FlashArray Reference


FlashArray REST Client Factory Method

pypureclient.flasharray.client.Client(target, version=None, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

Initialize a FlashArray Client.

Keyword Arguments
  • target (str, required) – The target array’s IP or hostname.

  • version (str, optional) – REST API version to use. Defaults to the most recent version supported by both the client and the target array.

  • id_token (str, optional) – The security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made, issued by an enabled API client on the array. Overrides given private key.

  • private_key_file (str, optional) – The path of the private key to use. Defaults to None.

  • private_key_password (str, optional) – The password of the private key. Defaults to None.

  • username (str, optional) – Username of the user the token should be issued for. This must be a valid user in the system.

  • client_id (str, optional) – ID of API client that issued the identity token.

  • key_id (str, optional) – Key ID of API client that issued the identity token.

  • issuer (str, optional) – API client’s trusted identity issuer on the array.

  • api_token (str, optional) – API token for the user.

  • retries (int, optional) – The number of times to retry an API call if it fails for a non-blocking reason. Defaults to 5.

  • timeout (float or (float, float), optional) – The timeout duration in seconds, either in total time or (connect and read) times. Defaults to 15.0 total.

  • ssl_cert (str, optional) – SSL certificate to use. Defaults to None.

  • user_agent (str, optional) – User-Agent request header to use.

  • verify_ssl (bool | str, optional) – Controls SSL certificate validation. True specifies that the server validation uses default trust anchors; False switches certificate validation off, not safe!; It also accepts string value for a path to directory with certificates.


PureError – If it could not create an ID or access token

Importable as

from pypureclient.flasharray import Client

FlashArray REST 2.0 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_0.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.1 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_1.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.2 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_2.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.3 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_3.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.4 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_4.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.5 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_5.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.6 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_6.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.7 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_7.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.8 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_8.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.9 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_9.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.10 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_10.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.11 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_11.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.13 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_13.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.14 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_14.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.15 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_15.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.16 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_16.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.17 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_17.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.19 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_19.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.20 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_20.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.21 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_21.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.22 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_22.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.23 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_23.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.24 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_24.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.25 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_25.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.26 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_26.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.27 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_27.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.28 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_28.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.29 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_29.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.30 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_30.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.31 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_31.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.32 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_32.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.33 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_33.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

FlashArray REST 2.34 Client

class pypureclient.flasharray.FA_2_34.client.Client(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)
__init__(target, id_token=None, private_key_file=None, private_key_password=None, username=None, client_id=None, key_id=None, issuer=None, api_token=None, retries=5, timeout=15.0, ssl_cert=None, user_agent=None, verify_ssl=None)

Initialize a FlashArray Client. id_token is generated based on app ID and private key info. Either id_token or api_token could be used for authentication. Only one authentication option is allowed.

Keyword Arguments
  • target (str, required) – The target array’s IP or hostname.

  • id_token (str, optional) – The security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made, issued by an enabled API client on the array. Overrides given private key.

  • private_key_file (str, optional) – The path of the private key to use. Defaults to None.

  • private_key_password (str, optional) – The password of the private key. Defaults to None.

  • username (str, optional) – Username of the user the token should be issued for. This must be a valid user in the system.

  • client_id (str, optional) – ID of API client that issued the identity token.

  • key_id (str, optional) – Key ID of API client that issued the identity token.

  • issuer (str, optional) – API client’s trusted identity issuer on the array.

  • api_token (str, optional) – API token for the user.

  • retries (int, optional) – The number of times to retry an API call if it fails for a non-blocking reason. Defaults to 5.

  • timeout (float or (float, float), optional) – The timeout duration in seconds, either in total time or (connect and read) times. Defaults to 15.0 total.

  • ssl_cert (str, optional) – SSL certificate to use. Defaults to None.

  • user_agent (str, optional) – User-Agent request header to use.

  • verify_ssl (bool | str, optional) – Controls SSL certificate validation. True specifies that the server validation uses default trust anchors; False switches certificate validation off, not safe!; It also accepts string value for a path to directory with certificates.


PureError – If it could not create an ID or access token

delete_active_directory(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, local_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more specified Active Directory accounts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • local_only (bool, optional) – If specified as true, only delete the Active Directory configuration on the local array, without deleting the computer account created in the Active Directory domain. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_admins(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the specified administrator.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_admins_api_tokens(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the API tokens of the specified administrators.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_admins_cache(remove_all_entries: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes all entries from the administrator cache.

  • remove_all_entries (bool, required) – If set to true, removes all entries from the administrator cache.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_alert_watchers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Delete alert watcher email address from the list of alert watchers.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_alerts_rules(code: Optional[int] = None, parameter: Optional[str] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a custom alert rule.

  • code (int, required) – The alert code that the rule applies to. Available alert codes for customization can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • parameter (str, required) – The parameter of the custom alert rule to modify. Values include info and warning. Available parameter values can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_api_clients(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an API client. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_array_connections(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the connection between this array and the specified array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_arrays(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, eradicate_all_data: Optional[bool] = None, factory_reset_token: Optional[int] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an array. For physical appliances, deleting an array restores the hardware to factory settings. This entails deleting all data, metadata, configuration, and logs. The array returns to the state it was in prior to any configuration changes being made. If the hardware is reused, it must be as a different array with a new ID. For virtual appliances, deleting an array puts it into an unusable state. Virtual resources (e.g., virtual machines) can later be freed, which deletes any remaining data, metadata, configuration, and logs. Prior to factory reset, an array must be manually prepared (e.g., all volumes and snapshots must be eradicated) and a factory reset token must be created.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • eradicate_all_data (bool, optional) – Set to true to perform a factory reset.

  • factory_reset_token (int, optional) – A token required to perform a factory reset.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_arrays_cloud_provider_tags(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes user tags from deployed cloud resources of a CBS array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_arrays_erasures(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the factory reset process when it is failed.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_arrays_factory_reset_token(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an existing token that could be used to perform a factory reset on the array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_arrays_tags(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes specified tags on array objects.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a specific certificate object.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_connections(host_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, hosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volumes: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, host_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, host_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the connection between a volume and its associated host or host group. One of volume_names or volume_ids and one of host_names or host_group_names query parameters are required.

  • host_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of host_groups to query for. Overrides host_group_names keyword arguments.

  • hosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of hosts to query for. Overrides host_names keyword arguments.

  • volumes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of volumes to query for. Overrides volume_names and volume_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • host_group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the host group specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host group names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_group_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., hgroup01).

  • host_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the hosts specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, host01,host02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., host01).

  • volume_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the volume specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, vol01,vol02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume names and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01).

  • volume_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified volume. Enter multiple ids in comma- separated format. For example, vol01id,vol02id. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple IDs. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume IDs and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_ids) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01id). Only one of the two between volume_names and volume_ids may be used at a time.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more managed directories. To be deleted, a managed directory must be empty and not attached to any enabled export policies. Deleted managed directories cannot be recovered. The ids or names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories_policies_autodir(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between a directory with one or more auto managed directory policies. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories_policies_nfs(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between a directory and one or more NFS policies. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories_policies_quota(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between a directory and one or more quota policies. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories_policies_smb(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between a directory and one or more SMB policies. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directories_policies_snapshot(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between a directory and one or more snapshot policies. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_exports(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, exports: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, export_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more directory exports. If any of the export_names is not unique across the system, policy_ids or policy_names must be specified to determine the exports.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • exports (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of exports to query for. Overrides export_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • export_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the export names specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_services_local_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more local groups. The gids, names, or sids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_services_local_groups_members(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more local group memberships. The group_names, group_sids, or group_ids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the group names specified. Enter multiple group names in comma-separated format. For example, group1,group2.

  • group_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified group SID. Enter multiple group SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • group_gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified member SID. Enter multiple member SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • member_ids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. For local group IDs refer to group IDs (GID). For local user IDs refer to user IDs (UID). The member_ids and member_names parameters cannot be provided together.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_services_local_users(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, uids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more local users. The uids, names, or sids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • uids (list[int], optional) – A list of local user IDs (UIDs). Enter multiple local user IDs in comma- separated format. For example, 423,51234.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_services_local_users_members(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more local user memberships. The member_names, member_sids, or member_ids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the group names specified. Enter multiple group names in comma-separated format. For example, group1,group2.

  • group_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified group SID. Enter multiple group SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • group_gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified member SID. Enter multiple member SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • member_ids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. For local group IDs refer to group IDs (GID). For local user IDs refer to user IDs (UID). The member_ids and member_names parameters cannot be provided together.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_services_roles(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Delete a group to role mapping

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique names specified. For example, GroupRoleMappingName. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_directory_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a directory snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated directory snapshots cannot be recovered. Directory snapshots are destroyed by using the PATCH method. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_dns(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes DNS configuration identified by configuration name.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_file_systems(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a file system that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated file systems cannot be recovered. File systems are destroyed using the PATCH method.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_host_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a host group. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_host_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Removes a host from a host group. Removing a host from a host group automatically disconnects the host from all volumes associated with the group. Hosts can be removed from host groups at any time. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together, and only one host group can be specified at a time.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_host_groups_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a host group member from a protection group. After the member has been removed, it is no longer protected by the group. Any protection group snapshots that were taken before the member was removed are not affected. Removing a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_host_groups_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes specified tags on host group objects.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_hosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an existing host. All volumes that are connected to the host, either through private or shared connections, must be disconnected from the host before the host can be deleted. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_hosts_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Removes a host from a host group. Removing a host from a host group automatically disconnects the host from all volumes associated with the group. Hosts can be removed from host groups at any time. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together, and only one host group can be specified at a time.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_hosts_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a host member from a protection group. After the member has been removed, it is no longer protected by the group. Any protection group snapshots that were taken before the member was removed are not affected. Removing a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_hosts_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes specified tags on host objects.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_kmip(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes KMIP server objects.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_maintenance_windows(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an open maintenance window before its scheduled end (expire) time. The names parameter is required and must be set to environment.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_network_interfaces(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a network interface on a controller.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_offloads(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an offload target.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Deletes pod replica links. The local_pod_names and remote_pod_names are required. Valid values are replicating, baselining, paused, unhealthy, quiescing, and quiesced. A status of replicating indicates that the source array is replicating to the target array. A status of baselining indicates that the the initial version of the dataset is being sent. During this phase, you cannot promote the target pod. In addition, changing the link direction might trigger the baselining status to recur. A status of paused ` indicates that data transfer between objects has stopped. A status of `unhealthy indicates that the link is currently unhealthy and customers must perform some health checks to determine the cause. A status of quiescing indicates that the source pod is not accepting new write requests but the most recent changes to the source have not arrived on the target. A status of quiesced indicates that the source pod has been demoted and all changes have been replicated to the target pod.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_pods(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, eradicate_contents: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a pod that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated pods cannot be recovered. Pods are destroyed using the PATCH method. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • eradicate_contents (bool, optional) – Set to true to eradicate contents (e.g., volumes, protection groups, snapshots) and containers (e.g., pods, volume groups). This enables you to eradicate containers with contents.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_pods_arrays(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, with_unknown: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Unstretches a pod from an array, collapsing the pod to a single array. Unstretch a pod from an array when the volumes within the stretched pod no longer need to be synchronously replicated between the two arrays. After a pod has been unstretched, synchronous replication stops. A destroyed version of the pod with “restretch” appended to the pod name is created on the array that no longer has the pod. The restretch pod represents a point-in-time snapshot of the pod, just before it was unstretched. The restretch pod enters an eradication pending period starting from the time that the pod was unstretched. A restretch can pod can be cloned or destroyed, but it cannot be explicitly recovered. The group_names parameter represents the name of the pod to be unstretched. The member_names parameter represents the name of the array from which the pod is to be unstretched. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names and group_ids keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • with_unknown (bool, optional) – If set to true, unstretches the specified pod from the specified array by force. Use the with_unknown parameter in the following rare event: the local array goes offline while the pod is still stretched across two arrays, the status of the remote array becomes unknown, and there is no guarantee that the pod is online elsewhere.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_alert_watcher(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more alert-watcher policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_alert_watcher_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between one or more alert-watcher policies and attached object. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_alert_watcher_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more alert-watcher policy rules. Either the ‘policy_ids’ or ‘policy_names’ parameter is required, but both parameters cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_autodir(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more auto managed directory policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_autodir_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more auto managed directory policies from resources. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_nfs(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more NFS policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_nfs_client_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more NFS client policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_nfs_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more NFS policies from resources. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_quota(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more quota policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_quota_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a membership between one or more quota policies and managed directories. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_quota_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more quota policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_smb(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more SMB policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_smb_client_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more SMB client policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_smb_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more SMB policies from resources. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_snapshot(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more snapshot policies. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_snapshot_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more snapshot policies from resources. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_policies_snapshot_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes one or more snapshot policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a protection group snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicating a protection group snapshot eradicates all of its protection group snapshots and cannot be recovered. Protection group snapshots are destroyed through the PATCH method. The names or ids parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a protection group that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated protection groups cannot be recovered. Protection groups are destroyed through the PATCH method. The names parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_groups_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a host group member from a protection group. After the member has been removed, it is no longer protected by the group. Protection group snapshots taken before the member was removed will not be affected. Removing a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a host member from a protection group. After the member has been removed, it is no longer protected by the group. Any protection group snapshots that were taken before the member was removed will not be affected. Removing a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_groups_targets(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an array or offload target from a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group. The member_names parameter represents the name of the array or offload target that is being removed from the protection group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_protection_groups_volumes(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a volume member from a protection group. After the member has been deleted, it is no longer protected by the group. Any protection group snapshots that were taken before the member was deleted are not affected. Deleting a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names and member_ids parameters represent the names or IDs of the volume. The group_names parameter, and either the member_names or member_ids parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_remote_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a remote protection group snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated remote protection group snapshots cannot be recovered. Remote protection group snapshots are destroyed using the PATCH method. The names parameter represents the name of the protection group snapshot. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The names and on parameters are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_remote_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Eradicates a remote protection group that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated remote protection groups cannot be recovered. Remote protection groups are destroyed through the PATCH method. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The ids or names parameter and the on parameter are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_remote_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, replication_snapshot: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes (eradicates) a remote volume snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated remote volume snapshots cannot be recovered. Remote volume snapshots are destroyed through the PATCH method. The names parameter represents the name of the volume snapshot. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The names and on parameters are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • replication_snapshot (bool, optional) – If set to true, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots in use by replication. If set to false, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots not in use by replication. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_snmp_managers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the SNMP manager object and stops communication with specified managers.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_software(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_versions: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a software package specified by software name and version. A software package being used for an installation can be deleted if the installation is downloading, downloaded, aborted, or finished. If the software package is currently downloading, the download will be cancelled.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • software_versions (list[str], optional) – A list of target software versions.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_software_check(softwares: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, software_versions: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a software check task specified by software name and version. The check task must be queued. If the check task is running or passed/failed then the task cannot be deleted.

  • softwares (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of softwares to query for. Overrides software_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • software_versions (list[str], optional) – A list of target software versions.

  • software_names (list[str], optional) – A list of software names.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_sso_saml2_idps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes SAML2 SSO configurations.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_subnets(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes subnets. A subnet can only be deleted if it has no interfaces. Interfaces must be removed by using the network-interfaces endpoint.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_syslog_servers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a configured syslog server and stop forwarding syslog messages.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_vchost_connections(protocol_endpoints: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, all_vchosts: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, protocol_endpoint_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, protocol_endpoint_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes the vchost-connection between a protocol endpoint and its vchost. The storage container represented by the protocol endpoint will no longer be visible to the vCenter represented by the vchost. One of the protocol_endpoint_names or protocol_endpoint_ids query parameters, and one of the vchost_names or vchost_ids query parameters are required. But if all_vchosts is set to true, vchost_names and vchost_ids should not be specified.

  • protocol_endpoints (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of protocol_endpoints to query for. Overrides protocol_endpoint_ids and protocol_endpoint_names keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_ids and vchost_names keyword arguments.

  • all_vchosts (bool, optional) – If set to true, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is accessible to all vchosts. Users should not specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request. If set to false, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is only accessible to the vchosts that have explicit vchost-connections with the protocol endpoint. Users need to specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request.

  • protocol_endpoint_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint IDs. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, peid01,peid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_names. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • protocol_endpoint_names (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint names. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, pe01,pe02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost IDs. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_names. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost names. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchost01,vchost02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_vchosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an existing vchost. The names or ids query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_vchosts_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificates: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, certificate_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an existing vchost certificate. The ids query parameter alone, or the certificate_names query parameter together with one of vchost_names or vchost_ids, is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • certificates (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of certificates to query for. Overrides certificate_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • certificate_names (list[str], optional) – The names of one or more certificates. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, cert01,cert02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_vchosts_endpoints(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, endpoints: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes an existing vchost endpoint The ids query parameter alone, or the endpoints query parameter together with one of vchost_names or vchost_ids, is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • endpoints (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique endpoints specified. Enter multiple endpoints in a comma-separated format.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volume_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, eradicate_contents: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a volume group that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated volume groups cannot be recovered. Volume groups are destroyed through the PATCH method. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • eradicate_contents (bool, optional) – Set to true to eradicate contents (e.g., volumes, protection groups, snapshots) and containers (e.g., pods, volume groups). This enables you to eradicate containers with contents.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, replication_snapshot: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a volume snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated volume snapshots cannot be recovered. Volume snapshots are destroyed by using the PATCH method. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • replication_snapshot (bool, optional) – If set to true, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots in use by replication. If set to false, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots not in use by replication. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volume_snapshots_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes specified tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces. Only one namespace is allowed per delete request.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volumes(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a volume that has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Eradicated volumes cannot be recovered. Volumes are destroyed using the PATCH method. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volumes_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes a volume member from a protection group. After the member has been deleted, it is no longer protected by the group. Any protection group snapshots that were taken before the member was deleted are not affected. Deleting a member from a protection group does not delete the member from the array, and the member can be added back to the protection group at any time. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names and member_ids parameters represent the names or IDs of the volume. The group_names and only one of member_names or member_ids parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

delete_volumes_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Deletes specified tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • keys (list[str], optional) – A list of tag keys.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces. Only one namespace is allowed per delete request.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.


Get the last used access token.


refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to retrieve a new access token. Defaults to False.




PureError – If there was an error retrieving an access token.

get_active_directory(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ActiveDirectoryGetResponse

Displays configured Active Directory accounts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_admins(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, expose_api_token: Optional[bool] = None, expose_public_key: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminGetResponse

Displays a list of administrators.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • expose_api_token (bool, optional) – If true, exposes the API token of the current user.

  • expose_public_key (bool, optional) – If true, exposes the public key of the current user.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_admins_api_tokens(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, expose_api_token: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminApiTokenGetResponse

Displays API tokens for the specified administrators.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • expose_api_token (bool, optional) – If true, exposes the API token of the current user.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_admins_cache(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminCacheGetResponse

Displays entries in the administrator cache.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_admins_settings(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminSettingsResponse

Displays the global administrator settings for the array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alert_watchers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertWatcherGetResponse

Displays alert watcher email addressess and indicates whether they are enabled.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alert_watchers_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceGetResponse

Displays alert watcher email test results.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alerts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, flagged: Optional[bool] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertGetResponse

Displays a list of alerts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • flagged (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only flagged messages. If set to false, lists only unflagged messages. if not specified, lists all messages.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alerts_events(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, flagged: Optional[bool] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertEventGetResponse

Displays a list of alert events.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • flagged (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only flagged messages. If set to false, lists only unflagged messages. if not specified, lists all messages.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alerts_rules(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, code: Optional[int] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertRulesGetResponse

Displays a list of custom alert rules.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • code (int, optional) – The alert code to display.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_alerts_rules_catalog(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, code: Optional[int] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertRulesCatalogGetResponse

Displays a list of available customizable alert codes.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • code (int, optional) – The alert code to display.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_api_clients(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ApiClientGetResponse

Returns a list of API clients.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_apps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AppGetResponse

Displays a list of installed apps.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_apps_nodes(apps: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, app_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AppNodeGetResponse

Displays a list of installed apps and their nodes.

  • apps (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of apps to query for. Overrides app_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • app_names (list[str], optional) – The name of the installed app. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_array_connections(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayConnectionGetResponse

Displays a list of connected arrays.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_array_connections_connection_key(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, encrypted: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayConnectionKeyGetResponse

Displays the connection key for the array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • encrypted (bool, optional) – If true, the returned array connection key will encode an encryption key used to establish trust and secure replication traffic. If false, the returned array connection key will not encode an encryption key. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_array_connections_path(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayConnectionPathGetResponse

Displays the connection path from the array to which the connection was made.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayGetResponse

Displays general array properties including the array name, login banner, idle timeout for management sessions, and NTP servers.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_cloud_capacity(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CloudCapacityGetResponse

Displays the capacity status of the CBS array including the progress of the capacity update. Requests for non-CBS arrays will receive an error response.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_cloud_capacity_supported_steps(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CloudCapacityStepsGetResponse

Displays the list of supported raw capacity sizes in bytes the CBS array can be upgraded to. Requests for non-CBS arrays will receive an error response.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_cloud_provider_tags(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CloudProviderTagGetResponse

Displays the list of user tags on deployed cloud resources of a CBS array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_erasures(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayErasureGetResponse

Displays a list of factory reset processes.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_eula(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) EulaGetResponse

Displays the End User Agreement and signature.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_factory_reset_token(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayFactoryResetTokenGetResponse

Displays a list of tokens used to perform a factory reset on the array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_ntp_test(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultGetResponse

Displays test results for configured NTP servers.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_performance(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, protocol_group: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayPerformanceGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical front-end performance data at the array level including latency, bandwidth, IOPS, average I/O size, and queue depth.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Protocol type. Valid values are nfs, smb, and all.

  • protocol_group (str, optional) – Protocol group type. Valid values are block, file, and all.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Displays real-time and historical front-end performance data at the array level including latency, bandwidth, IOPS, average I/O size, and queue depth. Group output is shown by link. A link represents a set of arrays that an I/O operation depends on. For local-only I/Os, this is a local array. For mirrored I/Os, this is a set of synchronous replication peer arrays.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_space(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArraySpaceGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical array space information including unique volume and snapshot space, shared space, data reduction, provisioned capacity, usable capacity, and parity.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_arrays_tags(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagGetResponse

Displays the list of tags on array objects.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_audits(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AuditGetResponse

Displays a list of audits.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CertificateGetResponse

Displays certificate attributes.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_connections(host_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, hosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, protocol_endpoints: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volumes: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, host_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, host_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol_endpoint_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, protocol_endpoint_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, volume_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ConnectionGetResponse

Displays a list of connections between a volume and its hosts and host groups, as well as the logical unit numbers (LUNs) or NVMe Namespace IDs (NSIDs) used by the associated hosts to address these volumes.

  • host_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of host_groups to query for. Overrides host_group_names keyword arguments.

  • hosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of hosts to query for. Overrides host_names keyword arguments.

  • protocol_endpoints (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of protocol_endpoints to query for. Overrides protocol_endpoint_ids and protocol_endpoint_names keyword arguments.

  • volumes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of volumes to query for. Overrides volume_names and volume_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • host_group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the host group specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host group names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_group_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., hgroup01).

  • host_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the hosts specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, host01,host02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., host01).

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol_endpoint_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. Enter multiple IDs in comma-separated format. For example, peid01,peid02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple IDs. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple protocol endpoint IDs and host names. Instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., protocol_endpoint_ids) must be set to one ID (e.g., peid01).

  • protocol_endpoint_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, pe01,pe02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple protocol endpoint names and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., protocol_endpoint_names) must be set to one name (e.g., pe01).

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • volume_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the volume specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, vol01,vol02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume names and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01).

  • volume_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified volume. Enter multiple ids in comma- separated format. For example, vol01id,vol02id. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple IDs. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume IDs and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_ids) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01id). Only one of the two between volume_names and volume_ids may be used at a time.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_container_default_protections(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ContainerDefaultProtectionGetResponse

Displays a list of containers with its default protections.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the container ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. Specifying ids or names with no value will perform the operation on local array.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique container name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. Specifying ids or names with no value will perform the operation on local array.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_controllers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ControllerGetResponse

Displays the name, mode, FlashArray model, Purity//FA software version, and status of each controller in the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories(file_systems: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, file_system_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, file_system_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryGetResponse

Displays a list of directories, including those pending eradication.

  • file_systems (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of file_systems to query for. Overrides file_system_ids and file_system_names keyword arguments.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • file_system_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the file system ID specified. Enter multiple file system IDs in comma-separated format. The file_system_ids or file_system_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • file_system_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the file system name specified. Enter multiple file system names in comma-separated format. For example, filesystem01,filesystem02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, protocol_group: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryPerformanceGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes for each directory and as a total of all directories across the entire array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Protocol type. Valid values are nfs, smb, and all.

  • protocol_group (str, optional) – Protocol group type. Valid values are block, file, and all.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies_autodir(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of auto managed directory policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies_nfs(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportGetResponse

Displays a list of NFS policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies_quota(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of quota policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies_smb(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportGetResponse

Displays a list of SMB policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_policies_snapshot(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of snapshot policies that are attached to directories.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directories_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourceDirectorySpaceGetResponse

Displays physical storage consumption data for each directory.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_exports(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, exports: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, export_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryExportGetResponse

Displays a list of directory exports.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • exports (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of exports to query for. Overrides export_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • export_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the export names specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_quotas(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryQuotasGetResponse

Displays a list of directories and the quota policies attached to them. Directories with multiple policies are listed repeatedly (once per policy). The directories without a policy attached are not listed.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryServiceGetResponse

Displays the directory services configuration settings for manageability.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_local_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalGroupGetResponse

Displays a list of local groups.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_local_groups_members(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalMembershipGetResponse

Displays a list of local group memberships.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the group names specified. Enter multiple group names in comma-separated format. For example, group1,group2.

  • group_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified group SID. Enter multiple group SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • group_gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified member SID. Enter multiple member SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • member_ids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. For local group IDs refer to group IDs (GID). For local user IDs refer to user IDs (UID). The member_ids and member_names parameters cannot be provided together.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_local_users(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, uids: Optional[List[int]] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalUserGetResponse

Displays a list of local users.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • uids (list[int], optional) – A list of local user IDs (UIDs). Enter multiple local user IDs in comma- separated format. For example, 423,51234.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_local_users_members(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalMembershipGetResponse

Displays a list of local user memberships.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the group names specified. Enter multiple group names in comma-separated format. For example, group1,group2.

  • group_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified group SID. Enter multiple group SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • group_gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified member SID. Enter multiple member SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • member_ids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. For local group IDs refer to group IDs (GID). For local user IDs refer to user IDs (UID). The member_ids and member_names parameters cannot be provided together.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_roles(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, roles: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, role_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryServiceRoleGetResponse

Displays the role-based access control (RBAC) group role settings.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • roles (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of roles to query for. Overrides role_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique names specified. For example, GroupRoleMappingName. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • role_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique roles specified. For example, array_admin. Enter multiple roles in comma-separated format.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_services_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceResponse

Displays the directory services test and displays the results. The test verifies that URIs can be resolved and that the array can bind and query the tree using the bind user credentials. The test also verifies that the array can find all configured groups to ensure the common names and group base are correctly configured.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_directory_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectorySnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of directory snapshots, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_dns(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DnsGetResponse

Displays the current DNS configurations and their parameters including domain suffix, the list of DNS name server IP addresses, and the list of services that DNS parameters apply to.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_drives(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DriveGetResponse

Displays a list of flash, NVRAM, and cache modules that are installed in the array along with their attributes and status.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_file_systems(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) FileSystemGetResponse

Displays a list of file systems, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hardware(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HardwareGetResponse

Displays a list of hardware slots and bays and status of installed components.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostGroupGetResponse

Displays a list of host groups.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdAllGetResponse

Returns a list of host groups that are associated with hosts.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceNoIdGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes of all host groups, displayed both by host group and by total size across all host groups. This data represents volumes that are connected to the host groups on the local array and stretched volumes connected to the host groups on arrays that are connected by synchronous replication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_performance_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceNoIdByArrayGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O size data. The data is displayed by total size across all host groups on each array and by individual host group on each array. The displayed data represents the volumes that are connected to a host group on the current array and the volumes that are connected to a host group on any remote arrays that are visible to the current array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of host group members that belong to one or more protection groups.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourceSpaceNoIdGetResponse

Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each host group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_host_groups_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagGetResponse

Displays the list of tags on host group objects.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostGetResponse

Displays a list of hosts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdAllGetResponse

Returns a list of hosts that are associated with host groups.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceNoIdGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes across all hosts, displayed by host and by total size across all hosts. This data represents volumes that are connected to the hosts on the local array and stretched volumes connected to the hosts on any arrays that are connected by synchronous replication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_performance_balance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostPerformanceBalanceGetResponse

Displays the I/O balance statistics for host paths.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_performance_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceNoIdByArrayGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O size data. The data is displayed by total size across all hosts on each array and by individual host on each array. The displayed data represents the volumes that are connected to a host on the current array and the volumes that are connected to a host on any remote arrays that are visible to the current array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of host members that belong to one or more protection groups.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourceSpaceNoIdGetResponse

Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each host.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_hosts_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagGetResponse

Displays the list of tags on host objects.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_kmip(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) KmipGetResponse

Displays the list of KMIP server objects.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_kmip_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) KmipTestResultGetResponse

Displays communication data between a FlashArray and KMIP server.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_maintenance_windows(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MaintenanceWindowsGetResponse

Displays maintenance window details, including start time, end time, and maintenance type.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_network_interfaces(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfaceGetResponse

Displays all network interfaces for all controllers on the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_network_interfaces_neighbors(local_ports: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, local_port_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfaceNeighborGetResponse

Displays all neighbors for all network interfaces on the array.

  • local_ports (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_ports to query for. Overrides local_port_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • local_port_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local port name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, ct0.eth0,ct1.eth0.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_network_interfaces_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfacePerformanceGetResponse

Displays network statistics, historical bandwidth, and error reporting for all specified network interfaces.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_network_interfaces_port_details(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfacesPortDetailsGetResponse

Displays Ethernet and Fibre Channel SFP details.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_offloads(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) OffloadGetResponse

Displays a list of offload targets that are connected to the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Protocol type. Valid values are azure, google-cloud, nfs, and s3.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Displays the list of pod replica links that are configured between arrays.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Displays the lag in milliseconds that the replication target is behind the source. This is the time difference between the current time and the recovery point.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Displays a list of policy mappings.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • pod_replica_links (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of pod_replica_links to query for. Overrides pod_replica_link_ids keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • pod_replica_link_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of pod replica link IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, only return the aggregate value of all items after filtering. For real-time performance, the values are aggregated for the latest timestamp. For historical performance, the values are aggregated for each timestamp from start_time to end_time. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodGetResponse

Displays a list of pods that are stretched to this array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_arrays(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberGetResponse

Returns a list of pods and the local and remote arrays over which the pods are stretched. The optional group_names parameter represents the name of the pod. The optional member_names parameter represents the name of the array over which the pod is stretched.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names and group_ids keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, protocol_group: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodPerformanceGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes across all pods, displayed both by pod and as a total across all pods.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Protocol type. Valid values are nfs, smb, and all.

  • protocol_group (str, optional) – Protocol group type. Valid values are block, file, and all.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_performance_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, protocol_group: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodPerformanceByArrayGetResponse

Displays real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O size data. The data is displayed as a total across all pods on the local array and by individual pod.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol (str, optional) – Protocol type. Valid values are nfs, smb, and all.

  • protocol_group (str, optional) – Protocol group type. Valid values are block, file, and all.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_performance_replication(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodPerformanceReplicationGetResponse

Displays pod replication performance data. The data returned is the real-time and historical performance data for each replication type at the pod level. Values include continuous, periodic, resync, and sync.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, only return the aggregate value of all items after filtering. For real-time performance, the values are aggregated for the latest timestamp. For historical performance, the values are aggregated for each timestamp from start_time to end_time. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_performance_replication_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodPerformanceReplicationByArrayGetResponse

Displays pod replication performance data, organized by array. The data returned is the real-time and historical performance data for each replication type at the pod level. Values include continuous, periodic, resync, and sync.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_pods_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePodSpaceGetResponse

Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each pod on the local array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyGetResponse

Displays a list of policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_alert_watcher(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyGetResponse

Displays a list of alert-watcher policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_alert_watcher_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of alert-watcher policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_alert_watcher_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleAlertWatcherGetResponse

Displays a list of alert-watcher policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_alert_watcher_rules_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceGetResponse

Displays alert-watcher policy rule email test results.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_autodir(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyGetResponse

Displays a list of auto managed directory policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_autodir_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of auto managed directory policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_nfs(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyNfsGetResponse

Displays a list of NFS policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_nfs_client_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleNfsClientGetResponse

Displays a list of NFS client policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_nfs_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportGetResponse

Displays a list of NFS policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_password(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyPasswordGetResponse

Displays a list of password policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_quota(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyGetResponse

Displays a list of quota policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_quota_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of quota policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_quota_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleQuotaGetResponse

Displays a list of quota policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_smb(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicySmbGetResponse

Displays a list of SMB policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_smb_client_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleSmbClientGetResponse

Displays a list of SMB client policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_smb_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportGetResponse

Displays a list of SMB policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_snapshot(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyGetResponse

Displays a list of snapshot policies.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_snapshot_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of snapshot policy members.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_types (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the member types specified. The type of member is the full name of the resource endpoint. Valid values include directories. Enter multiple member types in comma-separated format. For example, type01,type02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_policies_snapshot_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleSnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of snapshot policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_ports(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PortGetResponse

Displays host name, iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs), NVMe Qualified Names (NQNs), IPv4 address of the portal, Fibre Channel World Wide Names (WWNs), and failover ports, including those that were discovered by Purity//FA and those that have been manually assigned by system administrators.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_ports_initiators(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PortInitiatorsGetResponse

Displays host iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs), NVMe Qualified Names (NQNs), and Fibre Channel World Wide Names (WWNs), including those that were discovered by Purity//FA and those that have been manually assigned by system administrators, along with the array ports (targets) on which they are eligible to communicate.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupSnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of protection group snapshots, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_names and source_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_group_snapshots_transfer(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupSnapshotTransferGetResponse

Displays a list of protection group snapshots and corresponding transfer statistics.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupGetResponse

Displays a list of protection groups, including their associated source arrays, replication targets, hosts, host groups, and volumes. The list includes protection groups that were created on the local array to replicate snapshot data to other arrays or offload targets, created on a remote array and replicated asynchronously to this array, or created inside a pod on a remote array and stretched to the local array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of protection groups that have host group members.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberGetResponse

Displays a list of protection groups that have host members.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_performance_replication(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupPerformanceResponse

Displays the total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second. The data is grouped by protection group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_performance_replication_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupPerformanceArrayResponse

Displays the total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second. The data is grouped by protection group and includes the names of the source array and targets for each protection group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourceSpaceGetResponse

Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_targets(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupTargetGetResponse

Displays a list of protection groups that have target arrays or offload targets.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_protection_groups_volumes(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupsVolumesGetResponse

Displays a list of protection groups that have volume members.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group id specified. Provide multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The group_ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_destroyed (bool, optional) – If true, returns only destroyed member objects. Returns an error if a name of a live member object is specified in the member_names query param. If false, returns only live member objects. Returns an error if a name of a destroyed member object is specified in the member_names query param.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_pods(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemotePodsResponse

Returns a list of pods that that are on connected arrays but not stretched to this array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of remote protection group snapshots.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_protection_group_snapshots_transfer(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotTransferGetResponse

Displays a list of remote protection groups and their transfer statistics.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupGetResponse

Returns a list of remote protection groups.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteVolumeSnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of remote volume snapshots.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_remote_volume_snapshots_transfer(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteVolumeSnapshotTransferGetResponse

Returns a list of remote volume snapshots and their transfer statistics.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.


Get the REST API version being used by this client.



get_sessions(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SessionGetResponse

Displays session data for user login events performed in the Purity//FA GUI, CLI, and REST API.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_smi_s(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SmisGetResponse

Displays the SMI-S settings, including whether SLP and WBEM-HTTPS are enabled.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_smtp_servers(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SmtpServerGetResponse

Displays SMTP server attributes. Values include user_name, password, relay_host, sender_domain, sender_username, subject_prefix, body_prefix, encryption_mode, and name.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_snmp_agents(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpAgentGetResponse

Displays the SNMP agent name and protocol attributes.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_snmp_agents_mib(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpAgentMibGetResponse

Displays the SNMP MIB text.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_snmp_managers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpManagerGetResponse

Displays designated SNMP managers and their communication and security attributes.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_snmp_managers_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceGetResponse

Displays SNMP manager test results (traps or informs).

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, versions: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareGetResponse

Displays a list of available software packages.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • versions (list[str], optional) – A list of versions.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_bundle(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareBundleGetResponse

Displays a list of software bundles.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_check(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, softwares: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, software_versions: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareChecksGetResponse

Displays a list of software check tasks.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • softwares (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of softwares to query for. Overrides software_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • software_versions (list[str], optional) – A list of target software versions.

  • software_names (list[str], optional) – A list of software names.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_installation_steps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, software_installations: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, software_installation_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareInstallationStepsGetResponse

Displays a list of currently running and completed software upgrade steps.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • software_installations (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of software_installations to query for. Overrides software_installation_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • software_installation_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of software installation IDs.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_installations(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, softwares: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, software_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareInstallationsGetResponse

Displays a list of software upgrades, including currently running and past upgrades.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • softwares (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of softwares to query for. Overrides software_ids and software_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • software_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of software IDs.

