • remote_assist_paths (list[SupportRemoteAssistPaths]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'phonehome_enabled': 'phonehome_enabled', 'proxy': 'proxy', 'remote_assist_active': 'remote_assist_active', 'remote_assist_expires': 'remote_assist_expires', 'remote_assist_opened': 'remote_assist_opened', 'remote_assist_paths': 'remote_assist_paths', 'remote_assist_status': 'remote_assist_status'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'phonehome_enabled': 'bool', 'proxy': 'str', 'remote_assist_active': 'bool', 'remote_assist_expires': 'str', 'remote_assist_opened': 'str', 'remote_assist_paths': 'list[SupportRemoteAssistPaths]', 'remote_assist_status': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_get_response.SupportGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Support]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Support]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_remote_assist_paths module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_remote_assist_paths.SupportRemoteAssistPaths(component_name=None, status=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_name=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_name (str) – The name of the FM.

  • status (str) – The status of the remote-assist session on the local FM. Valid values are reconnecting, connected, disconnected, and unknown.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'component_name': 'component_name', 'status': 'status'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'component_name': 'str', 'status': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.support_response.SupportResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Support]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Support]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server.SyslogServer(name=None, id=None, uri=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, uri=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • uri (str) – The URI of the syslog server in the format PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'uri': 'uri'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'uri': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_get_response.SyslogServerGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[SyslogServer]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[SyslogServer]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_post_or_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_post_or_patch.SyslogServerPostOrPatch(uri=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

uri (str) – The URI of the syslog server in the format PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'uri': 'uri'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'uri': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_response.SyslogServerResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SyslogServer]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SyslogServer]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings.SyslogServerSettings(name=None, id=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, ca_certificate=None, ca_certificate_group=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • ca_certificate (object) –

  • ca_certificate_group (object) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'ca_certificate': 'ca_certificate', 'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'ca_certificate': 'object', 'ca_certificate_group': 'object', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings_get_response.SyslogServerSettingsGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[SyslogServerSettings]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[SyslogServerSettings]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.syslog_server_settings_response.SyslogServerSettingsResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[SyslogServerSettings]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[SyslogServerSettings]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class, id=None, address=None, ca_certificate_group=None, status=None, status_details=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, id=None, address=None, ca_certificate_group=None, status=None, status_details=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A name chosen by the user. Can be changed. Must be locally unique.

  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • address (str) – IP address or FQDN of the target system.

  • ca_certificate_group (FixedReference) – The group of CA certificates that can be used, in addition to well-known Certificate Authority certificates, in order to establish a secure connection to the target system. Defaults to a reference to the _default_replication_certs group.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected and connecting. connected - The connection is OK. connecting - No connection exists and the array is trying to reconnect to the target.

  • status_details (str) – Additional information describing any issues encountered when connecting, or null if the status is connected.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'address': 'address', 'ca_certificate_group': 'ca_certificate_group', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'status': 'status', 'status_details': 'status_details'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'address': 'str', 'ca_certificate_group': 'FixedReference', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'status': 'str', 'status_details': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_get_response.TargetGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[Target]) – A list of target objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[Target]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_post.TargetPost(address=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

address (str) – IP address or FQDN of the target system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'address': 'address'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'address': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.target_response.TargetResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[Target]) – A list of target objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[Target]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result.TestResult(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, resource=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, resource=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_address (str) – Address of the component running the test.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the test.

  • description (str) – What the test is doing.

  • destination (str) – The URI of the target server being tested.

  • enabled (bool) – Is the service enabled or not?

  • resource (FixedReference) – A reference to the object being tested.

  • result_details (str) – Additional information about the test result.

  • success (bool) – Returns a value of true if the specified test succeeded. Returns a value of false if the specified test failed.

  • test_type (str) – Displays the type of test being performed. The returned values are determined by the resource being tested and its configuration.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'component_address': 'component_address', 'component_name': 'component_name', 'description': 'description', 'destination': 'destination', 'enabled': 'enabled', 'resource': 'resource', 'result_details': 'result_details', 'success': 'success', 'test_type': 'test_type'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'component_address': 'str', 'component_name': 'str', 'description': 'str', 'destination': 'str', 'enabled': 'bool', 'resource': 'FixedReference', 'result_details': 'str', 'success': 'bool', 'test_type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result_get_response.TestResultGetResponse(items=None, total_item_count=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(items=None, total_item_count=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • items (list[TestResult]) –

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[TestResult]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.test_result_response.TestResultResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[TestResult]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[TestResult]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.throttle module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.throttle.Throttle(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_limit (int) – Default maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.