  • software_names (list[str], optional) – A list of software names.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_patches(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwarePatchesGetResponse

Displays a list of software patches.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_patches_catalog(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwarePatchesGetResponse

Displays a list of available software patches.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_software_versions(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareVersionsGetResponse

Displays a list of software versions.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_sso_saml2_idps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) Saml2SsoGetResponse

Displays the SAML2 SSO service provider and identity provider configuration settings in the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_sso_saml2_idps_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceResponse

Displays the existing SAML2 SSO configurations in the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_subnets(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SubnetGetResponse

Displays a list of subnets with statuses and attributes.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_subscription_assets(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SubscriptionAssetGetResponse

Displays information about subscription assets.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_subscriptions(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SubscriptionGetResponse

Displays information about subscriptions.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_support(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SupportGetResponse

Displays connection paths between the current array and each connected array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_support_test(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, test_type: Optional[str] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultGetResponse

Displays information about whether the array can connect to Pure Storage Support by establishing a secure shell or secure HTTP connection and verifies that messages can be exchanged.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • test_type (str, optional) – Specifies the type of test. Valid values are all, phonehome, and remote- assist. If not specified, defaults to all.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_syslog_servers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SyslogServerGetResponse

Displays a list of configured syslog servers.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_syslog_servers_settings(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SyslogServerSettingsGetResponse

Displays syslog settings. Values include continuation_token, items, more_items_remaining, and total_item_count.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_syslog_servers_test(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceGetResponse

Displays syslog server test results, which indicate whether the syslog is working and configured correctly.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_vchost_connections(protocol_endpoints: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, all_vchosts: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, protocol_endpoint_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, protocol_endpoint_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostConnectionGetResponse

Displays a list of vchost-connections between the protocol endpoint and vchost.

  • protocol_endpoints (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of protocol_endpoints to query for. Overrides protocol_endpoint_ids and protocol_endpoint_names keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_ids and vchost_names keyword arguments.

  • all_vchosts (bool, optional) – If set to true, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is accessible to all vchosts. Users should not specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request. If set to false, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is only accessible to the vchosts that have explicit vchost-connections with the protocol endpoint. Users need to specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • protocol_endpoint_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint IDs. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, peid01,peid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_names. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • protocol_endpoint_names (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint names. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, pe01,pe02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost IDs. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_names. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost names. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchost01,vchost02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_vchosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostGetResponse

Displays a list of vchosts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_vchosts_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificates: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, certificate_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostCertificateGetResponse

Displays certificates that are attached to configured vchosts on at least one endpoint.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • certificates (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of certificates to query for. Overrides certificate_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • certificate_names (list[str], optional) – The names of one or more certificates. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, cert01,cert02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_vchosts_endpoints(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, endpoints: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostEndpointGetResponse

Displays a list of vchost endpoints with their associated vchosts and certificates.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • endpoints (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique endpoints specified. Enter multiple endpoints in a comma-separated format.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_virtual_machine_snapshots(vms: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, vm_type: Optional[str] = None, vm_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VirtualMachineGetResponse

Displays a list of virtual machine snapshots, including those pending eradication. If vm_type is vvol, the recovery_context in the response will represent a protection group snapshot containing the virtual machine. This must be used as the source in the POST /virtual-machine method when recovering or overwriting a virtual machine from a snapshot.

  • vms (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vms to query for. Overrides vm_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • vm_type (str, optional) – The type of virtual machine. The only valid value is vvol.

  • vm_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique virtual machine IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in a comma-separated format.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_virtual_machines(vms: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, vm_type: Optional[str] = None, vm_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VirtualMachineGetResponse

Displays a list of virtual machines, including those pending eradication. If vm_type is vvol, the recovery_context in the response will represent the most recent snapshot of the config vVol. This must be used as the source in the PATCH method when recovering a virtual machine from the destroyed state.

  • vms (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vms to query for. Overrides vm_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • vm_type (str, optional) – The type of virtual machine. The only valid value is vvol.

  • vm_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique virtual machine IDs specified. Enter multiple virtual machine IDs in a comma-separated format.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeGroupGetResponse

Displays a list of volume groups, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_groups_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceGetResponse

Returns real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes for each volume group and and as a total of all volume groups across the entire array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_groups_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourceSpaceGetResponse

Displays the provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each volume group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_groups_volumes(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberGetResponse

Returns a list of volume groups that contain volumes.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeSnapshotGetResponse

Displays a list of volume snapshots, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_snapshots_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, resource_destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagGetResponse

Displays the list of tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • resource_destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns only objects from destroyed resources. Returns an error if the name of a live resource is specified in the resource_names query parameter. If set to false, returns only objects from live resources. Returns an error if the name of a destroyed resource is specified in the resource_names query parameter.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volume_snapshots_transfer(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeSnapshotTransferGetResponse

Displays a list of volume snapshots and their transfer statistics.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeGetResponse

Displays a list of volumes, including those pending eradication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_diff(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, segment_length: Optional[int] = None, block_size: Optional[int] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, base_name: Optional[str] = None, base_id: Optional[str] = None, segment_offset: Optional[int] = None, next_allocated_block_hint: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumesDiffGetResponse

Displays block differences for the specified volumes.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • segment_length (int, required) – Length of the segment, in bytes, to compare.

  • block_size (int, required) – Granularity at which to compare, in bytes. Must be a multiple of 512.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • base_name (str, optional) – Name of the volume or volume snapshot that the diff comparison is based on. If a base volume or volume snapshot is not specified, all mapped blocks for the volume or volume snapshot are displayed. The base_name or base_id parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • base_id (str, optional) – ID of the volume or volume snapshot that the diff comparison is based on. If a base volume or volume snapshot is not specified, all mapped blocks for the volume or volume snapshot are displayed. The base_name or base_id parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • segment_offset (int, optional) – Absolute offset, in bytes, of the segment to compare. Must be a multiple of block_size.

  • next_allocated_block_hint (bool, optional) – If set to true, appends offset of the next allocated block in bytes for the volume specified in names or ids to the output items. base_name or base_id must not be specified if this is set to true. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_performance(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceGetResponse

Returns real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O sizes for each volume and and as a total of all volumes across the entire array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_performance_by_array(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ResourcePerformanceByArrayGetResponse

Return real-time and historical performance data, real-time latency data, and average I/O size data. The data returned is for each volume on the current array and for each volume on any remote arrays that are visible to the current array. The data is grouped by individual volumes and as a total across all volumes on each array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupsVolumesGetResponse

Displays a list of volume members that belong to one or more protection groups.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_destroyed (bool, optional) – If true, returns only destroyed member objects. Returns an error if a name of a live member object is specified in the member_names query param. If false, returns only live member objects. Returns an error if a name of a destroyed member object is specified in the member_names query param.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_space(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, total_only: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeSpaceGetResponse

Displays the provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each volume.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, lists only destroyed objects that are in the eradication pending state. If set to false, lists only objects that are not destroyed. For destroyed objects, the time remaining is displayed in milliseconds.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • end_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • resolution (int, optional) – The number of milliseconds between samples of historical data. For array-wide performance metrics (/arrays/performance endpoint), valid values are 1000 (1 second), 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For performance metrics on storage objects (<object name>/performance endpoint), such as volumes, valid values are 30000 (30 seconds), 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). For space metrics, (<object name>/space endpoint), valid values are 300000 (5 minutes), 1800000 (30 minutes), 7200000 (2 hours), 28800000 (8 hours), and 86400000 (24 hours). Include the start_time parameter to display the performance data starting at the specified start time. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. Include the end_time parameter to display the performance data until the specified end time. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. If the `resolution parameter is not specified but either the start_time or end_time parameter is, then resolution will default to the lowest valid resolution.

  • start_time (int, optional) – Displays historical performance data for the specified time window, where start_time is the beginning of the time window, and end_time is the end of the time window. The start_time and end_time parameters are specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If start_time is not specified, the start time will default to one resolution before the end time, meaning that the most recent sample of performance data will be displayed. If end_time`is not specified, the end time will default to the current time. Include the `resolution parameter to display the performance data at the specified resolution. If not specified, resolution defaults to the lowest valid resolution.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • total_only (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns the aggregate value of all items after filtering. Where it makes more sense, the average value is displayed instead. The values are displayed for each name where meaningful. If total_only=true, the items list will be empty.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_tags(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, namespaces: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, resource_destroyed: Optional[bool] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagGetResponse

Displays the list of tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • namespaces (list[str], optional) – A list of namespaces.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • resource_destroyed (bool, optional) – If set to true, returns only objects from destroyed resources. Returns an error if the name of a live resource is specified in the resource_names query parameter. If set to false, returns only objects from live resources. Returns an error if the name of a destroyed resource is specified in the resource_names query parameter.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

get_volumes_volume_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sort: Optional[List[str]] = None, total_item_count: Optional[bool] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberGetResponse

Returns a list of volumes that are in a volume group.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • continuation_token (str, optional) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources.

  • filter (Filter, optional) – A filter to include only resources that match the specified criteria.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • limit (int, optional) – Limit the number of resources in the response. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • offset (int, optional) – The starting position based on the results of the query in relation to the full set of response objects returned.

  • sort (list[Property], optional) – Sort the response by the specified Properties. Can also be a single element.

  • total_item_count (bool, optional) – If set to true, the total_item_count matching the specified query parameters is calculated and returned in the response. If set to false, the total_item_count is null in the response. This may speed up queries where the total_item_count is large. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_active_directory(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, active_directory: Optional[ActiveDirectoryPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ActiveDirectoryResponse

Modifies specified Active Directory account.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • active_directory (ActiveDirectoryPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_admins(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, admin: Optional[AdminPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminResponse

Modifies properties for the specified administrator.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • admin (AdminPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_admins_settings(admin_settings: Optional[AdminSettings] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminSettingsResponse

Modifies the global administrator settings for the array.

  • admin_settings (AdminSettings, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_alert_watchers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, alert_watcher: Optional[AlertWatcherPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertWatcherResponse

Modify alert watcher email address by enabling or disabling it.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • alert_watcher (AlertWatcherPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_alerts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, alert: Optional[Alert] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertResponse

Modifies one or more alerts and display updated information about these alerts.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • alert (Alert, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_alerts_rules(code: Optional[int] = None, parameter: Optional[str] = None, alert_rule: Optional[AlertRules] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertRulesResponse

Modifies a custom alert rule to a new value.

  • code (int, required) – The alert code that the rule applies to. Available alert codes for customization can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • parameter (str, required) – The parameter of the custom alert rule to modify. Values include info and warning. Available parameter values can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • alert_rule (AlertRules, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_api_clients(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, api_clients: Optional[ApiClientPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ApiClientResponse

Enables or disables an API client. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • api_clients (ApiClientPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_apps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, app: Optional[App] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AppResponse

Modifies an installed app or modifies Virtual Network Computing (VNC) access for apps that are being patched.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • app (App, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_array_connections(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, refresh: Optional[bool] = None, renew_encryption_key: Optional[bool] = None, array_connection: Optional[ArrayConnectionPatch] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayConnectionResponse

Modifies attributes for an array connection.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • refresh (bool, optional) – If set to true, the array will attempt to communicate with the connection peer in order to update the connection attributes on both arrays with any changes that have occurred. If set to true, other array connection attributes may not be modified in requests. Default value is false.

  • renew_encryption_key (bool, optional) – If set to true, update array connection with a new encryption key. If set to true, other array connection attributes may not be modified in requests. Defaults to false.

  • array_connection (ArrayConnectionPatch, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_arrays(array: Optional[Arrays] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayResponse

Modifies general array properties such as the array name, login banner, idle timeout for management sessions, and NTP servers.

  • array (Arrays, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_arrays_cloud_capacity(capacity: Optional[CloudCapacityStatus] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CloudCapacityPatchResponse

Modifies the raw capacity of the CBS array. This should trigger a backend process that will update the CBS array capacity. The array capacity can be updated only to values defined by the capacity steps endpoint. When an existing capacity update request is in progress, any new request to update of the capacity will receive an error response. For non-CBS arrays, this feature is not supported and requests will receive an error response.

  • capacity (CloudCapacityStatus, required) – The requested capacity of the CBS array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_arrays_erasures(delete_sanitization_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, eradicate_all_data: Optional[bool] = None, finalize: Optional[bool] = None, reinstall_image: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, erasure_patch: Optional[ArrayErasurePatch] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayErasureResponse

Modifies the factory reset process to finalize.

  • delete_sanitization_certificate (bool, required) – Set to true to finalize factory reset and acknowledge the deletion of sanitization certificate.

  • eradicate_all_data (bool, required) – Set to true to perform a factory reset.

  • finalize (bool, required) – Must be true to finalize factory reset.

  • reinstall_image (bool, required) – Set to true to reinstall image, or false to skip reinstalling image.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • erasure_patch (ArrayErasurePatch, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_arrays_eula(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, eula: Optional[Eula] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) EulaResponse

Modifies the signature on the End User Agreement.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • eula (Eula, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificate: Optional[CertificatePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, generate_new_key: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CertificateResponse

Modifies certificate attributes. When you modify the attributes of a self-signed certificate, Purity//FA replaces the existing certificate with a new certificate, which is generated with the specified attributes.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • certificate (CertificatePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • generate_new_key (bool, optional) – If set to true, a new private key is generated when generating a new certificate with the specified attributes. This may not be set to true when importing a certificate and private key, and may not be set to false when generating a new self-signed certificate to replace a certificate that was imported. Default setting is false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_container_default_protections(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, container_default_protection: Optional[ContainerDefaultProtection] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ContainerDefaultProtectionResponse

Modifies a container’s default protections. To modify, set default_protections to the new list.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • container_default_protection (ContainerDefaultProtection, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the container ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. Specifying ids or names with no value will perform the operation on local array.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique container name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. Specifying ids or names with no value will perform the operation on local array.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directories(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, directory: Optional[DirectoryPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryResponse

Modifies a managed directory. To rename a managed directory, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The name or directory_name parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • directory (DirectoryPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_exports(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, exports: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, export: Optional[DirectoryExportPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, export_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryExportResponse

Modifies a directory export. Used for manually renaming, enabling, and disabling directory exports. To rename a directory export, set ‘export_name’ to the new name.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • exports (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of exports to query for. Overrides export_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • export (DirectoryExportPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • export_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the export names specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_services(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_service: Optional[DirectoryService] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryServiceResponse

Modifies the directory service configuration.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • directory_service (DirectoryService, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_services_local_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, local_group: Optional[LocalGroup] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalGroupResponse

Modifies local groups.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • local_group (LocalGroup, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_services_local_users(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, local_user: Optional[LocalUserPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_open_sessions: Optional[bool] = None, sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, uids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalUserResponse

Modifies a local user.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • local_user (LocalUserPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • keep_open_sessions (bool, optional) – If set to true, the session does not expire. If set to false, when the user is disabled or password is changed, the session expires. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the object SID specified. Enter multiple SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • uids (list[int], optional) – A list of local user IDs (UIDs). Enter multiple local user IDs in comma- separated format. For example, 423,51234.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_services_roles(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, roles: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_service_roles: Optional[DirectoryServiceRole] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, role_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryServiceRoleResponse

Modifies group to role mapping entries

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • roles (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of roles to query for. Overrides role_names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique names specified. For example, GroupRoleMappingName. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • directory_service_roles (DirectoryServiceRole, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • role_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique roles specified. For example, array_admin. Enter multiple roles in comma-separated format.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_directory_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, directory_snapshot: Optional[DirectorySnapshotPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectorySnapshotResponse

Modifies a directory snapshot. You can destroy, recover, or update the policy or time remaining of a directory snapshot. To destroy a directory snapshot, set destroyed=true. To recover a directory snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=false. To rename a directory snapshot, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • directory_snapshot (DirectorySnapshotPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_dns(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, dns: Optional[DnsPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DnsResponse

Modifies the DNS parameters of an array, including the domain suffix, the list of DNS name server IP addresses, and the list of services that DNS parameters apply to. If there is no DNS configuration beforehand new DNS configuration with ‘default’ name is created. If more than one DNS configuration exists name has to be specified to identify the DNS configuration to be modified.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • dns (DnsPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_drives(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, admit: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DriveResponse

Modifies flash and NVRAM modules that have been added or connected but not yet admitted to the array.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • admit (bool, optional) – If true, admits any unadmitted drives into the system.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_file_systems(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, file_system: Optional[FileSystemPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) FileSystemResponse

Modifies a file system. You can rename, destroy, move, or recover a file system. To rename a file system, set name to the new name. To destroy a file system, set destroyed=true. To move a file system, set ‘pod’ to the destination pod reference. To recover a file system that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=false.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • file_system (FileSystemPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_hardware(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, hardware: Optional[HardwarePatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HardwareResponse

Modifies the visual identification of a specified hardware component, and causing the ID LED to turn on or off.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • hardware (HardwarePatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_host_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, host_group: Optional[HostGroupPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostGroupResponse

Modifies a host group. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • host_group (HostGroupPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_hosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, host: Optional[HostPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostResponse

Modifies an existing host, including its storage network addresses, CHAP, host personality, and preferred arrays, or associate a host to a host group. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • host (HostPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_kmip(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, kmip: Optional[KmipPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) KmipResponse

Modifies one or more attributes of KMIP server objects.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • kmip (KmipPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_network_interfaces(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, network: Optional[NetworkInterfacePatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfaceResponse

Modifies a network interface on a controller.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • network (NetworkInterfacePatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Modifies pod replica links. The local_pod_names and remote_pod_names are required. Valid values are replicating, baselining, paused, unhealthy, quiescing, and quiesced. A status of replicating indicates that the source array is replicating to the target array. A status of baselining indicates that the the initial version of the dataset is being sent. During this phase, you cannot promote the target pod. In addition, changing the link direction might trigger the baselining status to recur. A status of paused ` indicates that data transfer between objects has stopped. A status of `unhealthy indicates that the link is currently unhealthy and customers must perform some health checks to determine the cause. A status of quiescing indicates that the source pod is not accepting new write requests but the most recent changes to the source have not arrived on the target. A status of quiesced indicates that the source pod has been demoted and all changes have been replicated to the target pod.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • pod_replica_link (PodReplicaLinkPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Modifies policy mappings of a replica link. Valid mapping values are connected and disconnected. connected indicates that the source policy and its attachments will be mirrored on the target pod. disconnected indicates that the associated policy and its attachments are independent from any policy on the remote. This operation can only be performed on the target side of a pod replica link.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • pod_replica_links (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of pod_replica_links to query for. Overrides pod_replica_link_ids keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_policies to query for. Overrides remote_policy_ids and remote_policy_names keyword arguments.

  • mapping (MappingPolicyPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • pod_replica_link_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of pod replica link IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • remote_policy_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote policy IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_policy_names query parameter.

  • remote_policy_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote policy names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_policy_ids query parameter.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_pods(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, pod: Optional[PodPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, abort_quiesce: Optional[bool] = None, quiesce: Optional[bool] = None, skip_quiesce: Optional[bool] = None, promote_from: Optional[str] = None, destroy_contents: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodResponse

Modifies pod details.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • pod (PodPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • abort_quiesce (bool, optional) – Set to true to promote the pod when the pod-replica-link is in the quiescing state and abort when waiting for the pod-replica-link to complete the quiescing operation.

  • quiesce (bool, optional) – Set to true to demote the pod after the pod-replica-link goes into quiesced state and allow the pod to become a target of the remote pod. This ensures that all local data has been replicated to the remote pod before the pod is demoted.

  • skip_quiesce (bool, optional) – Set to true to demote the pod without quiescing the pod-replica-link and allow the pod to become a target of the remote pod. This stops all pending replication to the remote pod.

  • promote_from (str, optional) – The undo-demote pod that should be used to promote the pod. After the pod has been promoted, it will have the same data as the undo-demote pod and the undo-demote pod will be eradicated.

  • destroy_contents (bool, optional) – Set to true to destroy contents (e.g., volumes, protection groups, snapshots) and containers (e.g., pods, volume groups). This enables you to destroy containers with contents.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_alert_watcher(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Modifies one or more alert-watcher policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=false. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_alert_watcher_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleAlertWatcherResponse

Modifies alert-watcher policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_autodir(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Modifies one or more auto managed directory policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=true. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_nfs(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyNfsPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyNfsResponse

Modifies one or more NFS policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=false. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyNfsPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_password(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPassword] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyPasswordResponse

Modifies one or more password policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=false.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyPassword, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_quota(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_usage: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Modifies one or more quota policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=false. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ignore_usage (bool, optional) – Flag used to override checks for quota management operations. If set to true, directory usage is not checked against the quota_limits that are set. If set to false, the actual logical bytes in use are prevented from exceeding the limits set on the directory. Client operations might be impacted. If the limit exceeds the quota, the client operation is not allowed. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_quota_rules(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleQuotaPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_usage: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleQuotaResponse

Modifies quota policy rules.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleQuotaPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ignore_usage (bool, optional) – Flag used to override checks for quota management operations. If set to true, directory usage is not checked against the quota_limits that are set. If set to false, the actual logical bytes in use are prevented from exceeding the limits set on the directory. Client operations might be impacted. If the limit exceeds the quota, the client operation is not allowed. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_smb(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicySmbPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicySmbResponse

Modifies one or more SMB policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=false. To enable access based enumeration, set access_based_enumeration_enabled=true. To disable access based enumeration, set access_based_enumeration_enabled=false. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicySmbPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_policies_snapshot(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Modifies one or more snapshot policies. To enable a policy, set enabled=true. To disable a policy, set enabled=true. To rename a policy, set name to the new name. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • policy (PolicyPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, protection_group_snapshot: Optional[ProtectionGroupSnapshotPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupSnapshotResponse

Modifies a protection group snapshot so that it can be destroyed. To destroy a volume, set destroyed=true. To recover a volume that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=false. The names or ids parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • protection_group_snapshot (ProtectionGroupSnapshotPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, protection_group: Optional[ProtectionGroup] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupResponse

Modifies the protection group schedules to generate and replicate snapshots to another array or to an external storage system. Renames or destroys a protection group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • protection_group (ProtectionGroup, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_protection_groups_targets(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, target: Optional[TargetProtectionGroupPostPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupTargetResponse

Modifies the source array to replicate protection group data to the target array, or disallows the source array from replicating protection group data to the target array. The allowed parameter must be set from the target array. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group. The allowed and group_names parameters are required and must be set together. Offload targets do not support the allowed parameter.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • target (TargetProtectionGroupPostPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_remote_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, remote_protection_group_snapshot: Optional[DestroyedPatchPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotResponse

Modifies a remote protection group snapshot, removing it from the offload target and destroying the snapshot. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The ids or names parameter and the on parameter are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • remote_protection_group_snapshot (DestroyedPatchPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_remote_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, remote_protection_group: Optional[RemoteProtectionGroup] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupResponse

Configures the snapshot retention schedule of a remote protection group. Also destroys a remote protection group from the offload target. Before the remote protection group can be destroyed, the offload target must first be removed from the protection group via the source array. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The ids or names parameter and the on parameter are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • remote_protection_group (RemoteProtectionGroup, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_remote_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, remote_volume_snapshot: Optional[DestroyedPatchPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, replication_snapshot: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteVolumeSnapshotResponse

Modifies a remote volume snapshot by destroying or recovering it from the offload target. The on parameter represents the name of the offload target. The names parameter and the on parameter are required and must be used together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • remote_volume_snapshot (DestroyedPatchPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • replication_snapshot (bool, optional) – If set to true, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots in use by replication. If set to false, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots not in use by replication. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_smi_s(smi_s: Optional[Smis] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SmisResponse

Modifies the Service Location Protocol (SLP) and the SMI-S provider, enabling or disabling them.

  • smi_s (Smis, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_smtp_servers(smtp: Optional[SmtpServer] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SmtpServerResponse

Modifies SMTP server attributes. Values include user_name, password, relay_host, sender_domain, sender_username, subject_prefix, body_prefix, encryption_mode, and name.

  • smtp (SmtpServer, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_snmp_agents(snmp_agent: Optional[SnmpAgentPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpAgentResponse

Modifies the name or the protocol attributes of the SNMP agent.

  • snmp_agent (SnmpAgentPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_snmp_managers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, snmp_manager: Optional[SnmpManagerPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpManagerResponse

Modifies the name or the protocol attributes of the specified SNMP manager.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • snmp_manager (SnmpManagerPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_software_installations(command: Optional[str] = None, current_step_id: Optional[str] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, software_installations: Optional[SoftwareInstallationPatch] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareInstallationsResponse

Modifies a software upgrade by continuing, retrying, or aborting it. All override_checks are updated before the command being issued if add_override_checks is present. The override_checks parameter is valid when command is continue or retry.

  • command (str, required) – A user command that interacts with the upgrade. Commands may only be issued when the upgrade is paused. Valid values are continue, retry, and abort. The continue command continues a paused upgrade. The retry command retries the previous step. The abort command aborts the upgrade.

  • current_step_id (str, required) – The current step id of the installation.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • software_installations (SoftwareInstallationPatch, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_sso_saml2_idps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, idp: Optional[Saml2SsoPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) Saml2SsoResponse

Modifies one or more attributes of SAML2 SSO configurations.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • idp (Saml2SsoPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_sso_saml2_idps_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, idp: Optional[Saml2SsoPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourcePatchResponse

Modifies the provided SAML2 SSO configurations. If the configurations with the specified ids or names exist, the provided configurations will overwrite the existing configurations, but will not be persisted in the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • idp (Saml2SsoPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_subnets(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, subnet: Optional[SubnetPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SubnetResponse

Modifies one or more specified subnet properties.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • subnet (SubnetPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_support(support: Optional[SupportPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SupportResponse

Creates a connection path from the array to another array.

  • support (SupportPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_syslog_servers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, syslog_server: Optional[SyslogServer] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SyslogServerResponse

Modifies the URI of a configured syslog server.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • syslog_server (SyslogServer, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_syslog_servers_settings(syslog_server_settings: Optional[SyslogServerSettings] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SyslogServerSettingsResponse

Modifies syslog settings. Values include continuation_token, items, more_items_remaining, and total_item_count.

  • syslog_server_settings (SyslogServerSettings, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_vchosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchost: Optional[VchostPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostResponse

Modifies an existing vchost. The names or ids query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names and ids keyword arguments.

  • vchost (VchostPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_vchosts_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificates: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificate: Optional[VchostCertificatePatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, certificate_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostCertificateResponse

Modifies an existing vchost certificate. The ids query parameter alone, or the certificate_names query parameter together with one of vchost_names or vchost_ids, is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • certificates (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of certificates to query for. Overrides certificate_names keyword arguments.

  • certificate (VchostCertificatePatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • certificate_names (list[str], optional) – The names of one or more certificates. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, cert01,cert02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_vchosts_endpoints(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, endpoint: Optional[VchostEndpointPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, endpoints: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostEndpointResponse

Modifies an existing vchost endpoint. The ids query parameter alone, or the endpoints query parameter together with one of vchost_names or vchost_ids, is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • endpoint (VchostEndpointPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • endpoints (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique endpoints specified. Enter multiple endpoints in a comma-separated format.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_virtual_machines(virtual_machine: Optional[VirtualMachinePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VirtualMachineResponse

Updates a virtual machine, recovering it from the destroyed state. If the virtual machine is of type vvol, the source property of the request body must be a recovery_context value retrieved from the GET /virtual-machines endpoint. If recovering the virtual machine will cause a conflict with an existing virtual machine, the operation will fail.

  • virtual_machine (VirtualMachinePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_volume_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume_group: Optional[VolumeGroupPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, destroy_contents: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeGroupResponse

Modifies a volume group. You can rename, destroy, recover, or set QoS limits for a volume group. To rename a volume group, set name to the new name. To destroy a volume group, set destroyed=true. To recover a volume group that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=false. Sets the bandwidth and IOPs limits of a volume group through the respective bandwidth_limit and iops_limit parameter. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. Sets the priority adjustment for a volume group using the priority_adjustment_operator and priority_adjustment_value fields.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • volume_group (VolumeGroupPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • destroy_contents (bool, optional) – Set to true to destroy contents (e.g., volumes, protection groups, snapshots) and containers (e.g., pods, volume groups). This enables you to destroy containers with contents.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_volume_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume_snapshot: Optional[VolumeSnapshotPatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, replication_snapshot: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeSnapshotResponse

Modifies a volume snapshot by renaming, destroying, or recovering it. To rename the suffix of a volume snapshot, set name to the new suffix name. To recover a volume snapshot that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=true. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • volume_snapshot (VolumeSnapshotPatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • replication_snapshot (bool, optional) – If set to true, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots in use by replication. If set to false, allow destruction/eradication of snapshots not in use by replication. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

patch_volumes(add_to_protection_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, remove_from_protection_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume: Optional[VolumePatch] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, add_to_protection_group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_to_protection_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, remove_from_protection_group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, remove_from_protection_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, truncate: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeResponse

Modifies a volume by renaming, destroying, or resizing it. To rename a volume, set name to the new name. To destroy a volume, set destroyed=true. To recover a volume that has been destroyed and is pending eradication, set destroyed=false. Set the bandwidth and IOPs limits of a volume through the respective bandwidth_limit and iops_limit parameter. This moves the volume into a pod or volume group through the respective pod or volume_group parameter. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • add_to_protection_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of add_to_protection_groups to query for. Overrides add_to_protection_group_ids and add_to_protection_group_names keyword arguments.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • remove_from_protection_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remove_from_protection_groups to query for. Overrides remove_from_protection_group_ids and remove_from_protection_group_names keyword arguments.

  • volume (VolumePatch, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • add_to_protection_group_ids (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple ids in comma-separated format.

  • add_to_protection_group_names (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • remove_from_protection_group_ids (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be removed from the specified protection groups in the source pod or array along with the move. This can only be used when moving volumes across pods and arrays and must include all protection groups that the volumes are members of before the move. Enter multiple ids in a comma-separated format.

  • remove_from_protection_group_names (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be removed from the specified protection groups in the source pod or array along with the move. This can only be used when moving volumes across pods and arrays and must include all protection groups that the volumes are members of before the move. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format.

  • truncate (bool, optional) – If set to true, reduces the size of a volume during a volume resize operation. When a volume is truncated, Purity automatically takes an undo snapshot, providing a 24-hour window during which the previous contents can be retrieved. After truncating a volume, its provisioned size can be subsequently increased, but the data in truncated sectors cannot be retrieved. If set to false or not set at all and the volume is being reduced in size, the volume copy operation fails. Required if the provisioned parameter is set to a volume size that is smaller than the original size.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_active_directory(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, active_directory: Optional[ActiveDirectoryPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, join_existing_account: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ActiveDirectoryResponse

Creates one or more Active Directory accounts. The user and password provided are used to join the array to the specified domain.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • active_directory (ActiveDirectoryPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • join_existing_account (bool, optional) – If specified as true, the domain is searched for a pre-existing computer account to join to, and no new account will be created within the domain. The user specified when joining a pre-existing account must have permissions to ‘read all properties from’ and ‘reset the password of’ the pre-existing account. join_ou will be read from the pre-existing account and cannot be specified when joining to an existing account. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_admins(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, admin: Optional[AdminPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminResponse

Creates an administrator.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • admin (AdminPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_admins_api_tokens(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminApiTokenResponse

Creates API tokens for the specified administrators.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • timeout (int, optional) – The duration of API token validity, in milliseconds.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_alert_watchers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, alert_watcher: Optional[AlertWatcherPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertWatcherResponse

Creates one or more alert watcher email addresses, adding them to the list of alert watchers.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • alert_watcher (AlertWatcherPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_alerts_rules(code: Optional[int] = None, parameter: Optional[str] = None, alert_rule: Optional[AlertRules] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AlertRulesResponse

Creates an alert rule with a custom value.

  • code (int, required) – The alert code that the rule applies to. Available alert codes for customization can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • parameter (str, required) – The parameter of the custom alert rule to modify. Values include info and warning. Available parameter values can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • alert_rule (AlertRules, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_api_clients(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, api_clients: Optional[ApiClientPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ApiClientResponse

Creates an API client. Newly created API clients are disabled by default. Enable an API client through the PATCH method. The names, max_role, issuer, and public_key parameters are required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • api_clients (ApiClientPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_array_connections(array_connection: Optional[ArrayConnectionPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayConnectionResponse

Creates a connection between this array and the specified array.

  • array_connection (ArrayConnectionPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_arrays_erasures(eradicate_all_data: Optional[bool] = None, preserve_configuration_data: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, skip_phonehome_check: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayErasureResponse

Creates the initiation of the factory reset process

  • eradicate_all_data (bool, required) – Set to true to perform a factory reset.

  • preserve_configuration_data (list[str], required) – A list of configuration data types to preserve. A value of all will preserve all configuration data types. Valid values include all.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • skip_phonehome_check (bool, optional) – A flag to skip phonehome connectivity check. If skip_phonehome_check is not set, the factory reset will fail if phonehome connectivity check fails. Arrays that intentionally disable phonehome or do not permit connectivity to Pure Storage’s cloud servers must set this flag to true in order to start factory reset.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_arrays_factory_reset_token(authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ArrayFactoryResetTokenResponse

Creates a token that can be used to perform a factory reset on the array. Factory reset tokens can only be created after the array has been prepared for reset (e.g., all volumes and snapshots must first be eradicated). After a token has been created, operations that would take the array out of the prepared state are disabled (e.g., creating volumes) until all tokens have been deleted.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_certificates(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificate: Optional[CertificatePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CertificateResponse

Creates a certificate object and specifies the valid time period and organization details of the certificate. A certificate can be imported or manually configured.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • certificate (CertificatePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_certificates_certificate_signing_requests(certificate: Optional[CertificateSigningRequestPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CertificateSigningRequestResponse

Creates a certificate signing request based on the certificate type and parameters.

  • certificate (CertificateSigningRequestPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_connections(host_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, hosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volumes: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, host_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, host_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, volume_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, connection: Optional[ConnectionPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ConnectionResponse

Creates a connection between a volume and a host or host group. One of volume_names or volume_ids and one of host_names or host_group_names query parameters are required.

  • host_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of host_groups to query for. Overrides host_group_names keyword arguments.

  • hosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of hosts to query for. Overrides host_names keyword arguments.

  • volumes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of volumes to query for. Overrides volume_names and volume_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • host_group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the host group specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host group names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_group_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., hgroup01).

  • host_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the hosts specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, host01,host02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple host names and volume names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., host_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., host01).

  • volume_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the volume specified. Enter multiple names in comma- separated format. For example, vol01,vol02. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple names. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume names and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_names) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01).

  • volume_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified volume. Enter multiple ids in comma- separated format. For example, vol01id,vol02id. A request cannot include a mix of multiple objects with multiple IDs. For example, a request cannot include a mix of multiple volume IDs and host names; instead, at least one of the objects (e.g., volume_ids) must be set to only one name (e.g., vol01id). Only one of the two between volume_names and volume_ids may be used at a time.

  • connection (ConnectionPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, file_systems: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, directory: Optional[DirectoryPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, file_system_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, file_system_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryResponse

Creates a managed directory at the specified path. The managed directory name must consist of a file system name prefix and a managed directory name suffix (separated with ‘&#58;’). The suffix must be between 1 and 63 characters (alphanumeric and ‘-’) in length and begin and end with a letter or number. The suffix must include at least one letter or ‘-’. Set names to create a managed directory with the specified full managed directory name, or set file_system_names or file_system_ids in the query parameters and suffix in the body parameters to create a managed directory in the specified file system with the specified suffix. These two options are exclusive.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • file_systems (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of file_systems to query for. Overrides file_system_names and file_system_ids keyword arguments.

  • directory (DirectoryPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • file_system_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the file system name specified. Enter multiple file system names in comma-separated format. For example, filesystem01,filesystem02.

  • file_system_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the file system ID specified. Enter multiple file system IDs in comma-separated format. The file_system_ids or file_system_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_locks_nlm_reclamations(x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryLockNlmReclamationResponse

NLM reclamation is a system-wide operation, affecting all clients, and so only one may be in progress at a time. Attempting to initiate reclamation while one is in progress will result in an error. When NLM reclamation is initiated, all NLM locks are deleted and client applications are notified that they can reacquire their locks within a grace period.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_policies_autodir(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[DirectoryPolicyPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between a directory with one or more auto managed directory policies. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (DirectoryPolicyPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_policies_nfs(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[DirectoryPolicyExportPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportResponse

Creates a membership between a directory and one or more NFS policies. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (DirectoryPolicyExportPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_policies_quota(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[DirectoryPolicyPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_usage: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between a directory and one or more quota policies. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (DirectoryPolicyPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • ignore_usage (bool, optional) – Flag used to override checks for quota management operations. If set to true, directory usage is not checked against the quota_limits that are set. If set to false, the actual logical bytes in use are prevented from exceeding the limits set on the directory. Client operations might be impacted. If the limit exceeds the quota, the client operation is not allowed. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_policies_smb(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[DirectoryPolicyExportPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportResponse

Creates a membership between a directory and one or more SMB policies. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (DirectoryPolicyExportPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directories_policies_snapshot(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[DirectoryPolicyPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between a directory with one or more snapshot policies. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_ids and member_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (DirectoryPolicyPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_exports(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, exports: Optional[DirectoryExportPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryExportResponse

Creates an export of a managed directory. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • exports (DirectoryExportPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_services_local_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, local_group: Optional[LocalGroupPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalGroupResponse

Creates a local group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • local_group (LocalGroupPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_services_local_groups_members(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, local_membership: Optional[LocalGroupMembershipPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_gids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalMembershipResponse

Creates a local group membership with a group. The group_names, group_sids, or group_ids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • local_membership (LocalGroupMembershipPost, required) – The member_names, member_sids, or member_gids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the group names specified. Enter multiple group names in comma-separated format. For example, group1,group2.

  • group_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified group SID. Enter multiple group SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • group_gids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified GIDs. Enter multiple GIDs in comma- separated format. For example, 4234235,9681923.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_services_local_users(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, local_user: Optional[LocalUserPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalUserResponse

Creates a local user.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • local_user (LocalUserPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_services_local_users_members(members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, local_membership: Optional[LocalUserMembershipPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_sids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) LocalMembershipResponse

Creates a local user membership with a group. The member_names or member_sids or member_ids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • local_membership (LocalUserMembershipPost, required) – The group_names, group_sids, or group_gids parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_sids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the specified member SID. Enter multiple member SIDs in comma-separated format. For example, S-1-2-532-582374278-329482934,S-1-2-532-234235245-423425234.

  • member_ids (list[int], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique local member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. For local group IDs refer to group IDs (GID). For local user IDs refer to user IDs (UID). The member_ids and member_names parameters cannot be provided together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_services_roles(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_service_roles: Optional[DirectoryServiceRole] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectoryServiceRoleResponse

Add group to role mapping

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique names specified. For example, GroupRoleMappingName. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • directory_service_roles (DirectoryServiceRole, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_directory_snapshots(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, directory_snapshot: Optional[DirectorySnapshotPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DirectorySnapshotResponse

Creates a snapshot of the contents of a directory. The source_ids or source_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • directory_snapshot (DirectorySnapshotPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_dns(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, dns: Optional[DnsPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) DnsResponse

Creates new DNS configuration with parameters including the domain suffix, the list of DNS name server IP addresses, and the list of services that DNS parameters apply to.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • dns (DnsPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_file_systems(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) FileSystemResponse

Creates one or more file systems.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_files(directories: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, source_file: Optional[FilePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, directory_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, directory_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, paths: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) None

Creates a file copy from one path to another path. The directory_ids, directory_names or paths value must be specified. If the directory_ids or directory_names value is not specified, the file is copied to the source directory specified in the body params. The paths value refers to the path of the target file relative to the target directory. If paths value is not specified, the file will be copied to the relative path specified in source_path under the target directory. The source_path value refers to the path of the source file relative to the source directory. To overwrite an existing file, set the overwrite flag to true.

  • directories (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of directories to query for. Overrides directory_ids and directory_names keyword arguments.

  • source_file (FilePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • directory_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique managed directory IDs specified. Enter multiple managed directory IDs in comma-separated format. The directory_ids or directory_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • directory_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the managed directory names specified. Enter multiple full managed directory names in comma-separated format. For example, fs:dir01,fs:dir02.

  • paths (list[str], optional) – Target file path relative to the target directory. Enter multiple target file path in a comma-separated format. For example, /dir1/dir2/file1,/dir3/dir4/file2.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_host_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostGroupResponse

Creates a host group. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_host_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdAllResponse

Adds a host to a host group. Adding a host to a host group automatically connects the host to all volumes associated with the group. Multiple hosts can be belong to a host group, but a host can only belong to one host group. Hosts can be added to host groups at any time. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together, and only one host group can be specified at a time.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_host_groups_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberResponse

Creates a host group member and assigns to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_hosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, host: Optional[HostPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) HostResponse

Creates a host. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • host (HostPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_hosts_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdAllResponse

Adds a host to a host group. Adding a host to a host group automatically connects the host to all volumes associated with the group. Multiple hosts can be belong to a host group, but a host can only belong to one host group. Hosts can be added to host groups at any time. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together, and only one host group can be specified at a time.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_hosts_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberResponse

Creates a host member and adds it to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_kmip(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, kmip: Optional[KmipPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) KmipResponse

Creates KMIP server objects.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • kmip (KmipPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_maintenance_windows(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, maintenance_window: Optional[MaintenanceWindowPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MaintenanceWindowsResponse

Creates a maintenance window that suppresses alerts for a specified period of time. A maintenance window can be manually closed at any time. The names and timeout parameters are required. Set the names parameter to environment.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • maintenance_window (MaintenanceWindowPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_network_interfaces(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, network: Optional[NetworkInterfacePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) NetworkInterfaceResponse

Creates a network interface on a controller on the array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • network (NetworkInterfacePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_offloads(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, offload: Optional[OffloadPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, initialize: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) OffloadResponse

Creates an offload target, connecting it to an array. Before you can connect to, manage, and replicate to an offload target, the Purity Run app must be installed.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • offload (OffloadPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • initialize (bool, optional) – If set to true, initializes the Amazon S3/Azure Blob container/Google Cloud Storage in preparation for offloading. The parameter must be set to true if this is the first time the array is connecting to the offload target.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

Creates pod replica links between two arrays. The local_pod_names and remote_pod_names are required. Valid values are replicating, baselining, paused, unhealthy, quiescing, and quiesced. A status of replicating indicates that the source array is replicating to the target array. A status of baselining indicates that the the initial version of the dataset is being sent. During this phase, you cannot promote the target pod. In addition, changing the link direction might trigger the baselining status to recur. A status of paused ` indicates that data transfer between objects has stopped. A status of `unhealthy indicates that the link is currently unhealthy and customers must perform some health checks to determine the cause. A status of quiescing indicates that the source pod is not accepting new write requests but the most recent changes to the source have not arrived on the target. A status of quiesced indicates that the source pod has been demoted and all changes have been replicated to the target pod.

  • local_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of local_pods to query for. Overrides local_pod_ids and local_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remotes to query for. Overrides remote_ids and remote_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_pods (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of remote_pods to query for. Overrides remote_pod_ids and remote_pod_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • local_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_names query parameter.

  • local_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of local pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the local_pod_ids query parameter.

  • remote_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_names query parameter.

  • remote_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote array names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_ids query parameter.

  • remote_pod_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod IDs. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_names query parameter.

  • remote_pod_names (list[str], optional) – A list of remote pod names. If, after filtering, there is not at least one resource that matches each of the elements, then an error is returned. This cannot be provided together with the remote_pod_ids query parameter.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_pods(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, pod: Optional[PodPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PodResponse

Creates a pod on the local array. Each pod must be given a unique name across the arrays to which they are stretched. A pod cannot be stretched to an array that already contains a pod with the same name. After a pod has been created, add volumes and protection groups, and then stretch the pod to another (connected) array.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • pod (PodPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_pods_arrays(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberResponse

Stretches a pod to an array. When a pod is stretched to an array, the data in the arrays over which the pod is stretched is synchronously replicated. The group_names parameter represents the name of the pod to be stretched. The member_names parameter represents the name of the array over which the pod is to be stretched. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_names and group_ids keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_pods_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, pod: Optional[PodPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceWithIdPostResponse

Creates an attempt to clone a pod on the local array without actually cloning it, to test if the pod can be successfully cloned. It does not suppport pod creation.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • pod (PodPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_alert_watcher(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Creates one or more alert-watcher policies. To copy a policy, the source_names or source_ids parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. To create a policy from scratch, policy body is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicyPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_alert_watcher_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between one or more objects and an alert-watcher policy. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_alert_watcher_rules(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleAlertWatcherResponse

Creates one or more alert-watcher policy rules. Either the ‘policy_ids’ or ‘policy_names’ parameter is required, but both parameters cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_autodir(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Creates one or more auto managed directory policies. To copy a policy, set one of either source_names or source_ids. Each policy can only have one entry. To create a policy from scratch, policy body is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicyPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_autodir_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between one or more resources with an auto managed directory policy. Applicable resources are directories. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_nfs(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyNfsPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyNfsResponse

Creates one or more NFS policies or copies an existing policy. To copy a policy, the source_names or source_ids parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. To create a policy, policy body is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicyNfsPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_nfs_client_rules(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleNfsClientPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleNfsClientResponse

Creates one or more NFS client policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleNfsClientPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_nfs_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberExportPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportResponse

Creates a membership between one or more resources and an NFS policy. Applicable resources are directories. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberExportPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_quota(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Creates one or more quota policies. To copy a policy, the source_names or source_ids parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. To create a policy from scratch, policy body is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicyPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_quota_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_usage: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between one or more managed directories and a quota policy. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ignore_usage (bool, optional) – Flag used to override checks for quota management operations. If set to true, directory usage is not checked against the quota_limits that are set. If set to false, the actual logical bytes in use are prevented from exceeding the limits set on the directory. Client operations might be impacted. If the limit exceeds the quota, the client operation is not allowed. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_quota_rules(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleQuotaPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_usage: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleQuotaResponse

Creates one or more quota policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleQuotaPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • ignore_usage (bool, optional) – Flag used to override checks for quota management operations. If set to true, directory usage is not checked against the quota_limits that are set. If set to false, the actual logical bytes in use are prevented from exceeding the limits set on the directory. Client operations might be impacted. If the limit exceeds the quota, the client operation is not allowed. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_smb(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicySmbPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicySmbResponse

Creates one or more SMB policies. To copy a policy, set one of either source_names or source_ids. Each policy can only have one entry. To create a policy from scratch, policy body is required. To create an SMB policy with access based enumeration enabled, set access_based_enumeration_enabled=true.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicySmbPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_smb_client_rules(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleSmbClientPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleSmbClientResponse

Creates one or more SMB client policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleSmbClientPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_smb_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberExportPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberExportResponse

Creates a membership between one or more resources and an SMB policy. Applicable resources are directories. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberExportPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_snapshot(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy: Optional[PolicyPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyResponse

Creates one or more snapshot policies. To copy a policy, set one of either source_names or source_ids. Each policy can only have one entry. To create a policy from scratch, policy body is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • policy (PolicyPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_snapshot_members(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[PolicyMemberPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyMemberResponse

Creates a membership between one or more resources and a snapshot policy. Applicable resources are directories. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • members (PolicyMemberPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_policies_snapshot_rules(policies: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, rules: Optional[PolicyRuleSnapshotPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, policy_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, policy_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) PolicyRuleSnapshotResponse

Creates one or more snapshot policy rules. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • policies (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of policies to query for. Overrides policy_ids and policy_names keyword arguments.

  • rules (PolicyRuleSnapshotPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • policy_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique policy IDs specified. Enter multiple policy IDs in comma-separated format. The policy_ids or policy_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • policy_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the policy names specified. Enter multiple policy names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_group_snapshots(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, apply_retention: Optional[bool] = None, for_replication: Optional[bool] = None, replicate: Optional[bool] = None, replicate_now: Optional[bool] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, protection_group_snapshot: Optional[ProtectionGroupSnapshotPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupSnapshotResponse

Creates a point-in-time snapshot of the contents of a protection group. The source_ids or source_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • apply_retention (bool, optional) – If true, applies the local and remote retention policy to the snapshots.

  • for_replication (bool, optional) – If true, destroys and eradicates the snapshot after 1 hour.

  • replicate (bool, optional) – If set to true, queues up and begins replicating to each allowed target after all earlier replication sessions for the same protection group have been completed to that target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • replicate_now (bool, optional) – If set to true, replicates the snapshots to each allowed target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • protection_group_snapshot (ProtectionGroupSnapshotPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_group_snapshots_replica(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, convert_source_to_baseline: Optional[bool] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupSnapshotReplicaResponse

Creates an action to send protection group snapshots to protection pgroup targets. When the on option is used, only specified targets will recieve the protection group snapshots.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • convert_source_to_baseline (bool, optional) – Set to true to have the snapshot be eradicated when it is no longer baseline on source.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation locally with the target names specified as the destinations of the operation. Enter multiple target names in comma-separated format. For example, targetName01,targetName02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_group_snapshots_test(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, apply_retention: Optional[bool] = None, for_replication: Optional[bool] = None, replicate: Optional[bool] = None, replicate_now: Optional[bool] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, protection_group_snapshot: Optional[ProtectionGroupSnapshotPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceWithIdPostResponse

Creates an attempt to take the protection group snapshot, without actually taking it, to test if the snapshot can be successfully taken.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • apply_retention (bool, optional) – If true, applies the local and remote retention policy to the snapshots.

  • for_replication (bool, optional) – If true, destroys and eradicates the snapshot after 1 hour.

  • replicate (bool, optional) – If set to true, queues up and begins replicating to each allowed target after all earlier replication sessions for the same protection group have been completed to that target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • replicate_now (bool, optional) – If set to true, replicates the snapshots to each allowed target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • protection_group_snapshot (ProtectionGroupSnapshotPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupResponse

Creates a protection group on the local array for asynchronous replication.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – The id of the protection group or protection group snapshot to be copied into a new or existing protection group. If the destination protection group and all of its volumes already exist, include the overwrite parameter to overwrite all of the existing volumes with the snapshot contents. If including the overwrite parameter, the names of the volumes that are being overwritten must match the names of the volumes that are being restored. If the source is a protection group, the latest snapshot of the protection group will be used as the source during the copy operation.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – The name of the protection group or protection group snapshot to be copied into a new or existing protection group. If the destination protection group and all of its volumes already exist, include the overwrite parameter to overwrite all of the existing volumes with the snapshot contents. If including the overwrite parameter, the names of the volumes that are being overwritten must match the names of the volumes that are being restored. If the source is a protection group, the latest snapshot of the protection group will be used as the source during the copy operation.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_groups_host_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberResponse

Creates an action to add a host group member to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_groups_hosts(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) MemberNoIdMemberResponse

Creates an action to add a host member to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names parameter represents the name of the host. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_groups_targets(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupTargetResponse

Creates an action to add an array or offload target to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group. The member_names parameter represents the name of the array or offload target that is being added to the protection group. The group_names and member_names parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_protection_groups_volumes(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupsVolumesResponse

Creates a volume member and adds it to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names and member_ids parameters represent the names or IDs of the volume. The group_names parameter, and either the member_names or member_ids parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_remote_protection_group_snapshots(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, apply_retention: Optional[bool] = None, convert_source_to_baseline: Optional[bool] = None, for_replication: Optional[bool] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, replicate: Optional[bool] = None, replicate_now: Optional[bool] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, remote_protection_group_snapshot: Optional[RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotResponse

Creates remote protection group snapshots.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_names and source_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • apply_retention (bool, optional) – If true, applies the local and remote retention policy to the snapshots.

  • convert_source_to_baseline (bool, optional) – Set to true to have the snapshot be eradicated when it is no longer baseline on source.

  • for_replication (bool, optional) – If true, destroys and eradicates the snapshot after 1 hour.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • replicate (bool, optional) – If set to true, queues up and begins replicating to each allowed target after all earlier replication sessions for the same protection group have been completed to that target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • replicate_now (bool, optional) – If set to true, replicates the snapshots to each allowed target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • remote_protection_group_snapshot (RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_remote_protection_group_snapshots_test(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, apply_retention: Optional[bool] = None, convert_source_to_baseline: Optional[bool] = None, for_replication: Optional[bool] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, replicate: Optional[bool] = None, replicate_now: Optional[bool] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, remote_protection_group_snapshot: Optional[RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotPost] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceWithIdPostResponse

Create an attempt to take a remote protection group snapshot without actually taking it, to test if the snapshot can be successfully taken.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides ids and names keyword arguments.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • apply_retention (bool, optional) – If true, applies the local and remote retention policy to the snapshots.

  • convert_source_to_baseline (bool, optional) – Set to true to have the snapshot be eradicated when it is no longer baseline on source.

  • for_replication (bool, optional) – If true, destroys and eradicates the snapshot after 1 hour.

  • ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique resource IDs specified. Enter multiple resource IDs in comma-separated format. The ids or names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • replicate (bool, optional) – If set to true, queues up and begins replicating to each allowed target after all earlier replication sessions for the same protection group have been completed to that target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • replicate_now (bool, optional) – If set to true, replicates the snapshots to each allowed target. The replicate and replicate_now parameters cannot be used together.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • remote_protection_group_snapshot (RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotPost, optional) –

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_remote_volume_snapshots(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, remote_volume_snapshot: Optional[RemoteVolumeSnapshotPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) RemoteVolumeSnapshotResponse

Creates a volume snapshot on the specified connected remote target or offload target.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • remote_volume_snapshot (RemoteVolumeSnapshotPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_snmp_managers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, snmp_manager: Optional[SnmpManagerPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SnmpManagerResponse

Creates a Purity SNMP manager object that identifies a host (SNMP manager) and specifies the protocol attributes for communicating with it. Once a manager object is created, the transmission of SNMP traps is immediately enabled.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • snmp_manager (SnmpManagerPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_software(software: Optional[SoftwarePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareResponse

Creates a software package download.

  • software (SoftwarePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_software_bundle(source: Optional[SoftwareBundlePost] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareBundleResponse

Creates and initiates a software bundle download.

  • source (SoftwareBundlePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_software_check(softwares: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, software_versions: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareChecksResponse

Creates a software check task. If there are no previously queued or running software check tasks, the new task immediately starts. Otherwise, it is queued and starts once all previously queued or running software check tasks finish. To create a task, use a software name and version.

  • softwares (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of softwares to query for. Overrides software_names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • software_versions (list[str], optional) – A list of target software versions.

  • software_names (list[str], optional) – A list of software names.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_software_installations(softwares: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, software_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, software_installations: Optional[SoftwareInstallationPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwareInstallationsResponse

Creates and initiates a software upgrade.

  • softwares (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of softwares to query for. Overrides software_ids keyword arguments.

  • software_ids (list[str], required) – A list of software IDs.

  • software_installations (SoftwareInstallationPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_software_patches(name: Optional[str] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, allow_ha_reduction: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SoftwarePatchesResponse

Creates software patch download and installation.

  • name (str, required) – Name of software patch to install

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • allow_ha_reduction (bool, optional) – If Software Patch has ha_reduction_required set to true, allow_ha_reduction must be set to true for Software Patch installation.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_sso_saml2_idps(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, idp: Optional[Saml2SsoPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) Saml2SsoResponse

Creates SAML2 SSO configurations.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • idp (Saml2SsoPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_subnets(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, subnet: Optional[SubnetPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SubnetResponse

Creates a subnet with the specified parameters.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • names (list[str], required) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. For example, name01. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format.

  • subnet (SubnetPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_syslog_servers(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, syslog_server: Optional[SyslogServer] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) SyslogServerResponse

Creates a new syslog server. Transmission of syslog messages is enabled immediately.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • syslog_server (SyslogServer, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_vchost_connections(protocol_endpoints: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, all_vchosts: Optional[bool] = None, allow_stretched_multi_vchost: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, protocol_endpoint_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, protocol_endpoint_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostConnectionResponse

Creates a vchost-connection between protocol endpoint and vchost. Each vchost is associated with a vCenter. Each protocol endpoint is associated with a storage container. A vchost-connection makes the storage container accessible to the vCenter when the vCenter attempts to mount the container. One of protocol_endpoint_names or protocol_endpoint_ids query parameters and one of vchost_names or vchost_ids query parameters are required. But if all_vchosts is set to true, vchost_names and vchost_ids should not be specified.

  • protocol_endpoints (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of protocol_endpoints to query for. Overrides protocol_endpoint_names and protocol_endpoint_ids keyword arguments.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_ids and vchost_names keyword arguments.

  • all_vchosts (bool, optional) – If set to true, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is accessible to all vchosts. Users should not specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request. If set to false, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is only accessible to the vchosts that have explicit vchost-connections with the protocol endpoint. Users need to specify vchost_ids or vchost_names in the request.

  • allow_stretched_multi_vchost (bool, optional) – If set to true, users are allowed to create a new vchost-connection to a stretched container that already has a vchost-connection. In principle, a stretched container can only have one vchost-connection at a time.

  • protocol_endpoint_names (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint names. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, pe01,pe02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • protocol_endpoint_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of protocol endpoint IDs. Performs the operation on the protocol endpoints specified. For example, peid01,peid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with protocol_endpoint_names. If the list contains more than one value, then vchost_ids or vchost_names must have exactly one value.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost IDs. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_names. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – A list of vchost names. Performs the operation on the vchosts specified. For example, vchost01,vchost02. Cannot be used in conjunction with vchost_ids. If the list contains more than one value, then protocol_endpoint_ids or protocol_endpoint_names must have exactly one value.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_vchosts(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, vchost: Optional[VchostPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostResponse

Creates a vchost. The names query parameter is required.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • vchost (VchostPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_vchosts_certificates(vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, certificate: Optional[VchostCertificatePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostCertificateResponse

Creates an association between a certificate and vchost on one or more endpoints. The vchost_names or vchost_ids query parameter is required.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • certificate (VchostCertificatePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_vchosts_endpoints(vchosts: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, endpoint: Optional[VchostEndpointPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, vchost_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, vchost_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VchostEndpointResponse

Creates a vchost endpoint. Either the vchost_names or vchost_ids query parameter is required.

  • vchosts (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of vchosts to query for. Overrides vchost_names and vchost_ids keyword arguments.

  • endpoint (VchostEndpointPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • vchost_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost name specified. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format. For example, vchost01,vchost02.

  • vchost_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique vchost IDs specified. Enter multiple vchost IDs in a comma-separated format. For example, vchostid01,vchostid02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_virtual_machines(virtual_machine: Optional[VirtualMachinePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VirtualMachineResponse

Creates one or more virtual machines from a protection group snapshot. If the virtual machine is of type vvol, the source property of the request body must be a recovery_context value retrieved from the GET /virtual-machine- snapshots endpoint. If overwrite is specified, an existing virtual machine will have its volumes overwritten by the snapshot. Otherwise, a new virtual machine will be created from the snapshot. If creating the new virtual machine will cause a conflict with an existing virtual machine, the operation will fail.

  • virtual_machine (VirtualMachinePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volume_groups(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume_group: Optional[VolumeGroupPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeGroupResponse

Creates a volume group. The volume group itself does not contain any meaningful content; instead, it acts as a container that is used to organize volumes. Once a volume group has been created, volumes can be created inside the volume group or moved into and out of the volume group.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • volume_group (VolumeGroupPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volume_snapshots(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume_snapshot: Optional[VolumeSnapshotPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeSnapshotResponse

Creates a point-in-time snapshot of the contents of a volume. The source_ids or source_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • volume_snapshot (VolumeSnapshotPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volume_snapshots_test(sources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume_snapshot: Optional[VolumeSnapshotPost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, on: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, source_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, source_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourcePostResponse

Creates the volume snapshot path without actually taking a volume snapshot.

  • sources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of sources to query for. Overrides source_ids and source_names keyword arguments.

  • volume_snapshot (VolumeSnapshotPost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • on (str, optional) – Performs the operation on the target name specified. For example, targetName01.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows snapshot to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • source_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source ID specified. Enter multiple source IDs in comma-separated format.

  • source_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the source name specified. Enter multiple source names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volumes(add_to_protection_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume: Optional[VolumePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, add_to_protection_group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_to_protection_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, with_default_protection: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumeResponse

Creates one or more virtual storage volumes of the specified size. If provisioned is not specified, the size of the new volume defaults to 1 MB. The names query parameter is required. The add_to_protection_group_names query parameter specifies a list of protection group names that will compose the initial protection for the volume. The with_default_protection query parameter specifies whether to use the container default protection configuration for the volume. The add_to_protection_group_names and with_default_protection query parameters cannot be provided when overwrite is true.

  • add_to_protection_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of add_to_protection_groups to query for. Overrides add_to_protection_group_ids and add_to_protection_group_names keyword arguments.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • volume (VolumePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • add_to_protection_group_ids (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple ids in comma-separated format.

  • add_to_protection_group_names (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • with_default_protection (bool, optional) – If specified as true, the initial protection of the newly created volumes will be the union of the container default protection configuration and add_to_protection_group_names. If specified as false, the default protection of the container will not be applied automatically. The initial protection of the newly created volumes will be configured by add_to_protection_group_names. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volumes_batch(volume: Optional[List[VolumeBatchPost]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, with_default_protection: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) VolumesBatchResponse

Creates or copies a list of virtual storage volumes. Volumes of different sizes, vgroups, and tag upsertions can be copied this way.

  • volume (list[VolumeBatchPost], required) – A list of volumes to be created or copied.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • with_default_protection (bool, optional) – If specified as true, the initial protection of the newly created volumes will be the union of the container default protection configuration and add_to_protection_group_names. If specified as false, the default protection of the container will not be applied automatically. The initial protection of the newly created volumes will be configured by add_to_protection_group_names. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volumes_batch_test(volume: Optional[List[VolumeBatchPost]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, with_default_protection: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceWithIdPostResponse

Creates a dry run attempt to see if copying a list of virtual storage volumes would succeed. No virtual volumes are actually copied or created in this process.

  • volume (list[VolumeBatchPost], required) – A list of volumes to be copied.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • with_default_protection (bool, optional) – If specified as true, the initial protection of the newly created volumes will be the union of the container default protection configuration and add_to_protection_group_names. If specified as false, the default protection of the container will not be applied automatically. The initial protection of the newly created volumes will be configured by add_to_protection_group_names. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volumes_protection_groups(groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, members: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, member_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) ProtectionGroupsVolumesResponse

Creates a volume member and adds it to a protection group. Members that are already in the protection group are not affected. For asynchronous replication, only members of the same type can belong to a protection group. The group_names parameter represents the name of the protection group, and the member_names and member_ids parameters represent the names or IDs of the volume. The group_names and only one of member_names or member_ids parameters are required and must be set together.

  • groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of groups to query for. Overrides group_ids and group_names keyword arguments.

  • members (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of members to query for. Overrides member_names and member_ids keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • group_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of group IDs.

  • group_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique group name specified. Examples of groups include host groups, pods, protection groups, and volume groups. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, hgroup01,hgroup02.

  • member_names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member name specified. Examples of members include volumes, hosts, host groups, and directories. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, vol01,vol02.

  • member_ids (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique member IDs specified. Enter multiple member IDs in comma-separated format. The member_ids or member_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

post_volumes_test(add_to_protection_groups: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, volume: Optional[VolumePost] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, add_to_protection_group_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_to_protection_group_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, allow_throttle: Optional[bool] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, with_default_protection: Optional[bool] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TestResultWithResourceWithIdPostResponse

Creates a dry run attempt to see if copying a volume would succeed. No virtual volumes are actually copied or created in this process.

  • add_to_protection_groups (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of add_to_protection_groups to query for. Overrides add_to_protection_group_ids and add_to_protection_group_names keyword arguments.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • volume (VolumePost, required) –

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • add_to_protection_group_ids (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple ids in comma-separated format.

  • add_to_protection_group_names (list[str], optional) – The volumes will be added to the specified protection groups along with creation or movement across pods and array. When a volume is moved, the specified protection groups must be in the target pod or array. Enter multiple names in a comma-separated format.

  • allow_throttle (bool, optional) – If set to true, allows operation to fail if array health is not optimal.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – If set to true, overwrites an existing object during an object copy operation. If set to false or not set at all and the target name is an existing object, the copy operation fails. Required if the source body parameter is set and the source overwrites an existing object during the copy operation.

  • with_default_protection (bool, optional) – If specified as true, the initial protection of the newly created volumes will be the union of the container default protection configuration and add_to_protection_group_names. If specified as false, the default protection of the container will not be applied automatically. The initial protection of the newly created volumes will be configured by add_to_protection_group_names. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_admins_cache(references: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) AdminCacheResponse

Updates entries in the cache for administrators who currently do not have a cache entry, otherwise refreshes the existing entry.

  • references (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of references to query for. Overrides names keyword arguments.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • names (list[str], optional) – Performs the operation on the unique name specified. Enter multiple names in comma-separated format. For example, name01,name02.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_arrays_cloud_provider_tags_batch(tag: Optional[List[CloudProviderTag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) CloudProviderTagResponse

Updates users tags to deployed cloud resources of a CBS array.

  • tag (list[CloudProviderTag], required) – A list of tags to be created or, if already existing, updated.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_arrays_tags(tag: Optional[List[NonCopyableTag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagResponse

Updates tags.

  • tag (list[NonCopyableTag], required) – A list of tags to be created or, if already existing, updated.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_host_groups_tags_batch(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, tag: Optional[List[NonCopyableTag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagResponse

Updates tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • tag (list[NonCopyableTag], required) – A list of tags to be created or, if already existing, updated.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_hosts_tags_batch(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, tag: Optional[List[NonCopyableTag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagResponse

Updates tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • tag (list[NonCopyableTag], required) – A list of tags to be created or, if already existing, updated.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_volume_snapshots_tags_batch(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, tag: Optional[List[Tag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagResponse

Updates tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • tag (list[Tag], required) – A list of tags to be created or modified.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.

put_volumes_tags_batch(resources: Optional[List[ReferenceType]] = None, tag: Optional[List[Tag]] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, x_request_id: Optional[str] = None, resource_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, resource_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, async_req: bool = False, _return_http_data_only: bool = False, _preload_content: bool = True, _request_timeout: Optional[int] = None) TagResponse

Updates tags.

  • resources (list[FixedReference], optional) – A list of resources to query for. Overrides resource_ids and resource_names keyword arguments.

  • tag (list[Tag], required) – A list of tags to be created or, if already existing, updated.

  • x_request_id (str, optional) – A header to provide to track the API call. Generated by the server if not provided.

  • resource_ids (list[str], optional) – A list of resource IDs. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • resource_names (list[str], optional) – A list of resource names. The resource_ids or resource_names parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • async_req (bool, optional) – Request runs in separate thread and method returns multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult.

  • _return_http_data_only (bool, optional) – Returns only data field.

  • _preload_content (bool, optional) – Response is converted into objects.

  • _request_timeout (int, optional) – Total request timeout in seconds.


If the call was successful. ErrorResponse: If the call was not successful.

Return type


  • PureError – If calling the API fails.

  • ValueError – If a parameter is of an invalid type.

  • TypeError – If invalid or missing parameters are used.



class pypureclient.flasharray.Property(value)

A Property object models a property of a resource and allows for easy compounding, sorting, and filtering with them. It is converted to a string when calling any API and can also be replaced by a string.


The + operator. Create a subproperty.


other (Property) – The Property to be the subproperty of the given Property.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


The == operator. Create a Filter that checks for equality.


other (str, int, bool) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


The >= operator. Create a Filter that checks for greater than or equal.


other (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


The [] operator. Create a list Property with the given index.


index (str) – The list index to use.




PureError – If index is not “all” or “any”.


The > operator. Create a Filter that checks for greater than.


other (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


Initialize a Property.


value (str) – The name of the property.


The <= operator. Create a Filter that checks for less than or equal.


other (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


The < operator. Create a Filter that checks for less than.


other (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


The != operator. Create a Filter that checks for inequality.


other (str, int, bool) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


Return the string value of the Property.




Create a list Property indexed by “all”.




Create a list Property indexed by “any”.




Create a Property that can be sorted in ascending order.




Create a property that can be sorted in descending order.




Create a Filter that checks for existance of the given Property.




Create a subproperty.


other (Property) – The Property to be the subproperty of the given Property.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


class pypureclient.flasharray.Filter(operation, operand1, operand2=None)

A Filter object models a filter string by keeping track of operations between Properties, values, and other Filters. It is converted to a string when calling any API and can also be replaced by a string.


The & operator. Create a Filter that is the AND of two Filters.


other (Filter) – The Filter to AND.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.

__init__(operation, operand1, operand2=None)

Initialize a Filter. Should not be used directly. Instead, use the static methods to create Filters.

  • operation (_Operation) – The operation.

  • operand1 (any) – The first operand.

  • operand2 (any, optional) – The second operand, if the operation is binary. Defaults to None.


The ~ operator. Create a Filter that is the inverse of another Filter.




The | operator. Create a Filter that is the OR of two Filters.


other (Filter) – The Filter to OR.




PureError – If other is not of the proper type.


Return the string value of the Filter.



static and_(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that is the AND of two Filters.

  • operand1 (Filter) – The first Filter.

  • operand2 (Filter) – The second Filter.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static contains(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for substring containment.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to check.

  • operand2 (str) – The value to check for.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static eq(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for equality.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int, bool) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static exists(operand1)

Create a Filter that checks for existance of a Property.


operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to check for.




PureError – If the operand is not of the proper type.

static ge(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for greater than or equal.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static gt(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for greater than.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static in_(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks if a Property is in a list of values.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to check.

  • operand2 (list[str], list[int]) – The list of values.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static le(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for less than or equal.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static lt(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for less than.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static ne(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for inequality.

  • operand1 (Property, str) – The Property to compare.

  • operand2 (str, int, bool) – The value to compare to.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static not_(operand1)

Create a Filter that is the inverse of another Filter.


operand1 (Filter) – The Filter to invert.




PureError – If the operand is not of the proper type.

static or_(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that is the OR of two Filters.

  • operand1 (Filter) – The first Filter.

  • operand2 (Filter) – The second Filter.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.

static tags(operand1, operand2)

Create a Filter that checks for a key-value tag.

  • operand1 (str) – The key of the tag.

  • operand2 (str) – The value of the tag.




PureError – If either operand is not of the proper type.



class pypureclient.flasharray.ResponseHeaders(x_request_id, x_ratelimit_limit_second, x_ratelimit_limit_minute, x_ratelimit_remaining_second, x_ratelimit_remaining_minute)

An object that includes headers from the server response.

__init__(x_request_id, x_ratelimit_limit_second, x_ratelimit_limit_minute, x_ratelimit_remaining_second, x_ratelimit_remaining_minute)

Initialize a ResponseHeaders.

  • x_request_id (str) – The X-Request-ID from the client or generated by the server.

  • x_ratelimit_limit_second (int) – The number of requests available per second.

  • x_ratelimit_limit_minute (int) – The number of requests available per minute.

  • x_ratelimit_remaining_second (int) – The number of requests remaining in that second.

  • x_ratelimit_remaining_minute (int) – The number of requests remaining in that minute.


Return a pretty formatted string of the object.




Return a dictionary of the class attributes.




class pypureclient.flasharray.ValidResponse(status_code, continuation_token, total_item_count, items, headers, total=None, more_items_remaining=None)

A response that indicates the request was successful and has the returned data.

__init__(status_code, continuation_token, total_item_count, items, headers, total=None, more_items_remaining=None)

Initialize a ValidResponse.

  • status_code (int) – The HTTP status code.

  • continuation_token (str) – An opaque token to iterate over a collection of resources. May be None.

  • total_item_count (int) – The total number of items available in the collection.

  • items (ItemIterator) – An iterator over the items in the collection.

  • headers (dict) – Response headers from the server.


Return a pretty formatted string of the object. Does not convert the items to a list of items by using the iterator.




Return a dictionary of the class attributes. It will convert the items to a list of items by exhausting the iterator. If any items were previously iterated, they will be missed.




class pypureclient.flasharray.ApiError(context, message)

An object that models the error response from the server.

__init__(context, message)

Initialize an ApiError.

  • context (str) – The context in which the error occurred.

  • message (str) – The error message.


Return a pretty formatted string of the object.




Return a dictionary of the class attributes.




class pypureclient.flasharray.ErrorResponse(status_code, errors, headers)

A response that indicates there was an error with the request and has the list of errors.

__init__(status_code, errors, headers)

Initialize an ErrorResponse.

  • status_code (int) – The HTTP status code.

  • errors (list[ApiError]) – The list of errors encountered.

  • headers (dict) – Response headers from the server.


Return a pretty formatted string of the object.




Return a dictionary of the class attributes.





class pypureclient.flasharray.ActiveDirectory(name=None, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, kerberos_servers=None, tls=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, kerberos_servers=None, tls=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • computer_name (str) – The name of the computer account in the Active Directory domain.

  • directory_servers (list[str]) – A list of directory servers used for lookups related to user authorization. Servers must be specified in FQDN format. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the configured DNS of the array and are only communicated with over the secure LDAP (LDAPS) protocol. If this field is null, the servers are resolved for the domain in DNS.

  • domain (str) – The Active Directory domain joined.

  • kerberos_servers (list[str]) – A list of key distribution servers to use for Kerberos protocol. Servers must be specified in FQDN format. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the configured DNS of the array. If this field is null, the servers are resolved for the domain in DNS.

  • tls (str) – TLS mode for communication with domain controllers. Valid values are required and optional. required forces TLS communication with a domain controller. optional allows the use of non-TLS communication, TLS will still be preferred, if available. If not specified, defaults to required.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ActiveDirectoryPatch(tls=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

tls (str) – TLS mode for communication with domain controllers. Valid values are required and optional. required forces TLS communication with domain controller. optional allows the use of non-TLS communication, TLS will still be preferred, if available. If not specified, defaults to required.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ActiveDirectoryPost(computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, kerberos_servers=None, password=None, user=None, join_ou=None, tls=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(computer_name=None, directory_servers=None, domain=None, kerberos_servers=None, password=None, user=None, join_ou=None, tls=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • computer_name (str) – The name of the computer account to be created in the Active Directory domain. If not specified, defaults to the name of the Active Directory configuration.

  • directory_servers (list[str]) – A list of directory servers used for lookups related to user authorization. Servers must be specified in FQDN format. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the configured DNS of the array and are only communicated with over the secure LDAP (LDAPS) protocol. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS.

  • domain (str) – The Active Directory domain to join.

  • kerberos_servers (list[str]) – A list of key distribution servers to use for Kerberos protocol. Servers must be specified in FQDN format. All specified servers must be registered to the domain appropriately in the configured DNS of the array. If not specified, servers are resolved for the domain in DNS.

  • password (str) – The login password of the user with privileges to create the computer account in the domain. This is not persisted on the array.

  • user (str) – The login name of the user with privileges to create the computer account in the domain. This is not persisted on the array.

  • join_ou (str) – The distinguished name of the organizational unit in which the computer account should be created when joining the domain. The DC=… components of the distinguished name can be optionally omitted. If not specified, defaults to CN=Computers.

  • tls (str) – TLS mode for communication with domain controllers. Valid values are required and optional. required forces TLS communication with a domain controller. optional allows the use of non-TLS communication, TLS will still be preferred, if available. If not specified, defaults to required.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Admin(name=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None, password=None, public_key=None, role=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None, password=None, public_key=None, role=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • api_token (ApiToken) –

  • is_local (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is local to the machine, otherwise false.

  • locked (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is currently locked out, otherwise false. Can be patched to false to unlock a user. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.

  • lockout_remaining (int) – The remaining lockout period, in milliseconds, if the user is locked out. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.

  • password (str) – Password associated with the account.

  • public_key (str) – Public key for SSH access. Multiple public keys can be specified, separated by newlines.

  • role (AdminRole) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminApiToken(name=None, api_token=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, api_token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • api_token (ApiToken) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminCache(name=None, cached_at=None, role=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, cached_at=None, role=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • cached_at (int) – Time when the entry was added to the cache, in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • role (AdminRole) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminPatch(name=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None, password=None, public_key=None, role=None, old_password=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, api_token=None, is_local=None, locked=None, lockout_remaining=None, password=None, public_key=None, role=None, old_password=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • api_token (ApiToken) –

  • is_local (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is local to the machine, otherwise false.

  • locked (bool) – Returns a value of true if the user is currently locked out, otherwise false. Can be patched to false to unlock a user. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.