  • window (TimeWindow) – The time during which the window_limit threshold is in effect.

  • window_limit (int) – Maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic during the specified window_limit time range in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'default_limit': 'default_limit', 'window': 'window', 'window_limit': 'window_limit'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'default_limit': 'int', 'window': 'TimeWindow', 'window_limit': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.time_window module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.time_window.TimeWindow(start=None, end=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(start=None, end=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • start (int) – The window start time. Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The time must be set on the hour. (e.g., 18000000, which is equal to 5:00 AM).

  • end (int) – The window end time. Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The time must be set on the hour. (e.g., 28800000, which is equal to 8:00 AM).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'end': 'end', 'start': 'start'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'end': 'int', 'start': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.time_zone module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.time_zone.TimeZone(name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user.User(id=None, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – The numeric user id that represents the user’s identity in a POSIX system.

  • name (str) – The user name that represents the user’s identity, and which resolves to the user’s id in a configured directory service.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'id': 'int', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota.UserQuota(name=None, file_system=None, file_system_default_quota=None, quota=None, usage=None, user=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, file_system=None, file_system_default_quota=None, quota=None, usage=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • file_system (FixedReference) –

  • file_system_default_quota (int) – File system’s default user quota (in bytes). If it is 0, it means there is no default quota. This will be the effective user quota if the user doesn’t have an individual quota. This default quota is set through the file-systems endpoint.

  • quota (int) – The limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified user, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default user quota.

  • usage (int) – The usage of the file system (in bytes) by the specified user.

  • user (User) – The user on which this quota is enforced.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'file_system': 'file_system', 'file_system_default_quota': 'file_system_default_quota', 'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota', 'usage': 'usage', 'user': 'user'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'file_system': 'FixedReference', 'file_system_default_quota': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int', 'usage': 'int', 'user': 'User'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_get_response.UserQuotaGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[UserQuota]) – A list of quota objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[UserQuota]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_patch.UserQuotaPatch(quota, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(quota, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • quota (int, required) – The limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified user, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default user quota.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota'}
required_args = {'quota'}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_post module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_post.UserQuotaPost(quota, name=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(quota, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the object (e.g., a file system or snapshot).

  • quota (int, required) – The limit of the quota (in bytes) for the specified user, cannot be 0. If specified, this value will override the file system’s default user quota.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'quota': 'quota'}
required_args = {'quota'}
swagger_types = {'name': 'str', 'quota': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.user_quota_response.UserQuotaResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[UserQuota]) – A list of quota objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[UserQuota]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key.VerificationKey(key_id=None, name=None, verification_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(key_id=None, name=None, verification_key=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • key_id (int) – The key id of the verification key.

  • name (str) – Name of the verification key. Possible values include access.

  • verification_key (str) – The text of the verification key.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'key_id': 'key_id', 'name': 'name', 'verification_key': 'verification_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'key_id': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'verification_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_get_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_get_response.VerificationKeyGetResponse(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuation_token=None, total_item_count=None, items=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation_token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation_token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).

  • total_item_count (int) – Total number of items after applying filter params.

  • items (list[VerificationKey]) – A list of verification key objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'continuation_token': 'continuation_token', 'items': 'items', 'total_item_count': 'total_item_count'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'continuation_token': 'str', 'items': 'list[VerificationKey]', 'total_item_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_patch module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_patch.VerificationKeyPatch(signed_verification_key=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

signed_verification_key (str) – The text of the signed verification key.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'signed_verification_key': 'signed_verification_key'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'signed_verification_key': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_response module

FlashBlade REST API

A lightweight client for FlashBlade REST API 2.8, developed by Pure Storage, Inc. (

OpenAPI spec version: 2.8

Generated by:

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.verification_key_response.VerificationKeyResponse(items=None)

Bases: object


The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

items (list[VerificationKey]) – A list of verification key objects.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint

attribute_map = {'items': 'items'}
required_args = {}
swagger_types = {'items': 'list[VerificationKey]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

Module contents

class pypureclient.flashblade.FB_2_8.models.ReferenceType

Bases: object

Class just for type annotations.

It’s used for reference arg on api function. This allows user to pass collections of Model objects to the method without transforming them to ids or names.

Should be Protocol type when the typing module will get support of it.


Quote string according to

>>> quote("a")
>>> quote("a\\b")
>>> quote("a\\b")
>>> quote("a'b")
>>> quote(None)