  • lockout_remaining (int) – The remaining lockout period, in milliseconds, if the user is locked out. This field is only visible to array_admin roles. For all other users, the value is always null.

  • password (str) – Password associated with the account.

  • public_key (str) – Public key for SSH access. Multiple public keys can be specified, separated by newlines.

  • role (AdminRole) –

  • old_password (str) – The current password.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminPost(password=None, role=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(password=None, role=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • password (str) – Password associated with the account.

  • role (AdminRole) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminRole(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminSettings(lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None, single_sign_on_enabled=None, required_authentication_methods=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None, single_sign_on_enabled=None, required_authentication_methods=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • lockout_duration (int) – The lockout duration, in milliseconds, if a user is locked out after reaching the maximum number of login attempts. Ranges from 1 second to 90 days.

  • max_login_attempts (int) – Maximum number of failed login attempts allowed before the user is locked out.

  • min_password_length (int) – Minimum password length. If not specified, defaults to 1.

  • single_sign_on_enabled (bool) – If true, then single sign-on is enabled for the array.

  • required_authentication_methods (AdminSettingsRequiredAuthenticationMethods) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AdminSettingsRequiredAuthenticationMethods(ssh=None, web_ui=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ssh=None, web_ui=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • ssh (list[str]) – List of authentication methods that are required for SSH. Possible values include password, key, and default. securid-am is a possible value, but it cannot be changed through PATCH. If not specified, defaults to default. Specify password and key authentication methods to set up local multi-factor authentication for SSH.

  • web_ui (list[str]) – List of authentication methods that are required for the web UI. Possible values include password, webauthn, and default. Other possible values include saml2 and securid-am but these cannot be changed through PATCH. If not specified, defaults to default. Specify password and webauthn authentication methods to set up local multi-factor authentication for web UI. External multi-factor authentication is configured through SAML2 SSO endpoints.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AggregateReplicationPerformance(bytes_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

bytes_per_sec (int) – The total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Alert(id=None, name=None, actual=None, category=None, closed=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, description=None, expected=None, flagged=None, issue=None, knowledge_base_url=None, notified=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, updated=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, actual=None, category=None, closed=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, description=None, expected=None, flagged=None, issue=None, knowledge_base_url=None, notified=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, updated=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • actual (str) – Actual condition at the time the alert is created.

  • category (str) – The category of the alert. Valid values include array, hardware and software.

  • closed (int) – The time the alert was closed in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • code (int) – The code number of the alert.

  • component_name (str) – The name of the component that generated the alert.

  • component_type (str) – The type of component that generated the alert.

  • created (int) – The time the alert was created in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • description (str) – A short description of the alert.

  • expected (str) – Expected state or threshold under normal conditions.

  • flagged (bool) – If set to true, the message is flagged. Important messages can can be flagged and listed separately.

  • issue (str) – Information about the alert cause.

  • knowledge_base_url (str) – The URL of the relevant knowledge base page.

  • notified (int) – The time the most recent alert notification was sent in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • severity (str) – The severity level of the alert. Valid values include info, warning, critical, and hidden.

  • state (str) – The current state of the alert. Valid values include open, closing, and closed.

  • summary (str) – A summary of the alert.

  • updated (int) – The time the alert was last updated in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertEvent(name=None, actual=None, alert=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, expected=None, issue=None, knowledge_base_url=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, actual=None, alert=None, code=None, component_name=None, component_type=None, created=None, expected=None, issue=None, knowledge_base_url=None, severity=None, state=None, summary=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • actual (str) – Actual condition at the time the alert is created.

  • alert (FixedReference) –

  • code (int) – The parent alert number.

  • component_name (str) – The component type of the alert.

  • component_type (str) – The component name of the alert.

  • created (int) – The time the parent alert was created.

  • expected (str) – Expected state and threshold under normal conditions.

  • issue (str) – Information about the alert cause.

  • knowledge_base_url (str) – The knowledge base URL of the alert.

  • severity (str) – The severity level of the alert. Valid values include info, warning, critical, and hidden.

  • state (str) – The state of the alert. Valid values include open, closing, and closed.

  • summary (str) – A summary of the alert.

  • time (int) – The time the event occurred.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertRules(code=None, parameter=None, value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(code=None, parameter=None, value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • code (int) – The alert code that the rule applies to. Available alert codes for customization can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • parameter (str) – The parameter of the custom alert rule to modify. Values include info and warning. Available parameter values can be found in the alert rules catalog.

  • value (str) – The value to use for the custom alert rule. Valid values for an alert code and parameter combination can be found in the alert rules catalog.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertRulesCatalog(code=None, subject=None, parameter=None, allowed_values=None, default_value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(code=None, subject=None, parameter=None, allowed_values=None, default_value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • code (int) – The alert code that the rule applies to.

  • subject (str) – The alert code description.

  • parameter (str) – The parameter of the custom alert rule.

  • allowed_values (str) – The range of values allowed to set the custom alert rule to.

  • default_value (int) – The system default values for the alert code and parameter.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertWatcher(name=None, enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, email notifications will be sent to this watcher for alerts. If set to false, email notification is disabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertWatcherPatch(enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – If set to true, email notifications will be sent to this watcher for alerts. If set to false, email notifications are disabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AlertWatcherPost(enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – If set to true, email notifications will be sent to this watcher for alerts. If set to false, email notifications are disabled. If not specified, defaults to true.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ApiClient(id=None, name=None, max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, key_id=None, enabled=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, key_id=None, enabled=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – The unique identifier for the associated API client. The ID represents the JWT aud (audience) claim in ID Tokens issued for this API client.

  • name (str) – The API client name.

  • max_role (str) – The maximum role allowed for ID Tokens issued by this API client. The bearer of an access token will be authorized to perform actions within the intersection of this max_role and the role of the array user specified as the JWT sub (subject) claim. Valid max_role values are readonly, ops_admin, array_admin, and storage_admin. Users with the readonly (Read Only) role can perform operations that convey the state of the array. Read Only users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the ops_admin (Ops Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus enable and disable remote assistance sessions. Ops Admin users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the storage_admin (Storage Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus storage related operations, such as administering volumes, hosts, and host groups. Storage Admin users cannot perform operations that deal with global and system configurations. Users with the array_admin (Array Admin) role can perform the same operations as Storage Admin users plus array-wide changes dealing with global and system configurations. In other words, Array Admin users can perform all operations.

  • issuer (str) – The name of the identity provider that will be issuing ID Tokens for this API client. This string represents the JWT iss (issuer) claim in ID Tokens issued for this API client.

  • public_key (str) – The API client’s PEM formatted (Base64 encoded) RSA public key.

  • key_id (str) – The unique identifier for the associated public key of this API client. This string must match the JWT kid (key ID) claim in ID Tokens issued for this API client.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, the API client is permitted to exchange ID Tokens for access tokens. API clients are disabled by default.

  • access_token_ttl_in_ms (int) – The requested TTL (Time To Live) length of time for the exchanged access token. Measured in milliseconds.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ApiClientPatch(enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the API client is permitted to exchange ID tokens for access tokens. API clients are disabled by default.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ApiClientPost(max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(max_role=None, issuer=None, public_key=None, access_token_ttl_in_ms=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • max_role (str) – The maximum role allowed for ID Tokens issued by this API client. The bearer of an access token will be authorized to perform actions within the intersection of this max_role and the role of the array user specified as the sub. Valid values are array_admin, storage_admin, ops_admin, and readonly. Users with the readonly (Read Only) role can perform operations that convey the state of the array. Read Only users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the ops_admin (Ops Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus enable and disable remote assistance sessions. Ops Admin users cannot alter the state of the array. Users with the storage_admin (Storage Admin) role can perform the same operations as Read Only users plus storage related operations, such as administering volumes, hosts, and host groups. Storage Admin users cannot perform operations that deal with global and system configurations. Users with the array_admin (Array Admin) role can perform the same operations as Storage Admin users plus array-wide changes dealing with global and system configurations. In other words, Array Admin users can perform all operations.

  • issuer (str) – The name of the identity provider that will be issuing ID Tokens for this API client. The iss claim in the JWT issued must match this string. If not specified, defaults to the API client name.

  • public_key (str) – The API client’s PEM formatted (Base64 encoded) RSA public key. Include the —–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– and —–END PUBLIC KEY—– lines.

  • access_token_ttl_in_ms (int) – The TTL (Time To Live) length of time for the exchanged access token. Measured in milliseconds. If not specified, defaults to 86400000.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ApiToken(created_at=None, expires_at=None, token=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(created_at=None, expires_at=None, token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • created_at (int) – Creation time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • expires_at (int) – Expiration time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • token (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.App(name=None, description=None, enabled=None, status=None, version=None, details=None, vnc_enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, description=None, enabled=None, status=None, version=None, details=None, vnc_enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • description (str) – A description of the app.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, the app is enabled. By default, apps are disabled.

  • status (str) – The status of the app. Values include healthy and unhealthy. For cluster apps, this represents the aggregate status of the app. The aggregate status is only healthy if all nodes are healthy`&#59; otherwise, it is `unhealthy.

  • version (str) – The app version. For cluster apps, this represents the node version if all nodes are of the same version. If the node versions differ, a value of null is returned.

  • details (str) – Details of the status of the app.

  • vnc_enabled (bool) – If set to true, VNC access is enabled. By default, VNC access is disabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.AppNode(app=None, index=None, status=None, version=None, vnc=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(app=None, index=None, status=None, version=None, vnc=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • app (FixedReference) – A reference to the app of which this node is a part.

  • index (int) – An index that represents this node.

  • status (str) – The node status. Possible values are starting, healthy, unhealthy, critical, stopping, and disabled.

  • version (str) – The node version.

  • vnc (list[str]) – The VNC information used to access this node if VNC is enabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Array(id=None, name=None, as_of=None, banner=None, capacity=None, console_lock_enabled=None, encryption=None, eradication_config=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, ntp_symmetric_key=None, os=None, parity=None, scsi_timeout=None, space=None, time_zone=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, as_of=None, banner=None, capacity=None, console_lock_enabled=None, encryption=None, eradication_config=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, ntp_symmetric_key=None, os=None, parity=None, scsi_timeout=None, space=None, time_zone=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • as_of (int) – The time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • banner (str) –

  • capacity (int) – The usable capacity in bytes. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • console_lock_enabled (bool) – If true, console lock is enabled for the array. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • encryption (ArrayEncryption) –

  • eradication_config (EradicationConfig) –

  • idle_timeout (int) – The idle timeout in milliseconds. Valid values include 0 and any multiple of 60000 in the range of 300000 and 10800000. Any other values are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 60000.

  • ntp_servers (list[str]) – NTP Servers. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • ntp_symmetric_key (str) – The text of ntp symmetric authentication key. Supported formats include a hex-encoded string no longer than 64 characters, or an ASCII string no longer than 20 characters, excluding “#”. Any configured key will be masked as “****” on return. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • os (str) – Specifies the operating system. Valid values are Purity, Purity//FA, and Purity//FB.

  • parity (float) – A representation of data redundancy on the array. Data redundancy is rebuilt automatically by the system whenever parity is less than 1.0. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • scsi_timeout (int) – The SCSI timeout. If not specified, defaults to 60s. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • space (Space) –

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone of the array.

  • version (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayConnection(id=None, name=None, management_address=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, type=None, replication_transport=None, version=None, throttle=None, encryption=None, encryption_mode=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, management_address=None, replication_addresses=None, status=None, type=None, replication_transport=None, version=None, throttle=None, encryption=None, encryption_mode=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • management_address (str) – Management IP address or FQDN of the target array.

  • replication_addresses (list[str]) – IP addresses of the target arrays when replication_transport is ip. WWNs of the target arrays when replication_transport is fc.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected, connecting, partially_connected, unbalanced, and inactive. A status of connected indicates that arrays are communicating. A status of connecting indicates that the array is trying to establish a connection. A status of partially_connected indicates that some replication addresses are communicating but others are not. A status of unbalanced indicates that the arrays are communicating, but the set of paths is either not redundant or not symmetric. A status of inactive indicates that the array does not have an established connection with the other array, but will attempt to connect when required.

  • type (str) – The type of replication. Valid values are async-replication, sync-replication and fleet-mgmt.

  • replication_transport (str) – The protocol used to transport data between the local array and the remote array. Valid values are ip and fc. The default value is ip.

  • version (str) – The Purity version on the target array.

  • throttle (Throttle) –

  • encryption (str) – If encrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be encrypted. If unencrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be unencrypted.

  • encryption_mode (str) – Cryptographic protocol, trust model, and encryption algorithm information. Will be null if encrypted is false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayConnectionKey(connection_key=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

connection_key (str) – Connection-key used on another array to connect to this array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayConnectionPatch(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_limit (int) – Deprecated. Default maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.

  • window (TimeWindow) – Deprecated. The time during which the window_limit threshold is in effect.

  • window_limit (int) – Deprecated. Maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic during the specified window_limit time range in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayConnectionPath(name=None, local_port=None, local_address=None, remote_port=None, remote_address=None, status=None, replication_transport=None, encryption=None, encryption_mode=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, local_port=None, local_address=None, remote_port=None, remote_address=None, status=None, replication_transport=None, encryption=None, encryption_mode=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • local_port (str) – The local port of the path.

  • local_address (str) – IP address or WWN of the local port.

  • remote_port (str) – The remote port of the path.

  • remote_address (str) – IP address or WWN of the remote port.

  • status (str) – Status of the connection. Valid values are connected, connecting, and quarantined. A status of connected indicates that the arrays are communicating. A status of connecting indicates that the array is trying to establish a connection. A status of quarantined indicates that the path is unstable and has been temporarily embargoed for synchronous replication connections.

  • replication_transport (str) – The protocol used to transport data between the local array and the remote array. Valid values are ip and fc.

  • encryption (str) – If encrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be encrypted. If unencrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be unencrypted.

  • encryption_mode (str) – Cryptographic protocol, trust model, and encryption algorithm information. Will be null if encrypted is false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayConnectionPost(management_address=None, replication_addresses=None, type=None, replication_transport=None, connection_key=None, encryption=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(management_address=None, replication_addresses=None, type=None, replication_transport=None, connection_key=None, encryption=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • management_address (str) – Management IP address of the target array.

  • replication_addresses (list[str]) – IP addresses and FQDNs of the target arrays. Configurable only when replication_transport is set to ip. If not configured, will be set to all the replication addresses available on the target array at the time of the POST.

  • type (str) –

  • replication_transport (str) – The protocol used to transport data between the local array and the remote array. Valid values are ip and fc. The default is ip.

  • connection_key (str) – The connection key of the target array.

  • encryption (str) – If encrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be encrypted. If unencrypted, all traffic over this array connection will be unencrypted. Defaults to unencrypted.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayEncryption(data_at_rest=None, module_version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_at_rest=None, module_version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_at_rest (ArrayencryptionDataAtRest) –

  • module_version (str) – The version of the Purity encryption module installed on the array. Security certifications are carried out on a per-version basis. On non-encrypt builds, an encryption module may be installed without being enabled. Values include FA-1.0, FA-1.1, FA-1.2, FA-1.3, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayErasure(id=None, name=None, status=None, image_source=None, image_version=None, image_download_progress=None, details=None, sanitization_certificate=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, status=None, image_source=None, image_version=None, image_download_progress=None, details=None, sanitization_certificate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • status (str) – The status of the factory reset process. Valid values include resetting, reset_failed, reimage_failed, waiting_for_finalize, downloading, downloaded, and download_failed. A status of resetting indicates that the factory reset is running. A status of reset_failed indicates that the factory reset encountered a failure. A status of reimage_failed indicates that the factory reset failed to reimage the array. A status of waiting_for_finalize indicates that the factory reset has finished sanitizing drives, and is waiting to be finalized. A status of downloading indicates that the factory reset is downloading ISO image. A status of downloaded indicates that the factory reset completed ISO image download. A status of download_failed indicates that the factory reset failed to download ISO image.

  • image_source (str) – Source of the ISO image to download. Valid values include auto and URLs. auto means download the image from Pure1 cloud, and a URL means download the image from the specified URL.

  • image_version (str) – Version of the image to download and install.

  • image_download_progress (float) – The progress of the ISO image download, displayed in decimal format.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason of the status.

  • sanitization_certificate (str) – The sanitization certificate of the factory reset, which complies with the standard described in NIST SP800-88R1 section 4.8.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayErasurePatch(image_source=None, image_version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(image_source=None, image_version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • image_source (str) – Source of the ISO image to download. Valid values include auto and URLs. auto means download the image from Pure1 cloud, and a URL means download the image from the specified URL. Default value is auto.

  • image_version (str) – Version of the image to download. image_version is optional, and the default value is the current running Purity version. If image_source is auto, the image with the specified version will be downloaded from Pure1 cloud. If image_source is a URL, image_version will be used to compare to the downloaded image version for the purpose of validation.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayErasures(id=None, name=None, status=None, image_source=None, image_version=None, image_download_progress=None, details=None, sanitization_certificate=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, status=None, image_source=None, image_version=None, image_download_progress=None, details=None, sanitization_certificate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • status (str) – The status of the factory reset process. Valid values include resetting, reset_failed, reimage_failed, waiting_for_finalize, downloading, downloaded, and download_failed. A status of resetting indicates that the factory reset is running. A status of reset_failed indicates that the factory reset encountered a failure. A status of reimage_failed indicates that the factory reset failed to reimage the array. A status of waiting_for_finalize indicates that the factory reset has finished sanitizing drives, and is waiting to be finalized. A status of downloading indicates that the factory reset is downloading ISO image. A status of downloaded indicates that the factory reset completed ISO image download. A status of download_failed indicates that the factory reset failed to download ISO image.

  • image_source (str) – Source of the ISO image to download. Valid values include auto and URLs. auto means download the image from Pure1 cloud, and a URL means download the image from the specified URL.

  • image_version (str) – Version of the image to download and install.

  • image_download_progress (float) – The progress of the ISO image download, displayed in decimal format.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason of the status.

  • sanitization_certificate (str) – The sanitization certificate of the factory reset, which complies with the standard described in NIST SP800-88R1 section 4.8.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayFactoryResetToken(id=None, name=None, token=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • token (int) – A random number required as input to perform a factory reset of the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayPerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, queue_depth=None, local_queue_usec_per_op=None, usec_per_other_op=None, others_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, queue_depth=None, local_queue_usec_per_op=None, usec_per_other_op=None, others_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • queue_depth (int) – Deprecated. The number displayed here may not be accurate and in later versions of the product this field will always display null. Instead, use queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op, queue_usec_per_read_op, and queue_usec_per_write_op fields to measure IO queuing.

  • local_queue_usec_per_op (int) – Deprecated. The number displayed here may not be accurate and in later versions of the product this field will always display null. Instead, use queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op, queue_usec_per_read_op, and queue_usec_per_write_op fields to measure IO queuing.

  • usec_per_other_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O other request, measured in microseconds.

  • others_per_sec (int) – The number of other requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArraySpace(id=None, name=None, capacity=None, parity=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, capacity=None, parity=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • capacity (int) – The usable capacity in bytes.

  • parity (float) – A representation of data redundancy on the array. Data redundancy is rebuilt automatically by the system whenever parity is less than 1.0.

  • space (Space) –

  • time (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ArrayencryptionDataAtRest(algorithm=None, enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(algorithm=None, enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • algorithm (str) – The algorithm used to encrypt data on the array. Values include AES-256-CTR and null.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if data at rest encryption is enabled on the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Arrays(id=None, name=None, as_of=None, banner=None, capacity=None, console_lock_enabled=None, encryption=None, eradication_config=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, ntp_symmetric_key=None, os=None, parity=None, scsi_timeout=None, space=None, time_zone=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, as_of=None, banner=None, capacity=None, console_lock_enabled=None, encryption=None, eradication_config=None, idle_timeout=None, ntp_servers=None, ntp_symmetric_key=None, os=None, parity=None, scsi_timeout=None, space=None, time_zone=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • as_of (int) – The time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • banner (str) –

  • capacity (int) – The usable capacity in bytes. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • console_lock_enabled (bool) – If true, console lock is enabled for the array. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • encryption (ArrayEncryption) –

  • eradication_config (EradicationConfig) –

  • idle_timeout (int) – The idle timeout in milliseconds. Valid values include 0 and any multiple of 60000 in the range of 300000 and 10800000. Any other values are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 60000.

  • ntp_servers (list[str]) – NTP Servers. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • ntp_symmetric_key (str) – The text of ntp symmetric authentication key. Supported formats include a hex-encoded string no longer than 64 characters, or an ASCII string no longer than 20 characters, excluding “#”. Any configured key will be masked as “****” on return. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • os (str) – Specifies the operating system. Valid values are Purity, Purity//FA, and Purity//FB.

  • parity (float) – A representation of data redundancy on the array. Data redundancy is rebuilt automatically by the system whenever parity is less than 1.0. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • scsi_timeout (int) – The SCSI timeout. If not specified, defaults to 60s. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.

  • space (Space) –

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone of the array.

  • version (str) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Audit(id=None, name=None, arguments=None, command=None, origin=None, subcommand=None, time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, arguments=None, command=None, origin=None, subcommand=None, time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • arguments (str) – The arguments provided to the command.

  • command (str) – The top level command that starts with the string “pure” as a convention.

  • origin (FixedReference) – The array from which the command originated.

  • subcommand (str) – The command and subcommand combination determines which action the user attempted to perform.

  • time (int) – The time at which the command was run in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • user (str) – The user who ran the command.

  • user_interface (str) – The user interface through which the user session event was performed. Valid values are CLI, GUI, and REST.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.BuiltIn(id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.BuiltInRelationship(id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.BuiltInResourceNoId(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Certificate(name=None, certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • certificate (str) – The text of the certificate.

  • common_name (str) – The common name field listed in the certificate.

  • country (str) – Two-letter country (ISO) code listed in the certificate.

  • email (str) – The email field listed in the certificate.

  • intermediate_certificate (str) – The text of the intermediate certificate chains.

  • issued_by (str) – The party that issued the certificate.

  • issued_to (str) – The party to whom the certificate is issued.

  • key_size (int) – The size of the private key for the certificate in bits. Default is 2048 bits.

  • locality (str) – The locality field listed in the certificate.

  • organization (str) – The organization field listed in the certificate.

  • organizational_unit (str) – The organizational unit field listed in the certificate.

  • state (str) – The state/province field listed in the certificate.

  • status (str) – The type of certificate. Valid values are self-signed and imported.

  • valid_from (int) – The date when the certificate starts being valid.

  • valid_to (int) – The date of when the certificate stops being valid.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CertificatePost(name=None, certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None, days=None, key=None, passphrase=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, intermediate_certificate=None, issued_by=None, issued_to=None, key_size=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None, status=None, valid_from=None, valid_to=None, days=None, key=None, passphrase=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • certificate (str) – The text of the certificate.

  • common_name (str) – The common name field listed in the certificate.

  • country (str) – Two-letter country (ISO) code listed in the certificate.

  • email (str) – The email field listed in the certificate.

  • intermediate_certificate (str) – The text of the intermediate certificate chains.

  • issued_by (str) – The party that issued the certificate.

  • issued_to (str) – The party to whom the certificate is issued.

  • key_size (int) – The size of the private key for the certificate in bits. Default is 2048 bits.

  • locality (str) – The locality field listed in the certificate.

  • organization (str) – The organization field listed in the certificate.

  • organizational_unit (str) – The organizational unit field listed in the certificate.

  • state (str) – The state/province field listed in the certificate.

  • status (str) – The type of certificate. Valid values are self-signed and imported.

  • valid_from (int) – The date when the certificate starts being valid.

  • valid_to (int) – The date of when the certificate stops being valid.

  • days (int) – The number of days that the self-signed certificate is valid. If not specified, defaults to 3650.

  • key (str) – The text of private key.

  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase used to encrypt private_key.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CertificateSigningRequest(certificate_signing_request=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

certificate_signing_request (str) – The text of a new certificate signing request.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CertificateSigningRequestPost(certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(certificate=None, common_name=None, country=None, email=None, locality=None, organization=None, organizational_unit=None, state=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • certificate (ReferenceNoId) –

  • common_name (str) – The common name field listed in the certificate.

  • country (str) – Two-letter country (ISO) code listed in the certificate.

  • email (str) – The email field listed in the certificate.

  • locality (str) – The locality field listed in the certificate.

  • organization (str) – The organization field listed in the certificate.

  • organizational_unit (str) – The organizational unit field listed in the certificate.

  • state (str) – The state/province field listed in the certificate.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Chap(host_password=None, host_user=None, target_password=None, target_user=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(host_password=None, host_user=None, target_password=None, target_user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • host_password (str) – The host password for CHAP authentication. The password must be between 12 and 255 characters (inclusive) and cannot be the same as the target password.

  • host_user (str) – The host username for CHAP authentication.

  • target_password (str) – The target password for CHAP authentication. The password must be between 12 and 255 characters (inclusive) and cannot be the same as the host password.

  • target_user (str) – The target username for CHAP authentication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CloudCapacityStatus(id=None, name=None, current_capacity=None, details=None, requested_capacity=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, current_capacity=None, details=None, requested_capacity=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • current_capacity (int) – The current raw capacity of the CBS array in bytes.

  • details (str) – Details about the capacity update. This field can contain error details when status is failed or progress information when status is expanding. For status idle the value is null.

  • requested_capacity (int) – The requested raw capacity of the CBS array in bytes. When the capacity update process finishes, it should be the same as current_capacity.

  • status (str) – The status of the capacity update process. Can be one of idle, failed, expanding.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CloudCapacityStep(supported_capacity=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

supported_capacity (int) – A possible supported raw capacity of the CBS array in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.CloudProviderTag(key=None, value=None, details=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(key=None, value=None, details=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • key (str) – Key of the tag. Supports UTF-8 Unicode characters. Please refer to the offical document from cloud providers for limitations.

  • value (str) – Value of the tag. Supports UTF-8 Unicode characters. Please refer to the offical document from cloud providers for limitations.

  • details (str) – Details about the status of the tag if not healthy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Connection(host=None, host_group=None, lun=None, protocol_endpoint=None, volume=None, nsid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(host=None, host_group=None, lun=None, protocol_endpoint=None, volume=None, nsid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • host (ReferenceNoId) –

  • host_group (ReferenceNoId) –

  • lun (int) – The logical unit number (LUN) by which the specified hosts are to address the specified volume. A LUN is set for SCSI connections only. A LUN can be in one of two formats: a simple LUN, or a LUN and Sublun with virtual volumes. The first format is simply the LUN. The second format is a single int64 combining both ((LUN << 32) + Sublun) or (LUN * 4294967296 + Sublun). In the FA UI, a combined LUN and Sublun is represented as LUN:Sublun. The maximum int64 LUN:Sublun value is 17587891081215.

  • protocol_endpoint (Reference) – A protocol endpoint (also known as a conglomerate volume) which acts as a proxy through which virtual volumes are created and then connected to VMware ESXi hosts or host groups. The protocol endpoint itself does not serve I/Os; instead, its job is to form connections between FlashArray volumes and ESXi hosts and host groups.

  • volume (FixedReference) – A container that manages the storage space on the array.

  • nsid (int) – Namespace identifier allocated for the NVMe namespace backing the volume. NSID is set for NVMe connections only.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ConnectionPost(lun=None, protocol_endpoint=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(lun=None, protocol_endpoint=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • lun (int) – The logical unit number (LUN) by which the specified hosts are to address the specified volume. If the LUN is not specified, the system automatically assigns a LUN to the connection. To automatically assign a LUN to a private connection, the system starts at LUN 1 and counts up to the maximum LUN 4095, assigning the first available LUN to the connection. For shared connections, the system starts at LUN 254 and counts down to the minimum LUN 1, assigning the first available LUN to the connection. If all LUNs in the [1…254] range are taken, the system starts at LUN 255 and counts up to the maximum LUN 4095, assigning the first available LUN to the connection. Should not be used together with an NVMe host or host group.

  • protocol_endpoint (Reference) – A protocol endpoint (also known as a conglomerate volume) which acts as a proxy through which virtual volumes are created and then connected to VMware ESXi hosts or host groups. The protocol endpoint itself does not serve I/Os; instead, its job is to form connections between FlashArray volumes and ESXi hosts and host groups.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ContainerDefaultProtection(id=None, name=None, type=None, default_protections=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, type=None, default_protections=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – The id of an administrative domain, a data container, and a namespace for volumes and protection groups. Values can be pod id or null. Null represents the local array id.

  • name (str) – The name of an administrative domain, a data container, and a namespace for volumes and protection groups. Values can be pod name or null. null represents the local array name.

  • type (str) – The type of an administrative domain, a data container, and a namespace for volumes and protection groups. Values can be pod or null. null represents the local array type.

  • default_protections (list[DefaultProtectionReference]) – The default protection that is applied to newly created volumes. Volumes can opt out of the default protection at creation. The pod’s default_protections defaults to the array’s default_protections at pod creation. To clear the list of default protections, set to an empty list [].


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Controller(name=None, mode=None, model=None, status=None, type=None, version=None, mode_since=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, mode=None, model=None, status=None, type=None, version=None, mode_since=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • mode (str) – Mode of controller. Values include not present, offline, primary, and secondary.

  • model (str) –

  • status (str) – Status of controller. Values include not ready, ready, unknown, and updating.

  • type (str) – Type of controller. Values include array_controller and shelf_controller.

  • version (str) –

  • mode_since (int) – The time at which the current mode of the controller was last set. It is measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If the controller mode is not present or offline, this field will be null.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Controllers(name=None, mode=None, model=None, status=None, type=None, version=None, mode_since=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, mode=None, model=None, status=None, type=None, version=None, mode_since=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • mode (str) – Mode of controller. Values include not present, offline, primary, and secondary.

  • model (str) –

  • status (str) – Status of controller. Values include not ready, ready, unknown, and updating.

  • type (str) – Type of controller. Values include array_controller and shelf_controller.

  • version (str) –

  • mode_since (int) – The time at which the current mode of the controller was last set. It is measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. If the controller mode is not present or offline, this field will be null.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DefaultProtectionReference(id=None, name=None, type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.

  • type (str) – The type of default protection. Currently, the only valid value is protection_group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DestroyedPatchPost(destroyed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Directory(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, directory_name=None, file_system=None, path=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, limited_by=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, directory_name=None, file_system=None, path=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, limited_by=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The managed directory creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the managed directory has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed managed directory is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the managed directory is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • directory_name (str) – The managed directory name without the file system name prefix. A full managed directory name is constructed in the form of FILE_SYSTEM:DIR where FILE_SYSTEM is the file system name and DIR is the value of this field.

  • file_system (FixedReference) – The file system that this managed directory is in.

  • path (str) – Absolute path of the managed directory in the file system.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption details.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, measured in milliseconds until the destroyed managed directory is permanently eradicated.

  • limited_by (LimitedBy) – The quota policy that is limiting usage on this managed directory. This policy defines the total amount of space provisioned to this managed directory and its descendants. The returned value contains two parts&#58; the name of the policy and the managed directory to which the policy is attached.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryExport(destroyed=None, directory=None, enabled=None, export_name=None, path=None, policy=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, directory=None, enabled=None, export_name=None, path=None, policy=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the managed directory of the export has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The export can be recovered by recovering the destroyed managed directory.

  • directory (FixedReferenceWithType) – The managed directory of the export.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if and only if the export policy that manages this export is enabled AND this export is enabled.

  • export_name (str) – The export name for accessing this export.

  • path (str) – The path of the exported managed directory.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The export policy that manages this export. An export can be managed by at most one export policy.

  • status (str) – Explains why enabled is false, or whether there is a name conflict with another export. Valid values include policy_disabled, export_disabled, and name_conflict.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryExportPatch(export_enabled=None, export_name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(export_enabled=None, export_name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • export_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the export is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • export_name (str) – The new name of the export. Export names must be unique within the same protocol.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryExportPost(export_name=None, export_enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(export_name=None, export_enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • export_name (str) – The name of the export to create. Export names must be unique within the same protocol.

  • export_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the export is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryLockNlmReclamation(start=None, end=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(start=None, end=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • start (int) – Start time of the NLM reclamation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end (int) – End time of the NLM reclamation in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryPatch(name=None, directory_name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, directory_name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • directory_name (str) – The managed directory name without the file system name prefix. A full managed directory name is constructed in the form of FILE_SYSTEM:DIR where FILE_SYSTEM is the file system name and DIR is the value of this field.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryPerformance(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, others_per_sec=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, time=None, usec_per_other_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • others_per_sec (int) – The number of other requests processed per second.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_other_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O other request, measured in microseconds.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryPolicyExportPost(policies=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

policies (list[DirectorypolicyexportpostPolicies]) – A list of export policies to apply to the directory. The id and name fields in each policy parameter are required, but cannot be set together.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryPolicyPost(policies=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

policies (list[DirectorypolicypostPolicies]) – A list of policies to apply to the resource. The id or name field in each policy parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryPost(directory_name=None, path=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(directory_name=None, path=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • directory_name (str) – The managed directory name without the file system name prefix. A full managed directory name is constructed in the form of FILE_SYSTEM:DIR where FILE_SYSTEM is the file system name and DIR is the value of this field. directory_name is required if file_system_names or file_system_ids is set. directory_name cannot be set if names is set.

  • path (str) – Path of the managed directory in the file system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryQuota(directory=None, enabled=None, enforced=None, path=None, percentage_used=None, policy=None, quota_limit=None, rule_name=None, usage=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(directory=None, enabled=None, enforced=None, path=None, percentage_used=None, policy=None, quota_limit=None, rule_name=None, usage=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • directory (FixedReferenceWithType) – The directory to which the quota applies.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • enforced (bool) – Defines whether the quota rule is enforced or unenforced. If the quota rule is enforced and logical space usage exceeds the quota limit, any modification operations that result in a need for more space are blocked. If the quota rule is unenforced and logical space usage exceeds the quota limit, notification emails are sent to targets that are specified using the notification parameter. No client operations are blocked when an unenforced limit is exceeded. If set to true, the limit is enforced. If set to false, notification targets are informed when the usage exceeds 80 percent of the limit.

  • path (str) – Absolute path of the directory in the file system.

  • percentage_used (float) – The percentage of the space used in the directory with respect to the quota limit.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The effective quota policy that imposes the limit. This is the policy with the lowest limit.

  • quota_limit (int) – Effective quota limit imposed by the quota policy rule attached to the directory, measured in bytes.

  • rule_name (str) – Name of the rule that results in this quota and behavior being applied to this directory.

  • usage (int) – The amount of logically written data for the directory, measured in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryService(name=None, base_dn=None, bind_password=None, bind_user=None, ca_certificate=None, check_peer=None, enabled=None, services=None, uris=None, management=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, base_dn=None, bind_password=None, bind_user=None, ca_certificate=None, check_peer=None, enabled=None, services=None, uris=None, management=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • base_dn (str) – Base of the Distinguished Name (DN) of the directory service groups.

  • bind_password (str) – Masked password used to query the directory.

  • bind_user (str) – Username used to query the directory.

  • ca_certificate (str) – The certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the certificates of the directory servers, which is used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.

  • check_peer (bool) – Whether or not server authenticity is enforced when a certificate is provided.

  • enabled (bool) – Whether or not the directory service is enabled.

  • services (list[str]) – Services for which the directory service configuration is used.

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured directory servers.

  • management (DirectoryServiceManagement) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryServiceManagement(user_login_attribute=None, user_object_class=None, ssh_public_key_attribute=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(user_login_attribute=None, user_object_class=None, ssh_public_key_attribute=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • user_login_attribute (str) – User login attribute in the structure of the configured LDAP servers. Typically the attribute field that holds the user’s unique login name. Default value is sAMAccountName for Active Directory or uid for all other directory services.

  • user_object_class (str) – Value of the object class for a management LDAP user. Defaults to User for Active Directory servers, posixAccount or shadowAccount for OpenLDAP servers dependent on the group type of the server, or person for all other directory servers.

  • ssh_public_key_attribute (str) – SSH public key attribute in the structure of the configured LDAP servers. The attribute field that holds the user’s SSH public key. This attribute can represent a single-valued or multi-valued field. If this attribute resolves to a multi-valued field, all valid SSH keys will be used. If the user has specified keys under Admin endpoints, these are used as well.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectoryServiceRole(name=None, group=None, group_base=None, role=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, group=None, group_base=None, role=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • group (str) – A group name that contains users with the authority level of the specified role.

  • group_base (str) – Specifies where the configured group is located in the directory tree.

  • role (ReferenceNoId) – A reference to the role to be assigned. Can be any role that exists on the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorySnapshot(id=None, name=None, client_name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, policy=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, client_name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, policy=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • client_name (str) – The customizable portion of the client-visible snapshot name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the full managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the client name, and SUFFIX is the suffix. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed directory snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed directory snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the directory snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • policy (FixedReference) – The snapshot policy that manages this snapshot, if applicable.

  • source (FixedReference) – The directory from which this snapshot was taken.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption details.

  • suffix (int) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value and the client_name value to generate the full directory snapshot name in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the client name, and SUFFIX is the suffix. If the suffix is a string, this field returns null. See the name value for the full snapshot name including the suffix.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the directory snapshot is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false if it is destroyed, by setting policy=”” if it is managed by a snapshot policy, or by setting keep_for=”” if it is a manual snapshot.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorySnapshotPatch(destroyed=None, keep_for=None, policy=None, name=None, client_name=None, suffix=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, keep_for=None, policy=None, name=None, client_name=None, suffix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • keep_for (int) – The amount of time to keep the snapshots, in milliseconds. Can only be set on snapshots that are not managed by any snapshot policy. Set to “” to clear the keep_for value.

  • policy (Reference) – The snapshot policy that manages this snapshot. Set to name or id to “” to clear the policy.

  • name (str) – The new name of a directory snapshot. The name of a directory snapshot managed by a snapshot policy is not changeable.

  • client_name (str) – The client name portion of the client-visible snapshot name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the value of this field, and SUFFIX is the suffix. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX. The client name of a directory snapshot managed by a snapshot policy is not changeable. If the name and client_name parameters are both specified, client_name must match the client name portion of name.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix portion of the client-visible snapshot name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the client name, and SUFFIX is the value of this field. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX. The suffix of a directory snapshot managed by a snapshot policy is not changeable. If the name and suffix parameters are both specified, suffix must match the suffix portion of name.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorySnapshotPost(client_name=None, keep_for=None, suffix=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(client_name=None, keep_for=None, suffix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • client_name (str) – The client name portion of the client visible snapshot name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the value of this field, and SUFFIX is the suffix. The client visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX.

  • keep_for (int) – The time to keep the snapshots for, in milliseconds.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix portion of the client visible snapshot name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the client name, and SUFFIX is the value of this field. The client visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX. If not specified, defaults to a monotonically increasing number generated by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorySpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorypolicyexportpostPolicies(export_enabled=None, export_name=None, policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(export_enabled=None, export_name=None, policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • export_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the export is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • export_name (str) – The name of the export to create when applying the export policy to the directory.

  • policy (Reference) – Reference to the export policy to apply to the directory.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DirectorypolicypostPolicies(policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

policy (Reference) – Reference to the policy to apply to the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Dns(name=None, domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • domain (str) – The domain suffix to be appended by the appliance when performing DNS lookups.

  • nameservers (list[str]) – The list of DNS server IP addresses.

  • services (list[str]) – The list of services utilizing the DNS configuration.

  • source (ReferenceNoId) – The network interface used for communication with the DNS server.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DnsPatch(name=None, domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • domain (str) – The domain suffix to be appended by the appliance when performing DNS lookups.

  • nameservers (list[str]) – The list of DNS server IP addresses.

  • services (list[str]) – The list of services utilizing the DNS configuration.

  • source (ReferenceNoId) – The network interface used for communication with the DNS server.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.DnsPost(domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(domain=None, nameservers=None, services=None, source=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • domain (str) – The domain suffix to be appended by the appliance when performing DNS lookups.

  • nameservers (list[str]) – The list of DNS server IP addresses.

  • services (list[str]) – The list of services utilizing the DNS configuration.

  • source (ReferenceNoId) – The network interface used for communication with the DNS server.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Drive(name=None, capacity=None, details=None, protocol=None, status=None, type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, capacity=None, details=None, protocol=None, status=None, type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • capacity (int) – Physical storage capacity of the module in bytes.

  • details (str) – Details about the status of the module if not healthy.

  • protocol (str) – Storage protocol of the module. Valid values are NVMe and SAS.

  • status (str) – Current status of the module. Valid values are empty, failed, healthy, identifying, missing, recovering, unadmitted, unhealthy, unrecognized, and updating.

  • type (str) – The type of the module. Valid values are cache, NVRAM, SSD, and virtual.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.EradicationConfig(disabled_delay=None, eradication_delay=None, enabled_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(disabled_delay=None, eradication_delay=None, enabled_delay=None, manual_eradication=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • disabled_delay (int) – The eradication delay in milliseconds for destroyed objects that cannot be manually eradicated. Destroyed objects that cannot be manually eradicated will be automatically eradicated after the configured delay time passes. Valid values are 86400000 and any multiple of 86400000 in the range of 86400000 and 2592000000. Any other values are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 86400000.

  • eradication_delay (int) – Eradication delay in milliseconds for all destroyed objects. Automatically eradicate destroyed objects after the configured delay time passes. Updating this field will update both eradication_disabled_delay and eradication_enabled_delay if both eradication_disabled_delay and eradication_enabled_delay have the same value. If eradication_disabled_delay and eradication_enabled_delay have different values, trying to configure eradication_delay will result in an error. This field has been deprecated and will be removed in a future REST version. Valid values are 86400000 and any multiple of 86400000 in the range of 86400000 and 2592000000. Any other values are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 86400000.

  • enabled_delay (int) – The eradication delay in milliseconds for destroyed objects that can be manually eradicated. Destroyed objects that can be manually eradicated will be automatically eradicated after the configured delay time passes. Valid values are 86400000 and any multiple of 86400000 in the range of 86400000 and 2592000000. Any other values are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 86400000.

  • manual_eradication (str) – Manual eradication status applied on the array level. If status is all-disabled, you cannot eradicate objects, files, and directories. If at least one local object has manual_eradication disabled, then the status will be partially-disabled. Values include all-disabled, partially-disabled, and all-enabled. If the user does not have sufficient access, this field will return null.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Eula(agreement=None, signature=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(agreement=None, signature=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • agreement (str) – The End User Agreement text.

  • signature (EulaSignature) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.EulaSignature(name=None, title=None, company=None, accepted=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, title=None, company=None, accepted=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the person who accepted the End User Agreement. This field is deprecated and the response will be null. Modification to this field will be ignored.

  • title (str) – The title of the person who accepted the End User Agreement. This field is deprecated and the response will be null. Modification to this field will be ignored.

  • company (str) – The company of the person who accepted the End User Agreement. This field is deprecated and the response will be null. Modification to this field will be ignored.

  • accepted (int) – Accepted time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ExportPolicyAttachmentMixin(enabled=None, export_name=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, export_name=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if and only if the export policy that manages this export is enabled AND this export is enabled.

  • export_name (str) – The export name for accessing this export.

  • status (str) – Explains why enabled is false, or whether there is a name conflict with another export. Valid values include policy_disabled, export_disabled, and name_conflict.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FilePost(source=None, source_path=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(source=None, source_path=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • source (ReferenceWithType) – The source information of a file copy.

  • source_path (str) – The source file path relative to the source directory.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FileSystem(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None, pod=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None, pod=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The file system creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the file system has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed file system is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed file system can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the file system is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, measured in milliseconds until the destroyed file system is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed file system can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • pod (Reference) – The reference to the pod this file systems belongs to, or null if it is not in a pod.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FileSystemPatch(destroyed=None, name=None, pod=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, name=None, pod=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • pod (Reference) – The pod to move existing file systems into.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FixedNameResourceNoId(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FixedReference(id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FixedReferenceNoId(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.FixedReferenceWithType(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.

  • resource_type (str) – Type of the object (full name of the endpoint). Valid values include hosts, host-groups, network-interfaces, pods, ports, pod-replica-links, subnets, volumes, volume-snapshots, volume-groups, directories, policies/nfs, policies/smb, policies/snapshot, and policies/quota, etc.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Hardware(name=None, details=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None, model=None, serial=None, slot=None, speed=None, status=None, temperature=None, type=None, voltage=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, details=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None, model=None, serial=None, slot=None, speed=None, status=None, temperature=None, type=None, voltage=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • details (str) – Details about the status of the component if not healthy.

  • identify_enabled (bool) – If true, the ID LED is lit to visually identify the component.

  • index (int) – Number that identifies the relative position of a hardware component within the array.

  • model (str) – Model number of the hardware component.

  • serial (str) – Serial number of the hardware component.

  • slot (int) – Slot number occupied by the PCI Express card that hosts the component.

  • speed (int) – Speed (in bytes per second) at which the component is operating.

  • status (str) – Component status. Values include critical, healthy, identifying, unhealthy, unknown, and unused.

  • temperature (int) – Temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by the component.

  • type (str) – Type of hardware component. Values include bay, ct, ch, eth, fan, fb, fc, fm, ib, iom, nvb, pwr, sas, sh, and tmp.

  • voltage (int) – Voltage (in Volts) reported by the component.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HardwarePatch(name=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, identify_enabled=None, index=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • identify_enabled (bool) – State of an LED used to visually identify the component.

  • index (int) – Number that identifies the relative position of a hardware component within the array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Host(name=None, chap=None, connection_count=None, host_group=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, port_connectivity=None, preferred_arrays=None, space=None, wwns=None, is_local=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, chap=None, connection_count=None, host_group=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, port_connectivity=None, preferred_arrays=None, space=None, wwns=None, is_local=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • chap (Chap) –

  • connection_count (int) – The number of volumes connected to the specified host.

  • host_group (ReferenceNoId) – The host group to which the host should be associated.

  • iqns (list[str]) – The iSCSI qualified name (IQN) associated with the host.

  • nqns (list[str]) – The NVMe Qualified Name (NQN) associated with the host.

  • personality (str) – Determines how the system tunes the array to ensure that it works optimally with the host. Set personality to the name of the host operating system or virtual memory system. Valid values are aix, esxi, hitachi-vsp, hpux, oracle-vm-server, solaris, and vms. If your system is not listed as one of the valid host personalities, do not set the option. By default, the personality is not set.

  • port_connectivity (HostPortConnectivity) –

  • preferred_arrays (list[Reference]) – For synchronous replication configurations, sets a host’s preferred array to specify which array exposes active/optimized paths to that host. Enter multiple preferred arrays in comma-separated format. If a preferred array is set for a host, then the other arrays in the same pod will expose active/non-optimized paths to that host. If the host is in a host group, preferred_arrays cannot be set because host groups have their own preferred arrays. On a preferred array of a certain host, all the paths on all the ports (for both the primary and secondary controllers) are set up as A/O (active/optimized) paths, while on a non-preferred array, all the paths are A/N (Active/Non-optimized) paths.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned (virtual) size and physical storage consumption information for the sum of all volumes connected to the specified host.

  • wwns (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN) associated with the host.

  • is_local (bool) – -> If set to true, the location reference is to the local array. If set to false, the location reference is to a remote location, such as a remote array or offload target.

  • vlan (str) – The VLAN ID that the host is associated with. If set to any, the host can access any VLAN. If set to untagged, the host can only access untagged VLANs. If set to a number between 1 and 4094, the host can only access the specified VLAN with that number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostGroup(name=None, connection_count=None, host_count=None, is_local=None, space=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, connection_count=None, host_count=None, is_local=None, space=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • connection_count (int) – The number of volumes connected to the host group.

  • host_count (int) – The number of hosts in the host group.

  • is_local (bool) – Returns a value of true if the host or host group belongs to the current array. Returns a value of false if the host or host group belongs to a remote array.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned (virtual) size and physical storage consumption information for the sum of all volumes connected to the specified host.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostGroupPatch(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The new name for the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostGroupPerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostGroupPerformanceByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostGroupSpace(name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPatch(name=None, add_iqns=None, add_nqns=None, add_wwns=None, chap=None, host_group=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, preferred_arrays=None, remove_iqns=None, remove_nqns=None, remove_wwns=None, wwns=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, add_iqns=None, add_nqns=None, add_wwns=None, chap=None, host_group=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, preferred_arrays=None, remove_iqns=None, remove_nqns=None, remove_wwns=None, wwns=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • add_iqns (list[str]) – Adds the specified iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs) to those already associated with the specified host.

  • add_nqns (list[str]) – Adds the specified NVMe Qualified Names (NQNs) to those already associated with the specified host.

  • add_wwns (list[str]) – Adds the specified Fibre Channel World Wide Names (WWNs) to those already associated with the specified host.

  • chap (Chap) –

  • host_group (ReferenceNoId) – The host group to which the host should be associated.

  • iqns (list[str]) – The iSCSI qualified name (IQN) associated with the host.

  • nqns (list[str]) – The NVMe Qualified Name (NQN) associated with the host.

  • personality (str) – Determines how the system tunes the array to ensure that it works optimally with the host. Set personality to the name of the host operating system or virtual memory system. Valid values are aix, esxi, hitachi-vsp, hpux, oracle-vm-server, solaris, and vms. If your system is not listed as one of the valid host personalities, do not set the option. By default, the personality is not set.

  • preferred_arrays (list[Reference]) – For synchronous replication configurations, sets a host’s preferred array to specify which array exposes active/optimized paths to that host. Enter multiple preferred arrays in comma-separated format. If a preferred array is set for a host, then the other arrays in the same pod will expose active/non-optimized paths to that host. If the host is in a host group, preferred_arrays cannot be set because host groups have their own preferred arrays. On a preferred array of a certain host, all the paths on all the ports (for both the primary and secondary controllers) are set up as A/O (active/optimized) paths, while on a non-preferred array, all the paths are A/N (Active/Non-optimized) paths.

  • remove_iqns (list[str]) – Disassociates the specified iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs) from the specified host.

  • remove_nqns (list[str]) – Disassociates the specified NVMe Qualified Names (NQNs) from the specified host.

  • remove_wwns (list[str]) – Disassociates the specified Fibre Channel World Wide Names (WWNs) from the specified host.

  • wwns (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN) associated with the host.

  • vlan (str) – The VLAN ID that the host is associated with. If not set, there is no change in VLAN. If set to any, the host can access any VLAN. If set to untagged, the host can only access untagged VLANs. If set to a number between 1 and 4094, the host can only access the specified VLAN with that number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPerformanceBalance(name=None, fraction_relative_to_max=None, initiator=None, op_count=None, target=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, fraction_relative_to_max=None, initiator=None, op_count=None, target=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • fraction_relative_to_max (float) – The path with the highest number of op counts is displayed with a fraction_relative_to_max of 1.0. The fraction values of all other paths in the host are then calculated relative to the path with the highest number of op counts.

  • initiator (PortCommon) –

  • op_count (int) – Count of I/O operations for the host path, over the specified resolution.

  • target (Port) –

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPerformanceByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPortConnectivity(details=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(details=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • details (str) – The host connection status. Values include Redundant, N/A, Redundant-Failover, Uneven, Unused Port, Single Controller, Single Controller-Failover, and None.

  • status (str) – The host connection health status. Values include healthy, unhealthy, and critical.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostPost(chap=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, preferred_arrays=None, wwns=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(chap=None, iqns=None, nqns=None, personality=None, preferred_arrays=None, wwns=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • chap (Chap) –

  • iqns (list[str]) – The iSCSI qualified name (IQN) associated with the host.

  • nqns (list[str]) – The NVMe Qualified Name (NQN) associated with the host.

  • personality (str) – Determines how the system tunes the array to ensure that it works optimally with the host. Set personality to the name of the host operating system or virtual memory system. Valid values are aix, esxi, hitachi-vsp, hpux, oracle-vm-server, solaris, and vms. If your system is not listed as one of the valid host personalities, do not set the option. By default, the personality is not set.

  • preferred_arrays (list[Reference]) – For synchronous replication configurations, sets a host’s preferred array to specify which array exposes active/optimized paths to that host. Enter multiple preferred arrays in comma-separated format. If a preferred array is set for a host, then the other arrays in the same pod will expose active/non-optimized paths to that host. If the host is in a host group, preferred_arrays cannot be set because host groups have their own preferred arrays. On a preferred array of a certain host, all the paths on all the ports (for both the primary and secondary controllers) are set up as A/O (active/optimized) paths, while on a non-preferred array, all the paths are A/N (Active/Non-optimized) paths.

  • wwns (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN) associated with the host.

  • vlan (str) – The VLAN ID that the host is associated with. If not set or set to any, the host can access any VLAN. If set to untagged, the host can only access untagged VLANs. If set to a number between 1 and 4094, the host can only access the specified VLAN with that number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.HostSpace(name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Kmip(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, kmip_objects=None, name=None, uris=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, kmip_objects=None, name=None, uris=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • ca_certificate (str) – CA certificate text for the KMIP server.

  • certificate (KmipCertificate) – The certificate used to verify FlashArray authenticity to the KMIP servers.

  • kmip_objects (list[KmipObject]) – List of the name and UID of the KMIP objects.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured KMIP servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.KmipCertificate(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.KmipObject(name=None, uid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, uid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the KMIP object.

  • uid (str) – User ID of the KMIP object.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.KmipPatch(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, uris=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, uris=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • ca_certificate (str) – The text of the CA certificate for the KMIP server.

  • certificate (ReferenceNoId) – The certificate used to verify FlashArray authenticity to the KMIP servers.

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured KMIP servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.KmipPost(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, uris=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ca_certificate=None, certificate=None, uris=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • ca_certificate (str) – The text of the CA certificate for the KMIP server.

  • certificate (ReferenceNoId) – The certificate used to verify FlashArray authenticity to the KMIP servers.

  • uris (list[str]) – List of URIs for the configured KMIP servers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.KmipTestResult(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_address (str) – Address of the component running the test.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the test.

  • description (str) – Description of what is being tested.

  • destination (str) – The URI of the target server being tested.

  • enabled (bool) – Expresses whether the service is enabled or not.

  • result_details (str) – Additional information about the test result.

  • success (bool) – Expresses whether communication between the FlashArray and the KMIP server succeeded or not.

  • test_type (str) – Description of what is being tested.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LimitedBy(member=None, policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(member=None, policy=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalGroup(built_in=None, email=None, gid=None, name=None, sid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(built_in=None, email=None, gid=None, name=None, sid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • built_in (bool) – Returns a value of true if the local group is built in. Returns a value of false if the group has been created manually.

  • email (str) – The email address of the local group.

  • gid (int) – The POSIX user ID of this object (group ID).

  • name (str) – The local group name.

  • sid (str) – The SID (security ID) of the local group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalGroupMembershipPost(members=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

members (list[LocalgroupmembershippostMembers]) – A list of resources to be a member of the group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalGroupPost(email=None, gid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, gid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – Optional field to set the email address of the local group.

  • gid (int) – Optional field to set the GID of the local group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalMember(group=None, group_gid=None, is_primary_group=None, member=None, member_id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, group_gid=None, is_primary_group=None, member=None, member_id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • group (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the group to which the member belongs.

  • group_gid (int) – GID of the group to which the member belongs.

  • is_primary_group (bool) – When a membership of member_type has the value User, this specifies whether this membership is a primary-group mapping or not. In any other case, this field will be false.

  • member (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the member of the group.

  • member_id (int) – GID if the member_type is Group and UID if the member_type is User.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalUser(built_in=None, email=None, enabled=None, name=None, primary_group=None, sid=None, uid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(built_in=None, email=None, enabled=None, name=None, primary_group=None, sid=None, uid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • built_in (bool) – Returns a value of true if the local user is built in. Otherwise returns a value of false if the user has been created manually.

  • email (str) – The email address of the local user.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the local user is enabled.

  • name (str) – The name of the local user.

  • primary_group (ReferenceWithType) – Primary group of the local user.

  • sid (str) – The SID (security ID) of the local user.

  • uid (int) – The POSIX user ID of this object (user ID).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalUserMembershipPost(groups=None, is_primary=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(groups=None, is_primary=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • groups (list[LocalusermembershippostGroups]) – A list of groups of which the user is a member.

  • is_primary (bool) – Determines whether memberships are primary group memberships or not.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalUserPatch(email=None, enabled=None, name=None, password=None, primary_group=None, uid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, enabled=None, name=None, password=None, primary_group=None, uid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – Optional field to set the email of the local user.

  • enabled (bool) – If this field is false, the local user will be disabled on creation. Otherwise, the local user will be enabled and functional from the beginning.

  • name (str) – The local user name.

  • password (str) – The password of the local user. This field is only required if the enabled field is true.

  • primary_group (ReferenceWithType) – Local group that would be assigned as the primary group of the local user.

  • uid (int) – Optional field to set the UID of the local user.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalUserPost(email=None, enabled=None, password=None, primary_group=None, uid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, enabled=None, password=None, primary_group=None, uid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – Optional field to set the email of the local user.

  • enabled (bool) – If this field is false, the local user will be disabled on creation. Otherwise, the local user will be enabled and functional.

  • password (str) – The password of the local user. This field is only required if the enabled field is true.

  • primary_group (ReferenceWithType) – Local group that would be assigned as the primary group of the local user.

  • uid (int) – Optional field to set the UID of the local user.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalgroupmembershippostMembers(member=None, member_id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(member=None, member_id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • member (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to the resource that will be a member of the group. The id or name parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • member_id (int) – The member ID that should be mapped.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.LocalusermembershippostGroups(group=None, group_gid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, group_gid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • group (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to a group of which the user is a member. The id or name parameter is required, but cannot be set together.

  • group_gid (int) – The group GID that should be mapped.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MaintenanceWindow(name=None, created=None, expires=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, created=None, expires=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The maintenance window start time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • expires (int) – The maintenance window end time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MaintenanceWindowPost(timeout=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

timeout (int) – The specified length of time that alerts are suppressed during a maintenance window, measured in milliseconds. The maintenance window timeout value must be between 60000 (1 minute) and 86400000 (24 hours). The value entered is rounded down to the nearest minute. The names and timeout parameters must be set together, and the names parameter must be set to environment.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MappingPolicy(id=None, direction=None, local_policy=None, mapping=None, pod_replica_link=None, policy_type=None, remote_policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, direction=None, local_policy=None, mapping=None, pod_replica_link=None, policy_type=None, remote_policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values include inbound and outbound.

  • local_policy (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to a local policy.

  • mapping (str) – The mapping for this policy mapping. Valid values are connected and disconnected.

  • pod_replica_link (PodReplicaLinkReference) – Reference to a pod replica link.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policies involved in this policy mapping.

  • remote_policy (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to a remote policy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MappingPolicyPatch(mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

mapping (str) – The mapping to set on this policy mapping. Valid values are connected and disconnected.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Member(group=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MemberNoIdAll(group=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • group (ReferenceNoId) – The resource in which the host, volume, or other item in the environment is a member.

  • member (ReferenceNoId) – The member of the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MemberNoIdGroup(group=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.MemberNoIdMember(group=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • group (Reference) – The resource in which the host, volume, or other item in the environment is a member.

  • member (ReferenceNoId) – The member of the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterface(name=None, enabled=None, eth=None, fc=None, interface_type=None, services=None, speed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None, eth=None, fc=None, interface_type=None, services=None, speed=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port is enabled. Returns a value of false if the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port is disabled.

  • eth (NetworkInterfaceEth) –

  • fc (NetworkInterfaceFc) –

  • interface_type (str) – The interface type. Valid values are eth and fc.

  • services (list[str]) – The services provided by the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port.

  • speed (int) – Configured speed of the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port (in Gb/s). Typically this is the maximum speed of the port or bond represented by the network interface.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceEth(address=None, gateway=None, mac_address=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None, subtype=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(address=None, gateway=None, mac_address=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None, subtype=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • address (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified network interface.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified network interface is to communicate with the network.

  • mac_address (str) – The media access control address associated with the specified network interface.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the network interface, in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface.

  • netmask (str) – Netmask of the specified network interface that, when combined with the address of the interface, determines the network address of the interface.

  • subinterfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – List of network interfaces configured to be a subinterface of the specified network interface.

  • subnet (ReferenceNoId) – Subnet that is associated with the specified network interface.

  • subtype (str) – The subtype of the specified network interface. Only interfaces of subtype virtual can be created. Configurable on POST only. Valid values are failover_bond, lacp_bond, physical, and virtual.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceFc(wwn=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

wwn (str) – World Wide Name of the specified Fibre Channel port.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighbor(initial_ttl_in_sec=None, local_port=None, neighbor_chassis=None, neighbor_port=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(initial_ttl_in_sec=None, local_port=None, neighbor_chassis=None, neighbor_port=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighborCapability(supported=None, enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(supported=None, enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • supported (bool) – If true, this capability is supported by this neighbor; false otherwise.

  • enabled (bool) – If true, this capability is enabled by this neighbor; false otherwise.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighborNeighborChassis(addresses=None, bridge=None, description=None, docsis_cable_device=None, id=None, name=None, repeater=None, router=None, station_only=None, telephone=None, wlan_access_point=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(addresses=None, bridge=None, description=None, docsis_cable_device=None, id=None, name=None, repeater=None, router=None, station_only=None, telephone=None, wlan_access_point=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighborNeighborChassisId(type=None, value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(type=None, value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • type (str) – The chassis ID subtype. Valid values are ifname, ifalias, local, mac, ip, and unhandled.

  • value (str) – The specific identifier for the particular chassis.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighborNeighborPort(description=None, id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(description=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfaceNeighborNeighborPortId(type=None, value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(type=None, value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • type (str) – The port ID subtype. Valid values are ifname, ifalias, local, mac, ip, and unhandled.

  • value (str) – The specific identifier for the particular port.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePatch(enabled=None, eth=None, override_npiv_check=None, services=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, eth=None, override_npiv_check=None, services=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port is enabled. Returns a value of false if the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port is disabled.

  • eth (NetworkinterfacepatchEth) –

  • override_npiv_check (bool) – N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) requires a balanced configuration of Fibre Channel ports configured for SCSI on both controllers. Enabling or Disabling a Fibre Channel port configured for SCSI might cause the NPIV status to change from enabled to disabled or vice versa. Set this option to proceed with enabling or disabling the port.

  • services (list[str]) – The services provided by the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePerformance(name=None, interface_type=None, time=None, eth=None, fc=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, interface_type=None, time=None, eth=None, fc=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • interface_type (str) – The interface type. Valid values are eth and fc.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch.

  • eth (NetworkInterfacePerformanceEth) –

  • fc (NetworkInterfacePerformanceFc) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePerformanceEth(other_errors_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frame_errors_per_sec=None, received_packets_per_sec=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_packets_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(other_errors_per_sec=None, received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frame_errors_per_sec=None, received_packets_per_sec=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_packets_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • other_errors_per_sec (int) – This field has been deprecated. Since Purity version 6.6.8, this will always return null. The sum of unspecified reception and transmission errors per second.

  • received_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes received per second.

  • received_crc_errors_per_sec (int) – Reception CRC errors per second.

  • received_frame_errors_per_sec (int) – Received packet frame errors per second.

  • received_packets_per_sec (int) – Packets received per second.

  • total_errors_per_sec (int) – The sum of all reception and transmission errors per second.

  • transmitted_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes transmitted per second.

  • transmitted_carrier_errors_per_sec (int) – Transmission carrier errors per second.

  • transmitted_dropped_errors_per_sec (int) – Transmitted packets dropped per second.

  • transmitted_packets_per_sec (int) – Packets transmitted per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePerformanceFc(received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frames_per_sec=None, received_link_failures_per_sec=None, received_loss_of_signal_per_sec=None, received_loss_of_sync_per_sec=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_frames_per_sec=None, transmitted_invalid_words_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(received_bytes_per_sec=None, received_crc_errors_per_sec=None, received_frames_per_sec=None, received_link_failures_per_sec=None, received_loss_of_signal_per_sec=None, received_loss_of_sync_per_sec=None, total_errors_per_sec=None, transmitted_bytes_per_sec=None, transmitted_frames_per_sec=None, transmitted_invalid_words_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • received_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes received per second.

  • received_crc_errors_per_sec (int) – Fibre Channel frame CRC errors per second.

  • received_frames_per_sec (int) – Fibre Channel frames received per second.

  • received_link_failures_per_sec (int) – Loss of connectivity errors per second.

  • received_loss_of_signal_per_sec (int) – Loss of signal errors on Fibre Channel port per second.

  • received_loss_of_sync_per_sec (int) – Loss of sync errors on Fibre Channel port per second.

  • total_errors_per_sec (int) – The sum of all reception and transmission errors per second.

  • transmitted_bytes_per_sec (int) – Bytes transmitted per second.

  • transmitted_frames_per_sec (int) – Fibre Channel frames transmitted per second.

  • transmitted_invalid_words_per_sec (int) – Bit errors in transmission word per second.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetails(name=None, interface_type=None, temperature=None, voltage=None, tx_bias=None, tx_power=None, rx_power=None, tx_fault=None, rx_los=None, static=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, interface_type=None, temperature=None, voltage=None, tx_bias=None, tx_power=None, rx_power=None, tx_fault=None, rx_los=None, static=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • interface_type (str) – The interface type. Valid values are eth and fc.

  • temperature (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTemperature]) – Displays real-time measurement of transceiver temperature and range. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • voltage (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsVoltage]) – Displays real-time measurement of supply voltage and whether it is within range. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_bias (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxBias]) – Displays real-time measurement of Tx bias current and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_power (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxPower]) – Displays real-time measurement of Tx output power and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • rx_power (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxPower]) – Displays real-time measurement of Rx input power and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_fault (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxFault]) – Displays status flags for Tx Fault. A value of true indicates transmitter/laser fault. For four-lane modules, the array contains a flag for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • rx_los (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxLos]) – Displays status flags for Rx LOS. A value of true indicates Rx Loss-of-Signal. For four-lane modules, the array contains a flag for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • static (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStatic) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxLos(channel=None, flag=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, flag=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the transceiver is a multilane transceiver. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • flag (bool) – A value of true indicates Rx Loss-of-Signal.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxPower(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the transceiver is a multilane transceiver. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • measurement (float) – Rx input power in mW.

  • status (str) – Indicates whether the measurement is outside the high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning thresholds for Rx input power. Valid values are alarm low, alarm high, warn low, warn high, and ok.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStatic(identifier=None, extended_identifier=None, connector_type=None, encoding=None, rate_identifier=None, specifications=None, fc_link_lengths=None, fc_technology=None, cable_technology=None, fc_transmission_media=None, fc_speeds=None, signaling_rate=None, signaling_rate_max=None, signaling_rate_min=None, wavelength=None, link_length=None, vendor_name=None, vendor_oui=None, vendor_part_number=None, vendor_revision=None, vendor_serial_number=None, vendor_date_code=None, temperature_thresholds=None, voltage_thresholds=None, tx_bias_thresholds=None, tx_power_thresholds=None, rx_power_thresholds=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(identifier=None, extended_identifier=None, connector_type=None, encoding=None, rate_identifier=None, specifications=None, fc_link_lengths=None, fc_technology=None, cable_technology=None, fc_transmission_media=None, fc_speeds=None, signaling_rate=None, signaling_rate_max=None, signaling_rate_min=None, wavelength=None, link_length=None, vendor_name=None, vendor_oui=None, vendor_part_number=None, vendor_revision=None, vendor_serial_number=None, vendor_date_code=None, temperature_thresholds=None, voltage_thresholds=None, tx_bias_thresholds=None, tx_power_thresholds=None, rx_power_thresholds=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • identifier (str) – The transceiver type.

  • extended_identifier (str) – The extended identifier of the transceiver type.

  • connector_type (str) – The media connector type of the transceiver.

  • encoding (str) – The serial encoding algorithm of the transceiver.

  • rate_identifier (str) – The type of rate select functionality of the transceiver.

  • specifications (list[str]) – The Ethernet, 10G Ethernet, ESCON, Infiniband, SONET, and other specifications supported by the transceiver.

  • fc_link_lengths (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel distance capabilities supported by the transceiver.

  • fc_technology (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel technologies supported by the transceiver.

  • cable_technology (list[str]) – The SFP+ cable technology supported by the transceiver.

  • fc_transmission_media (list[str]) – The Fibre Channel transmission media supported by the transceiver.

  • fc_speeds (str) – The Fibre Channel speeds supported by the transceiver. Speeds are in units of 100 MBytes/sec, which correspond to GFC (Gb/s).

  • signaling_rate (str) – The nominal signaling rate in MBd, rounded off to the nearest 100 MBd, or if greater than 25400 MBd, rounded off to the nearest 250 MBd. The value can be unspecified.

  • signaling_rate_max (str) – The upper signaling rate limit at which the transceiver still meets its specifications, specified as a percentage above the nominal signaling rate. The value can be unspecified.

  • signaling_rate_min (str) – The lower signaling rate limit at which the transceiver still meets its specifications, specified as a percentage below the nominal signaling rate. The value can be unspecified.

  • wavelength (str) – Laser wavelength (for optical variants) at room temperature, in units of nm. For passive and active cable variants, the value is unspecified.

  • link_length (str) – Link length and cable attenuation (for active or copper cables) for the specified transceiver. Values are comma-separated lists of fields and values, where each field is separated from its corresponding value by a colon. Valid fields include Copper Cable Attenuation (12.9 GHz), Copper Cable Attenuation (25.78 GHz), Copper Cable, SMF, OM2, OM1, OM4, and OM3. The unit for attenuation is dB, and the units for length are meters or kilometers. Unspecified fields are omitted.

  • vendor_name (str) – The SFP vendor name.

  • vendor_oui (str) – The SFP vendor IEEE company ID.

  • vendor_part_number (str) – The part number provided by the SFP vendor.

  • vendor_revision (str) – The revision level for the part number provided by the SFP vendor.

  • vendor_serial_number (str) – The serial number provided by the SFP vendor.

  • vendor_date_code (str) – The SFP vendor’s manufacturing date code. The first six characters are the date in YYMMDD format, and the last two characters are the vendor specific lot code. The last two characters are optional.

  • temperature_thresholds (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTemperatureThresholds) –

  • voltage_thresholds (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticVoltageThresholds) –

  • tx_bias_thresholds (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTxBiasThresholds) –

  • tx_power_thresholds (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTxPowerThresholds) –

  • rx_power_thresholds (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticRxPowerThresholds) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticRxPowerThresholds(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • alarm_low (float) – The alarm low threshold for Rx input power in mW.

  • warn_low (float) – The warn low threshold for Rx input power in mW.

  • warn_high (float) – The warn high threshold for Rx input power in mW.

  • alarm_high (float) – The alarm high threshold for Rx input power in mW.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTemperatureThresholds(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • alarm_low (float) – The alarm low threshold for temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • warn_low (float) – The warn low threshold for temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • warn_high (float) – The warn high threshold for temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • alarm_high (float) – The alarm high threshold for temperature in degrees Celsius.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTxBiasThresholds(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • alarm_low (float) – The alarm low threshold for Tx bias current in mA.

  • warn_low (float) – The warn low threshold for Tx bias current in mA.

  • warn_high (float) – The warn high threshold for Tx bias current in mA.

  • alarm_high (float) – The alarm high threshold for Tx bias current in mA.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticTxPowerThresholds(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • alarm_low (float) – The alarm low threshold for Tx output power in mW.

  • warn_low (float) – The warn low threshold for Tx output power in mW.

  • warn_high (float) – The warn high threshold for Tx output power in mW.

  • alarm_high (float) – The alarm high threshold for Tx output power in mW.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStaticVoltageThresholds(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(alarm_low=None, warn_low=None, warn_high=None, alarm_high=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • alarm_low (float) – The alarm low threshold for supply voltage in volts.

  • warn_low (float) – The warn low threshold for supply voltage in volts.

  • warn_high (float) – The warn high threshold for supply voltage in volts.

  • alarm_high (float) – The alarm high threshold for supply voltage in volts.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTemperature(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the diagnostic has an associated channel number. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • measurement (float) – Temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • status (str) – Indicates whether the measurement is outside the high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning thresholds for temperature. Valid values are alarm low, alarm high, warn low, warn high, and ok.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxBias(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the transceiver is a multilane transceiver. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • measurement (float) – Tx bias current in mA.

  • status (str) – Indicates whether the measurement is outside the high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning thresholds for Tx bias current. Valid values are alarm low, alarm high, warn low, warn high, and ok.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxFault(channel=None, flag=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, flag=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the transceiver is a multilane transceiver. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • flag (bool) – A value of true indicates transmitter/laser fault.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxPower(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the transceiver is a multilane transceiver. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • measurement (float) – Tx output power in mW.

  • status (str) – Indicates whether the measurement is outside the high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning thresholds for Tx output power. Valid values are alarm low, alarm high, warn low, warn high, and ok.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePortDetailsVoltage(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(channel=None, measurement=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • channel (int) – The channel number if the diagnostic has an associated channel number. If not specified, defaults to null.

  • measurement (float) – Supply voltage in volts.

  • status (str) – Indicates whether the measurement is outside the high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning thresholds for supply voltage. Valid values are alarm low, alarm high, warn low, warn high, and ok.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacePost(name=None, eth=None, services=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, eth=None, services=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • eth (NetworkinterfacepostEth) –

  • services (list[str]) – The services provided by the specified network interface or Fibre Channel port.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkInterfacesPortDetails(name=None, interface_type=None, temperature=None, voltage=None, tx_bias=None, tx_power=None, rx_power=None, tx_fault=None, rx_los=None, static=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, interface_type=None, temperature=None, voltage=None, tx_bias=None, tx_power=None, rx_power=None, tx_fault=None, rx_los=None, static=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • interface_type (str) – The interface type. Valid values are eth and fc.

  • temperature (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTemperature]) – Displays real-time measurement of transceiver temperature and range. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • voltage (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsVoltage]) – Displays real-time measurement of supply voltage and whether it is within range. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_bias (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxBias]) – Displays real-time measurement of Tx bias current and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_power (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxPower]) – Displays real-time measurement of Tx output power and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • rx_power (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxPower]) – Displays real-time measurement of Rx input power and whether it is within range. For four-lane modules, the array contains a measurement and status for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • tx_fault (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsTxFault]) – Displays status flags for Tx Fault. A value of true indicates transmitter/laser fault. For four-lane modules, the array contains a flag for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • rx_los (list[NetworkInterfacePortDetailsRxLos]) – Displays status flags for Rx LOS. A value of true indicates Rx Loss-of-Signal. For four-lane modules, the array contains a flag for each channel. If the transceiver does not support digital diagnostic monitoring, the array is empty.

  • static (NetworkInterfacePortDetailsStatic) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkinterfacepatchEth(add_subinterfaces=None, address=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, remove_subinterfaces=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(add_subinterfaces=None, address=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, netmask=None, remove_subinterfaces=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • add_subinterfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – Child devices to be added to the specified bond interface.

  • address (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified network interface.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified network interface is to communicate with the network.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the network interface in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface.

  • netmask (str) – Netmask of the specified network interface that, when combined with the address of the interface, determines the network address of the interface.

  • remove_subinterfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – Child devices to be removed from the specified bond interface.

  • subinterfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – Child devices to be added to the specified bond interface.

  • subnet (ReferenceNoId) – Subnet that is associated with the specified network interface.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NetworkinterfacepostEth(address=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None, subtype=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(address=None, subinterfaces=None, subnet=None, subtype=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • address (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified network interface.

  • subinterfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – List of network interfaces configured to be a subinterface of the specified network interface.

  • subnet (ReferenceNoId) – Subnet that is associated with the specified network interface.

  • subtype (str) – The subtype of the specified network interface. Only interfaces of subtype vif and lacp_bond can be created. Configurable on POST only. Valid values are failover_bond, lacp_bond, physical, and vif. If the subtype is vif, the services parameter must not be set.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NewName(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The new name for the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.NonCopyableTag(key=None, namespace=None, resource=None, value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(key=None, namespace=None, resource=None, value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • key (str) – Key of the tag. Supports up to 64 Unicode characters.

  • namespace (str) – Optional namespace of the tag. Namespace identifies the category of the tag. Omitting the namespace defaults to the namespace default. The pure&#42; namespaces are reserved for plugins and integration partners. It is recommended that customers avoid using reserved namespaces.

  • resource (FixedReference) –

  • value (str) – Value of the tag. Supports up to 256 Unicode characters.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Offload(azure=None, google_cloud=None, nfs=None, s3=None, name=None, protocol=None, target_id=None, space=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(azure=None, google_cloud=None, nfs=None, s3=None, name=None, protocol=None, target_id=None, space=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • azure (OffloadAzure) – Microsoft Azure Blob storage settings.

  • google_cloud (OffloadGoogleCloud) – Google Cloud Storage settings.

  • nfs (OffloadNfs) – NFS settings. Deprecated from version 6.6.0 onwards - Contact support for additional information.

  • s3 (OffloadS3) – S3 settings.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • protocol (str) – Type of offload. Valid values include azure, google-cloud, nfs, and s3.

  • target_id (str) – Unique ID for the offload target. When multiple connections to one offload target are created, they each have distinct IDs but share the same target_id.

  • space (Space) –

  • status (str) – Offload status. Valid values are connecting, connected, disconnecting, not connected, and scanning.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OffloadAzure(container_name=None, account_name=None, secret_access_key=None, profile=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(container_name=None, account_name=None, secret_access_key=None, profile=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • container_name (str) – The name of the container in the Azure Blob storage account to where the data will be offloaded. The name must be a valid DNS name. If not specified, defaults to offload.

  • account_name (str) – The name of the existing Azure Blob storage account.

  • secret_access_key (str) – The secret access key that goes with the account name (account_name) of the Azure Blob storage account. The secret access key is only accepted when creating the connection between the array and the Azure Blob storage account. The account_name and container_name, and secret_access_key parameters must be set together.

  • profile (str) – The offload target profile that will be selected for this target. This option allows more granular configuration for the target on top of the protocol parameter. Values include azure.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OffloadGoogleCloud(access_key_id=None, bucket=None, secret_access_key=None, profile=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_key_id=None, bucket=None, secret_access_key=None, profile=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_key_id (str) – The access key ID of the Google Cloud account used to create a connection between the array and a Google Cloud offload target. The access key ID is 24 characters in length and is only accepted when creating the connection between the array and the Google Cloud offload target. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • bucket (str) – The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket to which the data will be offloaded. Grant basic read and write access permissions to the bucket and verify that the bucket is empty of all objects. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • secret_access_key (str) – The secret access key that goes with the access key ID of the Google Cloud account. The secret access key is 40 characters in length is only accepted when creating the connection between the array and the Google Cloud offload target. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • profile (str) – The offload target profile that will be selected for this target. This option allows more granular configuration for the target on top of the protocol parameter. Values include gcp.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OffloadNfs(address=None, mount_options=None, mount_point=None, profile=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(address=None, mount_options=None, mount_point=None, profile=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • address (str) – The hostname or IP address of the NFS server to where the data will be offloaded. An array can be connected to one offload target at a time, while multiple arrays can be connected to the same offload target. If the protection group is in a stretched pod, for high availability, connect both arrays in the stretched pod to the offload target.

  • mount_options (str) – The custom mount options on the NFS server. Enter multiple mount options in comma-separated format. Valid values include port, rsize, wsize, nfsvers, and tcp or udp. These mount options are common to all NFS file systems.

  • mount_point (str) – The mount point of the NFS export on the NFS server. For example, /mnt. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • profile (str) – The offload target profile that will be selected for this target. This option allows more granular configuration for the target on top of the protocol parameter. Values include nfs, and nfs-flashblade.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OffloadPost(azure=None, google_cloud=None, nfs=None, s3=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(azure=None, google_cloud=None, nfs=None, s3=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • azure (OffloadAzure) – Microsoft Azure Blob storage settings.

  • google_cloud (OffloadGoogleCloud) – Google Cloud Storage settings.

  • nfs (OffloadNfs) – NFS settings. Deprecated from version 6.6.0 onwards - Contact support for additional information.

  • s3 (OffloadS3) – S3 settings.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OffloadS3(access_key_id=None, bucket=None, placement_strategy=None, secret_access_key=None, uri=None, auth_region=None, profile=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access_key_id=None, bucket=None, placement_strategy=None, secret_access_key=None, uri=None, auth_region=None, profile=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access_key_id (str) – The access key ID of the AWS account used to create a connection between the array and an Amazon S3 offload target. The access key ID is 20 characters in length and is only accepted when creating the connection between the array and the S3 offload target. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • bucket (str) – The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to where the data will be offloaded. Grant basic read and write ACL permissions to the bucket, and enable default (server-side) encryption for the bucket. Also verify that the bucket is empty of all objects and does not have any lifecycle policies. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • placement_strategy (str) – The storage placement strategy used for the dynamic placement of data in an Amazon S3 offload target. Valid values are aws-intelligent-tiering, aws-standard-class, and retention-based. If set to aws-intelligent-tiering, data is stored in the Amazon S3 INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class regardless of the retention period. If set to aws-standard-access, the data is stored in the Amazon S3 STANDARD storage class regardless of the retention period. If set to retention-based, the data for protection groups with longer retention periods is placed in the Amazon S3 STANDARD_IA (infrequently accessed, more cost-effective) storage class. All other data is placed in the STANDARD storage class. When the array is initially connected to an S3 offload target, placement_strategy is automatically set to retention-based. The placement_strategy or uri parameter is required, but they cannot be set together.

  • secret_access_key (str) – The secret access key that goes with the access key ID (access_key_id) of the AWS account. The secret access key is 40 characters in length is only accepted when creating the connection between the array and the S3 offload target. The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and bucket parameters must be set together.

  • uri (str) – The URI used to create a connection between the array and a non-AWS S3 offload target. Storage placement strategies are not supported for non-AWS S3 offload targets. Both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols are allowed.

  • auth_region (str) – The region that will be used for initial authentication request. This parameter is optional and should be used only when region autodetection fails.

  • profile (str) – The offload target profile that will be selected for this target. This option allows more granular configuration for the target on top of the protocol parameter. Values include s3-aws, s3-flashblade, s3-scality-ring, s3-wasabi-pay-as-you-go, s3-wasabi-rcs, and s3-other.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.OverrideCheck(name=None, args=None, persistent=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, args=None, persistent=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the upgrade check to be overridden so the software upgrade can continue if the check failed or is anticipated to fail during the upgrade process. Overriding the check forces the system to ignore the check failure and continue with the upgrade. If the check includes more specific checks that failed or are anticipated to fail, set them using the args parameter. For example, the HostIOCheck check may include a list of hosts that have failed or are anticipated to fail the upgrade check.

  • args (str) – The name of the specific check within the override check to ignore so that the system can continue with the software upgrade. The name parameter of the override check must be specified with the args parameter. For example, if the HostIOCheck check fails on hosts host01 and host02, the system displays a list of these host names in the failed check. To override the HostIOCheck checks for host01 and host02, set name=HostIOCheck, and set args=host01,host02. Enter multiple args in comma-separated format. Note that not all checks have args values.

  • persistent (bool) – If set to true, the system always ignores the failure of the specified upgrade check and continues with the upgrade process. If set to false, the system ignores the failure of the specified upgrade check until the upgrade check finishes and the upgrade process is continued. For example, the continue command is successfully issued in an interactive mode, or the first upgrade check step successfully finishes in a one-click mode.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PageInfo(more_items_remaining=None, total_item_count=None, continuation_token=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(more_items_remaining=None, total_item_count=None, continuation_token=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • more_items_remaining (bool) – Returns a value of true if subsequent items can be retrieved.

  • total_item_count (int) – The total number of records after applying all filter query parameters. The total_item_count will be calculated if and only if the corresponding query parameter total_item_count is set to true. If this query parameter is not set or set to false, a value of null will be returned.

  • continuation_token (str) – Continuation token that can be provided in the continuation_token query param to get the next page of data. If you use the continuation token to page through data you are guaranteed to get all items exactly once regardless of how items are modified. If an item is added or deleted during the pagination then it may or may not be returned. The continuation token is generated if the limit is less than the remaining number of items, and the default sort is used (no sort is specified).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Performance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Pod(id=None, name=None, array_count=None, arrays=None, destroyed=None, eradication_config=None, failover_preferences=None, footprint=None, link_source_count=None, link_target_count=None, mediator=None, mediator_version=None, promotion_status=None, quota_limit=None, requested_promotion_state=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, array_count=None, arrays=None, destroyed=None, eradication_config=None, failover_preferences=None, footprint=None, link_source_count=None, link_target_count=None, mediator=None, mediator_version=None, promotion_status=None, quota_limit=None, requested_promotion_state=None, source=None, space=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array_count (int) – The number of arrays a pod connects to.

  • arrays (list[PodArrayStatus]) – A list of arrays over which the pod is stretched. If there are two or more arrays in the stretched pod, all data in the pod is synchronously replicated between all of the arrays within the pod.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the pod has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed pod is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed pod can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the pod is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • eradication_config (PodEradicationConfig) –

  • failover_preferences (list[Reference]) – Determines which array within a stretched pod should be given priority to stay online should the arrays ever lose contact with each other. The current array and any peer arrays that are connected to the current array for synchronous replication can be added to a pod for failover preference. By default, failover_preferences=null, meaning no arrays have been configured for failover preference.

  • footprint (int) – This field has been deprecated. Use the space.footprint field in the future, as it contains the same information. The maximum amount of space the pod would take up on any array, ignoring any data shared outside the pod. Measured in bytes. The footprint metric is mostly used for capacity planning.

  • link_source_count (int) – The number of source pods that link to the pod.

  • link_target_count (int) – The number of target pods that link to the pod.

  • mediator (str) – The URL of the mediator for the pod. By default, the Pure1 Cloud Mediator (purestorage) serves as the mediator.

  • mediator_version (str) – The mediator version.

  • promotion_status (str) – Current promotion status of a pod. Values include promoted, demoted, and promoting. The promoted status indicates that the pod has been promoted. The pod takes writes from hosts instead of incorporating replicated data. This is the default mode for a pod when it is created. The demoted status indicates that the pod has been demoted. The pod does not accept write requests and is ready to be used as a link target. The promoting status indicates that the pod is in an intermediate status between demoted and promoted while the promotion process is taking place.

  • quota_limit (int) – The logical quota limit of the pod, measured in bytes.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Values include promoted and demoted. Patch requested_promotion_state to demoted to demote the pod so that it can be used as a link target for continuous replication between pods. Demoted pods do not accept write requests, and a destroyed version of the pod with undo-demote appended to the pod name is created on the array with the state of the pod when it was in the promoted state. Patch requested_promotion_state to promoted to start the process of promoting the pod. The promotion_status indicates when the pod has been successfully promoted. Promoted pods stop incorporating replicated data from the source pod and start accepting write requests. The replication process does not stop as the source pod continues replicating data to the pod. The space consumed by the unique replicated data is tracked by the space.journal field of the pod.

  • source (FixedReference) – The source pod from where data is cloned to create the new pod.

  • space (PodSpace) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption information for the sum of all volumes connected to the specified host.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed pod is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed pod can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodArrayStatus(id=None, name=None, frozen_at=None, mediator_status=None, pre_elected=None, progress=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, frozen_at=None, mediator_status=None, pre_elected=None, progress=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.

  • frozen_at (int) – The timestamp of when the data on the pod was frozen when the array went offline. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. Also known as the recovery point. If the pod is in sync, a value of null will be returned.

  • mediator_status (str) – The status of the mediator, which determines whether it is available to mediate a high availability event. Valid values are flummoxed, online, unknown, and unreachable. Only mediators in the online status can mediate high availability events. If set to flummoxed, the array can reach a mediator, but it is talking to the wrong one. Verify that the DNS in the environment is properly configured. This status might also appear if the pod has been offline on one array for an extended period of time and the peer array is unreachable. If set to online, the array is successfully communicating with the mediator, and the mediator is available to mediate a high availability event. If set to unreachable, the array cannot reach the mediator, either due to network issues or because the mediator is down. When a mediator is unreachable, synchronous replication continues to function provided all arrays are healthy and communicating, but a high availability event without mediator access can result in an outage.

  • pre_elected (bool) – If set to true, the array has been pre-elected to remain online in the rare event that the mediator is inaccessible on both arrays within the stretched pod, and then later, the arrays within the stretched pod become disconnected from each other. If set to false, either the array has been pre-elected to remain offline while its peer array remains online, or pre-election is not in effect. One and only one array within each pod is pre-elected at a given point in time, so while a pre-elected array is keeping the pod online, the pod on its non-elected peer array remains offline during the communication failure. Users cannot pre-elect arrays.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the pod resyncing process for this array. The percentage is displayed as a decimal value, starting at 0.00 and ending at 1.00.

  • status (str) – The status of the array within the stretched pod. Valid values are offline, online, resyncing, suspended, and unknown. If set to offline, the array is experiencing problems and may not have the latest pod data. The array cannot handle I/O to the pod and cannot take over during a high availability event. If set to online, the array is online and has the latest pod data. The array can handle I/O to the pod and take over during a high availability event. If set to suspended, the array is experiencing a short connection glitch of the pod. This is a temporary status and would transition to either online or offline soon. suspended is a new status that is exposed, starting from version 6.6.0. If set to resyncing, the array is actively getting the latest pod data so that it becomes fully synchronized with its peer array. During the resyncing process, the array cannot handle I/O to the pod. Once the arrays are fully synchronized, the array changes to online status. If set to unknown, the status of the peer array is unknown because this array is offline and cannot determine the state of the pod on the peer array. Only the peer array can ever be in unknown status; this unknown status is unique to the local array and will differ when viewed from its peer array.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodEradicationConfig(manual_eradication=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

manual_eradication (str) – The manual eradication status of pod. If all-enabled, the pod and its contents can be eradicated. If partially-disabled, the pod cannot be eradicated because the pod contains some non-empty protection groups that are retention-locked. If all-disabled, the pod and its contents cannot be eradicated. Values include all-disabled, all-enabled, and partially-disabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPatch(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, failover_preferences=None, mediator=None, requested_promotion_state=None, quota_limit=None, ignore_usage=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, failover_preferences=None, mediator=None, requested_promotion_state=None, quota_limit=None, ignore_usage=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, the pod has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed pod is permanently eradicated. A pod can only be destroyed if it is empty, so before destroying a pod, ensure all volumes and protection groups inside the pod have been either moved out of the pod or destroyed. A stretched pod cannot be destroyed unless you unstretch it first. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed pod can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the pod is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • failover_preferences (list[Reference]) – Determines which array within a stretched pod should be given priority to stay online should the arrays ever lose contact with each other. The current array and any peer arrays that are connected to the current array for synchronous replication can be added to a pod for failover preference. By default, failover_preferences=null, meaning no arrays have been configured for failover preference. Enter multiple arrays in comma-separated format.

  • mediator (str) – Sets the URL of the mediator for this pod, replacing the URL of the current mediator. By default, the Pure1 Cloud Mediator (purestorage) serves as the mediator.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Patch requested_promotion_state to demoted to demote the pod so that it can be used as a link target for continuous replication between pods. Demoted pods do not accept write requests, and a destroyed version of the pod with undo-demote appended to the pod name is created on the array with the state of the pod when it was in the promoted state. Patch requested_promotion_state to promoted to start the process of promoting the pod. The promotion_status indicates when the pod has been successfully promoted. Promoted pods stop incorporating replicated data from the source pod and start accepting write requests. The replication process does not stop when the source pod continues replicating data to the pod. The space consumed by the unique replicated data is tracked by the space.journal field of the pod.

  • quota_limit (int) – The logical quota limit of the pod, measured in bytes. Must be a multiple of 512.

  • ignore_usage (bool) – Set to true to set a quota_limit that is lower than the existing usage. This ensures that no new volumes can be created until the existing usage drops below the quota_limit. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, others_per_sec=None, usec_per_other_op=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, others_per_sec=None, usec_per_other_op=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • others_per_sec (int) – The number of other requests processed per second.

  • usec_per_other_op (int) – The average time it takes the pod to process an I/O other request, measured in microseconds.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPerformanceByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, others_per_sec=None, usec_per_other_op=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, others_per_sec=None, usec_per_other_op=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • others_per_sec (int) – The number of other requests processed per second.

  • usec_per_other_op (int) – The average time it takes the pod to process an I/O other request, measured in microseconds.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPerformanceReplication(continuous_bytes_per_sec=None, periodic_bytes_per_sec=None, pod=None, resync_bytes_per_sec=None, sync_bytes_per_sec=None, time=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuous_bytes_per_sec=None, periodic_bytes_per_sec=None, pod=None, resync_bytes_per_sec=None, sync_bytes_per_sec=None, time=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuous_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for continuous replication. The continuous replication feature is used for disaster recovery on FlashArray and provides a recovery point objective (RPO) of significantly less than 30s.

  • periodic_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for periodic replication.

  • pod (FixedReference) – Reference to the pod that the performance data is associated with.

  • resync_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second during resync replication. Resync replication is the mechanism to bring two arrays into sync. This may occur during an initial pod stretch, or, in case of outage, when two arrays reestablish connection. After the connection is restored, the array that was online starts replicating pod data to its peer array until the pod is once again in sync.

  • sync_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for synchronous replication.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • total_bytes_per_sec (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second for all types of replication.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPerformanceReplicationByArray(continuous_bytes_per_sec=None, periodic_bytes_per_sec=None, pod=None, resync_bytes_per_sec=None, sync_bytes_per_sec=None, time=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(continuous_bytes_per_sec=None, periodic_bytes_per_sec=None, pod=None, resync_bytes_per_sec=None, sync_bytes_per_sec=None, time=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • continuous_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for continuous replication. The continuous replication feature is used for disaster recovery on FlashArray and provides a recovery point objective (RPO) of significantly less than 30s.

  • periodic_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for periodic replication.

  • pod (FixedReference) – Reference to the pod that the performance data is associated with.

  • resync_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second during resync replication. Resync replication is the mechanism to bring two arrays into sync. This may occur during an initial pod stretch, or, in case of outage, when two arrays reestablish connection. After the connection is restored, the array that was online starts replicating pod data to its peer array until the pod is once again in sync.

  • sync_bytes_per_sec (ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal) – Total bytes transmitted or received per second for synchronous replication.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • total_bytes_per_sec (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second for all types of replication.

  • array (Resource) – Array that shares this pod.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodPost(id=None, name=None, failover_preferences=None, source=None, quota_limit=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, failover_preferences=None, source=None, quota_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • failover_preferences (list[Reference]) – Determines which array within a stretched pod should be given priority to stay online should the arrays ever lose contact with each other. The current array and any peer arrays that are connected to the current array for synchronous replication can be added to a pod for failover preference. By default, failover_preferences=null, meaning no arrays have been configured for failover preference. Enter multiple arrays in comma-separated format. To clear the list of failover preferences, set to an empty list [].

  • source (Reference) – The source pod from where data is cloned to create the new pod.

  • quota_limit (int) – The logical quota limit of the pod, measured in bytes. Must be a multiple of 512.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkLag(id=None, direction=None, lag=None, local_pod=None, recovery_point=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, status=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, direction=None, lag=None, local_pod=None, recovery_point=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, status=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values include inbound and outbound.

  • lag (ReplicaLinkLag) – Duration in milliseconds that indicates how far behind the replication target is from the source.

  • local_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a local pod.

  • recovery_point (int) – Time when the last piece of data was replicated, in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, and the recovery point if the pod is promoted. If the pod is baselining then the value is null.

  • remote_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a remote pod.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference]) – Reference to a remote array.

  • status (str) – Status of the replica-link. Valid values include replicating, baselining, paused, quiescing, quiesced, idle, and unhealthy.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkMappingPolicy(id=None, direction=None, local_policy=None, mapping=None, pod_replica_link=None, policy_type=None, remote_policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, direction=None, local_policy=None, mapping=None, pod_replica_link=None, policy_type=None, remote_policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values include inbound and outbound.

  • local_policy (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to a local policy.

  • mapping (str) – The mapping for this policy mapping. Valid values are connected and disconnected.

  • pod_replica_link (PodReplicaLinkReference) – Reference to a pod replica link.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policies involved in this policy mapping.

  • remote_policy (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to a remote policy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkPatch(paused=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

paused (bool) – Returns a value of true if the replica link is to be created in a paused state. Returns a value of false if the replica link is to be created not in a paused state. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkPerformance(id=None, bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • bytes_per_sec_from_remote (int) – The number of bytes received per second from a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_to_remote (int) – The number of bytes transmitted per second to a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_total (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values are inbound and outbound.

  • local_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a local pod.

  • remote_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a remote pod.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference]) – Reference to a remote array.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkPerformanceReplication(id=None, bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • bytes_per_sec_from_remote (int) – The number of bytes received per second from a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_to_remote (int) – The number of bytes transmitted per second to a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_total (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values are inbound and outbound.

  • local_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a local pod.

  • remote_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a remote pod.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference]) – Reference to a remote array.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodReplicaLinkReference(id=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • local_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a local pod.

  • remote_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a remote pod.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference]) – Reference to remote arrays.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PodSpace(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, replication=None, shared_effective=None, replication_effective=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, replication=None, shared_effective=None, replication_effective=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – The ratio of mapped sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after data compression and deduplication. The data reduction ratio does not include thin provisioning savings. For example, a data reduction ratio of 5&#58;1 means that for every 5 MB the host writes to the array, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • shared (int) – The physical space occupied by deduplicated data, meaning that the space is shared with other volumes and snapshots as a result of data deduplication. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data that is not unique to a specific volume, managed directory, or snapshot, measured in bytes.

  • snapshots (int) – The physical space occupied by data unique to one or more snapshots. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes.

  • system (int) – The physical space occupied by internal array metadata. Measured in bytes.

  • thin_provisioning (float) – The percentage of volume sectors that do not contain host-written data because the hosts have not written data to them or the sectors have been explicitly trimmed.

  • total_physical (int) – This field has been deprecated. Use the total_used field, as it contains the same information.

  • total_provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of a volume for a single volume, host or host group, protocol endpoint, managed directory, and containers can be infinite or measured in bytes. Infinite is represented by null. The provisioned size for a host or host group, includes all volumes that are connected to the resource. The provisioned size for a protocol endpoint is null’. The provisioned size for a managed directory is the quota limit if it or its parent has a managed directory configured, otherwise it defaults to `null. The provisioned size for a container is the sum of the total_provisioned of the object it contains, capped by the container’s quota limit (or the container’s used_provisioned if current usage is above the quota limit), if any. Provisioned size represents the storage capacity reported to hosts.

  • total_reduction (float) – The ratio of provisioned sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after reduction via data compression and deduplication and with thin provisioning savings. Total reduction is data reduction with thin provisioning savings. For example, a total reduction ratio of 10&#58;1 means that for every 10 MB of provisioned space, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • unique (int) – The unique physical space occupied by customer data. Unique physical space does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by unique customer data, measured in bytes. Unique data does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata.

  • virtual (int) – The amount of logically written data that a volume or a snapshot references. Measured in bytes.

  • used_provisioned (int) – The amount of logical space a container has consumed, compared against the quota limit if the container has one configured. Used provisioned does not include destroyed objects inside the container. Used provisioned can include destroyed objects for a destroyed container and represents how much logical space it would take to recover the container.

  • total_used (int) – The total space contributed by customer data, measured in bytes.

  • footprint (int) – The maximum amount of physical space the container consumes on an array, ignoring any data shared outside the container, measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the maximum amount of effective used space. The footprint metric is mostly used for capacity planning. This field will be null in non-container contexts.

  • replication (int) – The space consumed by unique data that has not been replicated to the target pod, on source pods. The space consumed by unique data that has been replicated to the target, but not yet incorporated into the target pod, on target pods. On Evergreen//One arrays, the effective space consumed by unique data that has not been replicated to the target pod, on source pods. The effective space consumed by unique data that has been replicated to the target, but not yet incorporated into the target pod, on target pods.

  • shared_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The effective space contributed by data that is not unique to a specific volume, managed directory, or snapshot, measured in bytes. Please use the shared field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.

  • replication_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The effective space consumed by unique data that has not been replicated to the target pod, on source pods. The effective space consumed by unique data that has been replicated to the target but not yet incorporated into the target pod, on target pods. Please use the replication field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Policy(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the policy is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • pod (Reference) – A reference to the pod.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policy. Valid values include autodir, nfs, smb, snapshot, and quota.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, measured in milliseconds, until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyMember(destroyed=None, enabled=None, member=None, policy=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, enabled=None, member=None, policy=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the member is destroyed.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • member (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the resource that the policy is applied to.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the policy.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed policy member is permanently eradicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyMemberExport(destroyed=None, enabled=None, member=None, policy=None, time_remaining=None, export_name=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, enabled=None, member=None, policy=None, time_remaining=None, export_name=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the member is destroyed.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if and only if the export policy that manages this export is enabled AND this export is enabled.

  • member (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the resource that the policy is applied to.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – Reference to the policy.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed policy member is permanently eradicated.

  • export_name (str) – The export name for accessing this export.

  • status (str) – Explains why enabled is false, or whether there is a name conflict with another export. Valid values include policy_disabled, export_disabled, and name_conflict.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyMemberExportPost(members=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

members (list[PolicymemberexportpostMembers]) – A list of directories to which the export policy may be applied.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyMemberPost(members=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

members (list[PolicymemberpostMembers]) – A list of resources to which the policy may be applied.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyNfs(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, nfs_version=None, security=None, policy_mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, nfs_version=None, security=None, policy_mapping=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the policy is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • pod (Reference) – A reference to the pod.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policy. Valid values include autodir, nfs, smb, snapshot, and quota.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, measured in milliseconds, until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated.

  • user_mapping_enabled (bool) – Returns true if user mapping is enabled on the policy. If true, FlashArray queries the joined AD/OpenLDAP server to find the user corresponding to the incoming UID. If false, users are defined by UID/GID pair.

  • nfs_version (list[str]) – NFS protocol version allowed for the export. If NFS version is allowed for all rules of the policy it is cascaded exactly as: nfsv3, nfsv4. If the NFS version is supported partially by the rules of the policy it will be cascaded as: nfsv3-partial, nfsv4-partial. If the NFS version is not supported by any rules or there are no rules of the policy then it will not be in the result array. If there are no rules in the policy the array will be empty. If there are two rules, one supporting nfsv3 and the other supporting nfsv3 and nfsv4 then the array would contain nfsv3 and nfsv4-partial.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. Values include auth_sys, auth_sys-partial, krb5, krb5-partial, krb5i, and krb5p. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. If auth_sys, the client is trusted to specify the identity of the user. If krb5, cryptographic proof of the identity of the user is provided in each RPC request. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required in order to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, integrity checking is added to krb5, to ensure the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, integrity checking and encryption are added to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead. If security option is allowed for all rules of the policy, it is cascaded exactly. Examples: auth_sys, krb5. If the security option is supported partially by the rules of the policy, it will be cascaded with the -partial suffix. Examples include: auth_sys-partial, krb5-partial. If the security option is not supported by any rules or there are no rules of the policy, then it will not be in the result array. If there are no rules in the policy the array of values will be empty. If there are two rules, one supporting auth_sys and the other supporting auth_sys and krb5 the array of values would contain auth_sys and krb5-partial.

  • policy_mapping (PolicyNfsPolicyMapping) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyNfsPatch(name=None, enabled=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, nfs_version=None, security=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, nfs_version=None, security=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.

  • user_mapping_enabled (bool) – If set to true, FlashArray queries the joined AD/OpenLDAP server to find the user corresponding to the incoming UID. If set to false, users are defined by UID/GID pair.

  • nfs_version (list[str]) – NFS protocol version allowed for the export to set for the policy. This operation updates all rules of the specified policy. Valid values are nfsv3 and nfsv4.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. Values include auth_sys, krb5, krb5i, and krb5p. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. This operation updates all rules of the specified policy. If auth_sys, the client is trusted to specify the identity of the user. If krb5, cryptographic proof of the identity of the user is provided in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, integrity checking is added to krb5. This ensures the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, integrity checking and encryption is added to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyNfsPolicyMapping(mapping=None, remote_policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(mapping=None, remote_policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • mapping (str) – The mapping of this policy. Valid values are connected and disconnected.

  • remote_policy (str) – The policy on the remote pod of the pod replica link for this policy mapping.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyNfsPost(enabled=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, user_mapping_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.

  • user_mapping_enabled (bool) – If set to true, FlashArray queries the joined AD/OpenLDAP server to find the user corresponding to the incoming UID. If set to false, users are defined by UID/GID pair. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • policy_mapping (PolicynfspostPolicyMapping) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyPassword(id=None, name=None, policy_type=None, enabled=None, lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None, password_history=None, min_password_age=None, min_character_groups=None, min_characters_per_group=None, enforce_username_check=None, enforce_dictionary_check=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, policy_type=None, enabled=None, lockout_duration=None, max_login_attempts=None, min_password_length=None, password_history=None, min_password_age=None, min_character_groups=None, min_characters_per_group=None, enforce_username_check=None, enforce_dictionary_check=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policy. Valid values include autodir, nfs, password, smb, snapshot, and quota.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • lockout_duration (int) – The lockout duration, in milliseconds, if a user is locked out after reaching the maximum number of login attempts. Ranges from 1 second to 90 days.

  • max_login_attempts (int) – Maximum number of failed login attempts allowed before the user is locked out.

  • min_password_length (int) – Minimum password length. If not specified, defaults to 1.

  • password_history (int) – The number of passwords tracked to prevent reuse of passwords.

  • min_password_age (int) – The minimum age, in milliseconds, of password before password change is allowed. Ranges from 0 ms to 7 days

  • min_character_groups (int) – The minimum number of character groups ([a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], other) required to be present in a password.

  • min_characters_per_group (int) – The minimum number of characters per group to count the group as present. Maximum is limited by the minimum password length divided by the number of character groups (e.g. min_password_length = 9, min_character_groups = 4, then maximum is 2).

  • enforce_username_check (bool) – If true, the username cannot be a substring of the password. It only applies to usernames of 3 characters and longer.

  • enforce_dictionary_check (bool) – If true, test password against dictionary of known leaked passwords. Only applies to passwords longer than 6 characters.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyPatch(name=None, enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyPost(enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleAlertWatcher(email=None, excluded_codes=None, included_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None, name=None, policy=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, excluded_codes=None, included_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None, name=None, policy=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – The email address that will receive the alert notification emails.

  • excluded_codes (list[int]) – An alert with one of these codes will not have emails sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with include_codes. If specified while include_codes is already set, include_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes and emails for all alert codes will be sent.

  • included_codes (list[int]) – An alert must have one of these codes in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with exclude_codes. If specified while exclude_codes is already set, exclude_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes and emails for all alert codes will be sent.

  • minimum_notification_severity (str) – The minimum severity that an alert must have in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Possible values include info, warning, and critical.

  • name (str) – Name of this rule. The name is automatically generated by the system.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The policy to which this rule belongs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPatch(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulealertwatcherpatchRules]) – Updates an alert-watcher rule in a policy. Only one update object will be accepted.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleAlertWatcherPost(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulealertwatcherpostRules]) – A list of alert-watcher policy rules to create.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleNfsClient(access=None, client=None, name=None, permission=None, policy=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None, nfs_version=None, security=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access=None, client=None, name=None, permission=None, policy=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None, nfs_version=None, security=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access (str) – Specifies access control for the export. Valid values are root-squash, all-squash, and no-root-squash. root-squash prevents client users and groups with root privilege from mapping their root privilege to a file system. All users with UID 0 will have their UID mapped to anonuid. All users with GID 0 will have their GID mapped to anongid. all-squash maps all UIDs (including root) to anonuid and all GIDs (including root) to anongid. no-root-squash allows users and groups to access the file system with their UIDs and GIDs. The default is root-squash if not specified.

  • client (str) – Specifies the clients that will be permitted to access the export. Accepted notation includes IP, IP mask, or hostname. The default is * if not specified.

  • name (str) – Name of this rule. The name is automatically generated by the system.

  • permission (str) – Specifies which read-write client access permissions are allowed for the export. Valid values are rw and ro. The default is rw if not specified.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • anongid (str) – Any user whose GID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their GID mapped to anongid. The default anongid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear. This value is ignored when user mapping is enabled - see User Guide for more details.

  • anonuid (str) – Any user whose UID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their UID mapped to anonuid. The default anonuid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the pod containing the NFS policy rule has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the NFS policy rule is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed NFS policy rule is permanently eradicated.

  • nfs_version (list[str]) – The NFS protocol version allowed for the export. Valid values are nfsv3 and nfsv4.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. Values include auth_sys, krb5, krb5i, and krb5p. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. This operation updates all rules of the specified policy. If auth_sys, the client is trusted to specify the identity of the user. If krb5, cryptographic proof of the identity of the user is provided in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, integrity checking is added to krb5. This ensures the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, integrity checking and encryption is added to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleNfsClientPost(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulenfsclientpostRules]) – A list of NFS policy rules to create.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleQuota(enforced=None, name=None, notifications=None, policy=None, quota_limit=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enforced=None, name=None, notifications=None, policy=None, quota_limit=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enforced (bool) – Defines whether the quota rule is enforced or unenforced. If the quota rule is enforced and logical space usage exceeds the quota limit, any modification operations that result in a need for more space are blocked. If the quota rule is unenforced and logical space usage exceeds the quota limit, notification emails are sent to targets that are specified using the notification parameter. No client operations are blocked when an unenforced limit is exceeded. If set to true, the limit is enforced. If set to false, notification targets are informed when the usage exceeds 80 percent of the limit.

  • name (str) – Name of this rule. The name is automatically generated by the system.

  • notifications (str) – Targets to notify when usage approaches the quota limit. The list of notification targets is a comma-separated string. Valid values are user, and group. If not specified, notification targets are not assigned for the rule.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • quota_limit (int) – Logical space limit of the quota assigned by the rule, measured in bytes. This value cannot be set to 0.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the pod containing the quota policy rule has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the quota policy rule is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed quota policy rule is permanently eradicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleQuotaPatch(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulequotapatchRules]) – Updates rules in a policy and accepts a single-rule update object. The list can contain only one item that will update all the specified rules.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleQuotaPost(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulequotapostRules]) – A list of quota policy rules to create.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleSmbClient(anonymous_access_allowed=None, client=None, name=None, policy=None, smb_encryption_required=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(anonymous_access_allowed=None, client=None, name=None, policy=None, smb_encryption_required=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • anonymous_access_allowed (bool) – Specifies whether access to information is allowed for anonymous users. Returns a value of false if not specified.

  • client (str) – Specifies which clients are given access to the export. Accepted notation includes IP, IP mask, or hostname. The default is * if not specified.

  • name (str) – Name of this rule. The name is automatically generated by the system.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • smb_encryption_required (bool) – Specifies whether the remote client is required to use SMB encryption. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the pod containing the SMB policy rule has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the SMB policy rule is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed SMB policy rule is permanently eradicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleSmbClientPost(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulesmbclientpostRules]) – A list of SMB policy rules to create.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleSnapshot(at=None, client_name=None, every=None, keep_for=None, name=None, policy=None, suffix=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(at=None, client_name=None, every=None, keep_for=None, name=None, policy=None, suffix=None, destroyed=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • at (int) – Specifies the number of milliseconds since midnight at which to take a snapshot. The at value can only be set to an hour and must be between 0 and 82800000, inclusive. The at value can only be set on the rule with the smallest every value. The at value cannot be set if the every value is not measured in days. The at value can only be set for at most one rule in the same policy.

  • client_name (str) – The snapshot client name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the snapshot client name, and SUFFIX is the snapshot suffix. The client visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX.

  • every (int) – Specifies the interval between snapshots, in milliseconds. The every value for all rules must be multiples of one another. The every value must be unique for each rule in the same policy. The every value must be between 5 minutes and 1 year.

  • keep_for (int) – Specifies the period that snapshots are retained before they are eradicated, in milliseconds. The keep_for value cannot be less than the every value of the rule. The keep_for value must be unique for each rule in the same policy. The keep_for value must be between 5 minutes and 5 years. The keep_for value cannot be less than the keep_for value of any rule in the same policy with a smaller every value.

  • name (str) – Name of this rule. The name is automatically generated by the system.

  • policy (FixedReferenceWithType) – The policy to which this rule belongs.

  • suffix (str) – The snapshot suffix name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the snapshot client name, and SUFFIX is the snapshot suffix. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX. The suffix value can only be set for one rule in the same policy. The suffix value can only be set on a rule with the same keep_for value and every value. The suffix value can only be set on the rule with the largest keep_for value. If not specified, defaults to a monotonically increasing number generated by the system.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the pod containing the snapshot policy rule has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the snapshot policy rule is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, in milliseconds, until the destroyed snapshot policy rule is permanently eradicated.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyRuleSnapshotPost(rules=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

rules (list[PolicyrulesnapshotpostRules]) – A list of snapshot policy rules to create.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicySmb(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, enabled=None, pod=None, policy_type=None, time_remaining=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the policy is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if the policy is enabled.

  • pod (Reference) – A reference to the pod.

  • policy_type (str) – The type of policy. Valid values include autodir, nfs, smb, snapshot, and quota.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left, measured in milliseconds, until the destroyed policy is permanently eradicated.

  • access_based_enumeration_enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if access based enumeration is enabled on the policy. When access based enumeration is enabled on a policy, files and folders within exports that are attached to the policy will be hidden from users who do not have permission to view them.

  • policy_mapping (PolicyNfsPolicyMapping) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicySmbPatch(name=None, enabled=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.

  • access_based_enumeration_enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables access based enumeration on the policy. When access based enumeration is enabled on a policy, files and folders within exports that are attached to the policy will be hidden from users who do not have permission to view them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicySmbPost(enabled=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, access_based_enumeration_enabled=None, policy_mapping=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables the policy. If set to false, disables the policy.

  • access_based_enumeration_enabled (bool) – If set to true, enables access based enumeration on the policy. When access based enumeration is enabled on a policy, files and folders within exports that are attached to the policy will be hidden from users who do not have permission to view them. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • policy_mapping (PolicynfspostPolicyMapping) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicymemberexportpostMembers(export_enabled=None, export_name=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(export_enabled=None, export_name=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • export_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the export is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • export_name (str) – The name of the export to create when applying the export policy to the directory. Export names must be unique within the same protocol.

  • member (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to the directory to which the export policy may be applied. The id or name parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. If the name parameter is set, resource_type must also be set.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicymemberpostMembers(member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

member (ReferenceWithType) – Reference to the resource to which the policy may be applied. The id or name parameter is required, but they cannot be set together. If the name parameter is set, resource_type must also be set.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicynfspostPolicyMapping(mapping=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

mapping (str) – The mapping of this policy. Valid values are connected and disconnected.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulealertwatcherpatchRules(email=None, included_codes=None, excluded_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, included_codes=None, excluded_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – The email address that will receive the alert notification emails.

  • included_codes (list[int]) – An alert must have one of these codes in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with exclude_codes. If specified while exclude_codes is already set, exclude_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes.

  • excluded_codes (list[int]) – An alert with one of these codes will not have emails sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with include_codes. If specified while include_codes is already set, include_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes.

  • minimum_notification_severity (str) – The minimum severity that an alert must have in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Possible values include info, warning, and critical.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulealertwatcherpostRules(email=None, included_codes=None, excluded_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(email=None, included_codes=None, excluded_codes=None, minimum_notification_severity=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • email (str) – The email address that will receive the alert notification emails.

  • included_codes (list[int]) – An alert must have one of these codes in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with exclude_codes. If specified while exclude_codes is already set, exclude_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes.

  • excluded_codes (list[int]) – An alert with one of these codes will not have emails sent to the recipient. Cannot be specified with include_codes. If specified while include_codes is already set, include_codes will be cleared. Use “” to clear. If both exclude_codes and include_codes are cleared, defaults to an empty list for exclude_codes.

  • minimum_notification_severity (str) – The minimum severity that an alert must have in order for emails to be sent to the recipient. Possible values include info, warning, and critical. If not specified, defaults to info.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulenfsclientpostRules(access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, client=None, nfs_version=None, permission=None, security=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(access=None, anongid=None, anonuid=None, client=None, nfs_version=None, permission=None, security=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • access (str) – Specifies access control for the export. Values include root-squash, all-squash, and no-root-squash. root-squash prevents client users and groups with root privilege from mapping their root privilege to a file system. All users with UID 0 will have their UID mapped to anonuid. All users with GID 0 will have their GID mapped to anongid. all-squash maps all UIDs (including root) to anonuid and all GIDs (including root) to anongid. no-root-squash allows users and groups to access the file system with their UIDs and GIDs. The default is root-squash if not specified.

  • anongid (str) – Any user whose GID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their GID mapped to anongid. The default anongid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear. This value is ignored when user mapping is enabled - see User Guide for more details.

  • anonuid (str) – Any user whose UID is affected by an access of root_squash or all_squash will have their UID mapped to anonuid. The default anonuid is null, which means 65534. Use “” to clear.

  • client (str) – Specifies which clients are given access. Accepted notation includes IP, IP mask, or hostname. The default is * if not specified.

  • nfs_version (list[str]) – NFS protocol version allowed for the export. Valid values are nfsv3 and nfsv4. If not specified, defaults to nfsv3.

  • permission (str) – Specifies which read-write client access permissions are allowed for the export. Values include rw and ro. The default is rw if not specified.

  • security (list[str]) – The security flavors to use for accessing files on this mount point. Values include auth_sys, krb5, krb5i, and krb5p. If the server does not support the requested flavor, the mount operation fails. This operation updates all rules of the specified policy. If auth_sys, the client is trusted to specify the identity of the user. If krb5, cryptographic proof of the identity of the user is provided in each RPC request. This provides strong verification of the identity of users accessing data on the server. Note that additional configuration besides adding this mount option is required to enable Kerberos security. If krb5i, integrity checking is added to krb5. This ensures the data has not been tampered with. If krb5p, integrity checking and encryption is added to krb5. This is the most secure setting, but it also involves the most performance overhead.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulequotapatchRules(enforced=None, quota_limit=None, notifications=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enforced=None, quota_limit=None, notifications=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enforced (bool) – If set to true, this rule describes an enforced quota. An out-of-space warning is issued if logical space usage exceeds the limit value described in this rule. If set to false, this rule describes an unenforced quota. Alerts and/or notifications are issued when logical space usage exceeds the limit value described in this rule.

  • quota_limit (int) – Logical space limit of the quota (in bytes) assigned by the rule. This value cannot be set to 0.

  • notifications (str) – Targets to notify when usage approaches the quota limit. The list of notification targets is a comma-separated string. Valid values are one or more of user and group. To notify no targets, use none.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulequotapostRules(enforced=None, quota_limit=None, notifications=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enforced=None, quota_limit=None, notifications=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enforced (bool) – If set to true, this rule describes an enforced quota. An out-of-space warning is issued if logical space usage exceeds the limit value described in this rule. If set to false, this rule describes an unenforced quota. Alerts and/or notifications are issued when logical space usage exceeds the limit value described in this rule. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • quota_limit (int) – Logical space limit of the quota (in bytes) assigned by the rule. This value cannot be set to 0.

  • notifications (str) – Targets to notify when usage approaches the quota limit. The list of notification targets is a comma-separated string. Valid values are one or more of user and group. To notify no targets, use none. If not specified, defaults to none.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulesmbclientpostRules(anonymous_access_allowed=None, client=None, smb_encryption_required=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(anonymous_access_allowed=None, client=None, smb_encryption_required=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • anonymous_access_allowed (bool) – Specifies whether access to information is allowed for anonymous users. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • client (str) – Specifies which clients are given access. Accepted notation, IP, IP mask, or hostname. The default is * if not specified.

  • smb_encryption_required (bool) – Specifies whether the remote client is required to use SMB encryption. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PolicyrulesnapshotpostRules(at=None, client_name=None, every=None, keep_for=None, suffix=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(at=None, client_name=None, every=None, keep_for=None, suffix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • at (int) – Specifies the number of milliseconds since midnight at which to take a snapshot. The at value can only be set to an hour and must be between 0 and 82800000, inclusive. The at value can only be set on the rule with the smallest every value. The at value cannot be set if the every value is not measured in days. The at value can only be set for at most one rule in the same policy.

  • client_name (str) – The snapshot client name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the snapshot client name, and SUFFIX is the snapshot suffix. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX.

  • every (int) – Specifies the interval between snapshots, in milliseconds. The every value for all rules must be multiples of one another. The every value must be unique for each rule in the same policy. The every value must be between 5 minutes and 1 year.

  • keep_for (int) – Specifies the period that snapshots are retained before they are eradicated, in milliseconds. The keep_for value cannot be less than the every value of the rule. The keep_for value must be unique for each rule in the same policy. The keep_for value must be between 5 minutes and 5 years. The keep_for value cannot be less than the keep_for value of any rule in the same policy with a smaller every value.

  • suffix (str) – The snapshot suffix name. A full snapshot name is constructed in the form of DIR.CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX where DIR is the managed directory name, CLIENT_NAME is the snapshot client name, and SUFFIX is the snapshot suffix. The client-visible snapshot name is CLIENT_NAME.SUFFIX. The suffix value can only be set for one rule in the same policy. The suffix value can only be set on a rule with the same keep_for value and every value. The suffix value can only be set on the rule with the largest keep_for value. If not specified, defaults to a monotonically increasing number generated by the system.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Port(name=None, iqn=None, nqn=None, portal=None, wwn=None, failover=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, iqn=None, nqn=None, portal=None, wwn=None, failover=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • iqn (str) – The iSCSI Qualified Name (or null if target is not iSCSI).

  • nqn (str) – NVMe Qualified Name (or null if target is not NVMeoF).

  • portal (str) – IP and port number (or null if target is not iSCSI).

  • wwn (str) – Fibre Channel World Wide Name (or null if target is not Fibre Channel).

  • failover (str) – If the array port has failed over, returns the name of the port to which this port has failed over.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PortCommon(iqn=None, nqn=None, portal=None, wwn=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(iqn=None, nqn=None, portal=None, wwn=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • iqn (str) – The iSCSI Qualified Name (or null if target is not iSCSI).

  • nqn (str) – NVMe Qualified Name (or null if target is not NVMeoF).

  • portal (str) – IP and port number (or null if target is not iSCSI).

  • wwn (str) – Fibre Channel World Wide Name (or null if target is not Fibre Channel).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PortInitiator(initiator=None, target=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(initiator=None, target=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.PriorityAdjustment(priority_adjustment_operator=None, priority_adjustment_value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(priority_adjustment_operator=None, priority_adjustment_value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • priority_adjustment_operator (str) – Valid values are +, -, and =. The values + and - may be applied to volumes and volume groups to reflect the relative importance of their workloads. Volumes and volume groups can be assigned a priority adjustment of -10, 0, or +10. In addition, volumes can be assigned values of =-10, =0, or =+10. Volumes with settings of -10, 0, +10 can be modified by the priority adjustment setting of a volume group that contains the volume. However, if a volume has a priority adjustment set with the = operator (for example, =+10), it retains that value and is unaffected by any volume group priority adjustment settings.

  • priority_adjustment_value (int) – Adjust priority by the specified amount, using the priority_adjustment_operator. Valid values are 0 and +10 for + and - operators, -10, 0, and +10 for the = operator.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroup(name=None, destroyed=None, host_count=None, host_group_count=None, is_local=None, pod=None, replication_schedule=None, snapshot_schedule=None, source=None, source_retention=None, space=None, target_count=None, target_retention=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, eradication_config=None, retention_lock=None, id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, destroyed=None, host_count=None, host_group_count=None, is_local=None, pod=None, replication_schedule=None, snapshot_schedule=None, source=None, source_retention=None, space=None, target_count=None, target_retention=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, eradication_config=None, retention_lock=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Has this protection group been destroyed? To destroy a protection group, patch to true. To recover a destroyed protection group, patch to false. If not specified, defaults to false.

  • host_count (int) – Number of hosts in this protection group.

  • host_group_count (int) – Number of host groups in this protection group.

  • is_local (bool) – If set to true, the protection group belongs to the local array. If set to false, the protection group belongs to the remote array.

  • pod (FixedReference) – The pod in which the protection group resides.

  • replication_schedule (ReplicationSchedule) – The schedule settings for asynchronous replication.

  • snapshot_schedule (SnapshotSchedule) – The schedule settings for protection group snapshots.

  • source (FixedReference) – The array or pod on which the protection group was created.

  • source_retention (RetentionPolicy) – The retention policy for the source array of the protection group.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • target_count (int) – The number of targets to where this protection group replicates.

  • target_retention (RetentionPolicy) – The retention policy for the target(s) of the protection group.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed protection group is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed protection group can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • volume_count (int) – The number of volumes in the protection group.

  • eradication_config (ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig) –

  • retention_lock (str) – The valid values are ratcheted and unlocked. The default value for a newly created protection group is unlocked. Set retention_lock to ratcheted to enable SafeMode restrictions on the protection group. Contact Pure Technical Services to change retention_lock to unlocked.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig(manual_eradication=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

manual_eradication (str) – Manual eradication status of objects like protection group and protection group snapshots. If manual_eradication is disabled, you cannot eradicate objects. Values include disabled and enabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupPerformance(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • bytes_per_sec (int) – The total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupPerformanceArray(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, source=None, target=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, source=None, target=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • bytes_per_sec (int) – The total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second.

  • source (str) – The source array from where the data is replicated.

  • target (str) – The target to where the data is replicated.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupPerformanceByArray(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, source=None, target=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, bytes_per_sec=None, source=None, target=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • bytes_per_sec (int) – The total number of bytes of replication data transmitted and received per second.

  • source (str) – The source array from where the data is replicated.

  • target (str) – The target to where the data is replicated.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSnapshot(name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None, id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time of the original snapshot source. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the protection group snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – The pod in which the protection group of the protection group snapshot resides.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated protection group snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica protection group.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • suffix (str) – The name suffix appended to the protection group name to make up the full protection group snapshot name in the form PGROUP.SUFFIX. If suffix is not specified, the protection group name is in the form PGROUP.NNN, where NNN is a unique monotonically increasing number. If multiple protection group snapshots are created at a time, the suffix name is appended to those snapshots.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • eradication_config (ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig) –

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSnapshotPatch(name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None, id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None, id=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time of the original snapshot source. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the protection group snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – The pod in which the protection group of the protection group snapshot resides.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated protection group snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica protection group.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • suffix (str) –

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • eradication_config (ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig) –

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSnapshotPost(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time of the original snapshot source. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) –

  • pod (FixedReference) – The pod in which the protection group of the protection group snapshot resides.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated protection group snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica protection group.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • suffix (str) – The name suffix appended to the protection group name to make up the full protection group snapshot name in the form PGROUP.SUFFIX. If suffix is not specified, the protection group name is in the form PGROUP.NNN, where NNN is a unique monotonically increasing number. If multiple protection group snapshots are created at a time, the suffix name is appended to those snapshots.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • eradication_config (ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSnapshotReplica(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, source=None, space=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, eradication_config=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time of the original snapshot source. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the protection group snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – The pod in which the protection group of the protection group snapshot resides.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated protection group snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica protection group.

  • space (Space) – Displays provisioned size and physical storage consumption data for each protection group.

  • suffix (str) – The name suffix appended to the protection group name to make up the full protection group snapshot name in the form PGROUP.SUFFIX. If suffix is not specified, the protection group name is in the form PGROUP.NNN, where NNN is a unique monotonically increasing number. If multiple protection group snapshots are created at a time, the suffix name is appended to those snapshots.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • eradication_config (ProtectionGroupEradicationConfig) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSnapshotTransfer(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the eradication pending period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • started (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process started. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the snapshot transfer from the source array to the target. Displayed in decimal format.

  • completed (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process completed. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • data_transferred (int) – The number of bytes transferred from the source to the target as part of the replication process. Measured in bytes.

  • physical_bytes_written (int) – The amount of physical/logical data written to the target due to replication. Measured in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupSpace(name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupTarget(protection_group=None, target=None, allowed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(protection_group=None, target=None, allowed=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • protection_group (ReferenceNoId) –

  • target (ReferenceNoId) –

  • allowed (bool) – If set to true, the target array has allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target array. If set to false, the target array has not allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtectionGroupsVolumes(group=None, member=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ProtocolEndpoint(container_version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

container_version (str) – Defines vCenter and EXSi host compatibility of the protocol endpoint and its associated container. Valid values include: 1, 2, 3. When container_version is set to 1, it’s compatible with vSphere version 7.0.1 or higher. When container_version is set to 2, it’s compatible with vSphere version 8.0.0 or higher. When container_version is set to 3, it’s compatible with vSphere version 8.0.1 or higher. The default container_version is 1.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Qos(bandwidth_limit=None, iops_limit=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bandwidth_limit=None, iops_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bandwidth_limit (int) – The maximum QoS bandwidth limit for the volume. Whenever throughput exceeds the bandwidth limit, throttling occurs. Measured in bytes per second. Maximum limit is 512 GB/s.

  • iops_limit (int) – The QoS IOPs limit for the volume.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Reference(id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReferenceNoId(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReferenceNoIdWithType(name=None, resource_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.

  • resource_type (str) – Type of the object (full name of the endpoint). Valid values include hosts, host-groups, network-interfaces, pods, ports, pod-replica-links, subnets, volumes, volume-snapshots, volume-groups, directories, policies/nfs, policies/smb, and policies/snapshot, etc.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReferenceWithType(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, resource_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – The resource name, such as volume name, pod name, snapshot name, and so on.

  • resource_type (str) – Type of the object (full name of the endpoint). Valid values are hosts, host-groups, network-interfaces, pods, ports, pod-replica-links, subnets, volumes, volume-snapshots, volume-groups, directories, policies/nfs, policies/smb, and policies/snapshot, etc.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemotePod(id=None, name=None, arrays=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, arrays=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • arrays (list[Resource]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteProtectionGroup(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, target_retention=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, target_retention=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the remote protection group has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed remote protection group is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed remote protection group can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the remote protection group is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • is_local (bool) – If set to true, the location reference is to the local array. If set to false, the location reference is to a remote location, such as a remote array or offload target.

  • remote (FixedReference) – The offload target that the remote protection group is on.

  • source (FixedReference) – The array where the remote protection group is replicated from.

  • target_retention (RetentionPolicy) – The retention policy for the remote protection group.

  • time_remaining (int) – Milliseconds remaining until eradication, if remote protection group has been destroyed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshot(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • created (int) – The creation time of the snapshot on the original source of the snapshot. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Destroyed and pending eradication? If not specified, defaults to false.

  • is_local (bool) – The status of whether or not the remote protection group snapshot is replicated from the current array.

  • remote (FixedReference) – The offload target where the remote protection group snapshot is located.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full remote protection group snapshot name in the form PGROUP.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form PGROUP.NNN, where PGROUP is the protection group name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.

  • time_remaining (int) – The time remaining until eradication, measured in milliseconds, if the snapshot has been destroyed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotPost(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, is_local=None, remote=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • created (int) – The creation time of the snapshot on the original source of the snapshot. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) –

  • is_local (bool) – The status of whether or not the remote protection group snapshot is replicated from the current array.

  • remote (FixedReference) – The offload target where the remote protection group snapshot is located.

  • source (FixedReference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken.

  • suffix (str) – Specifies a name suffix for the snapshots created. The snapshot is created on the FlashArray specified by the on parameter. The on parameter cannot refer to an offload target. Snapshots with suffixes specified have names in the form PGROUP.SUFFIX instead of the default PGROUP.NNN form. The names of all snapshots created by a single command that specifies this option have the same suffix.

  • time_remaining (int) – The time remaining until eradication, measured in milliseconds, if the snapshot has been destroyed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteProtectionGroupSnapshotTransfer(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None, source=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None, source=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the eradication pending period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • started (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process started. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the snapshot transfer from the source array to the target. Displayed in decimal format.

  • completed (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process completed. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • data_transferred (int) – The number of bytes transferred from the source to the target as part of the replication process. Measured in bytes.

  • physical_bytes_written (int) – The amount of physical/logical data written to the target due to replication. Measured in bytes.

  • source (Reference) – The original protection group from which this snapshot was taken.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteVolumeSnapshot(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed volume snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – A reference to the pod.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned space of the snapshot. Measured in bytes. The minimum size is 1048576 (1MB), the maximum size is 4503599627370496 (4PB)

  • source (FixedReference) – The volume from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica volume.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full volume snapshot name in the form VOL.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form VOL.NNN, where VOL is the volume name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteVolumeSnapshotPost(suffix=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full volume snapshot name in the form VOL.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form VOL.NNN, where VOL is the volume name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RemoteVolumeSnapshotTransfer(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the eradication pending period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • started (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process started. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the snapshot transfer from the source array to the target. Displayed in decimal format.

  • completed (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process completed. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • data_transferred (int) – The number of bytes transferred from the source to the target as part of the replication process. Measured in bytes.

  • physical_bytes_written (int) – The amount of physical/logical data written to the target due to replication. Measured in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReplicaLinkLag(avg=None, max=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(avg=None, max=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • avg (int) – The average time difference between the current time and recovery_point for a period of time.

  • max (int) – The maximum time difference between the current time and recovery_point for a period of time.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReplicaLinkPerformanceReplication(bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_sec_from_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_to_remote=None, bytes_per_sec_total=None, direction=None, local_pod=None, remote_pod=None, remotes=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_sec_from_remote (int) – The number of bytes received per second from a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_to_remote (int) – The number of bytes transmitted per second to a remote array.

  • bytes_per_sec_total (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second.

  • direction (str) – The direction of replication. Valid values are inbound and outbound.

  • local_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a local pod.

  • remote_pod (FixedReference) – Reference to a remote pod.

  • remotes (list[FixedReference]) – Reference to a remote array.

  • time (int) – Sample time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReplicationPerformanceWithTotal(from_remote_bytes_per_sec=None, to_remote_bytes_per_sec=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(from_remote_bytes_per_sec=None, to_remote_bytes_per_sec=None, total_bytes_per_sec=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • from_remote_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes received per second from a remote array. The number will be zero if the arrays are unable to communicate.

  • to_remote_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes transmitted per second to a remote array. The number will be zero if the arrays are unable to communicate.

  • total_bytes_per_sec (int) – Total bytes transmitted and received per second. The number will be zero if the arrays are unable to communicate.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ReplicationSchedule(at=None, enabled=None, frequency=None, blackout=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(at=None, enabled=None, frequency=None, blackout=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • at (int) – The time of day the snapshot is scheduled to be taken and retained on the local array or immediately replicated to the target(s). Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The at value is only used if the frequency parameter is in days (e.g., 259200000, which is equal to 3 days).

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, the policy is enabled.

  • frequency (int) – The frequency of the scheduled action. Measured in milliseconds.

  • blackout (TimeWindow) – The range of time when to suspend replication. To clear the blackout period, set to an empty string (“”).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Resource(id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourceDirectorySpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourceFixedNonUniqueName(id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourceNoId(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourcePerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourcePerformanceByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourcePerformanceNoId(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourcePerformanceNoIdByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, name=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, name=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourcePodSpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (PodSpace) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourceSpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ResourceSpaceNoId(name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.RetentionPolicy(all_for_sec=None, days=None, per_day=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(all_for_sec=None, days=None, per_day=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • all_for_sec (int) – The length of time to keep the specified snapshots. Measured in seconds.

  • days (int) – The number of days to keep the snapshots after the all_for_sec period has passed.

  • per_day (int) – The number of snapshots to keep per day after the all_for_sec period has passed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2Sso(id=None, name=None, enabled=None, array_url=None, sp=None, idp=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, enabled=None, array_url=None, sp=None, idp=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, the SAML2 SSO configuration is enabled.

  • array_url (str) – The URL of the array.

  • sp (Saml2SsoSp) –

  • idp (Saml2SsoIdp) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2SsoIdp(entity_id=None, url=None, metadata_url=None, sign_request_enabled=None, encrypt_assertion_enabled=None, verification_certificate=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(entity_id=None, url=None, metadata_url=None, sign_request_enabled=None, encrypt_assertion_enabled=None, verification_certificate=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • entity_id (str) – A globally unique name for the identity provider.

  • url (str) – The URL of the identity provider.

  • metadata_url (str) – The URL of the identity provider metadata.

  • sign_request_enabled (bool) – If set to true, SAML requests will be signed by the service provider.

  • encrypt_assertion_enabled (bool) – If set to true, SAML assertions will be encrypted by the identity provider.

  • verification_certificate (str) – The X509 certificate that the service provider uses to verify the SAML response signature from the identity provider.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2SsoPatch(array_url=None, idp=None, sp=None, enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(array_url=None, idp=None, sp=None, enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • array_url (str) – The URL of the array.

  • idp (Saml2SsoIdp) –

  • sp (Saml2SsoSpCredential) – Properties specific to the service provider.

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, the SAML2 SSO configuration is enabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2SsoPost(array_url=None, idp=None, sp=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(array_url=None, idp=None, sp=None)
Keyword Arguments

Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2SsoSp(decryption_credential=None, signing_credential=None, entity_id=None, assertion_consumer_url=None, metadata_url=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(decryption_credential=None, signing_credential=None, entity_id=None, assertion_consumer_url=None, metadata_url=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • decryption_credential (ReferenceNoId) – The credential used by the service provider to decrypt encrypted SAML assertions from the identity provider. The credential is managed by the certificates endpoint and purecert CLI commands.

  • signing_credential (ReferenceNoId) – The credential used by the service provider to sign SAML requests. The credential is managed by the certificates endpoint and purecert CLI commands.

  • entity_id (str) – A globally unique name for the service provider.

  • assertion_consumer_url (str) – The URL where the identity provider will send its SAML response after authenticating a user.

  • metadata_url (str) – The URL of the service provider metadata.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Saml2SsoSpCredential(decryption_credential=None, signing_credential=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(decryption_credential=None, signing_credential=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • decryption_credential (ReferenceNoId) – The credential used by the service provider to decrypt encrypted SAML assertions from the identity provider. The credential is managed by the certificates endpoint and purecert CLI commands.

  • signing_credential (ReferenceNoId) – The credential used by the service provider to sign SAML requests. The credential is managed by the certificates endpoint and purecert CLI commands.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Session(id=None, name=None, end_time=None, event=None, event_count=None, location=None, method=None, start_time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, end_time=None, event=None, event_count=None, location=None, method=None, start_time=None, user=None, user_interface=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • end_time (int) – Date and time the user logged out of the Purity//FA interface. Not set if the session is still active.

  • event (str) – Description of session events such as login and user session. Valid values include failed authentication, user session, login, logout, API token obtained, and request without session.

  • event_count (int) – Number of session events.

  • location (str) – IP address of the user client connecting to the array or console if connected through local console.

  • method (str) – Method by which the user attempted to log in. Valid values include API token, JWT, password, and public key.

  • start_time (int) – Date and time the user logged in to the Purity//FA interface.

  • user (str) – Username of the Purity//FA user who triggered the user session event.

  • user_interface (str) – The user interface through which the user session event was performed. Valid values include CLI, GUI, and REST.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Smis(slp_enabled=None, wbem_https_enabled=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(slp_enabled=None, wbem_https_enabled=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • slp_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the Service Location Protocol (SLP) and its ports, TCP 427 and UDP 427, are enabled.

  • wbem_https_enabled (bool) – If set to true, the SMI-S provider and its port, TCP 5989 is enabled.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SmtpServer(name=None, password=None, relay_host=None, sender_domain=None, user_name=None, sender_username=None, subject_prefix=None, body_prefix=None, encryption_mode=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, password=None, relay_host=None, sender_domain=None, user_name=None, sender_username=None, subject_prefix=None, body_prefix=None, encryption_mode=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • password (str) – Password for the relay host, if needed.

  • relay_host (str) – Relay server used as a forwarding point for email sent from the array. Can be set as a hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address, with optional port numbers. The expected format for IPv4 is ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd:PORT. The expected format for IPv6 is xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx or, if a port number is specified, [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:PORT.

  • sender_domain (str) – Domain name appended to alert email messages.

  • user_name (str) – User name for the relay host, if needed.

  • sender_username (str) – The local-part of the email address used when sending alert email messages.

  • subject_prefix (str) – Optional string added to the beginning of the subject when sending alert email messages. HTML tags are not allowed.

  • body_prefix (str) – Optional string added to the beginning of the email body when sending alert email messages. HTML tags are not allowed.

  • encryption_mode (str) – Enforces an encryption mode when sending alert email messages. Valid values are starttls. Use “” to clear.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Snapshot(created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed volume snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – A reference to the pod.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned space of the snapshot. Measured in bytes. The minimum size is 1048576 (1MB), the maximum size is 4503599627370496 (4PB)

  • source (FixedReference) – The volume from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica volume.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full volume snapshot name in the form VOL.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form VOL.NNN, where VOL is the volume name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnapshotSchedule(at=None, enabled=None, frequency=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(at=None, enabled=None, frequency=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • at (int) – The time of day the snapshot is scheduled to be taken and retained on the local array or immediately replicated to the target(s). Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The at value is only used if the frequency parameter is in days (e.g., 259200000, which is equal to 3 days).

  • enabled (bool) – If set to true, the policy is enabled.

  • frequency (int) – The frequency of the scheduled action. Measured in milliseconds.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnapshotSpace(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, snapshots_effective=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, snapshots_effective=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – The ratio of mapped sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after data compression and deduplication. The data reduction ratio does not include thin provisioning savings. For example, a data reduction ratio of 5&#58;1 means that for every 5 MB the host writes to the array, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • shared (int) – The physical space occupied by deduplicated data, meaning that the space is shared with other volumes and snapshots as a result of data deduplication. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data that is not unique to a specific volume, managed directory, or snapshot, measured in bytes.

  • snapshots (int) – The physical space occupied by data unique to one or more snapshots. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes.

  • system (int) – The physical space occupied by internal array metadata. Measured in bytes.

  • thin_provisioning (float) – The percentage of volume sectors that do not contain host-written data because the hosts have not written data to them or the sectors have been explicitly trimmed.

  • total_physical (int) – This field has been deprecated. Use the total_used field, as it contains the same information.

  • total_provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of a volume for a single volume, host or host group, protocol endpoint, managed directory, and containers can be infinite or measured in bytes. Infinite is represented by null. The provisioned size for a host or host group, includes all volumes that are connected to the resource. The provisioned size for a protocol endpoint is null’. The provisioned size for a managed directory is the quota limit if it or its parent has a managed directory configured, otherwise it defaults to `null. The provisioned size for a container is the sum of the total_provisioned of the object it contains, capped by the container’s quota limit (or the container’s used_provisioned if current usage is above the quota limit), if any. Provisioned size represents the storage capacity reported to hosts.

  • total_reduction (float) – The ratio of provisioned sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after reduction via data compression and deduplication and with thin provisioning savings. Total reduction is data reduction with thin provisioning savings. For example, a total reduction ratio of 10&#58;1 means that for every 10 MB of provisioned space, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • unique (int) – The unique physical space occupied by customer data. Unique physical space does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by unique customer data, measured in bytes. Unique data does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata.

  • virtual (int) – The amount of logically written data that a volume or a snapshot references. Measured in bytes.

  • used_provisioned (int) – The amount of logical space a container has consumed, compared against the quota limit if the container has one configured. Used provisioned does not include destroyed objects inside the container. Used provisioned can include destroyed objects for a destroyed container and represents how much logical space it would take to recover the container.

  • total_used (int) – The total space contributed by customer data, measured in bytes.

  • footprint (int) – The maximum amount of physical space the container consumes on an array, ignoring any data shared outside the container, measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the maximum amount of effective used space. The footprint metric is mostly used for capacity planning. This field will be null in non-container contexts.

  • snapshots_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes. Use the snapshots field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpAgent(name=None, engine_id=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, engine_id=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • engine_id (str) – The administration domain unique name of an SNMP agent.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3) –

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity//FA in communications with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpAgentMib(mib=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

mib (str) – MIB text.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpAgentPatch(name=None, engine_id=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, engine_id=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • engine_id (str) – The administration domain unique name of an SNMP agent.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3Patch) –

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity//FA in communications with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpManager(name=None, host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • host (str) – DNS hostname or IP address of a computer that hosts an SNMP manager to which Purity//FA is to send trap messages when it generates alerts.

  • notification (str) – The type of notification the agent will send. Valid values are inform and trap.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3) –

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity//FA to communicate with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpManagerPatch(name=None, host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • host (str) – DNS hostname or IP address of a computer that hosts an SNMP manager to which Purity//FA is to send trap messages when it generates alerts.

  • notification (str) – The type of notification the agent will send. Valid values are inform and trap.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3Patch) –

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity//FA to communicate with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpManagerPost(host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(host=None, notification=None, v2c=None, v3=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • host (str) – DNS hostname or IP address of a computer that hosts an SNMP manager to which Purity//FA is to send trap messages when it generates alerts.

  • notification (str) – The type of notification the agent will send. Valid values are inform and trap.

  • v2c (SnmpV2c) –

  • v3 (SnmpV3Post) –

  • version (str) – Version of the SNMP protocol to be used by Purity//FA to communicate with the specified manager. Valid values are v2c and v3.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpV2c(community=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

community (str) – Manager community ID under which Purity//FA is to communicate with the specified managers.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpV3(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • auth_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used by Purity//FA to authenticate the array with the specified managers.

  • auth_protocol (str) – Hash algorithm used to validate the authentication passphrase. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.

  • privacy_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used to encrypt SNMP messages.

  • privacy_protocol (str) – Encryption protocol for SNMP messages. Valid values are AES and DES.

  • user (str) – User ID recognized by the specified SNMP managers which Purity//FA is to use in communications with them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpV3Patch(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • auth_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used by Purity//FA to authenticate the array with the specified managers.

  • auth_protocol (str) – Hash algorithm used to validate the authentication passphrase. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.

  • privacy_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used to encrypt SNMP messages.

  • privacy_protocol (str) – Encryption protocol for SNMP messages. Valid values are AES and DES.

  • user (str) – User ID recognized by the specified SNMP managers which Purity//FA is to use in communications with them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SnmpV3Post(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(auth_passphrase=None, auth_protocol=None, privacy_passphrase=None, privacy_protocol=None, user=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • auth_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used by Purity//FA to authenticate the array with the specified managers.

  • auth_protocol (str) – Hash algorithm used to validate the authentication passphrase. Valid values are MD5 and SHA.

  • privacy_passphrase (str) – Passphrase used to encrypt SNMP messages.

  • privacy_protocol (str) – Encryption protocol for SNMP messages. Valid values are AES and DES.

  • user (str) – User ID recognized by the specified SNMP managers which Purity//FA is to use in communications with them.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Software(id=None, name=None, details=None, payload_id=None, progress=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None, upgrade_plan=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, details=None, payload_id=None, progress=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None, upgrade_plan=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • payload_id (str) – A checksum hash referring to the update bundle.

  • progress (float) – The progress of the software upgrade. Displayed in decimal format.

  • upgrade_hops (list[str]) – The plan by which the upgrade will be conducted. The first element is the current version, the last element is the destination version, and the elements in between are intermediate versions.

  • version (str) – The version of the software package.

  • upgrade_plan (list[SoftwareUpgradePlan]) – A list of steps that are planned to run during the upgrade in an optimal scenario (i.e., all upgrade checks pass, no step is retried, and the upgrade is not aborted). Steps are listed in the order that they should occur.

  • status (str) – The status of the software package. Valid values are available, downloaded, downloading, download_failed, checking, installing, new, paused, aborting, abort, canceled, partially_installed, and installed. A status of available indicates that the package is available for download. This only applies if automatic-download is not enabled. A status of downloaded indicates that the package is downloaded and ready for installation. A status of downloading indicates that the package is currently downloading. A status of download_failed indicates that the download of the package failed. A status of checking indicates that the package is currently running in check-only mode. A status of installing indicates that the package is currently installing. A status of new indicates that Pure1 cloud is still building the package. A status of paused indicates that the upgrade is paused and waiting for user input to proceed. A status of aborting indicates that the upgrade is being aborted, due to an unrecoverable error or an abort command issued by the user. A status of canceled indicates that the upgrade has been canceled. A status of partially_installed indicates that the upgrade has been partially installed due to an abort. The array has been upgraded to an intermediate version and the software is no longer available for installation. A status of installed indicates that the upgrade has finished.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareBundle(id=None, source=None, created=None, details=None, download_progress=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, source=None, created=None, details=None, download_progress=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A non-modifiable, globally unique ID chosen by the system.

  • source (str) – The location of the upgrade bundle.

  • created (float) – Creation time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • download_progress (float) – The progress of the download. Displayed in decimal format.

  • status (str) – The status of the software bundle. Valid values are downloading, failed, ready, and verifying. A status of downloading indicates that the array is downloading the upgrade bundle. A status of failed indicates that the array has failed to download the upgrade bundle. A status of ready indicates that the upgrade bundle is ready to be installed. A status of verifying indicates that the array is verifying the upgrade bundle.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareBundlePost(source=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

source (str) – The source of the software bundle. Accepts HTTP, HTTPS or FTP, and paths.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareCheck(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, details=None, software_name=None, software_upgrade_hops=None, software_version=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, details=None, software_name=None, software_upgrade_hops=None, software_version=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • checks (list[SoftwareChecksChecks]) – A list of checks in this check task.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • software_name (str) – The name of the software the upgrade checks will test.

  • software_upgrade_hops (list[str]) – The list of software versions the upgrade goes through. The upgrade checks also test this particular path.

  • software_version (str) – The version of the software that the upgrade checks will test.

  • status (str) – The status of the check task. Valid values are queued, running, passed, and failed. A status of queued indicates that the task is queued to run and is waiting for other check tasks to complete. A status of running indicates that the task is currently running. A status of passed indicates that all upgrade checks in the task are complete. A status of failed indicates that at least one upgrade check in the task has failed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareChecks(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, details=None, software_name=None, software_upgrade_hops=None, software_version=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, details=None, software_name=None, software_upgrade_hops=None, software_version=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • checks (list[SoftwareChecksChecks]) – A list of checks in this check task.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • software_name (str) – The name of the software the upgrade checks will test.

  • software_upgrade_hops (list[str]) – The list of software versions the upgrade goes through. The upgrade checks also test this particular path.

  • software_version (str) – The version of the software that the upgrade checks will test.

  • status (str) – The status of the check task. Valid values are queued, running, passed, and failed. A status of queued indicates that the task is queued to run and is waiting for other check tasks to complete. A status of running indicates that the task is currently running. A status of passed indicates that all upgrade checks in the task are complete. A status of failed indicates that at least one upgrade check in the task has failed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareChecksChecks(name=None, details=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, details=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Name of the upgrade check.

  • details (str) – Detailed result of the check used to diagnose check failures.

  • status (str) – Status of the check. Valid values are running, failed, and passed. A status of running indicates that the check has not finished. A status of failed indicates that the check has failed. A status of passed indicates that the check has passed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallation(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, current_step_id=None, details=None, mode=None, override_checks=None, software=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, current_step_id=None, details=None, mode=None, override_checks=None, software=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • current_step_id (str) – The id of the current step or null if the upgrade is not active.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • mode (str) – Mode that the upgrade is in. Valid values are check-only, interactive, semi-interactive, and one-click. The check_only mode is deprecated. Use /software-checks. In this mode, the upgrade only runs pre-upgrade checks and returns. In interactive mode, the upgrade pauses at several points, at which users must enter certain commands to proceed. In semi-interactive mode, the upgrade pauses if there are any upgrade check failures, and functions like one-click mode otherwise. In one-click mode, the upgrade proceeds automatically without pausing.

  • override_checks (list[OverrideCheck]) – A list of upgrade checks whose failure is overridden during the upgrade. If any optional args are provided, they are validated later when the corresponding check script runs.

  • software (Reference) – Referenced software to which the upgrade belongs.

  • status (str) – Status of the upgrade. Valid values are installing, paused, aborting, aborted, and finished. A status of installing indicates that the upgrade is running. A status of paused indicates that the upgrade is paused and waiting for user input. A status of aborting indicates that the upgrade is being aborted. A status of aborted indicates that the upgrade has stopped due to an abort. A status of finished indicates that the upgrade has finished successfully.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallationPatch(add_override_checks=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

add_override_checks (list[OverrideCheck]) – Adds the specified checks to the current list of override checks.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallationPost(mode=None, override_checks=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(mode=None, override_checks=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • mode (str) – Mode that the upgrade is in. Valid values are check-only, interactive, semi-interactive, and one-click. The check_only mode is deprecated. Use /software-checks. In this mode, the upgrade only runs pre-upgrade checks and returns. In interactive mode, the upgrade pauses at several points, at which users must enter certain commands to proceed. In semi-interactive mode, the upgrade pauses if there are any upgrade check failures and functions like one-click mode otherwise. In one-click mode, the upgrade proceeds automatically without pausing.

  • override_checks (list[OverrideCheck]) – A list of upgrade checks whose failures are overridden during the upgrade. If any optional args are provided, they are validated later when the corresponding check script runs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallationStep(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, description=None, details=None, hop_version=None, installation=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, description=None, details=None, hop_version=None, installation=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • checks (list[SoftwareInstallationStepsChecks]) – A list of checks in this upgrade step.

  • description (str) – Detailed description of the step.

  • details (str) – Detailed result of the step used to diagnose step failures.

  • hop_version (str) – The version to which the current hop is upgrading.

  • installation (Reference) – Referenced software-installation to which the step belongs.

  • status (str) – Status of the step. Valid values are running and finished. A status of running indicates that the step has not finished. A status of finished indicates that the check has finished.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallationSteps(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, description=None, details=None, hop_version=None, installation=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, checks=None, description=None, details=None, hop_version=None, installation=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • checks (list[SoftwareInstallationStepsChecks]) – A list of checks in this upgrade step.

  • description (str) – Detailed description of the step.

  • details (str) – Detailed result of the step used to diagnose step failures.

  • hop_version (str) – The version to which the current hop is upgrading.

  • installation (Reference) – Referenced software-installation to which the step belongs.

  • status (str) – Status of the step. Valid values are running and finished. A status of running indicates that the step has not finished. A status of finished indicates that the check has finished.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallationStepsChecks(details=None, name=None, overridable=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(details=None, name=None, overridable=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • details (str) – Detailed result of the check used to diagnose check failures.

  • name (str) – Name of the upgrade check.

  • overridable (bool) – Whether the check failure can be overridden.

  • status (str) – Status of the check. Valid values are running, failed, passed, and overridden. A status of running indicates that the check has not finished. A status of failed indicates that the check has failed. A status of passed indicates that the check has passed. A status of overridden indicates that the check has failed, but the failure has been overridden.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareInstallations(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, current_step_id=None, details=None, mode=None, override_checks=None, software=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, current_step_id=None, details=None, mode=None, override_checks=None, software=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • current_step_id (str) – The id of the current step or null if the upgrade is not active.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • mode (str) – Mode that the upgrade is in. Valid values are check-only, interactive, semi-interactive, and one-click. The check_only mode is deprecated. Use /software-checks. In this mode, the upgrade only runs pre-upgrade checks and returns. In interactive mode, the upgrade pauses at several points, at which users must enter certain commands to proceed. In semi-interactive mode, the upgrade pauses if there are any upgrade check failures, and functions like one-click mode otherwise. In one-click mode, the upgrade proceeds automatically without pausing.

  • override_checks (list[OverrideCheck]) – A list of upgrade checks whose failure is overridden during the upgrade. If any optional args are provided, they are validated later when the corresponding check script runs.

  • software (Reference) – Referenced software to which the upgrade belongs.

  • status (str) – Status of the upgrade. Valid values are installing, paused, aborting, aborted, and finished. A status of installing indicates that the upgrade is running. A status of paused indicates that the upgrade is paused and waiting for user input. A status of aborting indicates that the upgrade is being aborted. A status of aborted indicates that the upgrade has stopped due to an abort. A status of finished indicates that the upgrade has finished successfully.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwarePatch(id=None, name=None, details=None, description=None, progress=None, status=None, ha_reduction_required=None, alert_code=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, details=None, description=None, progress=None, status=None, ha_reduction_required=None, alert_code=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • description (str) – The detailed description of the patch.

  • progress (float) – The progress of the software patch installation, displayed in decimal format.

  • status (str) – The status of the software patch installation. Valid values are available, downloaded, downloading, download_failed, installing, installed, failed, and not_applicable. A status of available indicates that the patch is available for download. A status of downloaded indicates that the patch has been downloaded and will be installed. A status of downloading indicates that the patch is currently downloading. A status of download_failed indicates that the download of the patch failed. A status of installing indicates that the patch is currently being installed. A status of installed indicates that the patch has been installed. A status of failed indicates that the patch failed to be installed. A status of not_applicable indicates the patch does not need to be installed on the array.

  • ha_reduction_required (bool) – If set to true, indicates reduction in high availability is required for Software Patch installation. If set to false, indicates such a reduction is not required.

  • alert_code (int) – Alert code for the Software Patch. This code is used to uniquely identify the Software Patch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwarePatches(id=None, name=None, details=None, description=None, progress=None, status=None, ha_reduction_required=None, alert_code=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, details=None, description=None, progress=None, status=None, ha_reduction_required=None, alert_code=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. The name cannot be modified.

  • details (str) – The detailed reason for the status.

  • description (str) – The detailed description of the patch.

  • progress (float) – The progress of the software patch installation, displayed in decimal format.

  • status (str) – The status of the software patch installation. Valid values are available, downloaded, downloading, download_failed, installing, installed, failed, and not_applicable. A status of available indicates that the patch is available for download. A status of downloaded indicates that the patch has been downloaded and will be installed. A status of downloading indicates that the patch is currently downloading. A status of download_failed indicates that the download of the patch failed. A status of installing indicates that the patch is currently being installed. A status of installed indicates that the patch has been installed. A status of failed indicates that the patch failed to be installed. A status of not_applicable indicates the patch does not need to be installed on the array.

  • ha_reduction_required (bool) – If set to true, indicates reduction in high availability is required for Software Patch installation. If set to false, indicates such a reduction is not required.

  • alert_code (int) – Alert code for the Software Patch. This code is used to uniquely identify the Software Patch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwarePost(name=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the software.

  • version (str) – The version of the software.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareUpgradePlan(step_name=None, description=None, hop_version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(step_name=None, description=None, hop_version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • step_name (str) – Name of the upgrade step.

  • description (str) – Description of the upgrade step.

  • hop_version (str) – The version to which the step is upgrading.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareVersion(details=None, name=None, release_family=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(details=None, name=None, release_family=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • details (str) – The description of the version.

  • name (str) – The name of the software.

  • release_family (str) – The major and minor release number of the version.

  • upgrade_hops (list[str]) – The list of software versions the upgrade will go through.

  • version (str) – The version of the software.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SoftwareVersions(details=None, name=None, release_family=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(details=None, name=None, release_family=None, upgrade_hops=None, version=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • details (str) – The description of the version.

  • name (str) – The name of the software.

  • release_family (str) – The major and minor release number of the version.

  • upgrade_hops (list[str]) – The list of software versions the upgrade will go through.

  • version (str) – The version of the software.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Space(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – The ratio of mapped sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after data compression and deduplication. The data reduction ratio does not include thin provisioning savings. For example, a data reduction ratio of 5&#58;1 means that for every 5 MB the host writes to the array, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • shared (int) – The physical space occupied by deduplicated data, meaning that the space is shared with other volumes and snapshots as a result of data deduplication. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data that is not unique to a specific volume, managed directory, or snapshot, measured in bytes.

  • snapshots (int) – The physical space occupied by data unique to one or more snapshots. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes.

  • system (int) – The physical space occupied by internal array metadata. Measured in bytes.

  • thin_provisioning (float) – The percentage of volume sectors that do not contain host-written data because the hosts have not written data to them or the sectors have been explicitly trimmed.

  • total_physical (int) – This field has been deprecated. Use the total_used field, as it contains the same information.

  • total_provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of a volume for a single volume, host or host group, protocol endpoint, managed directory, and containers can be infinite or measured in bytes. Infinite is represented by null. The provisioned size for a host or host group, includes all volumes that are connected to the resource. The provisioned size for a protocol endpoint is null’. The provisioned size for a managed directory is the quota limit if it or its parent has a managed directory configured, otherwise it defaults to `null. The provisioned size for a container is the sum of the total_provisioned of the object it contains, capped by the container’s quota limit (or the container’s used_provisioned if current usage is above the quota limit), if any. Provisioned size represents the storage capacity reported to hosts.

  • total_reduction (float) – The ratio of provisioned sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after reduction via data compression and deduplication and with thin provisioning savings. Total reduction is data reduction with thin provisioning savings. For example, a total reduction ratio of 10&#58;1 means that for every 10 MB of provisioned space, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • unique (int) – The unique physical space occupied by customer data. Unique physical space does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by unique customer data, measured in bytes. Unique data does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata.

  • virtual (int) – The amount of logically written data that a volume or a snapshot references. Measured in bytes.

  • used_provisioned (int) – The amount of logical space a container has consumed, compared against the quota limit if the container has one configured. Used provisioned does not include destroyed objects inside the container. Used provisioned can include destroyed objects for a destroyed container and represents how much logical space it would take to recover the container.

  • total_used (int) – The total space contributed by customer data, measured in bytes.

  • footprint (int) – The maximum amount of physical space the container consumes on an array, ignoring any data shared outside the container, measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the maximum amount of effective used space. The footprint metric is mostly used for capacity planning. This field will be null in non-container contexts.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.StartEndTime(start_time=None, end_time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(start_time=None, end_time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • start_time (int) – Start time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • end_time (int) – End time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Subnet(name=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None, interfaces=None, services=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None, interfaces=None, services=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if subnet is enabled. Returns a value of false if subnet is disabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified subnet is to communicate with the network.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the subnet in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface. If not specified, defaults to 1500.

  • prefix (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified subnet.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID number.

  • interfaces (list[FixedReferenceNoId]) – List of network interfaces associated with this subnet.

  • services (list[str]) – The services provided by this subnet, as inherited from all of its interfaces.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SubnetPatch(name=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if subnet is enabled. Returns a value of false if subnet is disabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified subnet is to communicate with the network.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the subnet in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface. If not specified, defaults to 1500.

  • prefix (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified subnet.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SubnetPost(enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(enabled=None, gateway=None, mtu=None, prefix=None, vlan=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if subnet is enabled. Returns a value of false if subnet is disabled. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • gateway (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the gateway through which the specified subnet is to communicate with the network.

  • mtu (int) – Maximum message transfer unit (packet) size for the subnet in bytes. MTU setting cannot exceed the MTU of the corresponding physical interface. If not specified, defaults to 1500.

  • prefix (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address to be associated with the specified subnet.

  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Subscription(id=None, service=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, service=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • service (str) – The service type of the subscription.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SubscriptionAsset(id=None, name=None, subscription=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, subscription=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • subscription (SubscriptionAssetSubscription) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SubscriptionAssetSubscription(id=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Support(phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None, remote_assist_opened=None, remote_assist_expires=None, remote_assist_status=None, remote_assist_paths=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None, remote_assist_opened=None, remote_assist_expires=None, remote_assist_status=None, remote_assist_paths=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • phonehome_enabled (bool) – The status of phonehome. If set to true, enables phonehome. If set to false, disables phonehome.

  • proxy (str) – The value of the current proxy, which is used to connect to cloud services such as phonehome and remote assist. Specify the server name, including the scheme and proxy port number.

  • remote_assist_active (bool) – The status of the remote assist session. If set to true, enables the remote assist session. If set to false, disables the remote assist session.

  • remote_assist_opened (int) – The timestamp when the session opened, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • remote_assist_expires (int) – The timestamp when the session expires, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • remote_assist_status (str) – The status of the remote assist session. Values include connected, connecting, disconnected, and session-active.

  • remote_assist_paths (list[SupportRemoteAssistPaths]) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SupportPatch(phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(phonehome_enabled=None, proxy=None, remote_assist_active=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • phonehome_enabled (bool) – The status of phonehome. If set to true, enable phonehome. If set to false, disable phonehome.

  • proxy (str) – The value of the current proxy, which is used for connecting to cloud services such as phonehome, remote assist, etc. Specify the server name, including the scheme and proxy port number.

  • remote_assist_active (bool) – The status of a remote assist session. If set to true, enable the remote assist session. If set to false, disable the remote assist session.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SupportRemoteAssistPaths(component_name=None, status=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_name=None, status=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_name (str) – The name of the local controller that is running the remote assist session.

  • status (str) – The status of the remote assist session on the local controller. Values include connected, connecting, disconnected, and session-active.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SyslogServer(name=None, uri=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(name=None, uri=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and cannot be changed.

  • uri (str) – The URI of the syslog server in the format PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.SyslogServerSettings(ca_certificate=None, tls_audit_enabled=None, logging_severity=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(ca_certificate=None, tls_audit_enabled=None, logging_severity=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • ca_certificate (str) – The certificate of the certificate authority (CA) that signed the directory servers’ certificate(s), which is used to validate the authenticity of the configured servers.

  • tls_audit_enabled (bool) – Returns a value of true if messages that are necessary in order to audit TLS negotiations performed by the array are forwarded to the configured syslog servers.

  • logging_severity (str) – Returns the configured logging severity threshold for which events will be forwarded to the configured syslog servers. Default configuration is info level severity. Valid values are debug, info, and notice.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Tag(copyable=None, key=None, namespace=None, resource=None, value=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(copyable=None, key=None, namespace=None, resource=None, value=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • copyable (bool) – Specifies whether or not to include the tag when copying the parent resource. If set to true, the tag is included in resource copying. If set to false, the tag is not included. If not specified, defaults to true.

  • key (str) – Key of the tag. Supports up to 64 Unicode characters.

  • namespace (str) – Optional namespace of the tag. Namespace identifies the category of the tag. Omitting the namespace defaults to the namespace default. The pure&#42; namespaces are reserved for plugins and integration partners. It is recommended that customers avoid using reserved namespaces.

  • resource (FixedReference) –

  • value (str) – Value of the tag. Supports up to 256 Unicode characters.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TargetProtectionGroup(group=None, member=None, allowed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(group=None, member=None, allowed=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • group (Reference) –

  • member (ReferenceNoId) –

  • allowed (bool) – If set to true, the target array has allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target array. If set to false, the target array has not allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TargetProtectionGroupPostPatch(protection_group=None, target=None, allowed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(protection_group=None, target=None, allowed=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • protection_group (FixedReference) –

  • target (FixedReferenceNoId) –

  • allowed (bool) – If set to true, the target array has allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target array. If set to false, the target array has not allowed the source array to replicate protection group data to the target.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TestResult(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_address (str) – Address of the component running the test.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the test.

  • description (str) – What the test is doing.

  • destination (str) – The URI of the target server being tested.

  • enabled (bool) – Whether the object being tested is enabled or not. Returns a value of true if the the service is enabled. Returns a value of false if the service is disabled.

  • result_details (str) – Additional information about the test result.

  • success (bool) – Whether the object being tested passed the test or not. Returns a value of true if the specified test has succeeded. Returns a value of false if the specified test has failed.

  • test_type (str) – Displays the type of test being performed. The returned values are determined by the resource being tested and its configuration. Values include array-admin-group-searching, binding, connecting, phonehome, phonehome-ping, remote-assist, rootdse-searching, read-only-group-searching, storage-admin-group-searching, and validate-ntp-configuration.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TestResultWithResource(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None, resource=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None, resource=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_address (str) – Address of the component running the test.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the test.

  • description (str) – What the test is doing.

  • destination (str) – The URI of the target server being tested.

  • enabled (bool) – Whether the object being tested is enabled or not. Returns a value of true if the the service is enabled. Returns a value of false if the service is disabled.

  • result_details (str) – Additional information about the test result.

  • success (bool) – Whether the object being tested passed the test or not. Returns a value of true if the specified test has succeeded. Returns a value of false if the specified test has failed.

  • test_type (str) – Displays the type of test being performed. The returned values are determined by the resource being tested and its configuration. Values include array-admin-group-searching, binding, connecting, phonehome, phonehome-ping, remote-assist, rootdse-searching, read-only-group-searching, storage-admin-group-searching, and validate-ntp-configuration.

  • resource (FixedReferenceNoId) – A reference to the object being tested.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TestResultWithResourceWithId(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None, resource=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(component_address=None, component_name=None, description=None, destination=None, enabled=None, result_details=None, success=None, test_type=None, resource=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • component_address (str) – Address of the component running the test.

  • component_name (str) – Name of the component running the test.

  • description (str) – What the test is doing.

  • destination (str) – The URI of the target server being tested.

  • enabled (bool) – Whether the object being tested is enabled or not. Returns a value of true if the the service is enabled. Returns a value of false if the service is disabled.

  • result_details (str) – Additional information about the test result.

  • success (bool) – Whether the object being tested passed the test or not. Returns a value of true if the specified test has succeeded. Returns a value of false if the specified test has failed.

  • test_type (str) – Displays the type of test being performed. The returned values are determined by the resource being tested and its configuration. Values include array-admin-group-searching, binding, connecting, phonehome, phonehome-ping, remote-assist, rootdse-searching, read-only-group-searching, storage-admin-group-searching, and validate-ntp-configuration.

  • resource (FixedReference) – A reference to the object being tested.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Throttle(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_limit (int) – Default maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.

  • window (TimeWindow) – The time during which the window_limit threshold is in effect.

  • window_limit (int) – Maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic during the specified window_limit time range in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.ThrottleDeprecated(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(default_limit=None, window=None, window_limit=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • default_limit (int) – Deprecated. Default maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.

  • window (TimeWindow) – Deprecated. The time during which the window_limit threshold is in effect.

  • window_limit (int) – Deprecated. Maximum bandwidth threshold for outbound traffic during the specified window_limit time range in bytes. Once exceeded, bandwidth throttling occurs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.TimeWindow(start=None, end=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(start=None, end=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • start (int) – The window start time. Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The time must be set on the hour. (e.g., 18000000, which is equal to 5:00 AM).

  • end (int) – The window end time. Measured in milliseconds since midnight. The time must be set on the hour. (e.g., 28800000, which is equal to 8:00 AM).


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Transfer(destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the eradication pending period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • started (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process started. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the snapshot transfer from the source array to the target. Displayed in decimal format.

  • completed (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process completed. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • data_transferred (int) – The number of bytes transferred from the source to the target as part of the replication process. Measured in bytes.

  • physical_bytes_written (int) – The amount of physical/logical data written to the target due to replication. Measured in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Username(username=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

username (str) – The username of the user.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Vchost(id=None, name=None, vcuuid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, vcuuid=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • vcuuid (str) – The vCenter Server uuid of the vchost.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostCertificate(certificate=None, endpoints=None, id=None, is_local=None, vchost=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(certificate=None, endpoints=None, id=None, is_local=None, vchost=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • certificate (ReferenceNoIdWithType) – A reference to the certificate that will be presented to clients accessing the referenced vchost using any of the network addresses defined by endpoints.

  • endpoints (list[str]) – The IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the endpoints to configure for the vchost, over which the configured certificate will be presented.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • is_local (bool) – Returns true if the vchost certificate is local to the array, and false otherwise.

  • vchost (ReferenceWithType) – The vchost by which the certificate is to be presented over the configured endpoints.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostCertificatePatch(endpoints=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

endpoints (list[str]) – The IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the endpoints to configure for the vchost, over which the configured certificate will be presented.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostCertificatePost(certificate=None, endpoints=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(certificate=None, endpoints=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • certificate (ReferenceNoIdWithType) – The certificate to be presented by the vchost over the configured endpoints.

  • endpoints (list[str]) – The IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the endpoints to configure for the vchost, over which the configured certificate will be presented.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostConnection(all_vchosts=None, protocol_endpoint=None, vchost=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(all_vchosts=None, protocol_endpoint=None, vchost=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • all_vchosts (bool) – If set to true, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is accessible to all vchosts. If set to false, the storage container represented by the protocol endpoint is only accesible to the vchosts that have explicit vchost-connections to this protocol endpoint. The default is false.

  • protocol_endpoint (FixedReference) – A reference to the protocol endpoint, representing a storage container that vCenter can use.

  • vchost (FixedReference) – For vchost-connections, a vchost represents a vCenter. By connecting to a protocol endpoint, the corresponding vCenter gets the access to the storage container represented by this protocol endpoint. The vchost name should be null if all_vchosts is set to true, which means the storage container is accessible to all vchosts.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostEndpoint(certificates=None, endpoint=None, id=None, vchost=None, is_local=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(certificates=None, endpoint=None, id=None, vchost=None, is_local=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • certificates (list[ReferenceNoIdWithType]) – The certificate to be presented by the vchost over the configured endpoints.

  • endpoint (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the endpoint.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified.

  • vchost (ReferenceWithType) – The vchost for which this endpoint is to be configured.

  • is_local (bool) – Returns true if the vchost endpoint is local to the array, and false otherwise.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostEndpointPatch(certificates=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

certificates (list[ReferenceNoIdWithType]) – The certificate to be presented by the vchost over the configured endpoints.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostEndpointPost(endpoint=None, certificates=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(endpoint=None, certificates=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • endpoint (str) – The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the endpoint.

  • certificates (list[ReferenceNoIdWithType]) – The certificate to be presented by the vchost over the configured endpoints.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostPatch(name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The new name of the vchost.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VchostPost(vcuuid=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

Keyword Arguments

vcuuid (str) – The vCenter Server uuid of the vchost.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VirtualMachine(created=None, destroyed=None, id=None, name=None, recover_context=None, time_remaining=None, vm_id=None, vm_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(created=None, destroyed=None, id=None, name=None, recover_context=None, time_remaining=None, vm_id=None, vm_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • created (int) – The virtual machine creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the virtual machine has been destroyed and is pending eradication.

  • id (str) – The ID of the virtual machine to create or modify, as assigned by the external system. id is deprecated. Use vm_id instead.

  • name (str) – The name of the virtual machine, as assigned by the external system

  • recover_context (FixedReference) – A reference to any additional entities needed to recover this virtual machine.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed volume is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • vm_id (str) – The ID of the virtual machine, as assigned by the external system.

  • vm_type (str) – The type of virtual machine. The only valid value is vvol.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VirtualMachinePost(id=None, source=None, vm_id=None, vm_type=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, source=None, vm_id=None, vm_type=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – The ID of the virtual machine to create or modify, as assigned by the external system. id is deprecated. Use vm_id instead.

  • source (Reference) – The recovery context for the virtual machine or virtual machine snapshot being modified.

  • vm_id (str) – The ID of the virtual machine to create or modify, as assigned by the external system.

  • vm_type (str) – The type of virtual machine. The only valid value is vvol.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.Volume(id=None, name=None, connection_count=None, created=None, destroyed=None, host_encryption_key_status=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, serial=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, pod=None, priority=None, promotion_status=None, protocol_endpoint=None, requested_promotion_state=None, source=None, subtype=None, volume_group=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, connection_count=None, created=None, destroyed=None, host_encryption_key_status=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, serial=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, pod=None, priority=None, promotion_status=None, protocol_endpoint=None, requested_promotion_state=None, source=None, subtype=None, volume_group=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • connection_count (int) – The total number of hosts and host groups connected to the volume.

  • created (int) – The volume creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the volume has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed volume is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • host_encryption_key_status (str) – The host encryption key status for this volume. Values include none, detected, and fetched.

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) – Priority adjustment operator and value.

  • provisioned (int) – The virtual size of the volume as a multiple of 512, measured in bytes. The maximum size is 4503599627370496 (4PB).

  • qos (Qos) – Displays QoS limit information.

  • serial (str) – A globally unique serial number generated by the FlashArray when the volume is created.

  • space (VolumeSpaceCommon) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed volume is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • pod (Reference) – A reference to the pod.

  • priority (int) – The current priority value. Priority is calculated by combining all applicable relative priority_adjustment values or taking the exact value if the volume has an absolute priority_adjustment (specified by an = priority_adjustment_operator).

  • promotion_status (str) – Current promotion status of a volume. Values include promoted and demoted. A status of promoted indicates that the volume has been promoted and can accept write requests from hosts. This is the default status for a volume when it is created. A status of demoted indicates that the volume has been demoted and no longer accepts write requests.

  • protocol_endpoint (ProtocolEndpoint) – Properties that are specific to volumes of subtype=protocol_endpoint.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Values include promoted and demoted. Patch requested_promotion_state to demoted to demote the volume so that the volume stops accepting write requests. Patch requested_promotion_state to promoted to promote the volume so that the volume starts accepting write requests.

  • source (FixedReference) – A reference to the originating volume as a result of a volume copy.

  • subtype (str) – The type of volume. Values include protocol_endpoint and regular.

  • volume_group (Reference) – A reference to the volume group.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeBatchPost(destroyed=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, source=None, subtype=None, protocol_endpoint=None, add_to_protection_groups=None, name=None, tags=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, source=None, subtype=None, protocol_endpoint=None, add_to_protection_groups=None, name=None, tags=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) – Adjusts volume priority.

  • provisioned (int) – Sets the virtual size of the volume, measured in bytes.

  • qos (Qos) – Sets QoS limits.

  • source (Reference) – The source volume of a volume copy.

  • subtype (str) – The type of volume. Valid values are protocol_endpoint and regular.

  • protocol_endpoint (ProtocolEndpoint) – Sets the properties that are specific to protocol endpoints. This can only be used in conjunction to subtype=protocol_endpoint.

  • add_to_protection_groups (list[Reference]) – Specifies a list of protection groups that will protect the volume.

  • name (str) – Specifies the name of the volume.

  • tags (list[Tag]) – Specifies the list of tags to be upserted on this volume.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeCommon(id=None, name=None, connection_count=None, created=None, destroyed=None, host_encryption_key_status=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, serial=None, space=None, time_remaining=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, connection_count=None, created=None, destroyed=None, host_encryption_key_status=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, serial=None, space=None, time_remaining=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • connection_count (int) – The total number of hosts and host groups connected to the volume.

  • created (int) – The volume creation time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the volume has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed volume is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • host_encryption_key_status (str) – The host encryption key status for this volume. Values include none, detected, and fetched.

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) – Priority adjustment operator and value.

  • provisioned (int) – The virtual size of the volume as a multiple of 512, measured in bytes. The maximum size is 4503599627370496 (4PB).

  • qos (Qos) – Displays QoS limit information.

  • serial (str) – A globally unique serial number generated by the FlashArray when the volume is created.

  • space (VolumeSpaceCommon) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed volume is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeDiff(offset=None, length=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(offset=None, length=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • offset (int) – Absolute offset of the chunk that is different, in bytes.

  • length (int) – Length of the chunk that is different, in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeGroup(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, pod=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, pod=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the volume group has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume group can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. After the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume group is permanently eradicated and cannot be recovered.

  • qos (Qos) –

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) –

  • space (Space) –

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed volume group is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds.

  • volume_count (int) – The number of volumes in the volume group.

  • pod (Reference) – A reference to the pod.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeGroupPatch(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the volume group has been destroyed and is pending eradication. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume group can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. After the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume group is permanently eradicated and cannot be recovered.

  • qos (Qos) –

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) –

  • space (Space) –


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeGroupPerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeGroupPost(id=None, name=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, destroyed=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, qos=None, priority_adjustment=None, space=None, time_remaining=None, volume_count=None, destroyed=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • qos (Qos) –

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) –

  • space (Space) –

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed volume group is permanently eradicated, measured in milliseconds.

  • volume_count (int) – The number of volumes in the volume group.

  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a volume group. If set to false, recovers a destroyed volume group. If not specified, defaults to false.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeGroupSpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (Space) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumePatch(destroyed=None, name=None, pod=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, requested_promotion_state=None, volume_group=None, protocol_endpoint=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, name=None, pod=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, requested_promotion_state=None, volume_group=None, protocol_endpoint=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.

  • pod (Reference) – Moves the volume into the specified pod.

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) – Adjusts volume priority.

  • provisioned (int) – Updates the virtual size of the volume, measured in bytes.

  • qos (Qos) – Sets QoS limits.

  • requested_promotion_state (str) – Valid values are promoted and demoted. Patch requested_promotion_state to demoted to demote the volume so that the volume stops accepting write requests. Patch requested_promotion_state to promoted to promote the volume so that the volume starts accepting write requests.

  • volume_group (Reference) – Adds the volume to the specified volume group.

  • protocol_endpoint (ProtocolEndpoint) – Sets the properties that are specific to protocol endpoints. This can only be used in conjunction to subtype=protocol_endpoint.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumePerformance(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumePerformanceByArray(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(bytes_per_mirrored_write=None, bytes_per_op=None, bytes_per_read=None, bytes_per_write=None, mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec=None, mirrored_writes_per_sec=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op=None, qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, queue_usec_per_read_op=None, queue_usec_per_write_op=None, read_bytes_per_sec=None, reads_per_sec=None, san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, san_usec_per_read_op=None, san_usec_per_write_op=None, service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, service_usec_per_read_op=None, service_usec_per_write_op=None, time=None, usec_per_mirrored_write_op=None, usec_per_read_op=None, usec_per_write_op=None, write_bytes_per_sec=None, writes_per_sec=None, service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction=None, id=None, name=None, array=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • bytes_per_mirrored_write (int) – The average I/O size per mirrored write, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_op (int) – The average I/O size for both read and write (all) operations.

  • bytes_per_read (int) – The average I/O size per read, measured in bytes.

  • bytes_per_write (int) – The average I/O size per write, measured in bytes.

  • mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored bytes written per second.

  • mirrored_writes_per_sec (int) – The number of mirrored writes per second.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time spent waiting due to QoS rate limiting for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends waiting as a result of the volume reaching its QoS bandwidth limit, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time that a mirrored write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time that a read I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • queue_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time that a write I/O request spends in the array waiting to be served, measured in microseconds.

  • read_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes read per second.

  • reads_per_sec (int) – The number of read requests processed per second.

  • san_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the array to the initiator for a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • san_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required to transfer data from the initiator to the array for a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a mirrored write request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a read request, measured in microseconds.

  • service_usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time required for the array to service a write request, measured in microseconds.

  • time (int) – The time when the sample performance data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • usec_per_mirrored_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process a mirrored I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_read_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O read request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • usec_per_write_op (int) – The average time it takes the array to process an I/O write request, measured in microseconds. Beginning in Purity 6.3.14 and 6.4.10 and later, including later major versions (6.5.x, 6.6.x and beyond), queue time is included. The average time does not include SAN time or QoS rate limit time.

  • write_bytes_per_sec (int) – The number of bytes written per second.

  • writes_per_sec (int) – The number of write requests processed per second.

  • service_usec_per_read_op_cache_reduction (float) – The percentage reduction in service_usec_per_read_op due to data cache hits. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that the value of service_usec_per_read_op is 25&#37; lower than it would have been without any data cache hits.

  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • array (Resource) – The array on which the performance metrics were recorded.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumePost(destroyed=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, source=None, subtype=None, protocol_endpoint=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, priority_adjustment=None, provisioned=None, qos=None, source=None, subtype=None, protocol_endpoint=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • priority_adjustment (PriorityAdjustment) – Adjusts volume priority.

  • provisioned (int) – Sets the virtual size of the volume, measured in bytes.

  • qos (Qos) – Sets QoS limits.

  • source (Reference) – The source volume of a volume copy.

  • subtype (str) – The type of volume. Valid values are protocol_endpoint and regular.

  • protocol_endpoint (ProtocolEndpoint) – Sets the properties that are specific to protocol endpoints. This can only be used in conjunction to subtype=protocol_endpoint.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSnapshot(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, serial=None, space=None, volume_group=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, created=None, destroyed=None, pod=None, provisioned=None, source=None, suffix=None, time_remaining=None, serial=None, space=None, volume_group=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • created (int) – The snapshot creation time. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The time_remaining value displays the amount of time left until the destroyed volume snapshot is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed volume snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the volume snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • pod (FixedReference) – A reference to the pod.

  • provisioned (int) – The provisioned space of the snapshot. Measured in bytes. The minimum size is 1048576 (1MB), the maximum size is 4503599627370496 (4PB)

  • source (FixedReference) – The volume from which this snapshot was taken. For a replicated snapshot being viewed on the target side, the source is the replica volume.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full volume snapshot name in the form VOL.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form VOL.NNN, where VOL is the volume name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.

  • time_remaining (int) – The amount of time left until the destroyed snapshot is permanently eradicated. Measured in milliseconds. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false.

  • serial (str) – A serial number generated by the system when the snapshot is created. The serial number is unique across all arrays.

  • space (SnapshotSpace) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • volume_group (FixedReference) – The volume group to which the volume that is the source of the volume snapshot belongs.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSnapshotPatch(destroyed=None, name=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, name=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • name (str) – The new name for the resource.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSnapshotPost(destroyed=None, suffix=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(destroyed=None, suffix=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • destroyed (bool) – If set to true, destroys a resource. Once set to true, the time_remaining value will display the amount of time left until the destroyed resource is permanently eradicated. Before the time_remaining period has elapsed, the destroyed resource can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the time_remaining period has elapsed, the resource is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix that is appended to the source_name value to generate the full volume snapshot name in the form VOL.SUFFIX. If the suffix is not specified, the system constructs the snapshot name in the form VOL.NNN, where VOL is the volume name, and NNN is a monotonically increasing number.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSnapshotTransfer(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, destroyed=None, started=None, progress=None, completed=None, data_transferred=None, physical_bytes_written=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A user-specified name. The name must be locally unique and can be changed.

  • destroyed (bool) – Returns a value of true if the snapshot has been destroyed and is pending eradication. The destroyed snapshot can be recovered by setting destroyed=false. Once the eradication pending period has elapsed, the snapshot is permanently eradicated and can no longer be recovered.

  • started (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process started. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • progress (float) – The percentage progress of the snapshot transfer from the source array to the target. Displayed in decimal format.

  • completed (int) – The timestamp of when the snapshot replication process completed. Measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • data_transferred (int) – The number of bytes transferred from the source to the target as part of the replication process. Measured in bytes.

  • physical_bytes_written (int) – The amount of physical/logical data written to the target due to replication. Measured in bytes.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSpace(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(id=None, name=None, space=None, time=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • id (str) – A globally unique, system-generated ID. The ID cannot be modified and cannot refer to another resource.

  • name (str) – A locally unique, system-generated name. The name cannot be modified.

  • space (VolumeSpaceCommon) – Displays size and space consumption information.

  • time (int) – The timestamp of when the data was taken, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


class pypureclient.flasharray.VolumeSpaceCommon(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, snapshots_effective=None, unique_effective=None, total_effective=None)

The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type.




The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.




Returns true if both objects are equal

__init__(data_reduction=None, shared=None, snapshots=None, system=None, thin_provisioning=None, total_physical=None, total_provisioned=None, total_reduction=None, unique=None, virtual=None, used_provisioned=None, total_used=None, footprint=None, snapshots_effective=None, unique_effective=None, total_effective=None)
Keyword Arguments
  • data_reduction (float) – The ratio of mapped sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after data compression and deduplication. The data reduction ratio does not include thin provisioning savings. For example, a data reduction ratio of 5&#58;1 means that for every 5 MB the host writes to the array, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • shared (int) – The physical space occupied by deduplicated data, meaning that the space is shared with other volumes and snapshots as a result of data deduplication. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data that is not unique to a specific volume, managed directory, or snapshot, measured in bytes.

  • snapshots (int) – The physical space occupied by data unique to one or more snapshots. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes.

  • system (int) – The physical space occupied by internal array metadata. Measured in bytes.

  • thin_provisioning (float) – The percentage of volume sectors that do not contain host-written data because the hosts have not written data to them or the sectors have been explicitly trimmed.

  • total_physical (int) – This field has been deprecated. Use the total_used field, as it contains the same information.

  • total_provisioned (int) – The provisioned size of a volume for a single volume, host or host group, protocol endpoint, managed directory, and containers can be infinite or measured in bytes. Infinite is represented by null. The provisioned size for a host or host group, includes all volumes that are connected to the resource. The provisioned size for a protocol endpoint is null’. The provisioned size for a managed directory is the quota limit if it or its parent has a managed directory configured, otherwise it defaults to `null. The provisioned size for a container is the sum of the total_provisioned of the object it contains, capped by the container’s quota limit (or the container’s used_provisioned if current usage is above the quota limit), if any. Provisioned size represents the storage capacity reported to hosts.

  • total_reduction (float) – The ratio of provisioned sectors within a volume versus the amount of physical space the data occupies after reduction via data compression and deduplication and with thin provisioning savings. Total reduction is data reduction with thin provisioning savings. For example, a total reduction ratio of 10&#58;1 means that for every 10 MB of provisioned space, 1 MB is stored on the array’s flash modules.

  • unique (int) – The unique physical space occupied by customer data. Unique physical space does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata. Measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the effective space contributed by unique customer data, measured in bytes. Unique data does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata.

  • virtual (int) – The amount of logically written data that a volume or a snapshot references. Measured in bytes.

  • used_provisioned (int) – The amount of logical space a container has consumed, compared against the quota limit if the container has one configured. Used provisioned does not include destroyed objects inside the container. Used provisioned can include destroyed objects for a destroyed container and represents how much logical space it would take to recover the container.

  • total_used (int) – The total space contributed by customer data, measured in bytes.

  • footprint (int) – The maximum amount of physical space the container consumes on an array, ignoring any data shared outside the container, measured in bytes. On Evergreen//One arrays, this is the maximum amount of effective used space. The footprint metric is mostly used for capacity planning. This field will be null in non-container contexts.

  • snapshots_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The effective space contributed by data unique to one or more snapshots, measured in bytes. Use the snapshots field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.

  • unique_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The effective space contributed by unique customer data. Unique data does not include shared space, snapshots, and internal array metadata, measured in bytes. Use the unique field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.

  • total_effective (int) – This field has been deprecated. The total effective space contributed by customer data, measured in bytes. Use the total_physical field in the future, as it contains the same information for Evergreen//One arrays.


Returns true if both objects are not equal


For print and pprint


Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model
